//! Alacritty - The GPU Enhanced Terminal. #![deny(clippy::all, clippy::if_not_else, clippy::enum_glob_use, clippy::wrong_pub_self_convention)] #![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(core_intrinsics))] #![cfg_attr(all(test, feature = "bench"), feature(test))] // With the default subsystem, 'console', windows creates an additional console // window for the program. // This is silently ignored on non-windows systems. // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4cc7ya5b.aspx for more details. #![windows_subsystem = "windows"] #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] use std::env; use std::error::Error; use std::fs; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::sync::Arc; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] use dirs; use glutin::event_loop::EventLoop as GlutinEventLoop; use log::{error, info}; #[cfg(windows)] use winapi::um::wincon::{AttachConsole, FreeConsole, ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS}; use alacritty_terminal::clipboard::Clipboard; use alacritty_terminal::event::Event; use alacritty_terminal::event_loop::{self, EventLoop, Msg}; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] use alacritty_terminal::locale; use alacritty_terminal::message_bar::MessageBuffer; use alacritty_terminal::panic; use alacritty_terminal::sync::FairMutex; use alacritty_terminal::term::Term; use alacritty_terminal::tty; mod cli; mod config; mod cursor; mod display; mod event; mod input; mod logging; mod renderer; mod url; mod window; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))] mod wayland_theme; mod gl { #![allow(clippy::all)] include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/gl_bindings.rs")); } use crate::cli::Options; use crate::config::monitor::Monitor; use crate::config::Config; use crate::display::Display; use crate::event::{EventProxy, Processor}; fn main() { panic::attach_handler(); // When linked with the windows subsystem windows won't automatically attach // to the console of the parent process, so we do it explicitly. This fails // silently if the parent has no console. #[cfg(windows)] unsafe { AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS); } // Load command line options. let options = Options::new(); // Setup glutin event loop. let window_event_loop = GlutinEventLoop::::with_user_event(); // Initialize the logger as soon as possible as to capture output from other subsystems. let log_file = logging::initialize(&options, window_event_loop.create_proxy()) .expect("Unable to initialize logger"); // Load configuration file. let config_path = options.config_path().or_else(config::installed_config); let config = config_path.map(config::load_from).unwrap_or_else(Config::default); let config = options.into_config(config); // Update the log level from config. log::set_max_level(config.debug.log_level); // Switch to home directory. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] env::set_current_dir(dirs::home_dir().unwrap()).unwrap(); // Set locale. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] locale::set_locale_environment(); // Store if log file should be deleted before moving config. let persistent_logging = config.persistent_logging(); // Run Alacritty. if let Err(err) = run(window_event_loop, config) { error!("Alacritty encountered an unrecoverable error:\n\n\t{}\n", err); std::process::exit(1); } // Clean up logfile. if let Some(log_file) = log_file { if !persistent_logging && fs::remove_file(&log_file).is_ok() { let _ = writeln!(io::stdout(), "Deleted log file at \"{}\"", log_file.display()); } } } /// Run Alacritty. /// /// Creates a window, the terminal state, PTY, I/O event loop, input processor, /// config change monitor, and runs the main display loop. fn run(window_event_loop: GlutinEventLoop, config: Config) -> Result<(), Box> { info!("Welcome to Alacritty"); match &config.config_path { Some(config_path) => info!("Configuration loaded from \"{}\"", config_path.display()), None => info!("No configuration file found"), } // Set environment variables. tty::setup_env(&config); let event_proxy = EventProxy::new(window_event_loop.create_proxy()); // Create a display. // // The display manages a window and can draw the terminal. let display = Display::new(&config, &window_event_loop)?; info!("PTY dimensions: {:?} x {:?}", display.size_info.lines(), display.size_info.cols()); // Create new native clipboard. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))] let clipboard = Clipboard::new(display.window.wayland_display()); #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", windows))] let clipboard = Clipboard::new(); // Create the terminal. // // This object contains all of the state about what's being displayed. It's // wrapped in a clonable mutex since both the I/O loop and display need to // access it. let terminal = Term::new(&config, &display.size_info, clipboard, event_proxy.clone()); let terminal = Arc::new(FairMutex::new(terminal)); // Create the PTY. // // The PTY forks a process to run the shell on the slave side of the // pseudoterminal. A file descriptor for the master side is retained for // reading/writing to the shell. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))] let pty = tty::new(&config, &display.size_info, display.window.x11_window_id()); #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", windows))] let pty = tty::new(&config, &display.size_info, None); // Create the pseudoterminal I/O loop. // // PTY I/O is ran on another thread as to not occupy cycles used by the // renderer and input processing. Note that access to the terminal state is // synchronized since the I/O loop updates the state, and the display // consumes it periodically. let event_loop = EventLoop::new(Arc::clone(&terminal), event_proxy.clone(), pty, &config); // The event loop channel allows write requests from the event processor // to be sent to the pty loop and ultimately written to the pty. let loop_tx = event_loop.channel(); // Create a config monitor when config was loaded from path. // // The monitor watches the config file for changes and reloads it. Pending // config changes are processed in the main loop. if config.live_config_reload() { config.config_path.as_ref().map(|path| Monitor::new(path, event_proxy.clone())); } // Setup storage for message UI. let message_buffer = MessageBuffer::new(); // Event processor. let mut processor = Processor::new(event_loop::Notifier(loop_tx.clone()), message_buffer, config, display); // Kick off the I/O thread. let io_thread = event_loop.spawn(); info!("Initialisation complete"); // Start event loop and block until shutdown. processor.run(terminal, window_event_loop); // This explicit drop is needed for Windows, ConPTY backend. Otherwise a deadlock can occur. // The cause: // - Drop for ConPTY will deadlock if the conout pipe has already been dropped. // - The conout pipe is dropped when the io_thread is joined below (io_thread owns PTY). // - ConPTY is dropped when the last of processor and io_thread are dropped, because both of // them own an Arc. // // The fix is to ensure that processor is dropped first. That way, when io_thread (i.e. PTY) // is dropped, it can ensure ConPTY is dropped before the conout pipe in the PTY drop order. // // FIXME: Change PTY API to enforce the correct drop order with the typesystem. drop(processor); // Shutdown PTY parser event loop. loop_tx.send(Msg::Shutdown).expect("Error sending shutdown to PTY event loop"); io_thread.join().expect("join io thread"); // FIXME patch notify library to have a shutdown method. // config_reloader.join().ok(); // Without explicitly detaching the console cmd won't redraw it's prompt. #[cfg(windows)] unsafe { FreeConsole(); } info!("Goodbye"); Ok(()) }