
463 lines
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//! The main event loop which performs I/O on the pseudoterminal.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, ErrorKind, Read, Write};
use std::marker::Send;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::JoinHandle;
use std::time::Instant;
use log::error;
use mio::unix::UnixReady;
use mio::{self, Events, PollOpt, Ready};
use mio_extras::channel::{self, Receiver, Sender};
use crate::ansi;
use crate::event::{self, Event, EventListener};
use crate::sync::FairMutex;
use crate::term::{SizeInfo, Term};
use crate::thread;
use crate::tty;
/// Max bytes to read from the PTY before forced terminal synchronization.
const READ_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 0x10_0000;
/// Max bytes to read from the PTY while the terminal is locked.
const MAX_LOCKED_READ: usize = u16::max_value() as usize;
/// Messages that may be sent to the `EventLoop`.
pub enum Msg {
/// Data that should be written to the PTY.
Input(Cow<'static, [u8]>),
/// Indicates that the `EventLoop` should shut down, as Alacritty is shutting down.
/// Instruction to resize the PTY.
/// The main event!.. loop.
/// Handles all the PTY I/O and runs the PTY parser which updates terminal
/// state.
pub struct EventLoop<T: tty::EventedPty, U: EventListener> {
poll: mio::Poll,
pty: T,
rx: Receiver<Msg>,
tx: Sender<Msg>,
terminal: Arc<FairMutex<Term<U>>>,
event_proxy: U,
hold: bool,
ref_test: bool,
/// Helper type which tracks how much of a buffer has been written.
struct Writing {
source: Cow<'static, [u8]>,
written: usize,
pub struct Notifier(pub Sender<Msg>);
impl event::Notify for Notifier {
fn notify<B>(&self, bytes: B)
B: Into<Cow<'static, [u8]>>,
let bytes = bytes.into();
// terminal hangs if we send 0 bytes through.
if bytes.len() == 0 {
self.0.send(Msg::Input(bytes)).expect("send event loop msg");
impl event::OnResize for Notifier {
fn on_resize(&mut self, size: &SizeInfo) {
self.0.send(Msg::Resize(*size)).expect("expected send event loop msg");
/// All of the mutable state needed to run the event loop.
/// Contains list of items to write, current write state, etc. Anything that
/// would otherwise be mutated on the `EventLoop` goes here.
pub struct State {
write_list: VecDeque<Cow<'static, [u8]>>,
writing: Option<Writing>,
parser: ansi::Processor,
impl State {
fn ensure_next(&mut self) {
if self.writing.is_none() {
fn goto_next(&mut self) {
self.writing = self.write_list.pop_front().map(Writing::new);
fn take_current(&mut self) -> Option<Writing> {
fn needs_write(&self) -> bool {
self.writing.is_some() || !self.write_list.is_empty()
fn set_current(&mut self, new: Option<Writing>) {
self.writing = new;
impl Writing {
fn new(c: Cow<'static, [u8]>) -> Writing {
Writing { source: c, written: 0 }
fn advance(&mut self, n: usize) {
self.written += n;
fn remaining_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
fn finished(&self) -> bool {
self.written >= self.source.len()
impl<T, U> EventLoop<T, U>
T: tty::EventedPty + event::OnResize + Send + 'static,
U: EventListener + Send + 'static,
/// Create a new event loop.
pub fn new(
terminal: Arc<FairMutex<Term<U>>>,
event_proxy: U,
pty: T,
hold: bool,
ref_test: bool,
) -> EventLoop<T, U> {
let (tx, rx) = channel::channel();
EventLoop {
poll: mio::Poll::new().expect("create mio Poll"),
pub fn channel(&self) -> Sender<Msg> {
/// Drain the channel.
/// Returns `false` when a shutdown message was received.
fn drain_recv_channel(&mut self, state: &mut State) -> bool {
while let Ok(msg) = self.rx.try_recv() {
match msg {
Msg::Input(input) => state.write_list.push_back(input),
Msg::Shutdown => return false,
Msg::Resize(size) => self.pty.on_resize(&size),
/// Returns a `bool` indicating whether or not the event loop should continue running.
fn channel_event(&mut self, token: mio::Token, state: &mut State) -> bool {
if !self.drain_recv_channel(state) {
return false;
.reregister(&self.rx, token, Ready::readable(), PollOpt::edge() | PollOpt::oneshot())
fn pty_read<X>(
&mut self,
state: &mut State,
buf: &mut [u8],
mut writer: Option<&mut X>,
) -> io::Result<()>
X: Write,
let mut unprocessed = 0;
let mut processed = 0;
// Reserve the next terminal lock for PTY reading.
let _terminal_lease = Some(;
let mut terminal = None;
loop {
// Read from the PTY.
match self.pty.reader().read(&mut buf[unprocessed..]) {
// This is received on Windows/macOS when no more data is readable from the PTY.
Ok(0) if unprocessed == 0 => break,
Ok(got) => unprocessed += got,
Err(err) => match err.kind() {
ErrorKind::Interrupted | ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
// Go back to mio if we're caught up on parsing and the PTY would block.
if unprocessed == 0 {
_ => return Err(err),
// Attempt to lock the terminal.
let terminal = match &mut terminal {
Some(terminal) => terminal,
None => terminal.insert(match self.terminal.try_lock_unfair() {
// Force block if we are at the buffer size limit.
None if unprocessed >= READ_BUFFER_SIZE => self.terminal.lock_unfair(),
None => continue,
Some(terminal) => terminal,
// Write a copy of the bytes to the ref test file.
if let Some(writer) = &mut writer {
// Parse the incoming bytes.
for byte in &buf[..unprocessed] {
state.parser.advance(&mut **terminal, *byte);
processed += unprocessed;
unprocessed = 0;
// Assure we're not blocking the terminal too long unnecessarily.
if processed >= MAX_LOCKED_READ {
// Queue terminal redraw unless all processed bytes were synchronized.
if state.parser.sync_bytes_count() < processed && processed > 0 {
fn pty_write(&mut self, state: &mut State) -> io::Result<()> {
'write_many: while let Some(mut current) = state.take_current() {
'write_one: loop {
match self.pty.writer().write(current.remaining_bytes()) {
Ok(0) => {
break 'write_many;
Ok(n) => {
if current.finished() {
break 'write_one;
Err(err) => {
match err.kind() {
ErrorKind::Interrupted | ErrorKind::WouldBlock => break 'write_many,
_ => return Err(err),
pub fn spawn(mut self) -> JoinHandle<(Self, State)> {
thread::spawn_named("PTY reader", move || {
let mut state = State::default();
let mut buf = [0u8; READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
let mut tokens = (0..).map(Into::into);
let poll_opts = PollOpt::edge() | PollOpt::oneshot();
let channel_token =;
self.poll.register(&self.rx, channel_token, Ready::readable(), poll_opts).unwrap();
// Register TTY through EventedRW interface.
self.pty.register(&self.poll, &mut tokens, Ready::readable(), poll_opts).unwrap();
let mut events = Events::with_capacity(1024);
let mut pipe = if self.ref_test {
Some(File::create("./alacritty.recording").expect("create alacritty recording"))
} else {
'event_loop: loop {
// Wakeup the event loop when a synchronized update timeout was reached.
let sync_timeout = state.parser.sync_timeout();
let timeout =|st| st.saturating_duration_since(Instant::now()));
if let Err(err) = self.poll.poll(&mut events, timeout) {
match err.kind() {
ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
_ => panic!("EventLoop polling error: {:?}", err),
// Handle synchronized update timeout.
if events.is_empty() {
state.parser.stop_sync(&mut *self.terminal.lock());
for event in events.iter() {
match event.token() {
token if token == channel_token => {
if !self.channel_event(channel_token, &mut state) {
break 'event_loop;
token if token == self.pty.child_event_token() => {
if let Some(tty::ChildEvent::Exited) = self.pty.next_child_event() {
if self.hold {
// With hold enabled, make sure the PTY is drained.
let _ = self.pty_read(&mut state, &mut buf, pipe.as_mut());
} else {
// Without hold, shutdown the terminal.
break 'event_loop;
if token == self.pty.read_token()
|| token == self.pty.write_token() =>
if UnixReady::from(event.readiness()).is_hup() {
// Don't try to do I/O on a dead PTY.
if event.readiness().is_readable() {
if let Err(err) = self.pty_read(&mut state, &mut buf, pipe.as_mut())
// On Linux, a `read` on the master side of a PTY can fail
// with `EIO` if the client side hangs up. In that case,
// just loop back round for the inevitable `Exited` event.
// This sucks, but checking the process is either racy or
// blocking.
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
if err.raw_os_error() == Some(libc::EIO) {
error!("Error reading from PTY in event loop: {}", err);
break 'event_loop;
if event.readiness().is_writable() {
if let Err(err) = self.pty_write(&mut state) {
error!("Error writing to PTY in event loop: {}", err);
break 'event_loop;
_ => (),
// Register write interest if necessary.
let mut interest = Ready::readable();
if state.needs_write() {
// Reregister with new interest.
self.pty.reregister(&self.poll, interest, poll_opts).unwrap();
// The evented instances are not dropped here so deregister them explicitly.
let _ = self.poll.deregister(&self.rx);
let _ = self.pty.deregister(&self.poll);
(self, state)
trait OptionInsert {
type T;
fn insert(&mut self, value: Self::T) -> &mut Self::T;
// TODO: Remove when MSRV is >= 1.53.0.
/// Trait implementation to support Rust version < 1.53.0.
/// This is taken [from STD], further license information can be found in the [rust-lang/rust
/// repository].
/// [from STD]:
/// [rust-lang/rust repository]:
impl<T> OptionInsert for Option<T> {
type T = T;
fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> &mut T {
*self = Some(value);
match self {
Some(v) => v,
// SAFETY: the code above just filled the option
None => unsafe { std::hint::unreachable_unchecked() },