#!/bin/bash # All files which should be added only if they changed aux_files=("extra/completions/alacritty.bash" "extra/completions/alacritty.fish" "extra/completions/_alacritty" "extra/linux/Alacritty.desktop" "extra/alacritty.info" "alacritty.yml") # Output binary name name="Alacritty-${TRAVIS_TAG}" # Everything in this directory will be offered as download for the release mkdir "./target/deploy" function windows { choco install 7zip nuget.commandline nuget install WiX # Create zip archive 7z a -tzip "./target/deploy/${name}-windows-portable.zip" "./target/release/alacritty.exe" \ "./target/release/winpty-agent.exe" # Create msi installer ./WiX.*/tools/candle.exe -nologo -arch "x64" -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -out \ "target/alacritty.wixobj" "extra/windows/wix/alacritty.wxs" ./WiX.*/tools/light.exe -nologo -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -out \ "target/installer.msi" -sice:ICE61 -sice:ICE91 "target/alacritty.wixobj" mv "target/installer.msi" "target/deploy/${name}-windows-installer.msi" } function osx { rm -rf "./target/release" \ && make dmg \ && mv "./target/release/osx/Alacritty.dmg" "./target/deploy/${name}.dmg" } if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then osx || exit elif [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "windows" ]; then windows fi # Convert and add manpage if it changed gzip -c "./extra/alacritty.man" > "./target/deploy/alacritty.1.gz" || exit # Rename Alacritty logo to match .desktop file cp "./extra/logo/alacritty-term.svg" "./target/deploy/Alacritty.svg" || exit # Offer various other files for file in "${aux_files[@]}"; do cp $file "./target/deploy/" || exit done