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//! Alacritty - The GPU Enhanced Terminal
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
extern crate font;
extern crate libc;
extern crate glutin;
extern crate cgmath;
extern crate notify;
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
extern crate errno;
extern crate parking_lot;
extern crate bitflags;
mod macros;
2016-02-26 04:59:21 +00:00
mod renderer;
pub mod grid;
mod meter;
mod input;
mod tty;
pub mod ansi;
mod term;
2016-06-08 04:11:23 +00:00
mod util;
use std::io::{Read, Write, BufWriter};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use font::FontDesc;
use meter::Meter;
use renderer::{QuadRenderer, GlyphCache};
2016-06-09 15:16:44 +00:00
use term::Term;
use tty::process_should_exit;
2016-06-09 15:16:44 +00:00
use util::thread;
/// Things that the render/update thread needs to respond to
enum Event {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum ShouldExit {
struct WriteNotifier<'a, W: Write + 'a>(&'a mut W);
impl<'a, W: Write> input::Notify for WriteNotifier<'a, W> {
fn notify(&mut self, message: &str) {
/// Channel used by resize handling on mac
static mut resize_sender: Option<mpsc::Sender<Event>> = None;
/// Resize handling for Mac
fn window_resize_handler(width: u32, height: u32) {
unsafe {
if let Some(ref tx) = resize_sender {
let _ = tx.send(Event::Glutin(glutin::Event::Resized(width, height)));
fn handle_event<W>(event: Event,
writer: &mut W,
terminal: &mut Term,
pty_parser: &mut ansi::Parser,
render_tx: &mpsc::Sender<(u32, u32)>,
input_processor: &mut input::Processor) -> ShouldExit
where W: Write
match event {
// Handle char from pty
Event::PtyChar(c) => pty_parser.advance(terminal, c),
// Handle keyboard/mouse input and other window events
Event::Glutin(gevent) => match gevent {
glutin::Event::Closed => return ShouldExit::Yes,
glutin::Event::ReceivedCharacter(c) => {
let encoded = c.encode_utf8();
glutin::Event::Resized(w, h) => {
terminal.resize(w as f32, h as f32);
render_tx.send((w, h)).expect("render thread active");
glutin::Event::KeyboardInput(state, _code, key) => {
input_processor.process(state, key, &mut WriteNotifier(writer), *terminal.mode())
_ => ()
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Rgb {
r: u8,
g: u8,
b: u8,
mod gl {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
static FONT: &'static str = "DejaVu Sans Mono";
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
static FONT_STYLE: &'static str = "Book";
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
static FONT: &'static str = "Menlo";
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
static FONT_STYLE: &'static str = "Regular";
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
fn main() {
let mut window = glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
window.set_window_resize_callback(Some(window_resize_handler as fn(u32, u32)));
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
gl::load_with(|symbol| window.get_proc_address(symbol) as *const _);
let (width, height) = window.get_inner_size_pixels().unwrap();
2016-02-28 04:26:31 +00:00
let dpr = window.hidpi_factor();
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
println!("device_pixel_ratio: {}", dpr);
let font_size = 11.;
let sep_x = 0.0;
let sep_y = 0.0;
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
let desc = FontDesc::new(FONT, FONT_STYLE);
let mut rasterizer = font::Rasterizer::new(96., 96., dpr);
2016-02-26 04:59:21 +00:00
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
let metrics = rasterizer.metrics(&desc, font_size);
let cell_width = (metrics.average_advance + sep_x) as u32;
let cell_height = (metrics.line_height + sep_y) as u32;
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
println!("Cell Size: ({} x {})", cell_width, cell_height);
let terminal = Term::new(width as f32, height as f32, cell_width as f32, cell_height as f32);
let reader = terminal.tty().reader();
let writer = terminal.tty().writer();
let mut glyph_cache = GlyphCache::new(rasterizer, desc, font_size);
let needs_render = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true));
let needs_render2 = needs_render.clone();
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
let reader_tx = tx.clone();
unsafe {
resize_sender = Some(tx.clone());
let reader_thread = thread::spawn_named("TTY Reader", move || {
for c in reader.chars() {
let c = c.unwrap();
let terminal = Arc::new(Mutex::new(terminal));
let term_ref = terminal.clone();
let mut meter = Meter::new();
let mut pty_parser = ansi::Parser::new();
let window = Arc::new(window);
let window_ref = window.clone();
let (render_tx, render_rx) = mpsc::channel::<(u32, u32)>();
let update_thread = thread::spawn_named("Update", move || {
'main_loop: loop {
let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&writer);
let mut input_processor = input::Processor::new();
// Handle case where renderer didn't acquire lock yet
if needs_render.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
if process_should_exit() {
// Block waiting for next event and handle it
let event = match rx.recv() {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(mpsc::RecvError) => break,
// Need mutable terminal for updates; lock it.
let mut terminal = terminal.lock();
let res = handle_event(event,
&mut writer,
&mut *terminal,
&mut pty_parser,
&mut input_processor);
if res == ShouldExit::Yes {
// Handle Any events that are in the queue
loop {
match rx.try_recv() {
Ok(e) => {
let res = handle_event(e,
&mut writer,
&mut *terminal,
&mut pty_parser,
&mut input_processor);
if res == ShouldExit::Yes {
Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => break 'main_loop,
Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
// Release the lock if a render is needed
if needs_render.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
let render_thread = thread::spawn_named("Render", move || {
let _ = unsafe { window.make_current() };
unsafe {
gl::Viewport(0, 0, width as i32, height as i32);
gl::BlendFunc(gl::SRC1_COLOR, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR);
// Create renderer
let mut renderer = QuadRenderer::new(width, height);
// Initialize glyph cache
let terminal = term_ref.lock();
renderer.with_api(terminal.size_info(), |mut api| {
glyph_cache.init(&mut api);
loop {
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
unsafe {
gl::ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 1.0);
// Receive any resize events; only call gl::Viewport on last available
let mut new_size = None;
while let Ok(val) = render_rx.try_recv() {
new_size = Some(val);
if let Some((w, h)) = new_size.take() {
renderer.resize(w as i32, h as i32);
// Need scope so lock is released when swap_buffers is called
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
// Flag that it's time for render, Ordering::Release);
// Acquire term lock
let terminal = term_ref.lock();
// Have the lock, ok to lower flag, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Draw grid + cursor
let _sampler = meter.sampler();
renderer.with_api(terminal.size_info(), |mut api| {
// Draw the grid
api.render_grid(terminal.grid(), &mut glyph_cache);
// Also draw the cursor
if terminal.mode().contains(term::mode::SHOW_CURSOR) {
api.render_cursor(terminal.cursor(), &mut glyph_cache);
// Draw render timer
let timing = format!("{:.3} usec", meter.average());
let color = Rgb { r: 0xd5, g: 0x4e, b: 0x53 };
renderer.with_api(terminal.size_info(), |mut api| {
api.render_string(&timing[..], &mut glyph_cache, &color);
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
if process_should_exit() {
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00
'event_processing: loop {
for event in window_ref.wait_events() {
if process_should_exit() {
break 'event_processing;
Add support for macOS Alacritty now runs on macOS using CoreText for font rendering. The font rendering subsystems were moved into a separate crate called `font`. The font crate provides a unified (albeit limited) API which wraps CoreText on macOS and FreeType/FontConfig on other platforms. The unified API differed slightly from what the original Rasterizer for freetype implemented, and it was updated accordingly. The cell separation properties (sep_x and sep_y) are now premultiplied into the cell width and height. They were previously passed through as uniforms to the shaders; removing them prevents a lot of redundant work. `libc` has some differences between Linux and macOS. `__errno_location` is not available on macOS, and the `errno` crate was brought in to provide a cross-platform API for dealing with errno. Differences in `openpty` were handled by implementing a macOS specific version. It would be worth investigating a way to unify the implementations at some point. A type mismatch with TIOCSCTTY was resolved with a cast. Differences in libc::passwd struct fields were resolved by using std::mem::uninitialized instead of zeroing the struct ourselves. This has the benefit of being much cleaner. The thread setup had to be changed to support both macOS and Linux. macOS requires that events from the window be handled on the main thread. Failure to do so will prevent the glutin window from even showing up! For this reason, the renderer and parser were moved to their own thread, and the input is received on the main thread. This is essentially reverse the setup prior to this commit. Renderer initialization (and thus font cache initialization) had to be moved to the rendering thread as well since there's no way to make_context(null) with glx on Linux. Trying to just call make_context a second time on the rendering thread had resulted in a panic!.
2016-06-10 03:39:40 +00:00