//! Terminal window context. use std::error::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::mem; #[cfg(not(windows))] use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd}; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))] use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::sync::Arc; use crossfont::Size; use glutin::event::{Event as GlutinEvent, ModifiersState, WindowEvent}; use glutin::event_loop::{EventLoopProxy, EventLoopWindowTarget}; use glutin::window::WindowId; use log::info; use serde_json as json; #[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))] use wayland_client::EventQueue; use alacritty_terminal::event::Event as TerminalEvent; use alacritty_terminal::event_loop::{EventLoop as PtyEventLoop, Msg, Notifier}; use alacritty_terminal::grid::{Dimensions, Scroll}; use alacritty_terminal::index::Direction; use alacritty_terminal::sync::FairMutex; use alacritty_terminal::term::{Term, TermMode}; use alacritty_terminal::tty; use crate::cli::WindowOptions; use crate::clipboard::Clipboard; use crate::config::UiConfig; use crate::display::Display; use crate::event::{ActionContext, Event, EventProxy, EventType, Mouse, SearchState}; use crate::input; use crate::message_bar::MessageBuffer; use crate::scheduler::Scheduler; /// Event context for one individual Alacritty window. pub struct WindowContext { pub message_buffer: MessageBuffer, pub display: Display, event_queue: Vec>, terminal: Arc>>, modifiers: ModifiersState, search_state: SearchState, received_count: usize, suppress_chars: bool, notifier: Notifier, font_size: Size, mouse: Mouse, dirty: bool, preserve_title: bool, #[cfg(not(windows))] master_fd: RawFd, #[cfg(not(windows))] shell_pid: u32, } impl WindowContext { /// Create a new terminal window context. pub fn new( config: &UiConfig, options: &WindowOptions, window_event_loop: &EventLoopWindowTarget, proxy: EventLoopProxy, #[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))] wayland_event_queue: Option<&EventQueue>, ) -> Result> { let mut pty_config = config.terminal_config.pty_config.clone(); options.terminal_options.override_pty_config(&mut pty_config); let mut identity = config.window.identity.clone(); let preserve_title = options.window_identity.title.is_some(); options.window_identity.override_identity_config(&mut identity); // Create a display. // // The display manages a window and can draw the terminal. let display = Display::new( config, window_event_loop, &identity, #[cfg(all(feature = "wayland", not(any(target_os = "macos", windows))))] wayland_event_queue, )?; info!( "PTY dimensions: {:?} x {:?}", display.size_info.screen_lines(), display.size_info.columns() ); let event_proxy = EventProxy::new(proxy, display.window.id()); // Create the terminal. // // This object contains all of the state about what's being displayed. It's // wrapped in a clonable mutex since both the I/O loop and display need to // access it. let terminal = Term::new(&config.terminal_config, display.size_info, event_proxy.clone()); let terminal = Arc::new(FairMutex::new(terminal)); // Create the PTY. // // The PTY forks a process to run the shell on the slave side of the // pseudoterminal. A file descriptor for the master side is retained for // reading/writing to the shell. let pty = tty::new(&pty_config, &display.size_info, display.window.x11_window_id())?; #[cfg(not(windows))] let master_fd = pty.file().as_raw_fd(); #[cfg(not(windows))] let shell_pid = pty.child().id(); // Create the pseudoterminal I/O loop. // // PTY I/O is ran on another thread as to not occupy cycles used by the // renderer and input processing. Note that access to the terminal state is // synchronized since the I/O loop updates the state, and the display // consumes it periodically. let event_loop = PtyEventLoop::new( Arc::clone(&terminal), event_proxy.clone(), pty, pty_config.hold, config.debug.ref_test, ); // The event loop channel allows write requests from the event processor // to be sent to the pty loop and ultimately written to the pty. let loop_tx = event_loop.channel(); // Kick off the I/O thread. let _io_thread = event_loop.spawn(); // Start cursor blinking, in case `Focused` isn't sent on startup. if config.terminal_config.cursor.style().blinking { event_proxy.send_event(TerminalEvent::CursorBlinkingChange.into()); } // Create context for the Alacritty window. Ok(WindowContext { font_size: config.font.size(), notifier: Notifier(loop_tx), terminal, display, preserve_title, #[cfg(not(windows))] master_fd, #[cfg(not(windows))] shell_pid, suppress_chars: Default::default(), message_buffer: Default::default(), received_count: Default::default(), search_state: Default::default(), event_queue: Default::default(), modifiers: Default::default(), mouse: Default::default(), dirty: Default::default(), }) } /// Update the terminal window to the latest config. pub fn update_config(&mut self, old_config: &UiConfig, config: &UiConfig) { self.display.update_config(config); self.terminal.lock().update_config(&config.terminal_config); // Reload cursor if its thickness has changed. if (old_config.terminal_config.cursor.thickness() - config.terminal_config.cursor.thickness()) .abs() > f32::EPSILON { self.display.pending_update.set_cursor_dirty(); } if old_config.font != config.font { // Do not update font size if it has been changed at runtime. if self.font_size == old_config.font.size() { self.font_size = config.font.size(); } let font = config.font.clone().with_size(self.font_size); self.display.pending_update.set_font(font); } // Update display if padding options were changed. let window_config = &old_config.window; if window_config.padding(1.) != config.window.padding(1.) || window_config.dynamic_padding != config.window.dynamic_padding { self.display.pending_update.dirty = true; } // Update title on config reload according to the following table. // // │cli │ dynamic_title │ current_title == old_config ││ set_title │ // │ Y │ _ │ _ ││ N │ // │ N │ Y │ Y ││ Y │ // │ N │ Y │ N ││ N │ // │ N │ N │ _ ││ Y │ if !self.preserve_title && (!config.window.dynamic_title || self.display.window.title() == old_config.window.identity.title) { self.display.window.set_title(config.window.identity.title.clone()); } // Set subpixel anti-aliasing. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] crossfont::set_font_smoothing(config.font.use_thin_strokes); // Disable shadows for transparent windows on macOS. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] self.display.window.set_has_shadow(config.window_opacity() >= 1.0); // Update hint keys. self.display.hint_state.update_alphabet(config.hints.alphabet()); // Update cursor blinking. let event = Event::new(TerminalEvent::CursorBlinkingChange.into(), None); self.event_queue.push(event.into()); self.dirty = true; } /// Process events for this terminal window. pub fn handle_event( &mut self, event_loop: &EventLoopWindowTarget, event_proxy: &EventLoopProxy, config: &mut UiConfig, clipboard: &mut Clipboard, scheduler: &mut Scheduler, event: GlutinEvent<'_, Event>, ) { match event { // Skip further event handling with no staged updates. GlutinEvent::RedrawEventsCleared if self.event_queue.is_empty() && !self.dirty => { return; }, // Continue to process all pending events. GlutinEvent::RedrawEventsCleared => (), // Remap DPR change event to remove the lifetime. GlutinEvent::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { scale_factor, new_inner_size }, window_id, } => { let size = (new_inner_size.width, new_inner_size.height); let event = Event::new(EventType::DprChanged(scale_factor, size), window_id); self.event_queue.push(event.into()); return; }, // Transmute to extend lifetime, which exists only for `ScaleFactorChanged` event. // Since we remap that event to remove the lifetime, this is safe. event => unsafe { self.event_queue.push(mem::transmute(event)); return; }, } let mut terminal = self.terminal.lock(); let old_is_searching = self.search_state.history_index.is_some(); let context = ActionContext { message_buffer: &mut self.message_buffer, received_count: &mut self.received_count, suppress_chars: &mut self.suppress_chars, search_state: &mut self.search_state, modifiers: &mut self.modifiers, font_size: &mut self.font_size, notifier: &mut self.notifier, display: &mut self.display, mouse: &mut self.mouse, dirty: &mut self.dirty, terminal: &mut terminal, #[cfg(not(windows))] master_fd: self.master_fd, #[cfg(not(windows))] shell_pid: self.shell_pid, preserve_title: self.preserve_title, event_proxy, event_loop, clipboard, scheduler, config, }; let mut processor = input::Processor::new(context); for event in self.event_queue.drain(..) { processor.handle_event(event); } // Process DisplayUpdate events. if self.display.pending_update.dirty { Self::submit_display_update( &mut terminal, &mut self.display, &mut self.notifier, &self.message_buffer, &self.search_state, old_is_searching, config, ); } if self.dirty || self.mouse.hint_highlight_dirty { self.dirty |= self.display.update_highlighted_hints( &terminal, config, &self.mouse, self.modifiers, ); self.mouse.hint_highlight_dirty = false; } // Skip rendering on Wayland until we get frame event from compositor. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))] if !self.display.is_x11 && !self.display.window.should_draw.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return; } if self.dirty { self.dirty = false; // Request immediate re-draw if visual bell animation is not finished yet. if !self.display.visual_bell.completed() { self.display.window.request_redraw(); } // Redraw screen. self.display.draw(terminal, &self.message_buffer, config, &self.search_state); } } /// ID of this terminal context. pub fn id(&self) -> WindowId { self.display.window.id() } /// Write the ref test results to the disk. pub fn write_ref_test_results(&self) { // Dump grid state. let mut grid = self.terminal.lock().grid().clone(); grid.initialize_all(); grid.truncate(); let serialized_grid = json::to_string(&grid).expect("serialize grid"); let serialized_size = json::to_string(&self.display.size_info).expect("serialize size"); let serialized_config = format!("{{\"history_size\":{}}}", grid.history_size()); File::create("./grid.json") .and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(serialized_grid.as_bytes())) .expect("write grid.json"); File::create("./size.json") .and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(serialized_size.as_bytes())) .expect("write size.json"); File::create("./config.json") .and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(serialized_config.as_bytes())) .expect("write config.json"); } /// Submit the pending changes to the `Display`. fn submit_display_update( terminal: &mut Term, display: &mut Display, notifier: &mut Notifier, message_buffer: &MessageBuffer, search_state: &SearchState, old_is_searching: bool, config: &UiConfig, ) { // Compute cursor positions before resize. let num_lines = terminal.screen_lines(); let cursor_at_bottom = terminal.grid().cursor.point.line + 1 == num_lines; let origin_at_bottom = if terminal.mode().contains(TermMode::VI) { terminal.vi_mode_cursor.point.line == num_lines - 1 } else { search_state.direction == Direction::Left }; display.handle_update( terminal, notifier, message_buffer, search_state.history_index.is_some(), config, ); let new_is_searching = search_state.history_index.is_some(); if !old_is_searching && new_is_searching { // Scroll on search start to make sure origin is visible with minimal viewport motion. let display_offset = terminal.grid().display_offset(); if display_offset == 0 && cursor_at_bottom && !origin_at_bottom { terminal.scroll_display(Scroll::Delta(1)); } else if display_offset != 0 && origin_at_bottom { terminal.scroll_display(Scroll::Delta(-1)); } } } } impl Drop for WindowContext { fn drop(&mut self) { // Shutdown the terminal's PTY. let _ = self.notifier.0.send(Msg::Shutdown); } }