mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 15:46:10 -05:00
Fix cut off full width glyphs in last column
This resolves the issue with full width glyphs getting rendered in the last column. Since they need at least two glyphs, it is not possible to properly render them in the last column. Instead of rendering half of the glyph in the last column, with the other half cut off, an additional spacer is now inserted before the wide glyph. This means that the specific glyph in question is then three cells wide. Fixes #2385.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 351 additions and 220 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
### Fixed
- Incorrect default config path in `--help` on Windows and macOS
- Semantic selection stopping at full-width glyphs
- Full-width glyphs cut off in last column
## 0.4.1
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ impl Url {
pub fn end(&self) -> Point {
self.lines[self.lines.len() - 1].end.sub(self.num_cols, self.end_offset as usize)
self.lines[self.lines.len() - 1].end.sub(self.num_cols, self.end_offset as usize, false)
@ -73,11 +73,6 @@ impl Urls {
// Update tracked URLs
pub fn update(&mut self, num_cols: usize, cell: RenderableCell) {
// Ignore double-width spacers to prevent reset
if cell.flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER) {
// Convert cell to character
let c = match cell.inner {
RenderableCellContent::Chars(chars) => chars[0],
@ -85,19 +80,27 @@ impl Urls {
let point: Point = cell.into();
let mut end = point;
let end = point;
// Reset URL when empty cells have been skipped
if point != Point::default() && Some(point.sub(num_cols, 1)) != self.last_point {
if point != Point::default() && Some(point.sub(num_cols, 1, false)) != self.last_point {
// Extend by one cell for double-width characters
if cell.flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR) {
end.col += 1;
self.last_point = Some(end);
// Extend current state if a wide char spacer is encountered
if cell.flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER) {
if let UrlLocation::Url(_, mut end_offset) = self.state {
if end_offset != 0 {
end_offset += 1;
self.last_point = Some(end);
self.extend_url(point, end, cell.fg, end_offset);
// Advance parser
let last_state = mem::replace(&mut self.state, self.locator.advance(c));
@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ use std::ops::{Deref, Index, IndexMut, Range, RangeFrom, RangeFull, RangeTo};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::index::{self, Column, IndexRange, Line, Point};
use crate::index::{Column, IndexRange, Line, Point};
use crate::selection::Selection;
use crate::term::cell::Flags;
mod row;
pub use self::row::Row;
@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ impl<T: PartialEq> ::std::cmp::PartialEq for Grid<T> {
pub trait GridCell {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
fn is_wrap(&self) -> bool;
fn set_wrap(&mut self, wrap: bool);
fn flags(&self) -> &Flags;
fn flags_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Flags;
/// Fast equality approximation.
@ -112,10 +113,10 @@ pub struct Grid<T> {
raw: Storage<T>,
/// Number of columns
cols: index::Column,
cols: Column,
/// Number of visible lines.
lines: index::Line,
lines: Line,
/// Offset of displayed area
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ pub enum Scroll {
impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
pub fn new(lines: index::Line, cols: index::Column, scrollback: usize, template: T) -> Grid<T> {
pub fn new(lines: Line, cols: Column, scrollback: usize, template: T) -> Grid<T> {
let raw = Storage::with_capacity(lines, Row::new(cols, &template));
Grid {
@ -213,8 +214,8 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
pub fn resize(
&mut self,
reflow: bool,
lines: index::Line,
cols: index::Column,
lines: Line,
cols: Column,
cursor_pos: &mut Point,
template: &T,
) {
@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
/// Alacritty keeps the cursor at the bottom of the terminal as long as there
/// is scrollback available. Once scrollback is exhausted, new lines are
/// simply added to the bottom of the screen.
fn grow_lines(&mut self, new_line_count: index::Line, template: &T) {
fn grow_lines(&mut self, new_line_count: Line, template: &T) {
let lines_added = new_line_count - self.lines;
// Need to "resize" before updating buffer
@ -276,34 +277,62 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
self.display_offset = self.display_offset.saturating_sub(*lines_added);
fn grow_cols(
&mut self,
reflow: bool,
cols: index::Column,
cursor_pos: &mut Point,
template: &T,
) {
// Grow number of columns in each row, reflowing if necessary
fn grow_cols(&mut self, reflow: bool, cols: Column, cursor_pos: &mut Point, template: &T) {
// Check if a row needs to be wrapped
let should_reflow = |row: &Row<T>| -> bool {
let len = Column(row.len());
reflow && len < cols && row[len - 1].flags().contains(Flags::WRAPLINE)
let mut new_empty_lines = 0;
let mut new_raw: Vec<Row<T>> = Vec::with_capacity(self.raw.len());
let mut reversed: Vec<Row<T>> = Vec::with_capacity(self.raw.len());
for (i, mut row) in self.raw.drain().enumerate().rev() {
if let Some(last_row) = new_raw.last_mut() {
// Grow the current line if there's wrapped content available
if reflow
&& last_row.len() < cols.0
&& last_row.last().map(GridCell::is_wrap) == Some(true)
// FIXME: Rust 1.39.0+ allows moving in pattern guard here
// Check if reflowing shoud be performed
let mut last_row = reversed.last_mut();
let last_row = match last_row {
Some(ref mut last_row) if should_reflow(last_row) => last_row,
_ => {
// Remove wrap flag before appending additional cells
if let Some(cell) = last_row.last_mut() {
// Remove leading spacers when reflowing wide char to the previous line
let last_len = last_row.len();
if last_len >= 2
&& !last_row[Column(last_len - 2)].flags().contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR)
&& last_row[Column(last_len - 1)].flags().contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
last_row.shrink(Column(last_len - 1));
// Append as many cells from the next line as possible
let len = min(row.len(), cols.0 - last_row.len());
let mut cells = row.front_split_off(len);
// Insert leading spacer when there's not enough room for reflowing wide char
let mut cells = if row[Column(len - 1)].flags().contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR) {
let mut cells = row.front_split_off(len - 1);
let mut spacer = *template;
} else {
last_row.append(&mut cells);
if row.is_empty() {
let raw_len = i + 1 + new_raw.len();
let raw_len = i + 1 + reversed.len();
if raw_len < self.lines.0 || self.scroll_limit == 0 {
// Add new line and move lines up if we can't pull from history
cursor_pos.line = Line(cursor_pos.line.saturating_sub(1));
@ -325,58 +354,96 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
} else if let Some(cell) = last_row.last_mut() {
// Set wrap flag if next line still has cells
// Add padding lines
new_raw.append(&mut vec![Row::new(cols, template); new_empty_lines]);
// Fill remaining cells and reverse iterator
let mut reversed = Vec::with_capacity(new_raw.len());
for mut row in new_raw.drain(..).rev() {
if row.len() < cols.0 {
row.grow(cols, template);
// Add padding lines
reversed.append(&mut vec![Row::new(cols, template); new_empty_lines]);
// Fill remaining cells and reverse iterator
let mut new_raw = Vec::with_capacity(reversed.len());
for mut row in reversed.drain(..).rev() {
if row.len() < cols.0 {
row.grow(cols, template);
self.cols = cols;
fn shrink_cols(&mut self, reflow: bool, cols: index::Column, template: &T) {
// Shrink number of columns in each row, reflowing if necessary
fn shrink_cols(&mut self, reflow: bool, cols: Column, template: &T) {
let mut new_raw = Vec::with_capacity(self.raw.len());
let mut buffered = None;
for (i, mut row) in self.raw.drain().enumerate().rev() {
// Append lines left over from previous row
if let Some(buffered) = buffered.take() {
let mut wrapped = row.shrink(cols);
loop {
// FIXME: Rust 1.39.0+ allows moving in pattern guard here
// Check if reflowing shoud be performed
let wrapped = row.shrink(cols);
let mut wrapped = match wrapped {
Some(_) if reflow => wrapped.unwrap(),
_ => {
while let (Some(mut wrapped_cells), true) = (wrapped.take(), reflow) {
// Set line as wrapped if cells got removed
if let Some(cell) = new_raw.last_mut().and_then(|r| r.last_mut()) {
// Insert spacer if a wide char would be wrapped into the last column
if row.len() >= cols.0 && row[cols - 1].flags().contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR) {
wrapped.insert(0, row[cols - 1]);
let mut spacer = *template;
row[cols - 1] = spacer;
if Some(true) == wrapped_cells.last().map(|c| c.is_wrap() && i >= 1)
&& wrapped_cells.len() < cols.0
// Remove wide char spacer before shrinking
let len = wrapped.len();
if (len == 1 || (len >= 2 && !wrapped[len - 2].flags().contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR)))
&& wrapped[len - 1].flags().contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
if len == 1 {
row[cols - 1].flags_mut().insert(Flags::WRAPLINE);
} else {
wrapped[len - 2].flags_mut().insert(Flags::WRAPLINE);
wrapped.truncate(len - 1);
// Set line as wrapped if cells got removed
if let Some(cell) = new_raw.last_mut().and_then(|r| r.last_mut()) {
if wrapped
.map(|c| c.flags().contains(Flags::WRAPLINE) && i >= 1)
&& wrapped.len() < cols.0
// Make sure previous wrap flag doesn't linger around
if let Some(cell) = wrapped_cells.last_mut() {
if let Some(cell) = wrapped.last_mut() {
// Add removed cells to start of next row
buffered = Some(wrapped_cells);
buffered = Some(wrapped);
} else {
// Make sure viewport doesn't move if line is outside of the visible area
if i < self.display_offset {
@ -384,17 +451,11 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
// Make sure new row is at least as long as new width
let occ = wrapped_cells.len();
let occ = wrapped.len();
if occ < cols.0 {
wrapped_cells.append(&mut vec![*template; cols.0 - occ]);
wrapped.append(&mut vec![*template; cols.0 - occ]);
let mut row = Row::from_vec(wrapped_cells, occ);
// Since inserted might exceed cols, we need to check it again
wrapped = row.shrink(cols);
// Add new row with all removed cells
row = Row::from_vec(wrapped, occ);
// Increase scrollback history
self.scroll_limit = min(self.scroll_limit + 1, self.max_scroll_limit);
@ -415,7 +476,7 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
/// of the terminal window.
/// Alacritty takes the same approach.
fn shrink_lines(&mut self, target: index::Line) {
fn shrink_lines(&mut self, target: Line) {
let prev = self.lines;
self.selection = None;
@ -429,19 +490,14 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
/// # Panics
/// This method will panic if `Line` is larger than the grid dimensions
pub fn line_to_offset(&self, line: index::Line) -> usize {
pub fn line_to_offset(&self, line: Line) -> usize {
assert!(line < self.num_lines());
*(self.num_lines() - line - 1)
pub fn scroll_down(
&mut self,
region: &Range<index::Line>,
positions: index::Line,
template: &T,
) {
pub fn scroll_down(&mut self, region: &Range<Line>, positions: Line, template: &T) {
// Whether or not there is a scrolling region active, as long as it
// starts at the top, we can do a full rotation which just involves
// changing the start index.
@ -482,7 +538,7 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
/// scroll_up moves lines at the bottom towards the top
/// This is the performance-sensitive part of scrolling.
pub fn scroll_up(&mut self, region: &Range<index::Line>, positions: index::Line, template: &T) {
pub fn scroll_up(&mut self, region: &Range<Line>, positions: Line, template: &T) {
if region.start == Line(0) {
// Update display offset when not pinned to active area
if self.display_offset != 0 {
@ -570,7 +626,7 @@ impl<T: GridCell + PartialEq + Copy> Grid<T> {
impl<T> Grid<T> {
pub fn num_lines(&self) -> index::Line {
pub fn num_lines(&self) -> Line {
@ -579,7 +635,7 @@ impl<T> Grid<T> {
pub fn num_cols(&self) -> index::Column {
pub fn num_cols(&self) -> Column {
@ -693,11 +749,11 @@ impl<'a, T> BidirectionalIterator for GridIterator<'a, T> {
/// Index active region by line
impl<T> Index<index::Line> for Grid<T> {
impl<T> Index<Line> for Grid<T> {
type Output = Row<T>;
fn index(&self, index: index::Line) -> &Row<T> {
fn index(&self, index: Line) -> &Row<T> {
@ -712,9 +768,9 @@ impl<T> Index<usize> for Grid<T> {
impl<T> IndexMut<index::Line> for Grid<T> {
impl<T> IndexMut<Line> for Grid<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: index::Line) -> &mut Row<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Line) -> &mut Row<T> {
&mut self.raw[index]
@ -330,17 +330,20 @@ mod test {
use crate::grid::storage::Storage;
use crate::grid::GridCell;
use crate::index::{Column, Line};
use crate::term::cell::Flags;
impl GridCell for char {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
*self == ' ' || *self == '\t'
fn is_wrap(&self) -> bool {
fn flags(&self) -> &Flags {
fn set_wrap(&mut self, _wrap: bool) {}
fn flags_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Flags {
fn fast_eq(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
self == &other
@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ impl GridCell for usize {
*self == 0
fn is_wrap(&self) -> bool {
fn flags(&self) -> &Flags {
fn set_wrap(&mut self, _wrap: bool) {}
fn flags_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Flags {
fn fast_eq(&self, other: Self) -> bool {
self == &other
@ -44,24 +44,32 @@ impl<L> Point<L> {
#[must_use = "this returns the result of the operation, without modifying the original"]
pub fn sub(mut self, num_cols: usize, length: usize) -> Point<L>
pub fn sub(mut self, num_cols: usize, length: usize, absolute_indexing: bool) -> Point<L>
L: Copy + Sub<usize, Output = L>,
L: Copy + Add<usize, Output = L> + Sub<usize, Output = L>,
let line_changes = f32::ceil(length.saturating_sub(self.col.0) as f32 / num_cols as f32);
if absolute_indexing {
self.line = self.line + line_changes as usize;
} else {
self.line = self.line - line_changes as usize;
self.col = Column((num_cols + self.col.0 - length % num_cols) % num_cols);
#[must_use = "this returns the result of the operation, without modifying the original"]
pub fn add(mut self, num_cols: usize, length: usize) -> Point<L>
pub fn add(mut self, num_cols: usize, length: usize, absolute_indexing: bool) -> Point<L>
L: Copy + Add<usize, Output = L>,
L: Copy + Add<usize, Output = L> + Sub<usize, Output = L>,
let line_changes = length.saturating_sub(self.col.0) / num_cols;
let line_changes = (length + self.col.0) / num_cols;
if absolute_indexing {
self.line = self.line - line_changes;
} else {
self.line = self.line + line_changes;
self.col = Column((self.col.0 + length) % num_cols);
@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ impl Selection {
// Clamp to visible region in grid/normal
let cols = term.dimensions().col;
let lines = term.dimensions().line.0 as isize;
let (start, end) = Selection::grid_clamp(start, end, lines, cols)?;
let num_cols = term.dimensions().col;
let num_lines = term.dimensions().line.0 as isize;
let (start, end) = Selection::grid_clamp(start, end, num_lines, num_cols)?;
let span = match *self {
Selection::Simple { ref region } => {
@ -214,16 +214,49 @@ impl Selection {
span.map(|mut span| {
let grid = term.grid();
if span.start.col < cols
&& grid[span.start.line][span.start.col].flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
// Helper for checking if cell at `point` contains `flag`
let flag_at = |point: Point<usize>, flag: Flags| -> bool {
// Include all double-width cells and placeholders at top left of selection
if span.start.col < num_cols {
// Expand from wide char spacer to wide char
if span.start.line + 1 != grid.len() || span.start.col.0 != 0 {
let prev = span.start.sub(num_cols.0, 1, true);
if flag_at(span.start, Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
&& flag_at(prev, Flags::WIDE_CHAR)
span.start.col = Column(span.start.col.saturating_sub(1));
span.start = prev;
if span.end.col.0 < cols.saturating_sub(1)
&& grid[span.end.line][span.end.col].flags.contains(Flags::WIDE_CHAR)
// Expand from wide char to wide char spacer for linewrapping
if span.start.line + 1 != grid.len() || span.start.col.0 != 0 {
let prev = span.start.sub(num_cols.0, 1, true);
if (prev.line + 1 != grid.len() || prev.col.0 != 0)
&& flag_at(prev, Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
&& !flag_at(prev.sub(num_cols.0, 1, true), Flags::WIDE_CHAR)
span.end.col += 1;
span.start = prev;
// Include all double-width cells and placeholders at bottom right of selection
if span.end.line != 0 || span.end.col < num_cols {
// Expand from wide char spacer for linewrapping to wide char
if (span.end.line + 1 != grid.len() || span.end.col.0 != 0)
&& flag_at(span.end, Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
&& !flag_at(span.end.sub(num_cols.0, 1, true), Flags::WIDE_CHAR)
span.end = span.end.add(num_cols.0, 1, true);
// Expand from wide char to wide char spacer
if flag_at(span.end, Flags::WIDE_CHAR) {
span.end = span.end.add(num_cols.0, 1, true);
@ -445,7 +478,7 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&term(1, 1)).unwrap(), Span {
start: location,
end: location,
is_block: false,
is_block: false
@ -463,7 +496,7 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&term(1, 1)).unwrap(), Span {
start: location,
end: location,
is_block: false,
is_block: false
@ -586,7 +619,7 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&term(5, 10)).unwrap(), Span {
start: Point::new(2, Column(4)),
end: Point::new(0, Column(4)),
is_block: true,
is_block: true
@ -67,23 +67,23 @@ impl GridCell for Cell {
&& self.extra[0] == ' '
&& self.bg == Color::Named(NamedColor::Background)
&& self.fg == Color::Named(NamedColor::Foreground)
&& !self
.intersects(Flags::INVERSE | Flags::UNDERLINE | Flags::STRIKEOUT | Flags::WRAPLINE)
&& !self.flags.intersects(
fn is_wrap(&self) -> bool {
fn flags(&self) -> &Flags {
fn set_wrap(&mut self, wrap: bool) {
if wrap {
} else {
fn flags_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Flags {
&mut self.flags
@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ impl<T> Search for Term<T> {
let last_col = self.grid.num_cols() - Column(1);
while let Some(cell) = iter.prev() {
if self.semantic_escape_chars.contains(cell.c) {
if !cell.flags.intersects(Flags::WIDE_CHAR | Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
&& self.semantic_escape_chars.contains(cell.c)
@ -91,7 +93,9 @@ impl<T> Search for Term<T> {
let last_col = self.grid.num_cols() - 1;
while let Some(cell) = iter.next() {
if self.semantic_escape_chars.contains(cell.c) {
if !cell.flags.intersects(Flags::WIDE_CHAR | Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER)
&& self.semantic_escape_chars.contains(cell.c)
@ -1181,6 +1185,42 @@ impl<T> Term<T> {
pub fn clipboard(&mut self) -> &mut Clipboard {
&mut self.clipboard
/// Insert a linebreak at the current cursor position.
fn wrapline(&mut self)
T: EventListener,
if !self.mode.contains(TermMode::LINE_WRAP) {
trace!("Wrapping input");
if (self.cursor.point.line + 1) >= self.scroll_region.end {
} else {
self.cursor.point.line += 1;
self.cursor.point.col = Column(0);
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
/// Write `c` to the cell at the cursor position.
fn write_at_cursor(&mut self, c: char) -> &mut Cell
T: EventListener,
let cell = &mut self.grid[&self.cursor.point];
*cell = self.cursor.template;
cell.c = self.cursor.charsets[self.active_charset].map(c);
impl<T> TermInfo for Term<T> {
@ -1195,7 +1235,7 @@ impl<T> TermInfo for Term<T> {
impl<T: EventListener> ansi::Handler for Term<T> {
impl<T: EventListener> Handler for Term<T> {
fn set_title(&mut self, title: &str) {
@ -1238,47 +1278,11 @@ impl<T: EventListener> ansi::Handler for Term<T> {
if self.input_needs_wrap {
if !self.mode.contains(TermMode::LINE_WRAP) {
trace!("Wrapping input");
let location = Point { line: self.cursor.point.line, col: self.cursor.point.col };
let cell = &mut self.grid[&location];
if (self.cursor.point.line + 1) >= self.scroll_region.end {
} else {
self.cursor.point.line += 1;
self.cursor.point.col = Column(0);
self.input_needs_wrap = false;
// Number of cells the char will occupy
if let Some(width) = c.width() {
let num_cols = self.grid.num_cols();
// If in insert mode, first shift cells to the right.
if self.mode.contains(TermMode::INSERT) && self.cursor.point.col + width < num_cols {
let line = self.cursor.point.line;
let col = self.cursor.point.col;
let line = &mut self.grid[line];
let src = line[col..].as_ptr();
let dst = line[(col + width)..].as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
// memmove
ptr::copy(src, dst, (num_cols - col - width).0);
let width = match c.width() {
Some(width) => width,
None => return,
// Handle zero-width characters
if width == 0 {
@ -1291,25 +1295,45 @@ impl<T: EventListener> ansi::Handler for Term<T> {
let cell = &mut self.grid[&self.cursor.point];
*cell = self.cursor.template;
cell.c = self.cursor.charsets[self.active_charset].map(c);
// Move cursor to next line
if self.input_needs_wrap {
// Handle wide chars
if width == 2 {
let num_cols = self.grid.num_cols();
// If in insert mode, first shift cells to the right
if self.mode.contains(TermMode::INSERT) && self.cursor.point.col + width < num_cols {
let line = self.cursor.point.line;
let col = self.cursor.point.col;
let line = &mut self.grid[line];
let src = line[col..].as_ptr();
let dst = line[(col + width)..].as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
ptr::copy(src, dst, (num_cols - col - width).0);
if width == 1 {
} else {
// Insert extra placeholder before wide char if glyph doesn't fit in this row anymore
if self.cursor.point.col + 1 >= num_cols {
self.write_at_cursor(' ').flags.insert(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER);
// Write full width glyph to current cursor cell
// Write spacer to cell following the wide glyph
self.cursor.point.col += 1;
self.write_at_cursor(' ').flags.insert(Flags::WIDE_CHAR_SPACER);
if self.cursor.point.col + 1 < num_cols {
self.cursor.point.col += 1;
let spacer = &mut self.grid[&self.cursor.point];
*spacer = self.cursor.template;
if (self.cursor.point.col + 1) < self.grid.num_cols() {
self.cursor.point.col += 1;
} else {
self.input_needs_wrap = true;
Add table
Reference in a new issue