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2016-06-30 03:56:12 +00:00
// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Handle input from glutin
//! Certain key combinations should send some escape sequence back to the pty.
//! In order to figure that out, state about which modifier keys are pressed
//! needs to be tracked. Additionally, we need a bit of a state machine to
//! determine what to do when a non-modifier key is pressed.
//! TODO would be nice to generalize this so it could work with other windowing
//! APIs
//! TODO handling xmodmap would be good
use std::io::Write;
use glutin::{ElementState, VirtualKeyCode};
use term::mode::{self, TermMode};
/// Modifier keys
/// Contains a bitflags for modifier keys which are now namespaced thanks to
/// this module wrapper.
mod modifier {
use glutin::ElementState;
bitflags! {
/// Flags indicating active modifier keys
pub flags Keys: u8 {
/// Left shift
const SHIFT_LEFT = 0b00000001,
/// Right shift
const SHIFT_RIGHT = 0b00000010,
/// Left meta
const META_LEFT = 0b00000100,
/// Right meta
const META_RIGHT = 0b00001000,
/// Left control
const CONTROL_LEFT = 0b00010000,
/// Right control
const CONTROL_RIGHT = 0b00100000,
/// Left alt
const ALT_LEFT = 0b01000000,
/// Right alt
const ALT_RIGHT = 0b10000000,
/// Any shift key
const SHIFT = SHIFT_LEFT.bits
/// Any control key
/// Any alt key
const ALT = ALT_LEFT.bits
| ALT_RIGHT.bits,
/// Any meta key
const META = META_LEFT.bits
| META_RIGHT.bits,
/// Any mod
const ANY = 0b11111111,
/// No mod
const NONE = 0b00000000,
impl Default for Keys {
fn default() -> Keys {
impl Keys {
/// Take appropriate action given a modifier key and its state
pub fn update(&mut self, state: ElementState, key: Keys) {
match state {
ElementState::Pressed => self.insert(key),
ElementState::Released => self.remove(key),
/// Processes input from glutin.
/// An escape sequence may be emitted in case specific keys or key combinations
/// are activated.
/// TODO also need terminal state when processing input
pub struct Processor {
/// Active modifier keys
mods: modifier::Keys,
/// Types that are notified of escape sequences from the input::Processor.
pub trait Notify {
/// Notify that an escape sequence should be written to the pty
fn notify(&mut self, &str);
/// A notifier type that simply writes bytes to the provided `Write` type
pub struct WriteNotifier<'a, W: Write + 'a>(pub &'a mut W);
impl<'a, W: Write> Notify for WriteNotifier<'a, W> {
fn notify(&mut self, message: &str) {
/// Describes a key combination that should emit a control sequence
/// The actual triggering key is omitted here since bindings are grouped by the trigger key.
pub struct Binding {
/// Modifier keys required to activate binding
mods: modifier::Keys,
/// String to send to pty if mods and mode match
send: &'static str,
/// Terminal mode required to activate binding
mode: TermMode,
/// excluded terminal modes where the binding won't be activated
notmode: TermMode,
/// Bindings for the LEFT key.
static LEFT_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::SHIFT, send: "\x1b[1;2D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::CONTROL, send: "\x1b[1;5D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ALT, send: "\x1b[1;3D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::APP_CURSOR },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOD", mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the RIGHT key
static RIGHT_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::SHIFT, send: "\x1b[1;2C", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::CONTROL, send: "\x1b[1;5C", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ALT, send: "\x1b[1;3C", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[C", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::APP_CURSOR },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOC", mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the UP key
static UP_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::SHIFT, send: "\x1b[1;2A", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::CONTROL, send: "\x1b[1;5A", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ALT, send: "\x1b[1;3A", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[A", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::APP_CURSOR },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOA", mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the DOWN key
static DOWN_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::SHIFT, send: "\x1b[1;2B", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::CONTROL, send: "\x1b[1;5B", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ALT, send: "\x1b[1;3B", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[B", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::APP_CURSOR },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOB", mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F1 key
static F1_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOP", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F2 key
static F2_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOQ", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F3 key
static F3_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOR", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F4 key
static F4_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOS", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F5 key
static F5_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[15~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F6 key
static F6_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[17~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F7 key
static F7_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[18~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F8 key
static F8_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[19~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F9 key
static F9_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[20~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F10 key
static F10_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[21~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F11 key
static F11_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[23~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the F11 key
static F12_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[24~", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the H key
/// Control-H sends 0x08 normally, but we capture that in ReceivedCharacter
/// since DEL and BACKSPACE are inverted. This binding is a work around to that
/// capture.
static H_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::CONTROL, send: "\x08", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the Backspace key
static BACKSPACE_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x7f", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
/// Bindings for the Delete key
static DELETE_BINDINGS: &'static [Binding] = &[
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[3~", mode: mode::APP_KEYPAD, notmode: mode::NONE },
Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[P", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::APP_KEYPAD },
// key mods escape appkey appcursor crlf
// notes: appkey = DECPAM (application keypad mode); not enabled is "normal keypad"
// appcursor = DECCKM (application cursor mode);
// crlf = LNM (Linefeed/new line); wtf is this
impl Processor {
pub fn new() -> Processor {
pub fn process<N>(&mut self,
state: ElementState,
key: Option<VirtualKeyCode>,
notifier: &mut N,
mode: TermMode)
where N: Notify
if let Some(key) = key {
// Handle state updates
match key {
VirtualKeyCode::LAlt => self.mods.update(state, modifier::ALT_LEFT),
VirtualKeyCode::RAlt => self.mods.update(state, modifier::ALT_RIGHT),
VirtualKeyCode::LShift => self.mods.update(state, modifier::SHIFT_LEFT),
VirtualKeyCode::RShift => self.mods.update(state, modifier::SHIFT_RIGHT),
VirtualKeyCode::LControl => self.mods.update(state, modifier::CONTROL_LEFT),
VirtualKeyCode::RControl => self.mods.update(state, modifier::CONTROL_RIGHT),
VirtualKeyCode::LWin => self.mods.update(state, modifier::META_LEFT),
VirtualKeyCode::RWin => self.mods.update(state, modifier::META_RIGHT),
_ => ()
// Ignore release events
if state == ElementState::Released {
let bindings = match key {
// Arrows
VirtualKeyCode::Left => LEFT_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::Up => UP_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::Down => DOWN_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::Right => RIGHT_BINDINGS,
// Function keys
VirtualKeyCode::F1 => F1_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F2 => F2_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F3 => F3_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F4 => F4_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F5 => F5_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F6 => F6_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F7 => F7_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F8 => F8_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F9 => F9_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F10 => F10_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F11 => F11_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::F12 => F12_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::Back => BACKSPACE_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::Delete => DELETE_BINDINGS,
VirtualKeyCode::H => H_BINDINGS,
// Mode keys ignored now
VirtualKeyCode::LAlt | VirtualKeyCode::RAlt | VirtualKeyCode::LShift |
VirtualKeyCode::RShift | VirtualKeyCode::LControl | VirtualKeyCode::RControl |
VirtualKeyCode::LWin | VirtualKeyCode::RWin => return,
// All of the alphanumeric keys get passed through here as well, but there's no work
// to be done for them.
VirtualKeyCode::A | VirtualKeyCode::B | VirtualKeyCode::C | VirtualKeyCode::D |
VirtualKeyCode::E | VirtualKeyCode::F | VirtualKeyCode::G |
VirtualKeyCode::I | VirtualKeyCode::J | VirtualKeyCode::K | VirtualKeyCode::L |
VirtualKeyCode::M | VirtualKeyCode::N | VirtualKeyCode::O | VirtualKeyCode::P |
VirtualKeyCode::Q | VirtualKeyCode::R | VirtualKeyCode::S | VirtualKeyCode::T |
VirtualKeyCode::U | VirtualKeyCode::V | VirtualKeyCode::W | VirtualKeyCode::X |
VirtualKeyCode::Y | VirtualKeyCode::Z => return,
VirtualKeyCode::Key1 | VirtualKeyCode::Key2 | VirtualKeyCode::Key3 |
VirtualKeyCode::Key4 | VirtualKeyCode::Key5 | VirtualKeyCode::Key6 |
VirtualKeyCode::Key7 | VirtualKeyCode::Key8 | VirtualKeyCode::Key9 |
VirtualKeyCode::Key0 => return,
// Log something by default
_ => {
println!("Unhandled key: {:?}; state: {:?}; mods: {:?}",
key, state, self.mods);
self.process_bindings(bindings, mode, notifier);
fn process_bindings<N>(&self, bindings: &[Binding], mode: TermMode, notifier: &mut N)
where N: Notify
// Check each binding
for binding in bindings {
// TermMode positive
if binding.mode.is_all() || mode.intersects(binding.mode) {
// TermMode negative
if binding.notmode.is_empty() || !mode.intersects(binding.notmode) {
// Modifier keys
if binding.mods.is_all() || self.mods.intersects(binding.mods) {
// everything matches
mod tests {
use term::mode::{self, TermMode};
use super::Processor;
use super::modifier;
use super::Binding;
/// Receiver that keeps a copy of any strings it is notified with
struct Receiver {
pub got: Option<String>
impl super::Notify for Receiver {
fn notify(&mut self, s: &str) { = Some(String::from(s));
macro_rules! test_process_binding {
name: $name:ident,
binding: $binding:expr,
expect: $expect:expr,
mode: $mode:expr,
mods: $mods:expr
} => {
fn $name() {
let bindings = &[$binding];
let mut processor = Processor::new();
let mut receiver = Receiver::default();
processor.process_bindings(bindings, $mode, &mut receiver);
assert_eq!(, $expect);
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_shiftmod_require_shift,
binding: Binding { mods: modifier::SHIFT, send: "\x1b[1;2D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
expect: Some(String::from("\x1b[1;2D")),
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: modifier::SHIFT
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_nomod_require_shift,
binding: Binding { mods: modifier::SHIFT, send: "\x1b[1;2D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
expect: None,
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: modifier::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_controlmod,
binding: Binding { mods: modifier::CONTROL, send: "\x1b[1;5D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::NONE },
expect: Some(String::from("\x1b[1;5D")),
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: modifier::CONTROL
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_nomod_require_not_appcursor,
binding: Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1b[D", mode: mode::ANY, notmode: mode::APP_CURSOR },
expect: Some(String::from("\x1b[D")),
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: modifier::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_appcursormode_nomod_require_appcursor,
binding: Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOD", mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE },
expect: Some(String::from("\x1bOD")),
mode: mode::APP_CURSOR,
mods: modifier::NONE
test_process_binding! {
name: process_binding_nomode_nomod_require_appcursor,
binding: Binding { mods: modifier::ANY, send: "\x1bOD", mode: mode::APP_CURSOR, notmode: mode::NONE },
expect: None,
mode: mode::NONE,
mods: modifier::NONE