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2016-06-30 03:56:12 +00:00
// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! tty related functionality
use tty::EventedReadWrite;
use term::SizeInfo;
use display::OnResize;
use config::{Config, Shell};
2017-01-24 23:19:45 +00:00
use cli::Options;
use mio;
use libc::{self, c_int, pid_t, winsize, SIGCHLD, TIOCSCTTY, WNOHANG};
use std::os::unix::io::{FromRawFd, RawFd};
use std::fs::File;
use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ptr;
use mio::unix::EventedFd;
use std::io;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
/// Process ID of child process
/// Necessary to put this in static storage for `sigchld` to have access
static mut PID: pid_t = 0;
/// Exit flag
/// Calling exit() in the SIGCHLD handler sometimes causes opengl to deadlock,
/// and the process hangs. Instead, this flag is set, and its status can be
2017-10-30 15:03:58 +00:00
/// checked via `process_should_exit`.
static mut SHOULD_EXIT: bool = false;
extern "C" fn sigchld(_a: c_int) {
let mut status: c_int = 0;
unsafe {
let p = libc::waitpid(PID, &mut status, WNOHANG);
if p < 0 {
die!("Waiting for pid {} failed: {}\n", PID, errno());
if PID == p {
pub fn process_should_exit() -> bool {
unsafe { SHOULD_EXIT }
/// Get the current value of errno
fn errno() -> c_int {
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
/// Get raw fds for master/slave ends of a new pty
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn openpty(rows: u8, cols: u8) -> (c_int, c_int) {
let mut master: c_int = 0;
let mut slave: c_int = 0;
let win = winsize {
ws_row: libc::c_ushort::from(rows),
ws_col: libc::c_ushort::from(cols),
ws_xpixel: 0,
ws_ypixel: 0,
let res = unsafe {
libc::openpty(&mut master, &mut slave, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null(), &win)
if res < 0 {
die!("openpty failed");
(master, slave)
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos",target_os = "freebsd",target_os = "openbsd"))]
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
fn openpty(rows: u8, cols: u8) -> (c_int, c_int) {
let mut master: c_int = 0;
let mut slave: c_int = 0;
let mut win = winsize {
ws_row: libc::c_ushort::from(rows),
ws_col: libc::c_ushort::from(cols),
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
ws_xpixel: 0,
ws_ypixel: 0,
let res = unsafe {
libc::openpty(&mut master, &mut slave, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut win)
if res < 0 {
die!("openpty failed");
(master, slave)
/// Really only needed on BSD, but should be fine elsewhere
fn set_controlling_terminal(fd: c_int) {
let res = unsafe {
// TIOSCTTY changes based on platform and the `ioctl` call is different
// based on architecture (32/64). So a generic cast is used to make sure
// there are no issues. To allow such a generic cast the clippy warning
// is disabled.
libc::ioctl(fd, TIOCSCTTY as _, 0)
if res < 0 {
die!("ioctl TIOCSCTTY failed: {}", errno());
struct Passwd<'a> {
name: &'a str,
passwd: &'a str,
uid: libc::uid_t,
gid: libc::gid_t,
gecos: &'a str,
dir: &'a str,
shell: &'a str,
/// Return a Passwd struct with pointers into the provided buf
/// # Unsafety
/// If `buf` is changed while `Passwd` is alive, bad thing will almost certainly happen.
fn get_pw_entry(buf: &mut [i8; 1024]) -> Passwd {
// Create zeroed passwd struct
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
let mut entry: libc::passwd = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() };
let mut res: *mut libc::passwd = ptr::null_mut();
// Try and read the pw file.
let uid = unsafe { libc::getuid() };
let status = unsafe {
2017-01-05 14:21:24 +00:00
libc::getpwuid_r(uid, &mut entry, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, buf.len(), &mut res)
if status < 0 {
die!("getpwuid_r failed");
if res.is_null() {
die!("pw not found");
// sanity check
assert_eq!(entry.pw_uid, uid);
// Build a borrowed Passwd struct
Passwd {
name: unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(entry.pw_name).to_str().unwrap() },
passwd: unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(entry.pw_passwd).to_str().unwrap() },
uid: entry.pw_uid,
gid: entry.pw_gid,
gecos: unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(entry.pw_gecos).to_str().unwrap() },
dir: unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(entry.pw_dir).to_str().unwrap() },
shell: unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(entry.pw_shell).to_str().unwrap() },
pub struct Pty {
pub fd: File,
pub raw_fd: RawFd,
token: mio::Token,
impl Pty {
/// Resize the pty
/// Tells the kernel that the window size changed with the new pixel
/// dimensions and line/column counts.
pub fn resize<T: ToWinsize>(&self, size: &T) {
let win = size.to_winsize();
let res = unsafe {
libc::ioctl(self.fd.as_raw_fd(), libc::TIOCSWINSZ, &win as *const _)
if res < 0 {
die!("ioctl TIOCSWINSZ failed: {}", errno());
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
/// Create a new tty and return a handle to interact with it.
pub fn new<T: ToWinsize>(
config: &Config,
options: &Options,
size: &T,
window_id: Option<usize>,
) -> Pty {
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
let win = size.to_winsize();
let mut buf = [0; 1024];
let pw = get_pw_entry(&mut buf);
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
let (master, slave) = openpty(win.ws_row as _, win.ws_col as _);
let default_shell = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
let shell_name ='/').next().unwrap();
let argv = vec![
format!("exec -a -{} {}", shell_name,,
Shell::new_with_args("/bin/bash", argv)
} else {
let shell =;
let initial_command = options.command().unwrap_or(shell);
let mut builder = Command::new(initial_command.program());
for arg in initial_command.args() {
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
// Setup child stdin/stdout/stderr as slave fd of pty
// Ownership of fd is transferred to the Stdio structs and will be closed by them at the end of
// this scope. (It is not an issue that the fd is closed three times since File::drop ignores
// error on libc::close.)
builder.stdin(unsafe { Stdio::from_raw_fd(slave) });
builder.stderr(unsafe { Stdio::from_raw_fd(slave) });
builder.stdout(unsafe { Stdio::from_raw_fd(slave) });
// Setup shell environment
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
builder.env("HOME", pw.dir);
if let Some(window_id) = window_id {
builder.env("WINDOWID", format!("{}", window_id));
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
builder.before_exec(move || {
// Create a new process group
unsafe {
let err = libc::setsid();
if err == -1 {
die!("Failed to set session id: {}", errno());
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
// No longer need slave/master fds
unsafe {
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
unsafe {
libc::signal(libc::SIGCHLD, libc::SIG_DFL);
libc::signal(libc::SIGHUP, libc::SIG_DFL);
libc::signal(libc::SIGINT, libc::SIG_DFL);
libc::signal(libc::SIGQUIT, libc::SIG_DFL);
libc::signal(libc::SIGTERM, libc::SIG_DFL);
libc::signal(libc::SIGALRM, libc::SIG_DFL);
// Handle set working directory option
if let Some(ref dir) = options.working_dir {
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
match builder.spawn() {
Ok(child) => {
unsafe {
// Set PID for SIGCHLD handler
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
PID = as _;
// Handle SIGCHLD
libc::signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld as _);
unsafe {
// Maybe this should be done outside of this function so nonblocking
// isn't forced upon consumers. Although maybe it should be?
let pty = Pty {
fd: unsafe {File::from_raw_fd(master) },
raw_fd: master,
token: mio::Token::from(0)
2017-01-23 08:00:52 +00:00
Err(err) => {
die!("Command::spawn() failed: {}", err);
impl EventedReadWrite for Pty {
type Reader = File;
type Writer = File;
fn register(
&mut self,
poll: &mio::Poll,
token: &mut Iterator<Item = &usize>,
interest: mio::Ready,
poll_opts: mio::PollOpt,
) -> io::Result<()> {
self.token = (*;
fn reregister(&mut self, poll: &mio::Poll, interest: mio::Ready, poll_opts: mio::PollOpt) -> io::Result<()> {
fn deregister(&mut self, poll: &mio::Poll) -> io::Result<()> {
fn reader(&mut self) -> &mut File {
&mut self.fd
fn read_token(&self) -> mio::Token {
fn writer(&mut self) -> &mut File {
&mut self.fd
fn write_token(&self) -> mio::Token {
/// Types that can produce a `libc::winsize`
pub trait ToWinsize {
/// Get a `libc::winsize`
fn to_winsize(&self) -> winsize;
impl<'a> ToWinsize for &'a SizeInfo {
fn to_winsize(&self) -> winsize {
winsize {
ws_row: self.lines().0 as libc::c_ushort,
ws_col: self.cols().0 as libc::c_ushort,
ws_xpixel: self.width as libc::c_ushort,
ws_ypixel: self.height as libc::c_ushort,
impl OnResize for i32 {
fn on_resize(&mut self, size: &SizeInfo) {
let win = size.to_winsize();
let res = unsafe {
libc::ioctl(*self, libc::TIOCSWINSZ, &win as *const _)
if res < 0 {
die!("ioctl TIOCSWINSZ failed: {}", errno());
unsafe fn set_nonblocking(fd: c_int) {
use libc::{fcntl, F_GETFL, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK};
let res = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);
assert_eq!(res, 0);
fn test_get_pw_entry() {
let mut buf: [i8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
let _pw = get_pw_entry(&mut buf);