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// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! State management for a selection in the grid
//! A selection should start when the mouse is clicked, and it should be
//! finalized when the button is released. The selection should be cleared
//! when text is added/removed/scrolled on the screen. The selection should
//! also be cleared if the user clicks off of the selection.
use std::cmp::{min, max};
use std::ops::Range;
use crate::index::{Point, Column, Side};
use crate::term::Search;
/// Describes a region of a 2-dimensional area
/// Used to track a text selection. There are three supported modes, each with its own constructor:
/// [`simple`], [`semantic`], and [`lines`]. The [`simple`] mode precisely tracks which cells are
/// selected without any expansion. [`semantic`] mode expands the initial selection to the nearest
/// semantic escape char in either direction. [`lines`] will always select entire lines.
/// Calls to [`update`] operate different based on the selection kind. The [`simple`] mode does
/// nothing special, simply tracks points and sides. [`semantic`] will continue to expand out to
/// semantic boundaries as the selection point changes. Similarly, [`lines`] will always expand the
/// new point to encompass entire lines.
/// [`simple`]: enum.Selection.html#method.simple
/// [`semantic`]: enum.Selection.html#method.semantic
/// [`lines`]: enum.Selection.html#method.lines
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Selection {
Simple {
/// The region representing start and end of cursor movement
region: Range<Anchor>,
Semantic {
/// The region representing start and end of cursor movement
region: Range<Point<isize>>,
Lines {
/// The region representing start and end of cursor movement
region: Range<Point<isize>>,
/// The line under the initial point. This is always selected regardless
/// of which way the cursor is moved.
initial_line: isize
/// A Point and side within that point.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Anchor {
point: Point<isize>,
side: Side,
impl Anchor {
fn new(point: Point<isize>, side: Side) -> Anchor {
Anchor { point, side }
/// A type that has 2-dimensional boundaries
pub trait Dimensions {
/// Get the size of the area
fn dimensions(&self) -> Point;
impl Selection {
pub fn simple(location: Point<usize>, side: Side) -> Selection {
Selection::Simple {
region: Range {
start: Anchor::new(location.into(), side),
end: Anchor::new(location.into(), side)
pub fn rotate(&mut self, offset: isize) {
match *self {
Selection::Simple { ref mut region } => {
region.start.point.line += offset;
region.end.point.line += offset;
Selection::Semantic { ref mut region } => {
region.start.line += offset;
region.end.line += offset;
Selection::Lines { ref mut region, ref mut initial_line } => {
region.start.line += offset;
region.end.line += offset;
*initial_line += offset;
pub fn semantic(point: Point<usize>) -> Selection {
Selection::Semantic {
region: Range {
start: point.into(),
end: point.into(),
pub fn lines(point: Point<usize>) -> Selection {
Selection::Lines {
region: Range {
start: point.into(),
end: point.into(),
initial_line: point.line as isize,
pub fn update(&mut self, location: Point<usize>, side: Side) {
// Always update the `end`; can normalize later during span generation.
match *self {
Selection::Simple { ref mut region } => {
region.end = Anchor::new(location.into(), side);
Selection::Semantic { ref mut region } |
Selection::Lines { ref mut region, .. } =>
region.end = location.into();
pub fn to_span<G>(&self, grid: &G, alt_screen: bool) -> Option<Span>
G: Search + Dimensions,
match *self {
Selection::Simple { ref region } => {
Selection::span_simple(grid, region, alt_screen)
Selection::Semantic { ref region } => {
Selection::span_semantic(grid, region, alt_screen)
Selection::Lines { ref region, initial_line } => {
Selection::span_lines(grid, region, initial_line, alt_screen)
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool
match *self {
Selection::Simple { ref region } => {
region.start == region.end && region.start.side == region.end.side
Selection::Semantic { .. } | Selection::Lines { .. } => {
fn span_semantic<G>(
grid: &G,
region: &Range<Point<isize>>,
alt_screen: bool,
) -> Option<Span>
where G: Search + Dimensions
let cols = grid.dimensions().col;
let lines = grid.dimensions().line.0 as isize;
// Normalize ordering of selected cells
let (mut front, mut tail) = if region.start < region.end {
(region.start, region.end)
} else {
(region.end, region.start)
if alt_screen {
Selection::alt_screen_clamp(&mut front, &mut tail, lines, cols)?;
let (mut start, mut end) = if front < tail && front.line == tail.line {
(grid.semantic_search_left(front.into()), grid.semantic_search_right(tail.into()))
} else {
(grid.semantic_search_right(front.into()), grid.semantic_search_left(tail.into()))
if start > end {
::std::mem::swap(&mut start, &mut end);
Some(Span {
front: start,
tail: end,
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
fn span_lines<G>(
grid: &G,
region: &Range<Point<isize>>,
initial_line: isize,
alt_screen: bool,
) -> Option<Span>
G: Dimensions
let cols = grid.dimensions().col;
let lines = grid.dimensions().line.0 as isize;
// First, create start and end points based on initial line and the grid
// dimensions.
let mut start = Point {
col: cols - 1,
line: initial_line
let mut end = Point {
col: Column(0),
line: initial_line
// Now, expand lines based on where cursor started and ended.
if region.start.line < region.end.line {
// Start is below end
start.line = min(start.line, region.start.line);
end.line = max(end.line, region.end.line);
} else {
// Start is above end
start.line = min(start.line, region.end.line);
end.line = max(end.line, region.start.line);
if alt_screen {
Selection::alt_screen_clamp(&mut start, &mut end, lines, cols)?;
Some(Span {
front: start.into(),
tail: end.into(),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive
fn span_simple<G>(grid: &G, region: &Range<Anchor>, alt_screen: bool) -> Option<Span>
G: Dimensions
let start = region.start.point;
let start_side = region.start.side;
let end = region.end.point;
let end_side = region.end.side;
let cols = grid.dimensions().col;
let lines = grid.dimensions().line.0 as isize;
// Make sure front is always the "bottom" and tail is always the "top"
let (mut front, mut tail, front_side, tail_side) =
if start.line > end.line || start.line == end.line && start.col <= end.col {
// Selected upward; start/end are swapped
(end, start, end_side, start_side)
} else {
// Selected downward; no swapping
(start, end, start_side, end_side)
// No selection for single cell with identical sides or two cell with right+left sides
if (front == tail && front_side == tail_side)
|| (tail_side == Side::Right && front_side == Side::Left && front.line == tail.line
&& front.col == tail.col + 1)
return None;
// Remove last cell if selection ends to the left of a cell
if front_side == Side::Left && start != end {
// Special case when selection starts to left of first cell
if front.col == Column(0) {
front.col = cols - 1;
front.line += 1;
} else {
front.col -= 1;
// Remove first cell if selection starts at the right of a cell
if tail_side == Side::Right && front != tail {
tail.col += 1;
if alt_screen {
Selection::alt_screen_clamp(&mut front, &mut tail, lines, cols)?;
// Return the selection with all cells inclusive
Some(Span {
front: front.into(),
tail: tail.into(),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
// Clamp selection in the alternate screen to the visible region
fn alt_screen_clamp(
front: &mut Point<isize>,
tail: &mut Point<isize>,
lines: isize,
cols: Column,
) -> Option<()> {
if tail.line >= lines {
// Don't show selection above visible region
if front.line >= lines {
return None;
// Clamp selection above viewport to visible region
tail.line = lines - 1;
tail.col = Column(0);
if front.line < 0 {
// Don't show selection below visible region
if tail.line < 0 {
return None;
// Clamp selection below viewport to visible region
front.line = 0;
front.col = cols - 1;
/// How to interpret the locations of a Span.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SpanType {
/// Includes the beginning and end locations
/// Exclude both beginning and end
/// Excludes last cell of selection
/// Excludes first cell of selection
/// Represents a span of selected cells
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Span {
front: Point<usize>,
tail: Point<usize>,
cols: Column,
/// The type says whether ends are included or not.
ty: SpanType,
pub struct Locations {
/// Start point from bottom of buffer
pub start: Point<usize>,
/// End point towards top of buffer
pub end: Point<usize>,
impl Span {
pub fn to_locations(&self) -> Locations {
let (start, end) = match self.ty {
SpanType::Inclusive => (self.front, self.tail),
SpanType::Exclusive => {
(Span::wrap_start(self.front, self.cols), Span::wrap_end(self.tail, self.cols))
SpanType::ExcludeFront => (Span::wrap_start(self.front, self.cols), self.tail),
SpanType::ExcludeTail => (self.front, Span::wrap_end(self.tail, self.cols))
Locations { start, end }
fn wrap_start(mut start: Point<usize>, cols: Column) -> Point<usize> {
if start.col == cols - 1 {
Point {
line: start.line + 1,
col: Column(0),
} else {
start.col += 1;
fn wrap_end(end: Point<usize>, cols: Column) -> Point<usize> {
if end.col == Column(0) && end.line != 0 {
Point {
line: end.line - 1,
col: cols
} else {
Point {
line: end.line,
col: end.col - 1
/// Tests for selection
/// There are comments on all of the tests describing the selection. Pictograms
/// are used to avoid ambiguity. Grid cells are represented by a [ ]. Only
/// cells that are completely covered are counted in a selection. Ends are
/// represented by `B` and `E` for begin and end, respectively. A selected cell
/// looks like [XX], [BX] (at the start), [XB] (at the end), [XE] (at the end),
/// and [EX] (at the start), or [BE] for a single cell. Partially selected cells
/// look like [ B] and [E ].
mod test {
use crate::index::{Line, Column, Side, Point};
use super::{Selection, Span, SpanType};
struct Dimensions(Point);
impl super::Dimensions for Dimensions {
fn dimensions(&self) -> Point {
impl Dimensions {
pub fn new(line: usize, col: usize) -> Self {
Dimensions(Point {
line: Line(line),
col: Column(col)
impl super::Search for Dimensions {
fn semantic_search_left(&self, point: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize> { point }
fn semantic_search_right(&self, point: Point<usize>) -> Point<usize> { point }
fn url_search(&self, _: Point<usize>) -> Option<String> { None }
/// Test case of single cell selection
/// 1. [ ]
/// 2. [B ]
/// 3. [BE]
fn single_cell_left_to_right() {
let location = Point { line: 0, col: Column(0) };
let mut selection = Selection::simple(location, Side::Left);
selection.update(location, Side::Right);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(1, 1), false).unwrap(), Span {
cols: Column(1),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
front: location,
tail: location
/// Test case of single cell selection
/// 1. [ ]
/// 2. [ B]
/// 3. [EB]
fn single_cell_right_to_left() {
let location = Point { line: 0, col: Column(0) };
let mut selection = Selection::simple(location, Side::Right);
selection.update(location, Side::Left);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(1, 1), false).unwrap(), Span {
cols: Column(1),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
front: location,
tail: location
/// Test adjacent cell selection from left to right
/// 1. [ ][ ]
/// 2. [ B][ ]
/// 3. [ B][E ]
fn between_adjacent_cells_left_to_right() {
let mut selection = Selection::simple(Point::new(0, Column(0)), Side::Right);
selection.update(Point::new(0, Column(1)), Side::Left);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(1, 2), false), None);
/// Test adjacent cell selection from right to left
/// 1. [ ][ ]
/// 2. [ ][B ]
/// 3. [ E][B ]
fn between_adjacent_cells_right_to_left() {
let mut selection = Selection::simple(Point::new(0, Column(1)), Side::Left);
selection.update(Point::new(0, Column(0)), Side::Right);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(1, 2), false), None);
/// Test selection across adjacent lines
/// 1. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
/// [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
/// 2. [ ][ B][ ][ ][ ]
/// [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
/// 3. [ ][ B][XX][XX][XX]
/// [XX][XE][ ][ ][ ]
fn across_adjacent_lines_upward_final_cell_exclusive() {
let mut selection = Selection::simple(Point::new(1, Column(1)), Side::Right);
selection.update(Point::new(0, Column(1)), Side::Right);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(2, 5), false).unwrap(), Span {
cols: Column(5),
front: Point::new(0, Column(1)),
tail: Point::new(1, Column(2)),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
/// Test selection across adjacent lines
/// 1. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
/// [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
/// 2. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
/// [ ][ B][ ][ ][ ]
/// 3. [ ][ E][XX][XX][XX]
/// [XX][XB][ ][ ][ ]
/// 4. [ E][XX][XX][XX][XX]
/// [XX][XB][ ][ ][ ]
fn selection_bigger_then_smaller() {
let mut selection = Selection::simple(Point::new(0, Column(1)), Side::Right);
selection.update(Point::new(1, Column(1)), Side::Right);
selection.update(Point::new(1, Column(0)), Side::Right);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(2, 5), false).unwrap(), Span {
cols: Column(5),
front: Point::new(0, Column(1)),
tail: Point::new(1, Column(1)),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
fn alt_scren_lines() {
let mut selection = Selection::lines(Point::new(0, Column(0)));
selection.update(Point::new(5, Column(3)), Side::Right);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(10, 5), true).unwrap(), Span {
cols: Column(5),
front: Point::new(0, Column(4)),
tail: Point::new(2, Column(0)),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
fn alt_screen_semantic() {
let mut selection = Selection::semantic(Point::new(0, Column(0)));
selection.update(Point::new(5, Column(3)), Side::Right);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(10, 5), true).unwrap(), Span {
cols: Column(5),
front: Point::new(0, Column(4)),
tail: Point::new(2, Column(3)),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,
fn alt_screen_simple() {
let mut selection = Selection::simple(Point::new(0, Column(0)), Side::Right);
selection.update(Point::new(5, Column(3)), Side::Right);
assert_eq!(selection.to_span(&Dimensions::new(10, 5), true).unwrap(), Span {
cols: Column(5),
front: Point::new(0, Column(4)),
tail: Point::new(2, Column(4)),
ty: SpanType::Inclusive,