#[cfg(any(not(unix), target_os = "macos", target_os = "android", target_os = "emscripten"))] fn main() { unimplemented!() } #[cfg(all(unix, not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "android", target_os = "emscripten"))))] fn main() { wayland::main(); } #[cfg(all(unix, not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "android", target_os = "emscripten"))))] mod wayland { extern crate andrew; extern crate copypasta; extern crate smithay_client_toolkit as sctk; use wayland::copypasta::wayland_clipboard::create_clipboards; use wayland::copypasta::ClipboardProvider; use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write}; use std::sync::{atomic, Arc, Mutex}; use wayland::sctk::keyboard::{map_keyboard_auto, Event as KbEvent, KeyState}; use wayland::sctk::utils::{DoubleMemPool, MemPool}; use wayland::sctk::window::{ConceptFrame, Event as WEvent, Window}; use wayland::sctk::Environment; use wayland::sctk::reexports::client::protocol::{wl_shm, wl_surface}; use wayland::sctk::reexports::client::{Display, NewProxy}; use wayland::andrew::shapes::rectangle; use wayland::andrew::text; use wayland::andrew::text::fontconfig; pub fn main() { let (display, mut event_queue) = Display::connect_to_env().expect("Failed to connect to the wayland server."); let env = Environment::from_display(&*display, &mut event_queue).unwrap(); let (mut ctx, _) = create_clipboards(&display); let cb_contents = Arc::new(Mutex::new(String::new())); let seat = env.manager.instantiate_range(2, 6, NewProxy::implement_dummy).unwrap(); let need_redraw = Arc::new(atomic::AtomicBool::new(false)); let need_redraw_clone = need_redraw.clone(); let cb_contents_clone = cb_contents.clone(); map_keyboard_auto(&seat, move |event: KbEvent, _| { if let KbEvent::Key { state: KeyState::Pressed, utf8: Some(text), .. } = event { if text == " " { *cb_contents_clone.lock().unwrap() = ctx.get_contents().unwrap(); need_redraw_clone.store(true, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) } else if text == "s" { ctx.set_contents( "This is an example text thats been copied to the wayland clipboard :)" .to_string(), ) .unwrap(); } else if text == "t" { ctx.set_contents("Alternative text :)".to_string()).unwrap(); } } }) .unwrap(); let mut dimensions = (320u32, 240u32); let surface = env.compositor.create_surface(NewProxy::implement_dummy).unwrap(); let next_action = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None::)); let waction = next_action.clone(); let mut window = Window::::init_from_env(&env, surface, dimensions, move |evt| { let mut next_action = waction.lock().unwrap(); // Keep last event in priority order : Close > Configure > Refresh let replace = match (&evt, &*next_action) { (_, &None) | (_, &Some(WEvent::Refresh)) | (&WEvent::Configure { .. }, &Some(WEvent::Configure { .. })) | (&WEvent::Close, _) => true, _ => false, }; if replace { *next_action = Some(evt); } }) .expect("Failed to create a window !"); window.new_seat(&seat); window.set_title("Clipboard".to_string()); let mut pools = DoubleMemPool::new(&env.shm, || {}).expect("Failed to create a memory pool !"); let mut font_data = Vec::new(); std::fs::File::open( &fontconfig::FontConfig::new().unwrap().get_regular_family_fonts("sans").unwrap()[0], ) .unwrap() .read_to_end(&mut font_data) .unwrap(); if !env.shell.needs_configure() { // initial draw to bootstrap on wl_shell if let Some(pool) = pools.pool() { redraw(pool, window.surface(), dimensions, &font_data, "".to_string()); } window.refresh(); } loop { match next_action.lock().unwrap().take() { Some(WEvent::Close) => break, Some(WEvent::Refresh) => { window.refresh(); window.surface().commit(); }, Some(WEvent::Configure { new_size, .. }) => { if let Some((w, h)) = new_size { window.resize(w, h); dimensions = (w, h) } window.refresh(); if let Some(pool) = pools.pool() { redraw( pool, window.surface(), dimensions, &font_data, cb_contents.lock().unwrap().clone(), ); } }, None => {}, } if need_redraw.swap(false, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) { if let Some(pool) = pools.pool() { redraw( pool, window.surface(), dimensions, &font_data, cb_contents.lock().unwrap().clone(), ); } window.surface().damage_buffer(0, 0, dimensions.0 as i32, dimensions.1 as i32); window.surface().commit(); } event_queue.dispatch().unwrap(); } } fn redraw( pool: &mut MemPool, surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, dimensions: (u32, u32), font_data: &[u8], cb_contents: String, ) { let (buf_x, buf_y) = (dimensions.0 as usize, dimensions.1 as usize); pool.resize(4 * buf_x * buf_y).expect("Failed to resize the memory pool."); let mut buf = vec![0; 4 * buf_x * buf_y]; let mut canvas = andrew::Canvas::new(&mut buf, buf_x, buf_y, 4 * buf_x, andrew::Endian::native()); let bg = rectangle::Rectangle::new((0, 0), (buf_x, buf_y), None, Some([255, 170, 20, 45])); canvas.draw(&bg); let text_box = rectangle::Rectangle::new( (buf_x / 30, buf_y / 35), (buf_x - 2 * (buf_x / 30), (buf_x as f32 / 14.) as usize), Some((3, [255, 255, 255, 255], rectangle::Sides::ALL, Some(4))), None, ); canvas.draw(&text_box); let helper_text = text::Text::new( (buf_x / 25, buf_y / 30), [255, 255, 255, 255], font_data, buf_x as f32 / 40., 2.0, "Press space to draw clipboard contents", ); canvas.draw(&helper_text); let helper_text = text::Text::new( (buf_x / 25, buf_y / 15), [255, 255, 255, 255], font_data, buf_x as f32 / 40., 2.0, "Press 's' to store example text to clipboard", ); canvas.draw(&helper_text); for i in (0..cb_contents.len()).step_by(36) { let content = if cb_contents.len() < i + 36 { cb_contents[i..].to_string() } else { cb_contents[i..i + 36].to_string() }; let text = text::Text::new( (buf_x / 10, buf_y / 8 + (i as f32 * buf_y as f32 / 1000.) as usize), [255, 255, 255, 255], font_data, buf_x as f32 / 40., 2.0, content, ); canvas.draw(&text); } pool.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).unwrap(); pool.write_all(canvas.buffer).unwrap(); pool.flush().unwrap(); let new_buffer = pool.buffer(0, buf_x as i32, buf_y as i32, 4 * buf_x as i32, wl_shm::Format::Argb8888); surface.attach(Some(&new_buffer), 0, 0); surface.commit(); } }