
133 lines
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#if defined(GLES2_RENDERER)
#define float_t mediump float
#define color_t mediump vec4
#define FRAG_COLOR gl_FragColor
varying color_t color;
#define float_t float
#define color_t vec4
out vec4 FragColor;
#define FRAG_COLOR FragColor
flat in color_t color;
uniform int rectKind;
uniform float_t cellWidth;
uniform float_t cellHeight;
uniform float_t paddingY;
uniform float_t paddingX;
uniform float_t underlinePosition;
uniform float_t underlineThickness;
uniform float_t undercurlPosition;
#define UNDERCURL 1
#define DOTTED 2
#define DASHED 3
#define PI 3.1415926538
color_t draw_undercurl(float_t x, float_t y) {
// We use `undercurlPosition` as an amplitude, since it's half of the descent
// value.
// The `x` represents the left bound of pixel we should add `1/2` to it, so
// we compute the undercurl position for the center of the pixel.
float_t undercurl = undercurlPosition / 2. * cos((x + 0.5) * 2.
* PI / cellWidth) + undercurlPosition - 1.;
float_t undercurlTop = undercurl + max((underlineThickness - 1.), 0.) / 2.;
float_t undercurlBottom = undercurl - max((underlineThickness - 1.), 0.) / 2.;
// Compute resulted alpha based on distance from `gl_FragCoord.y` to the
// cosine curve.
float_t alpha = 1.;
if (y > undercurlTop || y < undercurlBottom) {
alpha = 1. - min(abs(undercurlTop - y), abs(undercurlBottom - y));
// The result is an alpha mask on a rect, which leaves only curve opaque.
return vec4(color.rgb, alpha);
// When the dot size increases we can use AA to make spacing look even and the
// dots rounded.
color_t draw_dotted_aliased(float_t x, float_t y) {
float_t dotNumber = floor(x / underlineThickness);
float_t radius = underlineThickness / 2.;
float_t centerY = underlinePosition - 1.;
float_t leftCenter = (dotNumber - mod(dotNumber, 2.)) * underlineThickness + radius;
float_t rightCenter = leftCenter + 2. * underlineThickness;
float_t distanceLeft = sqrt(pow(x - leftCenter, 2.) + pow(y - centerY, 2.));
float_t distanceRight = sqrt(pow(x - rightCenter, 2.) + pow(y - centerY, 2.));
float_t alpha = max(1. - (min(distanceLeft, distanceRight) - radius), 0.);
return vec4(color.rgb, alpha);
/// Draw dotted line when dot is just a single pixel.
color_t draw_dotted(float_t x, float_t y) {
float_t cellEven = 0.;
// Since the size of the dot and its gap combined is 2px we should ensure that
// spacing will be even. If the cellWidth is even it'll work since we start
// with dot and end with gap. However if cellWidth is odd, the cell will start
// and end with a dot, creating a dash. To resolve this issue, we invert the
// pattern every two cells.
if (int(mod(cellWidth, 2.)) != 0) {
cellEven = mod((gl_FragCoord.x - paddingX) / cellWidth, 2.);
// Since we use the entire descent area for dotted underlines, we limit its
// height to a single pixel so we don't draw bars instead of dots.
float_t alpha = 1. - abs(floor(underlinePosition) - y);
if (int(mod(x, 2.)) != int(cellEven)) {
alpha = 0.;
return vec4(color.rgb, alpha);
color_t draw_dashed(float_t x) {
// Since dashes of adjacent cells connect with each other our dash length is
// half of the desired total length.
float_t halfDashLen = floor(cellWidth / 4. + 0.5);
float_t alpha = 1.;
// Check if `x` coordinate is where we should draw gap.
if (x > halfDashLen - 1. && x < cellWidth - halfDashLen) {
alpha = 0.;
return vec4(color.rgb, alpha);
void main() {
float_t x = floor(mod(gl_FragCoord.x - paddingX, cellWidth));
float_t y = floor(mod(gl_FragCoord.y - paddingY, cellHeight));
if (rectKind == UNDERCURL) {
FRAG_COLOR = draw_undercurl(x, y);
} else if (rectKind == DOTTED) {
if (underlineThickness < 2.) {
FRAG_COLOR = draw_dotted(x, y);
} else {
FRAG_COLOR = draw_dotted_aliased(x, y);
} else if (rectKind == DASHED) {
FRAG_COLOR = draw_dashed(x);
} else {
FRAG_COLOR = color;