use std::cmp::max; use std::path::PathBuf; use clap::{crate_authors, crate_description, crate_name, crate_version, App, Arg}; use log::{self, error, LevelFilter}; use serde_yaml::Value; use alacritty_terminal::config::Program; use crate::config::serde_utils; use crate::config::window::DEFAULT_NAME; use crate::config::Config; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))] const CONFIG_PATH: &str = "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.yml"; #[cfg(windows)] const CONFIG_PATH: &str = "%APPDATA%\\alacritty\\alacritty.yml"; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] const CONFIG_PATH: &str = "$HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml"; /// Options specified on the command line. pub struct Options { pub print_events: bool, pub ref_test: bool, pub title: Option, pub class_instance: Option, pub class_general: Option, pub embed: Option, pub log_level: LevelFilter, pub command: Option, pub hold: bool, pub working_directory: Option, pub config_path: Option, pub config_options: Value, } impl Default for Options { fn default() -> Options { Options { print_events: false, ref_test: false, title: None, class_instance: None, class_general: None, embed: None, log_level: LevelFilter::Warn, command: None, hold: false, working_directory: None, config_path: None, config_options: Value::Null, } } } impl Options { /// Build `Options` from command line arguments. pub fn new() -> Self { let mut version = crate_version!().to_owned(); let commit_hash = env!("GIT_HASH"); if !commit_hash.is_empty() { version = format!("{} ({})", version, commit_hash); } let mut options = Options::default(); let matches = App::new(crate_name!()) .version(version.as_str()) .author(crate_authors!("\n")) .about(crate_description!()) .arg(Arg::with_name("ref-test").long("ref-test").help("Generates ref test")) .arg( Arg::with_name("print-events") .long("print-events") .help("Print all events to stdout"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("title") .long("title") .short("t") .takes_value(true) .help(&format!("Defines the window title [default: {}]", DEFAULT_NAME)), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("class") .long("class") .value_name("instance> | , (), 1 => options.log_level = LevelFilter::Error, _ => options.log_level = LevelFilter::Off, } match matches.occurrences_of("v") { 0 if !options.print_events => options.log_level = LevelFilter::Warn, 0 | 1 => options.log_level = LevelFilter::Info, 2 => options.log_level = LevelFilter::Debug, _ => options.log_level = LevelFilter::Trace, } if let Some(dir) = matches.value_of("working-directory") { options.working_directory = Some(PathBuf::from(dir.to_string())); } if let Some(path) = matches.value_of("config-file") { options.config_path = Some(PathBuf::from(path.to_string())); } if let Some(mut args) = matches.values_of("command") { // The following unwrap is guaranteed to succeed. // If `command` exists it must also have a first item since // `Arg::min_values(1)` is set. let program = String::from(; let args =; options.command = Some(Program::WithArgs { program, args }); } if matches.is_present("hold") { options.hold = true; } if let Some(config_options) = matches.values_of("option") { for option in config_options { match option_as_value(option) { Ok(value) => { options.config_options = serde_utils::merge(options.config_options, value); }, Err(_) => eprintln!("Invalid CLI config option: {:?}", option), } } } options } /// Configuration file path. pub fn config_path(&self) -> Option { self.config_path.clone() } /// CLI config options as deserializable serde value. pub fn config_options(&self) -> &Value { &self.config_options } /// Override configuration file with options from the CLI. pub fn override_config(&self, config: &mut Config) { if let Some(working_directory) = &self.working_directory { if working_directory.is_dir() { config.working_directory = Some(working_directory.to_owned()); } else { error!("Invalid working directory: {:?}", working_directory); } } if let Some(command) = &self.command { = Some(command.clone()); } config.hold = self.hold; if let Some(title) = self.title.clone() { config.ui_config.window.title = title } if let Some(class_instance) = self.class_instance.clone() { config.ui_config.window.class.instance = class_instance; } if let Some(class_general) = self.class_general.clone() { config.ui_config.window.class.general = class_general; } config.ui_config.window.dynamic_title &= self.title.is_none(); config.ui_config.window.embed = self.embed.as_ref().and_then(|embed| embed.parse().ok()); config.ui_config.debug.print_events |= self.print_events; config.ui_config.debug.log_level = max(config.ui_config.debug.log_level, self.log_level); config.ui_config.debug.ref_test |= self.ref_test; if config.ui_config.debug.print_events { config.ui_config.debug.log_level = max(config.ui_config.debug.log_level, LevelFilter::Info); } } } /// Format an option in the format of `parent.field=value` to a serde Value. fn option_as_value(option: &str) -> Result { let mut yaml_text = String::with_capacity(option.len()); let mut closing_brackets = String::new(); for (i, c) in option.chars().enumerate() { match c { '=' => { yaml_text.push_str(": "); yaml_text.push_str(&option[i + 1..]); break; }, '.' => { yaml_text.push_str(": {"); closing_brackets.push('}'); }, _ => yaml_text.push(c), } } yaml_text += &closing_brackets; serde_yaml::from_str(&yaml_text) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use serde_yaml::mapping::Mapping; #[test] fn dynamic_title_ignoring_options_by_default() { let mut config = Config::default(); let old_dynamic_title = config.ui_config.window.dynamic_title; Options::default().override_config(&mut config); assert_eq!(old_dynamic_title, config.ui_config.window.dynamic_title); } #[test] fn dynamic_title_overridden_by_options() { let mut config = Config::default(); let options = Options { title: Some("foo".to_owned()), ..Options::default() }; options.override_config(&mut config); assert!(!config.ui_config.window.dynamic_title); } #[test] fn dynamic_title_not_overridden_by_config() { let mut config = Config::default(); config.ui_config.window.title = "foo".to_owned(); Options::default().override_config(&mut config); assert!(config.ui_config.window.dynamic_title); } #[test] fn valid_option_as_value() { // Test with a single field. let value = option_as_value("field=true").unwrap(); let mut mapping = Mapping::new(); mapping.insert(Value::String(String::from("field")), Value::Bool(true)); assert_eq!(value, Value::Mapping(mapping)); // Test with nested fields let value = option_as_value("parent.field=true").unwrap(); let mut parent_mapping = Mapping::new(); parent_mapping.insert(Value::String(String::from("field")), Value::Bool(true)); let mut mapping = Mapping::new(); mapping.insert(Value::String(String::from("parent")), Value::Mapping(parent_mapping)); assert_eq!(value, Value::Mapping(mapping)); } #[test] fn invalid_option_as_value() { let value = option_as_value("}"); assert!(value.is_err()); } #[test] fn float_option_as_value() { let value = option_as_value("float=3.4").unwrap(); let mut expected = Mapping::new(); expected.insert(Value::String(String::from("float")), Value::Number(3.4.into())); assert_eq!(value, Value::Mapping(expected)); } }