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2016-06-30 03:56:12 +00:00
// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Handle input from glutin
//! Certain key combinations should send some escape sequence back to the pty.
//! In order to figure that out, state about which modifier keys are pressed
//! needs to be tracked. Additionally, we need a bit of a state machine to
//! determine what to do when a non-modifier key is pressed.
//! TODO would be nice to generalize this so it could work with other windowing
//! APIs
//! TODO handling xmodmap would be good
use std::borrow::Cow;
use copypasta::{Clipboard, Load};
use glutin::{ElementState, VirtualKeyCode, MouseButton};
use glutin::{Mods, mods};
use glutin::{TouchPhase, MouseScrollDelta};
use config::Config;
use event_loop;
use index::{Line, Column, Side, Location};
use selection::Selection;
use term::mode::{self, TermMode};
use term::{self, Term};
/// Processes input from glutin.
/// An escape sequence may be emitted in case specific keys or key combinations
/// are activated.
/// TODO also need terminal state when processing input
pub struct Processor {
key_bindings: Vec<KeyBinding>,
mouse_bindings: Vec<MouseBinding>,
mouse: Mouse,
size_info: term::SizeInfo,
/// State of the mouse
pub struct Mouse {
x: u32,
y: u32,
left_button_state: ElementState,
scroll_px: i32,
line: Line,
column: Column,
cell_side: Side
impl Default for Mouse {
fn default() -> Mouse {
Mouse {
x: 0,
y: 0,
left_button_state: ElementState::Released,
scroll_px: 0,
line: Line(0),
column: Column(0),
cell_side: Side::Left,
/// Types that are notified of escape sequences from the `input::Processor`.
pub trait Notify {
/// Notify that an escape sequence should be written to the pty
/// TODO this needs to be able to error somehow
fn notify<B: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>>(&mut self, B);
pub struct LoopNotifier(pub ::mio::channel::Sender<event_loop::Msg>);
impl Notify for LoopNotifier {
fn notify<B>(&mut self, bytes: B)
where B: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>
let bytes = bytes.into();
match self.0.send(event_loop::Msg::Input(bytes)) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => panic!("expected send event loop msg"),
/// Describes a state and action to take in that state
/// This is the shared component of `MouseBinding` and `KeyBinding`
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Binding {
/// Modifier keys required to activate binding
pub mods: Mods,
/// String to send to pty if mods and mode match
pub action: Action,
/// Terminal mode required to activate binding
pub mode: TermMode,
/// excluded terminal modes where the binding won't be activated
pub notmode: TermMode,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct KeyBinding {
pub key: VirtualKeyCode,
pub binding: Binding,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MouseBinding {
pub button: MouseButton,
pub binding: Binding,
impl KeyBinding {
fn is_triggered_by(
mode: &TermMode,
mods: &Mods,
key: &VirtualKeyCode
) -> bool {
// Check key first since bindings are stored in one big list. This is
// the most likely item to fail so prioritizing it here allows more
// checks to be short circuited.
self.key == *key && self.binding.is_triggered_by(mode, mods)
fn execute<N: Notify>(&self, notifier: &mut N, mode: &TermMode) {
self.binding.action.execute(notifier, mode)
impl MouseBinding {
fn is_triggered_by(
mode: &TermMode,
mods: &Mods,
button: &MouseButton
) -> bool {
// Check key first since bindings are stored in one big list. This is
// the most likely item to fail so prioritizing it here allows more
// checks to be short circuited.
self.button == *button && self.binding.is_triggered_by(mode, mods)
fn execute<N: Notify>(&self, notifier: &mut N, mode: &TermMode) {
self.binding.action.execute(notifier, mode)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Action {
/// Write an escape sequence
/// Paste contents of system clipboard
/// Paste contents of selection buffer
impl Action {
fn execute<N: Notify>(&self, notifier: &mut N, mode: &TermMode) {
match *self {
Action::Esc(ref s) => notifier.notify(s.clone().into_bytes()),
Action::Paste | Action::PasteSelection => {
let clip = Clipboard::new().expect("get clipboard");
.map(|contents| {
if mode.contains(mode::BRACKETED_PASTE) {
} else {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
err_println!("Error getting clipboard contents: {}", err);
impl From<&'static str> for Action {
fn from(s: &'static str) -> Action {
impl Binding {
/// Check if this binding is triggered by the current terminal mode,
/// modifier keys, and key pressed.
pub fn is_triggered_by(
mode: &TermMode,
mods: &Mods,
) -> bool {
self.mode_matches(mode) &&
self.not_mode_matches(mode) &&
fn mode_matches(&self, mode: &TermMode) -> bool {
self.mode.is_empty() || mode.intersects(self.mode)
fn not_mode_matches(&self, mode: &TermMode) -> bool {
self.notmode.is_empty() || !mode.intersects(self.notmode)
fn mods_match(&self, mods: &Mods) -> bool {
self.mods.is_all() || *mods == self.mods
// key mods escape appkey appcursor crlf
// notes: appkey = DECPAM (application keypad mode); not enabled is "normal keypad"
// appcursor = DECCKM (application cursor mode);
// crlf = LNM (Linefeed/new line); wtf is this
impl Processor {
pub fn resize(&mut self, size_info: &term::SizeInfo) {
self.size_info = size_info.to_owned();
pub fn new(config: &Config, size_info: &term::SizeInfo) -> Processor {
Processor {
key_bindings: config.key_bindings().to_vec(),
mouse_bindings: config.mouse_bindings().to_vec(),
mouse: Mouse::default(),
size_info: size_info.to_owned(),
pub fn mouse_moved(&mut self, selection: &mut Selection, mode: TermMode, x: u32, y: u32) {
// Record mouse position within window. Pixel coordinates are *not*
// translated to grid coordinates here since grid coordinates are rarely
// needed and the mouse position updates frequently.
self.mouse.x = x;
self.mouse.y = y;
if let Some((line, column)) = self.size_info.pixels_to_coords(x as usize, y as usize) {
self.mouse.line = line;
self.mouse.column = column;
let cell_x = x as usize % self.size_info.cell_width as usize;
let half_cell_width = (self.size_info.cell_width / 2.0) as usize;
self.mouse.cell_side = if cell_x > half_cell_width {
} else {
if self.mouse.left_button_state == ElementState::Pressed &&
selection.update(Location {
line: line,
col: column
}, self.mouse.cell_side);
pub fn mouse_report<N: Notify>(
&mut self,
button: u8,
notifier: &mut N,
) {
let (line, column) = (self.mouse.line, self.mouse.column);
if line < Line(223) && column < Column(223) {
let msg = vec![
'\x1b' as u8,
'[' as u8,
'M' as u8,
32 + button,
32 + 1 + column.0 as u8,
32 + 1 + line.0 as u8,
pub fn on_mouse_press<N: Notify>(
&mut self,
notifier: &mut N,
terminal: &Term,
selection: &mut Selection
) {
if terminal.mode().contains(mode::MOUSE_REPORT_CLICK) {
self.mouse_report(0, notifier);
pub fn on_mouse_release<N: Notify>(&mut self, notifier: &mut N, terminal: &Term) {
if terminal.mode().contains(mode::MOUSE_REPORT_CLICK) {
self.mouse_report(3, notifier);
pub fn on_mouse_wheel<N: Notify>(
&mut self,
notifier: &mut N,
delta: MouseScrollDelta,
phase: TouchPhase,
) {
match delta {
MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(_columns, lines) => {
let code = if lines > 0.0 {
} else {
for _ in 0..(lines.abs() as usize) {
self.mouse_report(code, notifier);
MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(_x, y) => {
match phase {
TouchPhase::Started => {
// Reset offset to zero
self.mouse.scroll_px = 0;
TouchPhase::Moved => {
self.mouse.scroll_px += y as i32;
let height = self.size_info.cell_height as i32;
while self.mouse.scroll_px.abs() >= height {
let button = if self.mouse.scroll_px > 0 {
self.mouse.scroll_px -= height;
} else {
self.mouse.scroll_px += height;
self.mouse_report(button, notifier);
_ => (),
pub fn mouse_input<N: Notify>(
&mut self,
selection: &mut Selection,
state: ElementState,
button: MouseButton,
notifier: &mut N,
terminal: &Term
) {
if let MouseButton::Left = button {
// TODO handle state changes
if self.mouse.left_button_state != state {
self.mouse.left_button_state = state;
match state {
ElementState::Pressed => {
self.on_mouse_press(notifier, terminal, selection);
ElementState::Released => {
self.on_mouse_release(notifier, terminal);
if let ElementState::Released = state {
pub fn process_key<N: Notify>(
&mut self,
state: ElementState,
key: Option<VirtualKeyCode>,
mods: Mods,
notifier: &mut N,
mode: TermMode,
string: Option<String>,
) {
if let Some(key) = key {
// Ignore release events
if state == ElementState::Released {
if Processor::process_key_bindings(&self.key_bindings[..], mode, notifier, mods, key) {
// Didn't process a binding; print the provided character
if let Some(string) = string {
/// Attempts to find a binding and execute its action
/// The provided mode, mods, and key must match what is allowed by a binding
/// for its action to be executed.
/// Returns true if an action is executed.
fn process_key_bindings<N>(
bindings: &[KeyBinding],
mode: TermMode,
notifier: &mut N,
mods: Mods,
key: VirtualKeyCode
) -> bool
where N: Notify
for binding in bindings {
if binding.is_triggered_by(&mode, &mods, &key) {
// binding was triggered; run the action
binding.execute(notifier, &mode);
return true;
/// Attempts to find a binding and execute its action
/// The provided mode, mods, and key must match what is allowed by a binding
/// for its action to be executed.
/// Returns true if an action is executed.
fn process_mouse_bindings<N>(
bindings: &[MouseBinding],
mode: TermMode,
notifier: &mut N,
mods: Mods,
button: MouseButton
) -> bool
where N: Notify
for binding in bindings {
if binding.is_triggered_by(&mode, &mods, &button) {
// binding was triggered; run the action
binding.execute(notifier, &mode);
return true;
pub fn update_config(&mut self, config: &Config) {
self.key_bindings = config.key_bindings().to_vec();
self.mouse_bindings = config.mouse_bindings().to_vec();
mod tests {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use glutin::{mods, VirtualKeyCode};
use term::mode;
use super::{Action, Processor, Binding, KeyBinding};
/// Receiver that keeps a copy of any strings it is notified with
struct Receiver {
pub got: Option<String>
impl super::Notify for Receiver {
fn notify<B: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>>(&mut self, item: B) { = Some(String::from_utf8(item.into().to_vec()).unwrap());
const KEY: VirtualKeyCode = VirtualKeyCode::Key0;
macro_rules! test_process_binding {
name: $name:ident,
binding: $binding:expr,
expect: $expect:expr,
mode: $mode:expr,
mods: $mods:expr
} => {
fn $name() {
let bindings = &[$binding];
let mut receiver = Receiver::default();
bindings, $mode, &mut receiver, $mods, KEY
assert_eq!(, $expect);
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_shiftmod_require_shift,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::SHIFT, action: Action::from("\x1b[1;2D"), mode: mode::NONE, notmode: mode::NONE }},
expect: Some(String::from("\x1b[1;2D")),
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: mods::SHIFT
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_nomod_require_shift,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::SHIFT, action: Action::from("\x1b[1;2D"), mode: mode::NONE, notmode: mode::NONE }},
expect: None,
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: mods::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_controlmod,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::CONTROL, action: Action::from("\x1b[1;5D"), mode: mode::NONE, notmode: mode::NONE }},
expect: Some(String::from("\x1b[1;5D")),
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: mods::CONTROL
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_nomod_require_not_appcursor,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::ANY, action: Action::from("\x1b[D"), mode: mode::NONE, notmode: mode::APP_CURSOR }},
expect: Some(String::from("\x1b[D")),
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: mods::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_appcursormode_nomod_require_appcursor,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::ANY, action: Action::from("\x1bOD"), mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE }},
expect: Some(String::from("\x1bOD")),
mode: mode::APP_CURSOR,
mods: mods::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_nomod_require_appcursor,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::ANY, action: Action::from("\x1bOD"), mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE }},
expect: None,
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: mods::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_appcursormode_appkeypadmode_nomod_require_appcursor,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::ANY, action: Action::from("\x1bOD"), mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE }},
expect: Some(String::from("\x1bOD")),
mode: mode::APP_CURSOR | mode::APP_KEYPAD,
mods: mods::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_fail_with_extra_mods,
binding: KeyBinding { key: KEY, binding: Binding { mods: mods::SUPER, action: Action::from("arst"), mode: mode::NONE, notmode: mode::NONE }},
expect: None,
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: mods::SUPER | mods::ALT