
1476 lines
52 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
//! Process window events.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::env;
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
use std::f32;
use std::fmt::Debug;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
use std::mem;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use glutin::dpi::PhysicalSize;
use glutin::event::{ElementState, Event as GlutinEvent, ModifiersState, MouseButton, WindowEvent};
use glutin::event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop, EventLoopProxy, EventLoopWindowTarget};
use glutin::platform::run_return::EventLoopExtRunReturn;
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
use glutin::platform::unix::EventLoopWindowTargetExtUnix;
use log::info;
use serde_json as json;
2020-07-18 01:27:41 +00:00
use crossfont::{self, Size};
use alacritty_terminal::config::LOG_TARGET_CONFIG;
use alacritty_terminal::event::{Event as TerminalEvent, EventListener, Notify, OnResize};
use alacritty_terminal::grid::{Dimensions, Scroll};
use alacritty_terminal::index::{Boundary, Column, Direction, Line, Point, Side};
use alacritty_terminal::selection::{Selection, SelectionType};
use alacritty_terminal::sync::FairMutex;
use alacritty_terminal::term::search::{Match, RegexSearch};
use alacritty_terminal::term::{ClipboardType, SizeInfo, Term, TermMode};
use alacritty_terminal::tty;
use crate::cli::Options as CLIOptions;
use crate::clipboard::Clipboard;
use crate::config;
use crate::config::Config;
use crate::daemon::start_daemon;
use crate::display::window::Window;
use crate::display::{Display, DisplayUpdate};
use crate::input::{self, ActionContext as _, FONT_SIZE_STEP};
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use crate::macos;
use crate::message_bar::{Message, MessageBuffer};
use crate::scheduler::{Scheduler, TimerId};
use crate::url::{Url, Urls};
/// Duration after the last user input until an unlimited search is performed.
pub const TYPING_SEARCH_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
/// Maximum number of lines for the blocking search while still typing the search regex.
const MAX_SEARCH_WHILE_TYPING: Option<usize> = Some(1000);
/// Maximum number of search terms stored in the history.
const MAX_HISTORY_SIZE: usize = 255;
/// Events dispatched through the UI event loop.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Event {
DPRChanged(f64, (u32, u32)),
impl From<Event> for GlutinEvent<'_, Event> {
fn from(event: Event) -> Self {
impl From<TerminalEvent> for Event {
fn from(event: TerminalEvent) -> Self {
/// Regex search state.
pub struct SearchState {
/// Search direction.
direction: Direction,
/// Change in display offset since the beginning of the search.
display_offset_delta: isize,
/// Search origin in viewport coordinates relative to original display offset.
origin: Point,
/// Focused match during active search.
focused_match: Option<RangeInclusive<Point<usize>>>,
/// Search regex and history.
/// During an active search, the first element is the user's current input.
/// While going through history, the [`SearchState::history_index`] will point to the element
/// in history which is currently being previewed.
history: VecDeque<String>,
/// Current position in the search history.
history_index: Option<usize>,
/// Compiled search automatons.
dfas: Option<RegexSearch>,
impl SearchState {
fn new() -> Self {
/// Search regex text if a search is active.
pub fn regex(&self) -> Option<&String> {
self.history_index.and_then(|index| self.history.get(index))
/// Direction of the search from the search origin.
pub fn direction(&self) -> Direction {
/// Focused match during vi-less search.
pub fn focused_match(&self) -> Option<&RangeInclusive<Point<usize>>> {
/// Active search dfas.
pub fn dfas(&self) -> Option<&RegexSearch> {
/// Search regex text if a search is active.
fn regex_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut String> {
self.history_index.and_then(move |index| self.history.get_mut(index))
impl Default for SearchState {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
direction: Direction::Right,
display_offset_delta: Default::default(),
focused_match: Default::default(),
history_index: Default::default(),
history: Default::default(),
origin: Default::default(),
dfas: Default::default(),
pub struct ActionContext<'a, N, T> {
pub notifier: &'a mut N,
pub terminal: &'a mut Term<T>,
pub clipboard: &'a mut Clipboard,
pub mouse: &'a mut Mouse,
pub received_count: &'a mut usize,
pub suppress_chars: &'a mut bool,
pub modifiers: &'a mut ModifiersState,
pub display: &'a mut Display,
pub message_buffer: &'a mut MessageBuffer,
pub display_update_pending: &'a mut DisplayUpdate,
pub config: &'a mut Config,
pub event_loop: &'a EventLoopWindowTarget<Event>,
pub scheduler: &'a mut Scheduler,
pub search_state: &'a mut SearchState,
cli_options: &'a CLIOptions,
font_size: &'a mut Size,
dirty: &'a mut bool,
impl<'a, N: Notify + 'a, T: EventListener> input::ActionContext<T> for ActionContext<'a, N, T> {
fn write_to_pty<B: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>>(&mut self, val: B) {
/// Request a redraw.
fn mark_dirty(&mut self) {
*self.dirty = true;
fn size_info(&self) -> SizeInfo {
fn scroll(&mut self, scroll: Scroll) {
let old_offset = self.terminal.grid().display_offset() as isize;
// Keep track of manual display offset changes during search.
if self.search_active() {
let display_offset = self.terminal.grid().display_offset();
self.search_state.display_offset_delta += old_offset - display_offset as isize;
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Update selection.
if self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI)
&& self.terminal.selection.as_ref().map(|s| s.is_empty()) != Some(true)
self.update_selection(self.terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point, Side::Right);
} else if self.mouse().left_button_state == ElementState::Pressed
|| self.mouse().right_button_state == ElementState::Pressed
let point = self.size_info().pixels_to_coords(self.mouse().x, self.mouse().y);
let cell_side = self.mouse().cell_side;
self.update_selection(point, cell_side);
*self.dirty = true;
fn copy_selection(&mut self, ty: ClipboardType) {
if let Some(selected) = self.terminal.selection_to_string() {
if !selected.is_empty() {, selected);
fn selection_is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn clear_selection(&mut self) {
self.terminal.selection = None;
*self.dirty = true;
fn update_selection(&mut self, mut point: Point, side: Side) {
let mut selection = match self.terminal.selection.take() {
Some(selection) => selection,
None => return,
// Treat motion over message bar like motion over the last line.
point.line = min(point.line, self.terminal.screen_lines() - 1);
// Update selection.
let absolute_point = self.terminal.visible_to_buffer(point);
selection.update(absolute_point, side);
// Move vi cursor and expand selection.
if self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) && !self.search_active() {
self.terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point = point;
self.terminal.selection = Some(selection);
*self.dirty = true;
fn start_selection(&mut self, ty: SelectionType, point: Point, side: Side) {
let point = self.terminal.visible_to_buffer(point);
self.terminal.selection = Some(Selection::new(ty, point, side));
*self.dirty = true;
fn toggle_selection(&mut self, ty: SelectionType, point: Point, side: Side) {
match &mut self.terminal.selection {
Some(selection) if selection.ty == ty && !selection.is_empty() => {
Some(selection) if !selection.is_empty() => {
selection.ty = ty;
*self.dirty = true;
_ => self.start_selection(ty, point, side),
fn mouse_coords(&self) -> Option<Point> {
let x = self.mouse.x as usize;
let y = self.mouse.y as usize;
if self.display.size_info.contains_point(x, y) {
Some(self.display.size_info.pixels_to_coords(x, y))
} else {
fn mouse_mode(&self) -> bool {
&& !self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI)
fn mouse_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Mouse {
fn mouse(&self) -> &Mouse {
fn received_count(&mut self) -> &mut usize {
&mut self.received_count
fn suppress_chars(&mut self) -> &mut bool {
&mut self.suppress_chars
fn modifiers(&mut self) -> &mut ModifiersState {
&mut self.modifiers
fn window(&self) -> &Window {
fn window_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Window {
&mut self.display.window
fn terminal(&self) -> &Term<T> {
fn terminal_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Term<T> {
fn spawn_new_instance(&mut self) {
let mut env_args = env::args();
let alacritty =;
let mut args = {
// Use working directory of controlling process, or fallback to initial shell.
let mut pid = unsafe { libc::tcgetpgrp(tty::master_fd()) };
if pid < 0 {
pid = tty::child_pid();
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "freebsd")))]
let link_path = format!("/proc/{}/cwd", pid);
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
let link_path = format!("/compat/linux/proc/{}/cwd", pid);
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
let cwd = fs::read_link(link_path);
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
let cwd = macos::proc::cwd(pid);
// Add the current working directory as parameter.|path| vec!["--working-directory".into(), path]).unwrap_or_default()
let mut args: Vec<PathBuf> = Vec::new();
let working_directory_set = !args.is_empty();
// Reuse the arguments passed to Alacritty for the new instance.
while let Some(arg) = {
// Drop working directory from existing parameters.
if working_directory_set && arg == "--working-directory" {
let _ =;
start_daemon(&alacritty, &args);
/// Spawn URL launcher when clicking on URLs.
fn launch_url(&self, url: Url) {
if self.mouse.block_url_launcher {
if let Some(ref launcher) = self.config.ui_config.mouse.url.launcher {
let mut args = launcher.args().to_vec();
let start = self.terminal.visible_to_buffer(url.start());
let end = self.terminal.visible_to_buffer(url.end());
args.push(self.terminal.bounds_to_string(start, end));
start_daemon(launcher.program(), &args);
fn highlighted_url(&self) -> Option<&Url> {
fn change_font_size(&mut self, delta: f32) {
*self.font_size = max(*self.font_size + delta, Size::new(FONT_SIZE_STEP));
let font = self.config.ui_config.font.clone().with_size(*self.font_size);
*self.dirty = true;
fn reset_font_size(&mut self) {
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
*self.font_size = self.config.ui_config.font.size();
*self.dirty = true;
fn pop_message(&mut self) {
if !self.message_buffer.is_empty() {
self.display_update_pending.dirty = true;
*self.dirty = true;
fn start_search(&mut self, direction: Direction) {
let num_lines = self.terminal.screen_lines();
let num_cols = self.terminal.cols();
// Only create new history entry if the previous regex wasn't empty.
if self.search_state.history.get(0).map_or(true, |regex| !regex.is_empty()) {
self.search_state.history_index = Some(0);
self.search_state.direction = direction;
self.search_state.focused_match = None;
// Store original search position as origin and reset location.
if self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
self.search_state.origin = self.terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point;
self.search_state.display_offset_delta = 0;
} else {
match direction {
2021-01-03 11:24:04 +00:00
Direction::Right => self.search_state.origin = Point::new(Line(0), Column(0)),
Direction::Left => {
2021-01-03 11:24:04 +00:00
self.search_state.origin = Point::new(num_lines - 2, num_cols - 1);
self.display_update_pending.dirty = true;
*self.dirty = true;
fn confirm_search(&mut self) {
2020-12-19 04:07:20 +00:00
// Just cancel search when not in vi mode.
if !self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
// Force unlimited search if the previous one was interrupted.
if self.scheduler.scheduled(TimerId::DelayedSearch) {
fn cancel_search(&mut self) {
if self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
// Recover pre-search state in vi mode.
} else if let Some(focused_match) = &self.search_state.focused_match {
// Create a selection for the focused match.
let start = self.terminal.grid().clamp_buffer_to_visible(*focused_match.start());
let end = self.terminal.grid().clamp_buffer_to_visible(*focused_match.end());
self.start_selection(SelectionType::Simple, start, Side::Left);
self.update_selection(end, Side::Right);
self.search_state.dfas = None;
2020-12-19 04:07:20 +00:00
fn search_input(&mut self, c: char) {
match self.search_state.history_index {
Some(0) => (),
// When currently in history, replace active regex with history on change.
Some(index) => {
self.search_state.history[0] = self.search_state.history[index].clone();
self.search_state.history_index = Some(0);
None => return,
let regex = &mut self.search_state.history[0];
2020-12-19 04:07:20 +00:00
match c {
// Handle backspace/ctrl+h.
'\x08' | '\x7f' => {
let _ = regex.pop();
// Add ascii and unicode text.
' '..='~' | '\u{a0}'..='\u{10ffff}' => regex.push(c),
// Ignore non-printable characters.
_ => return,
2020-07-17 00:30:34 +00:00
if !self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
// Clear selection so we do not obstruct any matches.
self.terminal.selection = None;
fn search_pop_word(&mut self) {
if let Some(regex) = self.search_state.regex_mut() {
*regex = regex.trim_end().to_owned();
regex.truncate(regex.rfind(' ').map(|i| i + 1).unwrap_or(0));
/// Go to the previous regex in the search history.
fn search_history_previous(&mut self) {
let index = match &mut self.search_state.history_index {
None => return,
Some(index) if *index + 1 >= self.search_state.history.len() => return,
Some(index) => index,
*index += 1;
/// Go to the previous regex in the search history.
fn search_history_next(&mut self) {
let index = match &mut self.search_state.history_index {
Some(0) | None => return,
Some(index) => index,
*index -= 1;
fn advance_search_origin(&mut self, direction: Direction) {
// Use focused match as new search origin if available.
if let Some(focused_match) = &self.search_state.focused_match {
let new_origin = match direction {
2021-01-03 11:24:04 +00:00
Direction::Right => {
focused_match.end().add_absolute(self.terminal, Boundary::Wrap, 1)
Direction::Left => {
focused_match.start().sub_absolute(self.terminal, Boundary::Wrap, 1)
let origin_relative = self.terminal.grid().clamp_buffer_to_visible(new_origin);
self.search_state.origin = origin_relative;
self.search_state.display_offset_delta = 0;
// Search for the next match using the supplied direction.
let search_direction = mem::replace(&mut self.search_state.direction, direction);
self.search_state.direction = search_direction;
// If we found a match, we set the search origin right in front of it to make sure that
// after modifications to the regex the search is started without moving the focused match
// around.
let focused_match = match &self.search_state.focused_match {
Some(focused_match) => focused_match,
None => return,
// Set new origin to the left/right of the match, depending on search direction.
let new_origin = match self.search_state.direction {
2021-01-03 11:24:04 +00:00
Direction::Right => *focused_match.start(),
Direction::Left => *focused_match.end(),
// Store the search origin with display offset by checking how far we need to scroll to it.
let old_display_offset = self.terminal.grid().display_offset() as isize;
let new_display_offset = self.terminal.grid().display_offset() as isize;
self.search_state.display_offset_delta = new_display_offset - old_display_offset;
// Store origin and scroll back to the match.
let origin_relative = self.terminal.grid().clamp_buffer_to_visible(new_origin);
self.search_state.origin = origin_relative;
/// Find the next search match.
fn search_next(
&mut self,
origin: Point<usize>,
direction: Direction,
side: Side,
) -> Option<Match> {
.and_then(|dfas| self.terminal.search_next(dfas, origin, direction, side, None))
fn search_direction(&self) -> Direction {
fn search_active(&self) -> bool {
/// Handle keyboard typing start.
/// This will temporarily disable some features like terminal cursor blinking or the mouse
/// cursor.
/// All features are re-enabled again automatically.
fn on_typing_start(&mut self) {
// Disable cursor blinking.
let blink_interval = self.config.cursor.blink_interval();
if let Some(timer) = self.scheduler.get_mut(TimerId::BlinkCursor) {
timer.deadline = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(blink_interval);
self.display.cursor_hidden = false;
*self.dirty = true;
// Hide mouse cursor.
if self.config.ui_config.mouse.hide_when_typing {
/// Toggle the vi mode status.
fn toggle_vi_mode(&mut self) {
if !self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
*self.dirty = true;
fn message(&self) -> Option<&Message> {
fn config(&self) -> &Config {
fn event_loop(&self) -> &EventLoopWindowTarget<Event> {
fn urls(&self) -> &Urls {
fn clipboard_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Clipboard {
fn scheduler_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Scheduler {
impl<'a, N: Notify + 'a, T: EventListener> ActionContext<'a, N, T> {
fn update_search(&mut self) {
let regex = match self.search_state.regex() {
Some(regex) => regex,
None => return,
// Hide cursor while typing into the search bar.
if self.config.ui_config.mouse.hide_when_typing {
if regex.is_empty() {
// Stop search if there's nothing to search for.
self.search_state.dfas = None;
} else {
// Create search dfas for the new regex string.
self.search_state.dfas = RegexSearch::new(&regex).ok();
// Update search highlighting.
*self.dirty = true;
/// Reset terminal to the state before search was started.
fn search_reset_state(&mut self) {
// Unschedule pending timers.
// The viewport reset logic is only needed for vi mode, since without it our origin is
// always at the current display offset instead of at the vi cursor position which we need
// to recover to.
if !self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
// Reset display offset.
self.search_state.display_offset_delta = 0;
// Clear focused match.
self.search_state.focused_match = None;
// Reset vi mode cursor.
let mut origin = self.search_state.origin;
origin.line = min(origin.line, self.terminal.screen_lines() - 1);
origin.column = min(origin.column, self.terminal.cols() - 1);
self.terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point = origin;
*self.dirty = true;
/// Jump to the first regex match from the search origin.
fn goto_match(&mut self, mut limit: Option<usize>) {
let dfas = match &self.search_state.dfas {
Some(dfas) => dfas,
None => return,
// Limit search only when enough lines are available to run into the limit.
limit = limit.filter(|&limit| limit <= self.terminal.total_lines());
// Jump to the next match.
let direction = self.search_state.direction;
let origin = self.absolute_origin();
match self.terminal.search_next(dfas, origin, direction, Side::Left, limit) {
Some(regex_match) => {
let old_offset = self.terminal.grid().display_offset() as isize;
if self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
// Move vi cursor to the start of the match.
} else {
// Select the match when vi mode is not active.
// Update the focused match.
self.search_state.focused_match = Some(regex_match);
// Store number of lines the viewport had to be moved.
let display_offset = self.terminal.grid().display_offset();
self.search_state.display_offset_delta += old_offset - display_offset as isize;
// Since we found a result, we require no delayed re-search.
// Reset viewport only when we know there is no match, to prevent unnecessary jumping.
None if limit.is_none() => self.search_reset_state(),
None => {
// Schedule delayed search if we ran into our search limit.
if !self.scheduler.scheduled(TimerId::DelayedSearch) {
// Clear focused match.
self.search_state.focused_match = None;
*self.dirty = true;
/// Cleanup the search state.
fn exit_search(&mut self) {
// Move vi cursor down if resize will pull content from history.
if self.terminal.history_size() != 0
&& self.terminal.grid().display_offset() == 0
&& self.terminal.screen_lines() > self.terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point.line + 1
self.terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point.line += 1;
self.display_update_pending.dirty = true;
self.search_state.history_index = None;
*self.dirty = true;
// Clear focused match.
self.search_state.focused_match = None;
/// Get the absolute position of the search origin.
/// This takes the relative motion of the viewport since the start of the search into account.
/// So while the absolute point of the origin might have changed since new content was printed,
/// this will still return the correct absolute position.
fn absolute_origin(&self) -> Point<usize> {
let mut relative_origin = self.search_state.origin;
relative_origin.line = min(relative_origin.line, self.terminal.screen_lines() - 1);
relative_origin.column = min(relative_origin.column, self.terminal.cols() - 1);
let mut origin = self.terminal.visible_to_buffer(relative_origin);
origin.line = (origin.line as isize + self.search_state.display_offset_delta) as usize;
/// Update the cursor blinking state.
fn update_cursor_blinking(&mut self) {
// Get config cursor style.
let mut cursor_style =;
if self.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
cursor_style = self.config.cursor.vi_mode_style.unwrap_or(cursor_style);
// Check terminal cursor style.
let terminal_blinking = self.terminal.cursor_style().blinking;
let blinking = cursor_style.blinking_override().unwrap_or(terminal_blinking);
// Update cursor blinking state.
if blinking && self.terminal.is_focused {
} else {
self.display.cursor_hidden = false;
*self.dirty = true;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ClickState {
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
/// State of the mouse.
pub struct Mouse {
pub x: usize,
pub y: usize,
pub left_button_state: ElementState,
pub middle_button_state: ElementState,
pub right_button_state: ElementState,
pub last_click_timestamp: Instant,
pub last_click_button: MouseButton,
pub click_state: ClickState,
pub scroll_px: f64,
pub line: Line,
pub column: Column,
pub cell_side: Side,
pub lines_scrolled: f32,
pub block_url_launcher: bool,
pub inside_text_area: bool,
impl Default for Mouse {
fn default() -> Mouse {
Mouse {
x: 0,
y: 0,
last_click_timestamp: Instant::now(),
last_click_button: MouseButton::Left,
left_button_state: ElementState::Released,
middle_button_state: ElementState::Released,
right_button_state: ElementState::Released,
click_state: ClickState::None,
scroll_px: 0.,
line: Line(0),
column: Column(0),
cell_side: Side::Left,
lines_scrolled: 0.,
block_url_launcher: false,
inside_text_area: false,
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
/// The event processor.
/// Stores some state from received events and dispatches actions when they are
/// triggered.
pub struct Processor<N> {
notifier: N,
mouse: Mouse,
received_count: usize,
suppress_chars: bool,
modifiers: ModifiersState,
config: Config,
message_buffer: MessageBuffer,
display: Display,
font_size: Size,
event_queue: Vec<GlutinEvent<'static, Event>>,
search_state: SearchState,
cli_options: CLIOptions,
dirty: bool,
impl<N: Notify + OnResize> Processor<N> {
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
/// Create a new event processor.
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
/// Takes a writer which is expected to be hooked up to the write end of a PTY.
pub fn new(
notifier: N,
message_buffer: MessageBuffer,
config: Config,
display: Display,
cli_options: CLIOptions,
) -> Processor<N> {
Processor {
mouse: Default::default(),
received_count: 0,
suppress_chars: false,
modifiers: Default::default(),
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
font_size: config.ui_config.font.size(),
event_queue: Vec::new(),
search_state: SearchState::new(),
dirty: false,
/// Return `true` if `event_queue` is empty, `false` otherwise.
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
fn event_queue_empty(&mut self) -> bool {
let wayland_event_queue = match self.display.wayland_event_queue.as_mut() {
Some(wayland_event_queue) => wayland_event_queue,
// Since frame callbacks do not exist on X11, just check for event queue.
None => return self.event_queue.is_empty(),
// Check for pending frame callbacks on Wayland.
let events_dispatched = wayland_event_queue
.dispatch_pending(&mut (), |_, _, _| {})
.expect("failed to dispatch event queue");
self.event_queue.is_empty() && events_dispatched == 0
/// Return `true` if `event_queue` is empty, `false` otherwise.
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "wayland"), target_os = "macos", windows))]
fn event_queue_empty(&mut self) -> bool {
/// Run the event loop.
pub fn run<T>(&mut self, terminal: Arc<FairMutex<Term<T>>>, mut event_loop: EventLoop<Event>)
T: EventListener,
let mut scheduler = Scheduler::new();
// Start the initial cursor blinking timer.
if {
let event: Event = TerminalEvent::CursorBlinkingChange(true).into();
// NOTE: Since this takes a pointer to the winit event loop, it MUST be dropped first.
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
let mut clipboard = unsafe { Clipboard::new(event_loop.wayland_display()) };
#[cfg(any(not(feature = "wayland"), target_os = "macos", windows))]
let mut clipboard = Clipboard::new();
event_loop.run_return(|event, event_loop, control_flow| {
if self.config.ui_config.debug.print_events {
info!("glutin event: {:?}", event);
// Ignore all events we do not care about.
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
if Self::skip_event(&event) {
match event {
// Check for shutdown.
GlutinEvent::UserEvent(Event::TerminalEvent(TerminalEvent::Exit)) => {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit;
// Process events.
GlutinEvent::RedrawEventsCleared => {
*control_flow = match scheduler.update(&mut self.event_queue) {
Some(instant) => ControlFlow::WaitUntil(instant),
None => ControlFlow::Wait,
if self.event_queue_empty() {
// Remap DPR change event to remove lifetime.
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
GlutinEvent::WindowEvent {
event: WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { scale_factor, new_inner_size },
} => {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll;
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
let size = (new_inner_size.width, new_inner_size.height);
self.event_queue.push(Event::DPRChanged(scale_factor, size).into());
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
// Transmute to extend lifetime, which exists only for `ScaleFactorChanged` event.
// Since we remap that event to remove the lifetime, this is safe.
event => unsafe {
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll;
let mut terminal = terminal.lock();
let mut display_update_pending = DisplayUpdate::default();
let old_is_searching = self.search_state.history_index.is_some();
let context = ActionContext {
terminal: &mut terminal,
notifier: &mut self.notifier,
mouse: &mut self.mouse,
clipboard: &mut clipboard,
received_count: &mut self.received_count,
suppress_chars: &mut self.suppress_chars,
modifiers: &mut self.modifiers,
message_buffer: &mut self.message_buffer,
display_update_pending: &mut display_update_pending,
display: &mut self.display,
font_size: &mut self.font_size,
config: &mut self.config,
scheduler: &mut scheduler,
search_state: &mut self.search_state,
cli_options: &self.cli_options,
dirty: &mut self.dirty,
let mut processor = input::Processor::new(context);
for event in self.event_queue.drain(..) {
Processor::handle_event(event, &mut processor);
// Process DisplayUpdate events.
if display_update_pending.dirty {
self.submit_display_update(&mut terminal, old_is_searching, display_update_pending);
// Skip rendering on Wayland until we get frame event from compositor.
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))]
if !self.display.is_x11 && !self.display.window.should_draw.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
if self.dirty {
self.dirty = false;
// Request immediate re-draw if visual bell animation is not finished yet.
if !self.display.visual_bell.completed() {
let event: Event = TerminalEvent::Wakeup.into();
*control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll;
// Redraw screen.
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Write ref tests to disk.
if self.config.ui_config.debug.ref_test {
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
/// Handle events from glutin.
/// Doesn't take self mutably due to borrow checking.
fn handle_event<T>(
event: GlutinEvent<'_, Event>,
processor: &mut input::Processor<T, ActionContext<'_, N, T>>,
) where
T: EventListener,
match event {
GlutinEvent::UserEvent(event) => match event {
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
Event::DPRChanged(scale_factor, (width, height)) => {
let display_update_pending = &mut processor.ctx.display_update_pending;
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Push current font to update its DPR.
let font = processor.ctx.config.ui_config.font.clone();
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Resize to event's dimensions, since no resize event is emitted on Wayland.
display_update_pending.set_dimensions(PhysicalSize::new(width, height));
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
processor.ctx.window_mut().dpr = scale_factor;
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
2020-01-10 01:51:37 +00:00
Event::Message(message) => {
processor.ctx.display_update_pending.dirty = true;
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
Event::SearchNext => processor.ctx.goto_match(None),
Event::ConfigReload(path) => Self::reload_config(&path, processor),
Event::Scroll(scroll) => processor.ctx.scroll(scroll),
Event::BlinkCursor => {
processor.ctx.display.cursor_hidden ^= true;
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
Event::TerminalEvent(event) => match event {
TerminalEvent::Title(title) => {
let ui_config = &processor.ctx.config.ui_config;
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
if ui_config.window.dynamic_title {
TerminalEvent::ResetTitle => {
let ui_config = &processor.ctx.config.ui_config;
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
if ui_config.window.dynamic_title {
TerminalEvent::Wakeup => *processor.ctx.dirty = true,
TerminalEvent::Bell => {
// Set window urgency.
if processor.ctx.terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::URGENCY_HINTS) {
let focused = processor.ctx.terminal.is_focused;
// Ring visual bell.
// Execute bell command.
if let Some(bell_command) = &processor.ctx.config.ui_config.bell.command {
start_daemon(bell_command.program(), bell_command.args());
TerminalEvent::ClipboardStore(clipboard_type, content) => {, content);
TerminalEvent::ClipboardLoad(clipboard_type, format) => {
let text = format(processor.ctx.clipboard.load(clipboard_type).as_str());
TerminalEvent::ColorRequest(index, format) => {
let text = format(processor.ctx.display.colors[index]);
TerminalEvent::MouseCursorDirty => processor.reset_mouse_cursor(),
TerminalEvent::Exit => (),
TerminalEvent::CursorBlinkingChange(_) => {
GlutinEvent::RedrawRequested(_) => *processor.ctx.dirty = true,
GlutinEvent::WindowEvent { event, window_id, .. } => {
match event {
WindowEvent::CloseRequested => processor.ctx.terminal.exit(),
WindowEvent::Resized(size) => {
// Minimizing the window sends a Resize event with zero width and
// height. But there's no need to ever actually resize to this.
2021-01-01 05:07:39 +00:00
// ConPTY has issues when resizing down to zero size and back.
2019-12-09 17:26:31 +00:00
if size.width == 0 && size.height == 0 {
2019-12-09 17:26:31 +00:00
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input, is_synthetic: false, .. } => {
WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged(modifiers) => {
WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter(c) => processor.received_char(c),
WindowEvent::MouseInput { state, button, .. } => {
processor.mouse_input(state, button);
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
WindowEvent::CursorMoved { position, .. } => {
WindowEvent::MouseWheel { delta, phase, .. } => {
processor.mouse_wheel_input(delta, phase);
WindowEvent::Focused(is_focused) => {
if window_id == processor.ctx.window().window_id() {
processor.ctx.terminal.is_focused = is_focused;
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
if is_focused {
} else {
WindowEvent::DroppedFile(path) => {
let path: String = path.to_string_lossy().into();
processor.ctx.write_to_pty((path + " ").into_bytes());
WindowEvent::CursorLeft { .. } => {
processor.ctx.mouse.inside_text_area = false;
if processor.ctx.highlighted_url().is_some() {
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { is_synthetic: true, .. }
| WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure { .. }
| WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { .. }
| WindowEvent::CursorEntered { .. }
| WindowEvent::AxisMotion { .. }
| WindowEvent::HoveredFileCancelled
| WindowEvent::Destroyed
| WindowEvent::ThemeChanged(_)
| WindowEvent::HoveredFile(_)
| WindowEvent::Touch(_)
| WindowEvent::Moved(_) => (),
GlutinEvent::Suspended { .. }
| GlutinEvent::NewEvents { .. }
| GlutinEvent::DeviceEvent { .. }
| GlutinEvent::MainEventsCleared
| GlutinEvent::RedrawEventsCleared
| GlutinEvent::Resumed
| GlutinEvent::LoopDestroyed => (),
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
/// Check if an event is irrelevant and can be skipped.
fn skip_event(event: &GlutinEvent<'_, Event>) -> bool {
match event {
GlutinEvent::WindowEvent { event, .. } => matches!(
WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { is_synthetic: true, .. }
| WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure { .. }
| WindowEvent::CursorEntered { .. }
| WindowEvent::AxisMotion { .. }
| WindowEvent::HoveredFileCancelled
| WindowEvent::Destroyed
| WindowEvent::HoveredFile(_)
| WindowEvent::Touch(_)
| WindowEvent::Moved(_)
GlutinEvent::Suspended { .. }
| GlutinEvent::NewEvents { .. }
| GlutinEvent::MainEventsCleared
| GlutinEvent::LoopDestroyed => true,
_ => false,
/// Reload the configuration files from disk.
fn reload_config<T>(path: &Path, processor: &mut input::Processor<T, ActionContext<'_, N, T>>)
T: EventListener,
if !processor.ctx.message_buffer.is_empty() {
processor.ctx.display_update_pending.dirty = true;
let config = match config::reload(&path, &processor.ctx.cli_options) {
Ok(config) => config,
Err(_) => return,
// Reload cursor if its thickness has changed.
if (processor.ctx.config.cursor.thickness() - config.cursor.thickness()).abs()
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
> f32::EPSILON
if processor.ctx.config.ui_config.font != config.ui_config.font {
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Do not update font size if it has been changed at runtime.
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
if *processor.ctx.font_size == processor.ctx.config.ui_config.font.size() {
*processor.ctx.font_size = config.ui_config.font.size();
let font = config.ui_config.font.clone().with_size(*processor.ctx.font_size);
// Update display if padding options were changed.
let window_config = &processor.ctx.config.ui_config.window;
if window_config.padding(1.) != config.ui_config.window.padding(1.)
|| window_config.dynamic_padding != config.ui_config.window.dynamic_padding
processor.ctx.display_update_pending.dirty = true;
// Live title reload.
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
if !config.ui_config.window.dynamic_title
|| processor.ctx.config.ui_config.window.title != config.ui_config.window.title
#[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))]
if processor.ctx.event_loop.is_wayland() {
// Set subpixel anti-aliasing.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
Replace serde's derive with custom proc macro This replaces the existing `Deserialize` derive from serde with a `ConfigDeserialize` derive. The goal of this new proc macro is to allow a more error-friendly deserialization for the Alacritty configuration file without having to manage a lot of boilerplate code inside the configuration modules. The first part of the derive macro is for struct deserialization. This takes structs which have `Default` implemented and will only replace fields which can be successfully deserialized. Otherwise the `log` crate is used for printing errors. Since this deserialization takes the default value from the struct instead of the value, it removes the necessity for creating new types just to implement `Default` on them for deserialization. Additionally, the struct deserialization also checks for `Option` values and makes sure that explicitly specifying `none` as text literal is allowed for all options. The other part of the derive macro is responsible for deserializing enums. While only enums with Unit variants are supported, it will automatically implement a deserializer for these enums which accepts any form of capitalization. Since this custom derive prevents us from using serde's attributes on fields, some of the attributes have been reimplemented for `ConfigDeserialize`. These include `#[config(flatten)]`, `#[config(skip)]` and `#[config(alias = "alias)]`. The flatten attribute is currently limited to at most one per struct. Additionally the `#[config(deprecated = "optional message")]` attribute allows easily defining uniform deprecation messages for fields on structs.
2020-12-21 02:44:38 +00:00
// Disable shadows for transparent windows on macOS.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
processor.ctx.window_mut().set_has_shadow(config.ui_config.background_opacity() >= 1.0);
*processor.ctx.config = config;
// Update cursor blinking.
*processor.ctx.dirty = true;
/// Submit the pending changes to the `Display`.
fn submit_display_update<T>(
&mut self,
terminal: &mut Term<T>,
old_is_searching: bool,
display_update_pending: DisplayUpdate,
) where
T: EventListener,
// Compute cursor positions before resize.
let num_lines = terminal.screen_lines();
let cursor_at_bottom = terminal.grid().cursor.point.line + 1 == num_lines;
let origin_at_bottom = if terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) {
terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point.line == num_lines - 1
} else {
self.search_state.direction == Direction::Left
&mut self.notifier,
// Scroll to make sure search origin is visible and content moves as little as possible.
if !old_is_searching && self.search_state.history_index.is_some() {
let display_offset = terminal.grid().display_offset();
if display_offset == 0 && cursor_at_bottom && !origin_at_bottom {
} else if display_offset != 0 && origin_at_bottom {
/// Write the ref test results to the disk.
fn write_ref_test_results<T>(&self, terminal: &Term<T>) {
2020-05-05 22:50:23 +00:00
// Dump grid state.
let mut grid = terminal.grid().clone();
let serialized_grid = json::to_string(&grid).expect("serialize grid");
let serialized_size = json::to_string(&self.display.size_info).expect("serialize size");
let serialized_config = format!("{{\"history_size\":{}}}", grid.history_size());
.and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(serialized_grid.as_bytes()))
.expect("write grid.json");
.and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(serialized_size.as_bytes()))
.expect("write size.json");
.and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(serialized_config.as_bytes()))
.expect("write config.json");
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct EventProxy(EventLoopProxy<Event>);
impl EventProxy {
pub fn new(proxy: EventLoopProxy<Event>) -> Self {
/// Send an event to the event loop.
pub fn send_event(&self, event: Event) {
let _ = self.0.send_event(event);
impl EventListener for EventProxy {
fn send_event(&self, event: TerminalEvent) {
let _ = self.0.send_event(Event::TerminalEvent(event));