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Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use syn::parse::{self, Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{Error, Field, GenericParam, Generics, Ident, LitStr, Token, Type, TypeParam};
/// Error message when attempting to flatten multiple fields.
const MULTIPLE_FLATTEN_ERROR: &str = "At most one instance of #[config(flatten)] is supported";
/// Use this crate's name as log target.
const LOG_TARGET: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME");
pub fn derive_deserialize<T>(
ident: Ident,
generics: Generics,
fields: Punctuated<Field, T>,
) -> TokenStream {
// Create all necessary tokens for the implementation.
let GenericsStreams { unconstrained, constrained, phantoms } =
let FieldStreams { flatten, match_assignments } = fields_deserializer(&fields);
let visitor = format_ident!("{}Visitor", ident);
// Generate deserialization impl.
let tokens = quote! {
struct #visitor < #unconstrained > {
impl<'de, #constrained> serde::de::Visitor<'de> for #visitor < #unconstrained > {
type Value = #ident < #unconstrained >;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("a mapping")
fn visit_map<M>(self, mut map: M) -> Result<Self::Value, M::Error>
M: serde::de::MapAccess<'de>,
let mut config = Self::Value::default();
// NOTE: This could be used to print unused keys.
let mut unused = serde_yaml::Mapping::new();
while let Some((key, value)) = map.next_entry::<String, serde_yaml::Value>()? {
match key.as_str() {
_ => {
unused.insert(serde_yaml::Value::String(key), value);
impl<'de, #constrained> serde::Deserialize<'de> for #ident < #unconstrained > {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: serde::Deserializer<'de>,
deserializer.deserialize_map(#visitor :: default())
// Token streams created from the fields in the struct.
struct FieldStreams {
match_assignments: TokenStream2,
flatten: TokenStream2,
/// Create the deserializers for match arms and flattened fields.
fn fields_deserializer<T>(fields: &Punctuated<Field, T>) -> FieldStreams {
let mut field_streams = FieldStreams::default();
// Create the deserialization stream for each field.
for field in fields.iter() {
if let Err(err) = field_deserializer(&mut field_streams, field) {
field_streams.flatten = err.to_compile_error();
return field_streams;
/// Append a single field deserializer to the stream.
fn field_deserializer(field_streams: &mut FieldStreams, field: &Field) -> Result<(), Error> {
let ident = field.ident.as_ref().expect("unreachable tuple struct");
let literal = ident.to_string();
let mut literals = vec![literal.clone()];
// Create default stream for deserializing fields.
let mut match_assignment_stream = quote! {
match serde::Deserialize::deserialize(value) {
Ok(value) => config.#ident = value,
Err(err) => {
log::error!(target: #LOG_TARGET, "Config error: {}: {}", #literal, err);
// Iterate over all #[config(...)] attributes.
for attr in field.attrs.iter().filter(|attr| crate::path_ends_with(&attr.path, "config")) {
let parsed = match attr.parse_args::<Attr>() {
Ok(parsed) => parsed,
Err(_) => continue,
match parsed.ident.as_str() {
// Skip deserialization for `#[config(skip)]` fields.
"skip" => return Ok(()),
"flatten" => {
// NOTE: Currently only a single instance of flatten is supported per struct
// for complexity reasons.
if !field_streams.flatten.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::new(attr.span(), MULTIPLE_FLATTEN_ERROR));
// Create the tokens to deserialize the flattened struct from the unused fields.
field_streams.flatten.extend(quote! {
let unused = serde_yaml::Value::Mapping(unused);
config.#ident = serde::Deserialize::deserialize(unused).unwrap_or_default();
"deprecated" => {
// Construct deprecation message and append optional attribute override.
let mut message = format!("Config warning: {} is deprecated", literal);
if let Some(warning) = parsed.param {
message = format!("{}; {}", message, warning.value());
// Append stream to log deprecation warning.
match_assignment_stream.extend(quote! {
log::warn!(target: #LOG_TARGET, #message);
// Add aliases to match pattern.
"alias" => {
if let Some(alias) = parsed.param {
_ => (),
// Create token stream for deserializing "none" string into `Option<T>`.
if let Type::Path(type_path) = &field.ty {
if crate::path_ends_with(&type_path.path, "Option") {
match_assignment_stream = quote! {
if value.as_str().map_or(false, |s| s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("none")) {
config.#ident = None;
// Create the token stream for deserialization and error handling.
field_streams.match_assignments.extend(quote! {
#(#literals)|* => { #match_assignment_stream },
/// Field attribute.
struct Attr {
ident: String,
param: Option<LitStr>,
impl Parse for Attr {
2021-12-26 16:47:57 +00:00
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> parse::Result<Self> {
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
let ident = input.parse::<Ident>()?.to_string();
let param = input.parse::<Token![=]>().and_then(|_| input.parse()).ok();
Ok(Self { ident, param })
/// Storage for all necessary generics information.
struct GenericsStreams {
unconstrained: TokenStream2,
constrained: TokenStream2,
phantoms: TokenStream2,
/// Create the necessary generics annotations.
/// This will create three different token streams, which might look like this:
/// - unconstrained: `T`
/// - constrained: `T: Default + Deserialize<'de>`
/// - phantoms: `T: PhantomData<T>,`
fn generics_streams<T>(params: Punctuated<GenericParam, T>) -> GenericsStreams {
let mut generics = GenericsStreams::default();
for generic in params {
// NOTE: Lifetimes and const params are not supported.
if let GenericParam::Type(TypeParam { ident, .. }) = generic {
generics.unconstrained.extend(quote!( #ident , ));
generics.constrained.extend(quote! {
#ident : Default + serde::Deserialize<'de> ,
generics.phantoms.extend(quote! {
#ident : std::marker::PhantomData < #ident >,