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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
//! Rasterization powered by FreeType and FontConfig
use std::cmp::{min, Ordering};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use freetype::freetype_sys;
use freetype::tt_os2::TrueTypeOS2Table;
use freetype::{self, Library};
use libc::c_uint;
pub mod fc;
use super::{
BitmapBuffer, FontDesc, FontKey, GlyphKey, Metrics, Rasterize, RasterizedGlyph, Size, Slant,
Style, Weight,
struct FixedSize {
pixelsize: f64,
struct Face {
ft_face: freetype::Face,
key: FontKey,
load_flags: freetype::face::LoadFlag,
render_mode: freetype::RenderMode,
lcd_filter: c_uint,
non_scalable: Option<FixedSize>,
has_color: bool,
pixelsize_fixup_factor: Option<f64>,
impl fmt::Debug for Face {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("ft_face", &self.ft_face)
.field("key", &self.key)
.field("load_flags", &self.load_flags)
.field("render_mode", &match self.render_mode {
freetype::RenderMode::Normal => "Normal",
freetype::RenderMode::Light => "Light",
freetype::RenderMode::Mono => "Mono",
freetype::RenderMode::Lcd => "Lcd",
freetype::RenderMode::LcdV => "LcdV",
freetype::RenderMode::Max => "Max",
.field("lcd_filter", &self.lcd_filter)
/// Rasterizes glyphs for a single font face.
pub struct FreeTypeRasterizer {
faces: HashMap<FontKey, Face>,
library: Library,
keys: HashMap<PathBuf, FontKey>,
device_pixel_ratio: f32,
pixel_size: f64,
fn to_freetype_26_6(f: f32) -> isize {
((1i32 << 6) as f32 * f) as isize
impl Rasterize for FreeTypeRasterizer {
type Err = Error;
fn new(device_pixel_ratio: f32, _: bool) -> Result<FreeTypeRasterizer, Error> {
let library = Library::init()?;
Ok(FreeTypeRasterizer {
faces: HashMap::new(),
keys: HashMap::new(),
pixel_size: 0.0,
fn metrics(&self, key: FontKey, _size: Size) -> Result<Metrics, Error> {
let face = self.faces.get(&key).ok_or(Error::FontNotLoaded)?;
let full = self.full_metrics(key)?;
let height = (full.size_metrics.height / 64) as f64;
let descent = (full.size_metrics.descender / 64) as f32;
// Get underline position and thickness in device pixels
let x_scale = full.size_metrics.x_scale as f32 / 65536.0;
let mut underline_position = f32::from(face.ft_face.underline_position()) * x_scale / 64.;
let mut underline_thickness = f32::from(face.ft_face.underline_thickness()) * x_scale / 64.;
// Fallback for bitmap fonts which do not provide underline metrics
if underline_position == 0. {
underline_thickness = (descent / 5.).round();
underline_position = descent / 2.;
// Get strikeout position and thickness in device pixels
let (strikeout_position, strikeout_thickness) =
match TrueTypeOS2Table::from_face(&mut face.ft_face.clone()) {
Some(os2) => {
let strikeout_position = f32::from(os2.y_strikeout_position()) * x_scale / 64.;
let strikeout_thickness = f32::from(os2.y_strikeout_size()) * x_scale / 64.;
(strikeout_position, strikeout_thickness)
_ => {
// Fallback if font doesn't provide info about strikeout
trace!("Using fallback strikeout metrics");
let strikeout_position = height as f32 / 2. + descent;
(strikeout_position, underline_thickness)
Ok(Metrics {
average_advance: full.cell_width,
line_height: height,
fn load_font(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, size: Size) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
self.get_face(desc, size)
fn get_glyph(&mut self, glyph_key: GlyphKey) -> Result<RasterizedGlyph, Error> {
fn update_dpr(&mut self, device_pixel_ratio: f32) {
self.device_pixel_ratio = device_pixel_ratio;
pub trait IntoFontconfigType {
type FcType;
fn into_fontconfig_type(&self) -> Self::FcType;
impl IntoFontconfigType for Slant {
type FcType = fc::Slant;
fn into_fontconfig_type(&self) -> Self::FcType {
match *self {
Slant::Normal => fc::Slant::Roman,
Slant::Italic => fc::Slant::Italic,
Slant::Oblique => fc::Slant::Oblique,
impl IntoFontconfigType for Weight {
type FcType = fc::Weight;
fn into_fontconfig_type(&self) -> Self::FcType {
match *self {
Weight::Normal => fc::Weight::Regular,
Weight::Bold => fc::Weight::Bold,
struct FullMetrics {
size_metrics: freetype::ffi::FT_Size_Metrics,
cell_width: f64,
impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
/// Load a font face according to `FontDesc`
fn get_face(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, size: Size) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
// Adjust for DPI
let size = Size::new(size.as_f32_pts() * self.device_pixel_ratio * 96. / 72.);
self.pixel_size = f64::from(size.as_f32_pts());
match {
Style::Description { slant, weight } => {
// Match nearest font
self.get_matching_face(&desc, slant, weight)
Style::Specific(ref style) => {
// If a name was specified, try and load specifically that font.
self.get_specific_face(&desc, &style)
fn full_metrics(&self, key: FontKey) -> Result<FullMetrics, Error> {
let face = self.faces.get(&key).ok_or(Error::FontNotLoaded)?;
let size_metrics = face.ft_face.size_metrics().ok_or(Error::MissingSizeMetrics)?;
let width = match face.ft_face.load_char('0' as usize, face.load_flags) {
Ok(_) => face.ft_face.glyph().metrics().horiAdvance / 64,
Err(_) => size_metrics.max_advance / 64,
} as f64;
Ok(FullMetrics { size_metrics, cell_width: width })
fn get_matching_face(
&mut self,
desc: &FontDesc,
slant: Slant,
weight: Weight,
) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let mut pattern = fc::Pattern::new();
let font = fc::font_match(fc::Config::get_current(), &mut pattern)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned()))?;
self.face_from_pattern(&font).and_then(|pattern| {|| Err(Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned())))
fn get_specific_face(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, style: &str) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let mut pattern = fc::Pattern::new();
let font = fc::font_match(fc::Config::get_current(), &mut pattern)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned()))?;
self.face_from_pattern(&font).and_then(|pattern| {|| Err(Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned())))
fn face_from_pattern(&mut self, pattern: &fc::Pattern) -> Result<Option<FontKey>, Error> {
if let (Some(path), Some(index)) = (pattern.file(0), pattern.index().nth(0)) {
if let Some(key) = self.keys.get(&path) {
return Ok(Some(*key));
trace!("Got font path={:?}", path);
let mut ft_face = self.library.new_face(&path, index)?;
// Get available pixel sizes if font isn't scalable.
let non_scalable = if pattern.scalable().next().unwrap_or(true) {
} else {
let mut pixelsize = pattern.pixelsize();
debug!("pixelsizes: {:?}", pixelsize);
Some(FixedSize { pixelsize:"has 1+ pixelsize") })
let pixelsize_fixup_factor = pattern.pixelsizefixupfactor().next();
let has_color = ft_face.has_color();
if has_color {
unsafe {
// Select the colored bitmap size to use from the array of available sizes
freetype_sys::FT_Select_Size(ft_face.raw_mut(), 0);
let face = Face {
key: FontKey::next(),
load_flags: Self::ft_load_flags(pattern),
render_mode: Self::ft_render_mode(pattern),
lcd_filter: Self::ft_lcd_filter(pattern),
debug!("Loaded Face {:?}", face);
let key = face.key;
self.faces.insert(key, face);
self.keys.insert(path, key);
} else {
fn face_for_glyph(
&mut self,
glyph_key: GlyphKey,
have_recursed: bool,
) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let c = glyph_key.c;
let use_initial_face = if let Some(face) = self.faces.get(&glyph_key.font_key) {
let index = face.ft_face.get_char_index(c as usize);
index != 0 || have_recursed
} else {
if use_initial_face {
} else {
let key = self.load_face_with_glyph(c).unwrap_or(glyph_key.font_key);
fn get_rendered_glyph(&mut self, glyph_key: GlyphKey) -> Result<RasterizedGlyph, Error> {
// Render a normal character if it's not a cursor
let font_key = self.face_for_glyph(glyph_key, false)?;
let face = &self.faces[&font_key];
let index = face.ft_face.get_char_index(glyph_key.c as usize);
let size =
face.non_scalable.as_ref().map(|v| v.pixelsize as f32).unwrap_or_else(|| {
glyph_key.size.as_f32_pts() * self.device_pixel_ratio * 96. / 72.
if !face.has_color {
face.ft_face.set_char_size(to_freetype_26_6(size), 0, 0, 0)?;
unsafe {
let ft_lib = self.library.raw();
freetype::ffi::FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(ft_lib, face.lcd_filter);
face.ft_face.load_glyph(index as u32, face.load_flags)?;
let glyph = face.ft_face.glyph();
let (pixel_height, pixel_width, buf) = Self::normalize_buffer(&glyph.bitmap())?;
let rasterized_glyph = RasterizedGlyph {
c: glyph_key.c,
top: glyph.bitmap_top(),
left: glyph.bitmap_left(),
width: pixel_width,
height: pixel_height,
if face.has_color {
let fixup_factor = if let Some(pixelsize_fixup_factor) = face.pixelsize_fixup_factor {
} else {
// Fallback if user has bitmap scaling disabled
let metrics = face.ft_face.size_metrics().ok_or(Error::MissingSizeMetrics)?;
self.pixel_size as f64 / metrics.y_ppem as f64
Ok(downsample_bitmap(rasterized_glyph, fixup_factor))
} else {
fn ft_load_flags(pat: &fc::Pattern) -> freetype::face::LoadFlag {
let antialias = pat.antialias().next().unwrap_or(true);
let hinting = pat.hintstyle().next().unwrap_or(fc::HintStyle::Slight);
let rgba = pat.rgba().next().unwrap_or(fc::Rgba::Unknown);
let embedded_bitmaps = pat.embeddedbitmap().next().unwrap_or(true);
let color = pat.color().next().unwrap_or(false);
use freetype::face::LoadFlag;
let mut flags = match (antialias, hinting, rgba) {
(false, fc::HintStyle::None, _) => LoadFlag::NO_HINTING | LoadFlag::MONOCHROME,
(false, ..) => LoadFlag::TARGET_MONO | LoadFlag::MONOCHROME,
(true, fc::HintStyle::None, _) => LoadFlag::NO_HINTING | LoadFlag::TARGET_NORMAL,
// hintslight does *not* use LCD hinting even when a subpixel mode
// is selected.
// According to the FreeType docs,
// > You can use a hinting algorithm that doesn't correspond to the
// > same rendering mode. As an example, it is possible to use the
// > light hinting algorithm and have the results rendered in
// > horizontal LCD pixel mode.
// In practice, this means we can have `FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT` with
// subpixel render modes like `FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD`. Libraries like
// cairo take the same approach and consider `hintslight` to always
(true, fc::HintStyle::Slight, _) => LoadFlag::TARGET_LIGHT,
// If LCD hinting is to be used, must select hintmedium or hintfull,
// have AA enabled, and select a subpixel mode.
(true, _, fc::Rgba::Rgb) | (true, _, fc::Rgba::Bgr) => LoadFlag::TARGET_LCD,
(true, _, fc::Rgba::Vrgb) | (true, _, fc::Rgba::Vbgr) => LoadFlag::TARGET_LCD_V,
// For non-rgba modes with either Medium or Full hinting, just use
// the default hinting algorithm.
// TODO should Medium/Full control whether to use the auto hinter?
(true, _, fc::Rgba::Unknown) => LoadFlag::TARGET_NORMAL,
(true, _, fc::Rgba::None) => LoadFlag::TARGET_NORMAL,
if !embedded_bitmaps {
flags |= LoadFlag::NO_BITMAP;
if color {
flags |= LoadFlag::COLOR;
fn ft_render_mode(pat: &fc::Pattern) -> freetype::RenderMode {
let antialias = pat.antialias().next().unwrap_or(true);
let rgba = pat.rgba().next().unwrap_or(fc::Rgba::Unknown);
match (antialias, rgba) {
(false, _) => freetype::RenderMode::Mono,
(_, fc::Rgba::Rgb) | (_, fc::Rgba::Bgr) => freetype::RenderMode::Lcd,
(_, fc::Rgba::Vrgb) | (_, fc::Rgba::Vbgr) => freetype::RenderMode::LcdV,
(true, _) => freetype::RenderMode::Normal,
fn ft_lcd_filter(pat: &fc::Pattern) -> c_uint {
match pat.lcdfilter().next().unwrap_or(fc::LcdFilter::Default) {
fc::LcdFilter::None => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_NONE,
fc::LcdFilter::Default => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT,
fc::LcdFilter::Light => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_LIGHT,
fc::LcdFilter::Legacy => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_LEGACY,
/// Given a FreeType `Bitmap`, returns packed buffer with 1 byte per LCD channel.
/// The i32 value in the return type is the number of pixels per row.
fn normalize_buffer(
bitmap: &freetype::bitmap::Bitmap,
) -> freetype::FtResult<(i32, i32, BitmapBuffer)> {
use freetype::bitmap::PixelMode;
let buf = bitmap.buffer();
let mut packed = Vec::with_capacity((bitmap.rows() * bitmap.width()) as usize);
let pitch = bitmap.pitch().abs() as usize;
match bitmap.pixel_mode()? {
PixelMode::Lcd => {
for i in 0..bitmap.rows() {
let start = (i as usize) * pitch;
let stop = start + bitmap.width() as usize;
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width() / 3, BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
PixelMode::LcdV => {
for i in 0..bitmap.rows() / 3 {
for j in 0..bitmap.width() {
for k in 0..3 {
let offset = ((i as usize) * 3 + k) * pitch + (j as usize);
Ok((bitmap.rows() / 3, bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
// Mono data is stored in a packed format using 1 bit per pixel.
PixelMode::Mono => {
fn unpack_byte(res: &mut Vec<u8>, byte: u8, mut count: u8) {
// Mono stores MSBit at top of byte
let mut bit = 7;
while count != 0 {
let value = ((byte >> bit) & 1) * 255;
// Push value 3x since result buffer should be 1 byte
// per channel
count -= 1;
bit -= 1;
for i in 0..(bitmap.rows() as usize) {
let mut columns = bitmap.width();
let mut byte = 0;
let offset = i * bitmap.pitch().abs() as usize;
while columns != 0 {
let bits = min(8, columns);
unpack_byte(&mut packed, buf[offset + byte], bits as u8);
columns -= bits;
byte += 1;
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
// Gray data is stored as a value between 0 and 255 using 1 byte per pixel.
PixelMode::Gray => {
for i in 0..bitmap.rows() {
let start = (i as usize) * pitch;
let stop = start + bitmap.width() as usize;
for byte in &buf[start..stop] {
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
PixelMode::Bgra => {
let buf_size = (bitmap.rows() * bitmap.width() * 4) as usize;
let mut i = 0;
while i < buf_size {
packed.push(buf[i + 2]);
packed.push(buf[i + 1]);
packed.push(buf[i + 3]);
i += 4;
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGBA(packed)))
mode => panic!("unhandled pixel mode: {:?}", mode),
fn load_face_with_glyph(&mut self, glyph: char) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let mut charset = fc::CharSet::new();
let mut pattern = fc::Pattern::new();
pattern.add_pixelsize(self.pixel_size as f64);
let config = fc::Config::get_current();
match fc::font_match(config, &mut pattern) {
Some(pattern) => {
if let (Some(path), Some(_)) = (pattern.file(0), pattern.index().nth(0)) {
match self.keys.get(&path) {
// We've previously loaded this font, so don't
// load it again.
Some(&key) => {
debug!("Hit for font {:?}; no need to load", path);
// Update fixup factor
self.faces.get_mut(&key).unwrap().pixelsize_fixup_factor =
None => {
debug!("Miss for font {:?}; loading now", path);
// Safe to unwrap the option since we've already checked for the path
// and index above.
let key = self.face_from_pattern(&pattern)?.unwrap();
} else {
None => Err(Error::MissingFont(FontDesc::new(
/// Downscale a bitmap by a fixed factor.
/// This will take the `bitmap_glyph` as input and return the glyph's content downscaled by
/// `fixup_factor`.
fn downsample_bitmap(mut bitmap_glyph: RasterizedGlyph, fixup_factor: f64) -> RasterizedGlyph {
// Only scale colored buffers which are bigger than required
let bitmap_buffer = match (&bitmap_glyph.buf, fixup_factor.partial_cmp(&1.0)) {
(BitmapBuffer::RGBA(buffer), Some(Ordering::Less)) => buffer,
_ => return bitmap_glyph,
let bitmap_width = bitmap_glyph.width as usize;
let bitmap_height = bitmap_glyph.height as usize;
let target_width = (bitmap_width as f64 * fixup_factor) as usize;
let target_height = (bitmap_height as f64 * fixup_factor) as usize;
// Number of pixels in the input buffer, per pixel in the output buffer
let downsampling_step = 1.0 / fixup_factor;
let mut downsampled_buffer = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(target_width * target_height * 4);
for line_index in 0..target_height {
// Get the first and last line which will be consolidated in the current output pixel
let line_index = line_index as f64;
let source_line_start = (line_index * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
let source_line_end = ((line_index + 1.) * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
for column_index in 0..target_width {
// Get the first and last column which will be consolidated in the current output pixel
let column_index = column_index as f64;
let source_column_start = (column_index * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
let source_column_end = ((column_index + 1.) * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
let (mut r, mut g, mut b, mut a) = (0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32);
let mut pixels_picked: u32 = 0;
// Consolidate all pixels within the source rectangle into a single averaged pixel
for source_line in source_line_start..source_line_end {
let source_pixel_index = source_line * bitmap_width;
for source_column in source_column_start..source_column_end {
let offset = (source_pixel_index + source_column) * 4;
r += bitmap_buffer[offset] as u32;
g += bitmap_buffer[offset + 1] as u32;
b += bitmap_buffer[offset + 2] as u32;
a += bitmap_buffer[offset + 3] as u32;
pixels_picked += 1;
// Add a single pixel to the output buffer for the downscaled source rectangle
downsampled_buffer.push((r / pixels_picked) as u8);
downsampled_buffer.push((g / pixels_picked) as u8);
downsampled_buffer.push((b / pixels_picked) as u8);
downsampled_buffer.push((a / pixels_picked) as u8);
bitmap_glyph.buf = BitmapBuffer::RGBA(downsampled_buffer);
// Downscale the metrics = ( as f64 * fixup_factor) as i32;
bitmap_glyph.left = (bitmap_glyph.left as f64 * fixup_factor) as i32;
bitmap_glyph.width = target_width as i32;
bitmap_glyph.height = target_height as i32;
/// Errors occurring when using the freetype rasterizer
pub enum Error {
/// Error occurred within the FreeType library
/// Couldn't find font matching description
/// Tried to get size metrics from a Face that didn't have a size
/// Requested an operation with a FontKey that isn't known to the rasterizer
impl std::error::Error for Error {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match self {
Error::FreeType(err) => err.source(),
_ => None,
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Error::FreeType(err) => err.fmt(f),
Error::MissingFont(err) => write!(
"Couldn't find a font with {}\n\tPlease check the font config in your \
Error::FontNotLoaded => f.write_str("Tried to use a font that hasn't been loaded"),
Error::MissingSizeMetrics => {
f.write_str("Tried to get size metrics from a face without a size")
impl From<freetype::Error> for Error {
fn from(val: freetype::Error) -> Error {
unsafe impl Send for FreeTypeRasterizer {}