
886 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Exports the `Term` type which is a high-level API for the Grid
use std::mem;
use std::ops::{Deref, Range};
use std::ptr;
use ansi::{self, Attr, Handler};
use grid::{Grid, ClearRegion};
use index::{Cursor, Column, Line};
use ansi::Color;
/// RAII type which manages grid state for render
/// This manages the cursor during a render. The cursor location is inverted to
/// draw it, and reverted after drawing to maintain state.
pub struct RenderGrid<'a> {
inner: &'a mut Grid<Cell>,
cursor: &'a Cursor,
mode: TermMode,
impl<'a> RenderGrid<'a> {
fn new<'b>(grid: &'b mut Grid<Cell>, cursor: &'b Cursor, mode: TermMode) -> RenderGrid<'b> {
if mode.contains(mode::SHOW_CURSOR) && grid.contains(cursor) {
let cell = &mut grid[cursor];
mem::swap(&mut cell.fg, &mut;
RenderGrid {
inner: grid,
cursor: cursor,
mode: mode,
impl<'a> Drop for RenderGrid<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.mode.contains(mode::SHOW_CURSOR) && self.inner.contains(self.cursor) {
let cell = &mut self.inner[self.cursor];
mem::swap(&mut cell.fg, &mut;
impl<'a> Deref for RenderGrid<'a> {
type Target = Grid<Cell>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// coerce val to be between min and max
fn limit<T: PartialOrd>(val: T, min: T, max: T) -> T {
if val < min {
} else if val > max {
} else {
pub mod cell {
use ::Rgb;
bitflags! {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub flags Flags: u32 {
const INVERSE = 0b00000001,
const BOLD = 0b00000010,
const ITALIC = 0b00000100,
const UNDERLINE = 0b00001000,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Color {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Cell {
pub c: char,
pub fg: Color,
pub bg: Color,
pub flags: Flags,
impl Cell {
pub fn bold(&self) -> bool {
pub fn new(c: char, fg: Color, bg: Color) -> Cell {
Cell {
c: c.into(),
bg: bg,
fg: fg,
flags: Flags::empty(),
pub fn reset(&mut self, template: &Cell) {
// memcpy template to self
*self = template.clone();
mod tests {
use super::Color;
use std::mem;
// Ensure memory layout is well defined so components like renderer
// can exploit it.
// Thankfully, everything is just a u8 for now so no endianness
// considerations are needed.
fn color_memory_layout() {
let rgb_color = Color::Rgb(::Rgb { r: 1, g: 2, b: 3 });
let ansi_color = Color::Ansi(::ansi::Color::Foreground);
unsafe {
// Color::Rgb
// [discriminant(0), red, green ,blue]
let bytes: [u8; 4] = mem::transmute_copy(&rgb_color);
assert_eq!(bytes[0], 0);
assert_eq!(bytes[1], 1);
assert_eq!(bytes[2], 2);
assert_eq!(bytes[3], 3);
// Color::Ansi
// [discriminant(1), ansi::Color, 0, 0]
let bytes: [u8; 4] = mem::transmute_copy(&ansi_color);
assert_eq!(bytes[0], 1);
assert_eq!(bytes[1], ::ansi::Color::Foreground as u8);
pub use self::cell::Cell;
pub mod mode {
bitflags! {
pub flags TermMode: u8 {
const SHOW_CURSOR = 0b00000001,
const APP_CURSOR = 0b00000010,
const APP_KEYPAD = 0b00000100,
const ANY = 0b11111111,
const NONE = 0b00000000,
impl Default for TermMode {
fn default() -> TermMode {
pub use self::mode::TermMode;
pub const TAB_SPACES: usize = 8;
pub struct Term {
/// The grid
grid: Grid<Cell>,
/// Alternate grid
alt_grid: Grid<Cell>,
/// Alt is active
alt: bool,
/// The cursor
cursor: Cursor,
/// Alt cursor
alt_cursor: Cursor,
/// Tabstops
tabs: Vec<bool>,
/// Mode flags
mode: TermMode,
/// Scroll region
scroll_region: Range<Line>,
/// Size
size_info: SizeInfo,
/// Template cell
template_cell: Cell,
/// Empty cell
empty_cell: Cell,
pub dirty: bool,
/// Terminal size info
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SizeInfo {
/// Terminal window width
pub width: f32,
/// Terminal window height
pub height: f32,
/// Width of individual cell
pub cell_width: f32,
/// Height of individual cell
pub cell_height: f32,
impl SizeInfo {
pub fn lines(&self) -> Line {
Line((self.height / self.cell_height) as usize)
pub fn cols(&self) -> Column {
Column((self.width / self.cell_width) as usize)
impl Term {
pub fn new(
size: SizeInfo
) -> Term {
let template = Cell::new(
' ',
let num_cols = size.cols();
let num_lines = size.lines();
println!("num_cols, num_lines = {}, {}", num_cols, num_lines);
let grid = Grid::new(num_lines, num_cols, &template);
let mut tabs = (Column(0)..grid.num_cols())
.map(|i| (*i as usize) % TAB_SPACES == 0)
tabs[0] = false;
let alt = grid.clone();
let scroll_region = Line(0)..grid.num_lines();
Term {
dirty: true,
grid: grid,
alt_grid: alt,
alt: false,
cursor: Cursor::default(),
alt_cursor: Cursor::default(),
tabs: tabs,
mode: Default::default(),
scroll_region: scroll_region,
size_info: size,
template_cell: template.clone(),
empty_cell: template,
pub fn grid(&self) -> &Grid<Cell> {
pub fn render_grid<'a>(&'a mut self) -> RenderGrid<'a> {
RenderGrid::new(&mut self.grid, &self.cursor, self.mode)
/// Resize terminal to new dimensions
pub fn resize(&mut self, width: f32, height: f32) {
let size = SizeInfo {
width: width,
height: height,
cell_width: self.size_info.cell_width,
cell_height: self.size_info.cell_height,
let old_cols = self.size_info.cols();
let old_lines = self.size_info.lines();
let num_cols = size.cols();
let num_lines = size.lines();
self.size_info = size;
if old_cols == num_cols && old_lines == num_lines {
// Scroll up to keep cursor and as much context as possible in grid. This only runs when the
// lines decreases.
self.scroll_region = Line(0)..self.grid.num_lines();
// Scroll up to keep cursor in terminal
if self.cursor.line >= num_lines {
let lines = self.cursor.line - num_lines + 1;
self.cursor.line -= lines;
println!("num_cols, num_lines = {}, {}", num_cols, num_lines);
// Resize grids to new size
let template = self.template_cell.clone();
self.grid.resize(num_lines, num_cols, &template);
self.alt_grid.resize(num_lines, num_cols, &template);
// Ensure cursor is in-bounds
self.cursor.line = limit(self.cursor.line, Line(0), num_lines);
self.cursor.col = limit(self.cursor.col, Column(0), num_cols);
// Recreate tabs list
self.tabs = (Column(0)..self.grid.num_cols()).map(|i| (*i as usize) % TAB_SPACES == 0)
self.tabs[0] = false;
// Make sure bottom of terminal is clear
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
self.grid.clear_region((self.cursor.line).., |c| c.reset(&template));
self.alt_grid.clear_region((self.cursor.line).., |c| c.reset(&template));
// Reset scrolling region to new size
self.scroll_region = Line(0)..self.grid.num_lines();
pub fn size_info(&self) -> &SizeInfo {
pub fn mode(&self) -> &TermMode {
pub fn swap_alt(&mut self) {
self.alt = !self.alt;
::std::mem::swap(&mut self.grid, &mut self.alt_grid);
::std::mem::swap(&mut self.cursor, &mut self.alt_cursor);
if self.alt {
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
self.grid.clear(|c| c.reset(&template));
/// Scroll screen down
/// Text moves down; clear at bottom
fn scroll_down_relative(&mut self, origin: Line, lines: Line) {
debug_println!("scroll_down: {}", lines);
// Copy of cell template; can't have it borrowed when calling clear/scroll
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
// Clear `lines` lines at bottom of area
let end = self.scroll_region.end;
let start = end - lines;
self.grid.clear_region(start..end, |c| c.reset(&template));
// Scroll between origin and bottom
let end = self.scroll_region.end;
let start = origin + lines;
self.grid.scroll_down(start..end, lines);
/// Scroll screen up
/// Text moves up; clear at top
fn scroll_up_relative(&mut self, origin: Line, lines: Line) {
debug_println!("scroll_up: {}", lines);
// Copy of cell template; can't have it borrowed when calling clear/scroll
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
// Clear `lines` lines starting from origin to origin + lines
let start = origin;
let end = start + lines;
self.grid.clear_region(start..end, |c| c.reset(&template));
// Scroll from origin to bottom less number of lines
let start = origin;
let end = self.scroll_region.end - lines;
self.grid.scroll_up(start..end, lines);
impl ansi::TermInfo for Term {
fn lines(&self) -> Line {
fn cols(&self) -> Column {
impl ansi::Handler for Term {
/// A character to be displayed
fn input(&mut self, c: char) {
if self.cursor.col == self.grid.num_cols() {
if (self.cursor.line + 1) >= self.scroll_region.end {
} else {
self.cursor.line += 1;
self.cursor.col = Column(0);
unsafe {
if ::std::intrinsics::unlikely(self.cursor.line == self.grid.num_lines()) {
panic!("cursor fell off grid");
let cell = &mut self.grid[&self.cursor];
*cell = self.template_cell.clone();
cell.c = c;
self.cursor.col += 1;
fn goto(&mut self, line: Line, col: Column) {
debug_println!("goto: line={}, col={}", line, col);
self.cursor.line = line;
self.cursor.col = col;
fn goto_line(&mut self, line: Line) {
debug_println!("goto_line: {}", line);
self.cursor.line = line;
fn goto_col(&mut self, col: Column) {
debug_println!("goto_col: {}", col);
self.cursor.col = col;
fn insert_blank(&mut self, count: Column) {
// Ensure inserting within terminal bounds
let count = ::std::cmp::min(count, self.size_info.cols() - self.cursor.col);
let source = self.cursor.col;
let destination = self.cursor.col + count;
let num_cells = (self.size_info.cols() - destination).0;
let line = self.cursor.line; // borrowck
let line = &mut self.grid[line];
unsafe {
let src = line[source..].as_ptr();
let dst = line[destination..].as_mut_ptr();
ptr::copy(src, dst, num_cells);
// Cells were just moved out towards the end of the line; fill in
// between source and dest with blanks.
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
for c in &mut line[source..destination] {
fn move_up(&mut self, lines: Line) {
debug_println!("move_up: {}", lines);
self.cursor.line -= lines;
fn move_down(&mut self, lines: Line) {
debug_println!("move_down: {}", lines);
self.cursor.line += lines;
fn move_forward(&mut self, cols: Column) {
debug_println!("move_forward: {}", cols);
self.cursor.col += cols;
fn move_backward(&mut self, cols: Column) {
debug_println!("move_backward: {}", cols);
self.cursor.col -= cols;
fn identify_terminal(&mut self) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] identify_terminal");
fn move_down_and_cr(&mut self, lines: Line) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] move_down_and_cr: {}", lines);
fn move_up_and_cr(&mut self, lines: Line) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] move_up_and_cr: {}", lines);
fn put_tab(&mut self, mut count: i64) {
debug_println!("put_tab: {}", count);
let mut col = self.cursor.col;
while col < self.grid.num_cols() && count != 0 {
count -= 1;
loop {
if col == self.grid.num_cols() || self.tabs[*col as usize] {
col += 1;
self.cursor.col = col;
/// Backspace `count` characters
fn backspace(&mut self) {
if self.cursor.col > Column(0) {
self.cursor.col -= 1;
/// Carriage return
fn carriage_return(&mut self) {
self.cursor.col = Column(0);
/// Linefeed
fn linefeed(&mut self) {
if self.cursor.line + 1 == self.scroll_region.end {
} else {
self.cursor.line += 1;
/// Set current position as a tabstop
fn bell(&mut self) {
fn substitute(&mut self) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] substitute");
fn newline(&mut self) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] newline");
fn set_horizontal_tabstop(&mut self) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] set_horizontal_tabstop");
fn scroll_up(&mut self, lines: Line) {
let origin = self.scroll_region.start;
self.scroll_up_relative(origin, lines);
fn scroll_down(&mut self, lines: Line) {
let origin = self.scroll_region.start;
self.scroll_down_relative(origin, lines);
fn insert_blank_lines(&mut self, lines: Line) {
debug_println!("insert_blank_lines: {}", lines);
if self.scroll_region.contains(self.cursor.line) {
let origin = self.cursor.line;
self.scroll_down_relative(origin, lines);
fn delete_lines(&mut self, lines: Line) {
debug_println!("delete_lines: {}", lines);
if self.scroll_region.contains(self.cursor.line) {
let origin = self.cursor.line;
self.scroll_up_relative(origin, lines);
fn erase_chars(&mut self, count: Column) {
debug_println!("erase_chars: {}", count);
let start = self.cursor.col;
let end = start + count;
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.line];
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
for c in &mut row[start..end] {
fn delete_chars(&mut self, count: Column) {
// Ensure deleting within terminal bounds
let count = ::std::cmp::min(count, self.size_info.cols());
let start = self.cursor.col;
let end = self.cursor.col + count;
let n = (self.size_info.cols() - end).0;
let line = self.cursor.line; // borrowck
let line = &mut self.grid[line];
unsafe {
let src = line[end..].as_ptr();
let dst = line[start..].as_mut_ptr();
ptr::copy(src, dst, n);
// Clear last `count` cells in line. If deleting 1 char, need to delete 1 cell.
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
let end = self.size_info.cols() - count;
for c in &mut line[end..] {
fn move_backward_tabs(&mut self, count: i64) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] move_backward_tabs: {}", count);
fn move_forward_tabs(&mut self, count: i64) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] move_forward_tabs: {}", count);
fn save_cursor_position(&mut self) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] save_cursor_position");
fn restore_cursor_position(&mut self) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] restore_cursor_position");
fn clear_line(&mut self, mode: ansi::LineClearMode) {
debug_println!("clear_line: {:?}", mode);
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
match mode {
ansi::LineClearMode::Right => {
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.line];
for cell in &mut row[self.cursor.col..] {
ansi::LineClearMode::Left => {
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.line];
for cell in &mut row[..(self.cursor.col + 1)] {
ansi::LineClearMode::All => {
let row = &mut self.grid[self.cursor.line];
for cell in &mut row[..] {
fn clear_screen(&mut self, mode: ansi::ClearMode) {
debug_println!("clear_screen: {:?}", mode);
let template = self.empty_cell.clone();
match mode {
ansi::ClearMode::Below => {
for row in &mut self.grid[self.cursor.line..] {
for cell in row {
ansi::ClearMode::All => {
self.grid.clear(|c| c.reset(&template));
_ => {
panic!("ansi::ClearMode::Above not implemented");
fn clear_tabs(&mut self, mode: ansi::TabulationClearMode) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] clear_tabs: {:?}", mode);
fn reset_state(&mut self) {
err_println!("[unimplemented] reset_state");
fn reverse_index(&mut self) {
// if cursor is at the top
if self.cursor.line == self.scroll_region.start {
} else {
self.cursor.line -= 1;
/// set a terminal attribute
fn terminal_attribute(&mut self, attr: Attr) {
debug_println!("Set Attribute: {:?}", attr);
match attr {
Attr::Foreground(named_color) => {
self.template_cell.fg = cell::Color::Ansi(named_color);
Attr::Background(named_color) => { = cell::Color::Ansi(named_color);
Attr::ForegroundSpec(rgb) => {
self.template_cell.fg = cell::Color::Rgb(rgb);
Attr::BackgroundSpec(rgb) => { = cell::Color::Rgb(rgb);
Attr::Reset => {
self.template_cell.fg = cell::Color::Ansi(Color::Foreground); = cell::Color::Ansi(Color::Background);
self.template_cell.flags = cell::Flags::empty();
Attr::Reverse => self.template_cell.flags.insert(cell::INVERSE),
Attr::CancelReverse => self.template_cell.flags.remove(cell::INVERSE),
Attr::Bold => self.template_cell.flags.insert(cell::BOLD),
Attr::CancelBoldDim => self.template_cell.flags.remove(cell::BOLD),
Attr::Italic => self.template_cell.flags.insert(cell::ITALIC),
Attr::CancelItalic => self.template_cell.flags.remove(cell::ITALIC),
Attr::Underscore => self.template_cell.flags.insert(cell::UNDERLINE),
Attr::CancelUnderline => self.template_cell.flags.remove(cell::UNDERLINE),
_ => {
debug_println!("Term got unhandled attr: {:?}", attr);
fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: ansi::Mode) {
debug_println!("set_mode: {:?}", mode);
match mode {
ansi::Mode::SwapScreenAndSetRestoreCursor => self.swap_alt(),
ansi::Mode::ShowCursor => self.mode.insert(mode::SHOW_CURSOR),
ansi::Mode::CursorKeys => self.mode.insert(mode::APP_CURSOR),
_ => {
debug_println!(".. ignoring set_mode");
fn unset_mode(&mut self,mode: ansi::Mode) {
debug_println!("unset_mode: {:?}", mode);
match mode {
ansi::Mode::SwapScreenAndSetRestoreCursor => self.swap_alt(),
ansi::Mode::ShowCursor => self.mode.remove(mode::SHOW_CURSOR),
ansi::Mode::CursorKeys => self.mode.remove(mode::APP_CURSOR),
_ => {
debug_println!(".. ignoring unset_mode");
fn set_scrolling_region(&mut self, region: Range<Line>) {
debug_println!("set scroll region: {:?}", region);
self.scroll_region = region;
self.goto(Line(0), Column(0));
fn set_keypad_application_mode(&mut self) {
debug_println!("set mode::APP_KEYPAD");
fn unset_keypad_application_mode(&mut self) {
debug_println!("unset mode::APP_KEYPAD");
mod tests {
extern crate serde_json;
use ansi::Color;
use grid::Grid;
use index::{Line, Column};
use term::{cell, Cell};
/// Check that the grid can be serialized back and forth losslessly
/// This test is in the term module as opposed to the grid since we want to
/// test this property with a T=Cell.
fn grid_serde() {
let template = Cell::new(
' ',
let grid = Grid::new(Line(24), Column(80), &template);
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&grid).expect("ser");
let deserialized = serde_json::from_str::<Grid<Cell>>(&serialized)
assert_eq!(deserialized, grid);