
271 lines
9.2 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Alacritty - The GPU Enhanced Terminal
#![deny(clippy::all, clippy::if_not_else, clippy::enum_glob_use, clippy::wrong_pub_self_convention)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(core_intrinsics))]
#![cfg_attr(all(test, feature = "bench"), feature(test))]
// With the default subsystem, 'console', windows creates an additional console
// window for the program.
// This is silently ignored on non-windows systems.
// See for more details.
#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use dirs;
use winapi::um::wincon::{AttachConsole, FreeConsole, ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS};
use log::{error, info};
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::sync::Arc;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use std::env;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use alacritty::config::{self, Config, Monitor};
use alacritty::display::Display;
use alacritty::event_loop::{self, EventLoop, Msg};
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use alacritty::locale;
use alacritty::logging;
use alacritty::message_bar::MessageBuffer;
use alacritty::panic;
use alacritty::sync::FairMutex;
use alacritty::term::Term;
use alacritty::tty;
use alacritty::util::fmt::Red;
use alacritty::{cli, die, event};
fn main() {
// When linked with the windows subsystem windows won't automatically attach
// to the console of the parent process, so we do it explicitly. This fails
// silently if the parent has no console.
unsafe {
// Load command line options
let options = cli::Options::load();
// Setup storage for message UI
let message_buffer = MessageBuffer::new();
// Initialize the logger as soon as possible as to capture output from other subsystems
let log_file =
logging::initialize(&options, message_buffer.tx()).expect("Unable to initialize logger");
// Load configuration file
// If the file is a command line argument, we won't write a generated default file
let config_path = options
.or_else(|| Config::write_defaults().ok())
.map(|path| path.to_path_buf());
let config = if let Some(path) = config_path {
} else {
error!("Unable to write the default config");
// Switch to home directory
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
// Set locale
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
// Store if log file should be deleted before moving config
let persistent_logging = options.persistent_logging || config.persistent_logging();
// Run alacritty
if let Err(err) = run(config, &options, message_buffer) {
die!("Alacritty encountered an unrecoverable error:\n\n\t{}\n", Red(err));
// Clean up logfile
if let Some(log_file) = log_file {
if !persistent_logging && fs::remove_file(&log_file).is_ok() {
let _ = writeln!(io::stdout(), "Deleted log file at {:?}", log_file);
/// Run Alacritty
/// Creates a window, the terminal state, pty, I/O event loop, input processor,
/// config change monitor, and runs the main display loop.
fn run(
mut config: Config,
options: &cli::Options,
message_buffer: MessageBuffer,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
info!("Welcome to Alacritty");
if let Some(config_path) = config.path() {
info!("Configuration loaded from {:?}", config_path.display());
// Set environment variables
// Create a display.
// The display manages a window and can draw the terminal
let mut display = Display::new(&config, options)?;
info!("PTY Dimensions: {:?} x {:?}", display.size().lines(), display.size().cols());
// Create the terminal
// This object contains all of the state about what's being displayed. It's
// wrapped in a clonable mutex since both the I/O loop and display need to
// access it.
let terminal = Term::new(&config, display.size().to_owned(), message_buffer);
let terminal = Arc::new(FairMutex::new(terminal));
// Find the window ID for setting $WINDOWID
let window_id = display.get_window_id();
// Create the pty
// The pty forks a process to run the shell on the slave side of the
// pseudoterminal. A file descriptor for the master side is retained for
// reading/writing to the shell.
let pty = tty::new(&config, options, &display.size(), window_id);
// Get a reference to something that we can resize
// This exists because rust doesn't know the interface is thread-safe
// and we need to be able to resize the PTY from the main thread while the IO
// thread owns the EventedRW object.
let mut resize_handle = pty.resize_handle();
let mut resize_handle = pty.fd.as_raw_fd();
// Create the pseudoterminal I/O loop
// pty I/O is ran on another thread as to not occupy cycles used by the
// renderer and input processing. Note that access to the terminal state is
// synchronized since the I/O loop updates the state, and the display
// consumes it periodically.
let event_loop =
EventLoop::new(Arc::clone(&terminal), display.notifier(), pty, options.ref_test);
// The event loop channel allows write requests from the event processor
// to be sent to the loop and ultimately written to the pty.
let loop_tx =;
// Event processor
// Need the Rc<RefCell<_>> here since a ref is shared in the resize callback
let mut processor = event::Processor::new(
// Create a config monitor when config was loaded from path
// The monitor watches the config file for changes and reloads it. Pending
// config changes are processed in the main loop.
let config_monitor = match (options.live_config_reload, config.live_config_reload()) {
// Start monitor if CLI flag says yes
(Some(true), _) |
// Or if no CLI flag was passed and the config says yes
(None, true) => config.path()
.map(|path| config::Monitor::new(path, display.notifier())),
// Otherwise, don't start the monitor
_ => None,
// Kick off the I/O thread
let _io_thread = event_loop.spawn(None);
info!("Initialisation complete");
// Main display loop
loop {
// Process input and window events
let mut terminal_lock = processor.process_events(&terminal, display.window());
// Handle config reloads
if let Some(ref path) = config_monitor.as_ref().and_then(Monitor::pending) {
// Clear old config messages from bar
if let Ok(new_config) = Config::reload_from(path) {
config = new_config.update_dynamic_title(options);
terminal_lock.dirty = true;
// Begin shutdown if the flag was raised
if terminal_lock.should_exit() || tty::process_should_exit() {
// Maybe draw the terminal
if terminal_lock.needs_draw() {
// Try to update the position of the input method editor
// Handle pending resize events
// The second argument is a list of types that want to be notified
// of display size changes.
display.handle_resize(&mut terminal_lock, &config, &mut resize_handle, &mut processor);
// Draw the current state of the terminal
display.draw(&terminal, &config);
loop_tx.send(Msg::Shutdown).expect("Error sending shutdown to event loop");
// FIXME patch notify library to have a shutdown method
// config_reloader.join().ok();
// Without explicitly detaching the console cmd won't redraw it's prompt
unsafe {