/* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * * © 2010 Michael Stapelberg * * See LICENSE for licensing information * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "i3lock.h" #include "xcb.h" #include "unlock_indicator.h" #include "randr.h" #include "tinyexpr.h" /* clock stuff */ #include extern double circle_radius; extern double ring_width; #define BUTTON_RADIUS (circle_radius) #define RING_WIDTH (ring_width) #define BUTTON_SPACE (BUTTON_RADIUS + (RING_WIDTH / 2)) #define BUTTON_CENTER (BUTTON_RADIUS + (RING_WIDTH / 2)) #define BUTTON_DIAMETER (2 * BUTTON_SPACE) #define CLOCK_WIDTH 400 #define CLOCK_HEIGHT 200 /******************************************************************************* * Variables defined in i3lock.c. ******************************************************************************/ extern bool debug_mode; /* The current position in the input buffer. Useful to determine if any * characters of the password have already been entered or not. */ int input_position; /* The lock window. */ extern xcb_window_t win; /* The current resolution of the X11 root window. */ extern uint32_t last_resolution[2]; /* Whether the unlock indicator is enabled (defaults to true). */ extern bool unlock_indicator; /* List of pressed modifiers, or NULL if none are pressed. */ extern char *modifier_string; /* A Cairo surface containing the specified image (-i), if any. */ extern cairo_surface_t *img; extern cairo_surface_t *blur_img; /* Whether the image should be tiled. */ extern bool tile; /* The background color to use (in hex). */ extern char color[7]; /* indicator color options */ extern char insidevercolor[9]; extern char insidewrongcolor[9]; extern char insidecolor[9]; extern char ringvercolor[9]; extern char ringwrongcolor[9]; extern char ringcolor[9]; extern char linecolor[9]; extern char textcolor[9]; extern char layoutcolor[9]; extern char timecolor[9]; extern char datecolor[9]; extern char keyhlcolor[9]; extern char bshlcolor[9]; extern char separatorcolor[9]; extern int internal_line_source; extern int screen_number; extern float refresh_rate; extern bool show_clock; extern bool always_show_clock; extern bool show_indicator; extern int time_align; extern int date_align; extern int layout_align; extern char time_format[32]; extern char date_format[32]; extern char time_font[32]; extern char date_font[32]; extern char status_font[32]; extern char layout_font[32]; extern char ind_x_expr[32]; extern char ind_y_expr[32]; extern char time_x_expr[32]; extern char time_y_expr[32]; extern char date_x_expr[32]; extern char date_y_expr[32]; extern char layout_x_expr[32]; extern char layout_y_expr[32]; extern double time_size; extern double date_size; extern double text_size; extern double modifier_size; extern double layout_size; extern char* verif_text; extern char* wrong_text; extern char* layout_text; /* Whether the failed attempts should be displayed. */ extern bool show_failed_attempts; /* Number of failed unlock attempts. */ extern int failed_attempts; /******************************************************************************* * Variables defined in xcb.c. ******************************************************************************/ /* The root screen, to determine the DPI. */ extern xcb_screen_t *screen; /******************************************************************************* * Local variables. ******************************************************************************/ /* time stuff */ static struct ev_periodic *time_redraw_tick; /* Cache the screen’s visual, necessary for creating a Cairo context. */ static xcb_visualtype_t *vistype; /* Maintain the current unlock/PAM state to draw the appropriate unlock * indicator. */ unlock_state_t unlock_state; auth_state_t auth_state; // color arrays rgba_t insidever16; rgba_t insidewrong16; rgba_t inside16; rgba_t ringver16; rgba_t ringwrong16; rgba_t ring16; rgba_t line16; rgba_t text16; rgba_t layout16; rgba_t time16; rgba_t date16; rgba_t keyhl16; rgba_t bshl16; rgba_t sep16; rgba_t bar16; // just rgb rgb_t rgb16; // experimental bar stuff #define BAR_VERT 0 #define BAR_FLAT 1 // experimental bar stuff extern bool bar_enabled; extern double *bar_heights; extern double bar_step; extern double bar_base_height; extern double bar_periodic_step; extern double max_bar_height; extern double bar_position; extern int num_bars; extern int bar_width; extern int bar_orientation; extern char bar_base_color[9]; extern char bar_expr[32]; extern bool bar_bidirectional; extern bool bar_reversed; /* * Initialize all the color arrays once. * Called once after options are parsed. */ /* colorstring: 8-character RGBA string ("ff0000ff", "00000000", "ffffffff", etc) colorstring16: array of 4 integers (r, g, b, a). MAKE_COLORGROUPS(colorstring, colorstring16) => char colorstring_tmparr[4][3] = {{colorstring[0], colorstring[1], '\0'}, {colorstring[2], colorstring[3], '\0'}, {colorstring[4], colorstring[5], '\0'}, {colorstring[6], colorstring[7], '\0'}}; uint32_t colorstring16[4] = {(strtol(colorstring_tmparr[0], NULL, 16)), (strtol(colorstring_tmparr[1], NULL, 16)), (strtol(colorstring_tmparr[2], NULL, 16)), (strtol(colorstring_tmparr[3], NULL, 16))}; */ void set_color(char* dest, const char* src, int offset) { dest[0] = src[offset]; dest[1] = src[offset + 1]; dest[2] = '\0'; } void colorgen(rgba_str_t* tmp, const char* src, rgba_t* dest) { set_color(tmp->red, src, 0); set_color(tmp->green, src, 2); set_color(tmp->blue, src, 4); set_color(tmp->alpha, src, 6); dest->red = strtol(tmp->red, NULL, 16) / 255.0; dest->green = strtol(tmp->green, NULL, 16) / 255.0; dest->blue = strtol(tmp->blue, NULL, 16) / 255.0; dest->alpha = strtol(tmp->alpha, NULL, 16) / 255.0; } void colorgen_rgb(rgb_str_t* tmp, const char* src, rgb_t* dest) { set_color(tmp->red, src, 0); set_color(tmp->green, src, 2); set_color(tmp->blue, src, 4); dest->red = strtol(tmp->red, NULL, 16) / 255.0; dest->green = strtol(tmp->green, NULL, 16) / 255.0; dest->blue = strtol(tmp->blue, NULL, 16) / 255.0; } void init_colors_once(void) { rgba_str_t tmp; rgb_str_t tmp_rgb; /* build indicator color arrays */ colorgen(&tmp, insidevercolor, &insidever16); colorgen(&tmp, insidewrongcolor, &insidewrong16); colorgen(&tmp, insidecolor, &inside16); colorgen(&tmp, ringvercolor, &ringver16); colorgen(&tmp, ringwrongcolor, &ringwrong16); colorgen(&tmp, ringcolor, &ring16); colorgen(&tmp, linecolor, &line16); colorgen(&tmp, textcolor, &text16); colorgen(&tmp, layoutcolor, &layout16); colorgen(&tmp, timecolor, &time16); colorgen(&tmp, datecolor, &date16); colorgen(&tmp, keyhlcolor, &keyhl16); colorgen(&tmp, bshlcolor, &bshl16); colorgen(&tmp, separatorcolor, &sep16); colorgen(&tmp, bar_base_color, &bar16); colorgen_rgb(&tmp_rgb, color, &rgb16); } /* * Returns the scaling factor of the current screen. E.g., on a 227 DPI MacBook * Pro 13" Retina screen, the scaling factor is 227/96 = 2.36. * */ static double scaling_factor(void) { const int dpi = (double) screen->height_in_pixels * 25.4 / (double) screen->height_in_millimeters; return (dpi / 96.0); } /* * Draws global image with fill color onto a pixmap with the given * resolution and returns it. * */ xcb_pixmap_t draw_image(uint32_t *resolution) { xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = XCB_NONE; int button_diameter_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * BUTTON_DIAMETER); int clock_width_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * CLOCK_WIDTH); int clock_height_physical = ceil(scaling_factor() * CLOCK_HEIGHT); DEBUG("scaling_factor is %.f, physical diameter is %d px\n", scaling_factor(), button_diameter_physical); if (!vistype) vistype = get_root_visual_type(screen); bg_pixmap = create_bg_pixmap(conn, screen, resolution, color); /* Initialize cairo: Create one in-memory surface to render the unlock * indicator on, create one XCB surface to actually draw (one or more, * depending on the amount of screens) unlock indicators on. * create two more surfaces for time and date display */ cairo_surface_t *output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_t *ctx = cairo_create(output); cairo_surface_t *time_output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, clock_width_physical, clock_height_physical); cairo_t *time_ctx = cairo_create(time_output); cairo_surface_t *date_output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, clock_width_physical, clock_height_physical); cairo_t *date_ctx = cairo_create(date_output); cairo_surface_t *layout_output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, clock_width_physical, clock_height_physical); cairo_t *layout_ctx = cairo_create(layout_output); cairo_surface_t *bar_output = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *bar_ctx = cairo_create(bar_output); cairo_surface_t *xcb_output = cairo_xcb_surface_create(conn, bg_pixmap, vistype, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_t *xcb_ctx = cairo_create(xcb_output); if (blur_img || img) { if (blur_img) { cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, blur_img, 0, 0); cairo_paint(xcb_ctx); } if (img) { if (!tile) { cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, img, 0, 0); cairo_paint(xcb_ctx); } else { /* create a pattern and fill a rectangle as big as the screen */ cairo_pattern_t *pattern; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(img); cairo_set_source(xcb_ctx, pattern); cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } } } else { cairo_set_source_rgb(xcb_ctx, rgb16.red, rgb16.green, rgb16.blue); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } /* https://github.com/ravinrabbid/i3lock-clock/commit/0de3a411fa5249c3a4822612c2d6c476389a1297 */ time_t rawtime; struct tm* timeinfo; bool unlock_indic_text = false; time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); if (unlock_indicator && (unlock_state >= STATE_KEY_PRESSED || auth_state > STATE_AUTH_IDLE || show_indicator)) { cairo_scale(ctx, scaling_factor(), scaling_factor()); /* Draw a (centered) circle with transparent background. */ cairo_set_line_width(ctx, RING_WIDTH); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, 0 /* start */, 2 * M_PI /* end */); /* Use the appropriate color for the different PAM states * (currently verifying, wrong password, or default) */ switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, insidever16.red, insidever16.green, insidever16.blue, insidever16.alpha); break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, insidewrong16.red, insidewrong16.green, insidewrong16.blue, insidewrong16.alpha); break; default: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, inside16.red, inside16.green, inside16.blue, inside16.alpha); break; } cairo_fill_preserve(ctx); switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, ringver16.red, ringver16.green, ringver16.blue, ringver16.alpha); if (internal_line_source == 1) { line16.red = ringver16.red; line16.green = ringver16.green; line16.blue = ringver16.blue; line16.alpha = ringver16.alpha; } break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, ringwrong16.red, ringwrong16.green, ringwrong16.blue, ringwrong16.alpha); if (internal_line_source == 1) { line16.red = ringwrong16.red; line16.green = ringwrong16.green; line16.blue = ringwrong16.blue; line16.alpha = ringwrong16.alpha; } break; case STATE_AUTH_IDLE: cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, ring16.red, ring16.green, ring16.blue, ring16.alpha); if (internal_line_source == 1) { line16.red = ring16.red; line16.green = ring16.green; line16.blue = ring16.blue; line16.alpha = ring16.alpha; } break; } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw an inner separator line. */ if (internal_line_source != 2) { //pretty sure this only needs drawn if it's being drawn over the inside? cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, line16.red, line16.green, line16.blue, line16.alpha); cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 2.0); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS - 5 /* radius */, 0, 2 * M_PI); cairo_stroke(ctx); } cairo_set_line_width(ctx, 10.0); /* Display a (centered) text of the current PAM state. */ char *text = NULL; /* We don't want to show more than a 3-digit number. */ char buf[4]; cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, text16.red, text16.green, text16.blue, text16.alpha); cairo_select_font_face(ctx, status_font, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(ctx, text_size); switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: text = verif_text; break; case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: text = "locking…"; break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: text = wrong_text; break; case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: text = "lock failed!"; break; default: if (show_failed_attempts && failed_attempts > 0) { if (failed_attempts > 999) { text = "> 999"; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", failed_attempts); text = buf; } cairo_set_font_size(ctx, 32.0); } break; } if (text) { unlock_indic_text = true; cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_text_extents(ctx, text, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing); cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, text); cairo_close_path(ctx); } if (auth_state == STATE_AUTH_WRONG && (modifier_string != NULL)) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; double x, y; cairo_set_font_size(ctx, modifier_size); cairo_text_extents(ctx, modifier_string, &extents); x = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); y = BUTTON_CENTER - ((extents.height / 2) + extents.y_bearing) + 28.0; cairo_move_to(ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(ctx, modifier_string); cairo_close_path(ctx); } /* After the user pressed any valid key or the backspace key, we * highlight a random part of the unlock indicator to confirm this * keypress. */ if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE || unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { if (bar_enabled) { // note: might be biased to cause more hits on lower indices // maybe see about doing ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX) * num_bars int index = rand() % num_bars; bar_heights[index] = max_bar_height; for(int i = 0; i < ((max_bar_height / bar_step) + 1); ++i) { int low_ind = index - i; while (low_ind < 0) { low_ind += num_bars; } int high_ind = (index + i) % num_bars; int tmp_height = max_bar_height - (bar_step * i); if (tmp_height < 0) tmp_height = 0; if (bar_heights[low_ind] < tmp_height) bar_heights[low_ind] = tmp_height; if (bar_heights[high_ind] < tmp_height) bar_heights[high_ind] = tmp_height; if (tmp_height == 0) break; } } else { cairo_set_line_width(ctx, RING_WIDTH); cairo_new_sub_path(ctx); double highlight_start = (rand() % (int)(2 * M_PI * 100)) / 100.0; cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)); if (unlock_state == STATE_KEY_ACTIVE) { /* For normal keys, we use a lighter green. */ //lol no cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, keyhl16.red, keyhl16.green, keyhl16.blue, keyhl16.alpha); } else { /* For backspace, we use red. */ //lol no cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, bshl16.red, bshl16.green, bshl16.blue, bshl16.alpha); } cairo_stroke(ctx); /* Draw two little separators for the highlighted part of the * unlock indicator. */ cairo_set_source_rgba(ctx, sep16.red, sep16.green, sep16.blue, sep16.alpha); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, highlight_start /* start */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 128.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); cairo_arc(ctx, BUTTON_CENTER /* x */, BUTTON_CENTER /* y */, BUTTON_RADIUS /* radius */, (highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0)) - (M_PI / 128.0) /* start */, highlight_start + (M_PI / 3.0) /* end */); cairo_stroke(ctx); } } } if (show_clock && (!unlock_indic_text || always_show_clock)) { char *text = NULL; char *date = NULL; char time_text[40] = {0}; char date_text[40] = {0}; // common vars for each if block double x, y; cairo_text_extents_t extents; strftime(time_text, 40, time_format, timeinfo); strftime(date_text, 40, date_format, timeinfo); text = time_text; date = date_text; if (text) { cairo_set_font_size(time_ctx, time_size); cairo_select_font_face(time_ctx, time_font, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_source_rgba(time_ctx, time16.red, time16.green, time16.blue, time16.alpha); cairo_text_extents(time_ctx, text, &extents); switch(time_align) { case 1: x = 0; break; case 2: x = CLOCK_WIDTH - ((extents.width) + extents.x_bearing); break; case 0: default: x = CLOCK_WIDTH/2 - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); break; } y = CLOCK_HEIGHT/2; cairo_move_to(time_ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(time_ctx, text); cairo_close_path(time_ctx); } if (date) { cairo_select_font_face(date_ctx, date_font, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_source_rgba(date_ctx, date16.red, date16.green, date16.blue, date16.alpha); cairo_set_font_size(date_ctx, date_size); cairo_text_extents(date_ctx, date, &extents); switch(date_align) { case 1: x = 0; break; case 2: x = CLOCK_WIDTH - ((extents.width) + extents.x_bearing); break; case 0: default: x = CLOCK_WIDTH/2 - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); break; } y = CLOCK_HEIGHT/2; cairo_move_to(date_ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(date_ctx, date); cairo_close_path(date_ctx); } if (layout_text) { cairo_select_font_face(layout_ctx, layout_font, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_source_rgba(layout_ctx, layout16.red, layout16.green, layout16.blue, layout16.alpha); cairo_set_font_size(layout_ctx, layout_size); cairo_text_extents(layout_ctx, layout_text, &extents); switch(layout_align) { case 1: x = 0; break; case 2: x = CLOCK_WIDTH - ((extents.width) + extents.x_bearing); break; case 0: default: x = CLOCK_WIDTH/2 - ((extents.width / 2) + extents.x_bearing); break; } y = CLOCK_HEIGHT/2; cairo_move_to(layout_ctx, x, y); cairo_show_text(layout_ctx, layout_text); cairo_close_path(layout_ctx); } } double ix, iy; double x, y; double screen_x, screen_y; double w, h; double tx = 0; double ty = 0; double dx = 0; double dy = 0; double clock_width = CLOCK_WIDTH; double clock_height = CLOCK_HEIGHT; double radius = BUTTON_RADIUS; int te_x_err; int te_y_err; // variable mapping for evaluating the clock position expression te_variable vars[] = { {"w", &w}, {"h", &h}, {"x", &screen_x}, {"y", &screen_y}, {"ix", &ix}, {"iy", &iy}, {"tx", &tx}, {"ty", &ty}, {"dx", &dx}, {"dy", &dy}, {"cw", &clock_width}, {"ch", &clock_height}, // pretty sure this is fine. {"r", &radius} }; #define NUM_VARS 13 te_expr *te_ind_x_expr = te_compile(ind_x_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_x_err); te_expr *te_ind_y_expr = te_compile(ind_y_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_y_err); te_expr *te_time_x_expr = te_compile(time_x_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_x_err); te_expr *te_time_y_expr = te_compile(time_y_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_y_err); te_expr *te_date_x_expr = te_compile(date_x_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_x_err); te_expr *te_date_y_expr = te_compile(date_y_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_y_err); te_expr *te_layout_x_expr = te_compile(layout_x_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_x_err); te_expr *te_layout_y_expr = te_compile(layout_y_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_y_err); te_expr *te_bar_expr = te_compile(bar_expr, vars, NUM_VARS, &te_x_err); if (xr_screens > 0 && !bar_enabled) { /* Composite the unlock indicator in the middle of each screen. */ // excuse me, just gonna hack something in right here if (screen_number != -1 && screen_number < xr_screens) { w = xr_resolutions[screen_number].width; h = xr_resolutions[screen_number].height; screen_x = xr_resolutions[screen_number].x; screen_y = xr_resolutions[screen_number].y; if (te_ind_x_expr && te_ind_y_expr) { ix = 0; iy = 0; ix = te_eval(te_ind_x_expr); iy = te_eval(te_ind_y_expr); } else { ix = xr_resolutions[screen_number].x + (xr_resolutions[screen_number].width / 2); iy = xr_resolutions[screen_number].y + (xr_resolutions[screen_number].height / 2); } x = ix - (button_diameter_physical / 2); y = iy - (button_diameter_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); tx = 0; ty = 0; tx = te_eval(te_time_x_expr); ty = te_eval(te_time_y_expr); double time_x = tx; double time_y = ty; dx = te_eval(te_date_x_expr); dy = te_eval(te_date_y_expr); double date_x = dx; double date_y = dy; double layout_x = te_eval(te_layout_x_expr); double layout_y = te_eval(te_layout_y_expr); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, time_output, time_x, time_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, time_x, time_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, date_output, date_x, date_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, date_x, date_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, layout_output, layout_x, layout_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, layout_x, layout_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } else { for (int screen = 0; screen < xr_screens; screen++) { w = xr_resolutions[screen].width; h = xr_resolutions[screen].height; screen_x = xr_resolutions[screen].x; screen_y = xr_resolutions[screen].y; if (te_ind_x_expr && te_ind_y_expr) { ix = 0; iy = 0; ix = te_eval(te_ind_x_expr); iy = te_eval(te_ind_y_expr); } else { ix = xr_resolutions[screen].x + (xr_resolutions[screen].width / 2); iy = xr_resolutions[screen].y + (xr_resolutions[screen].height / 2); } x = ix - (button_diameter_physical / 2); y = iy - (button_diameter_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); if (te_time_x_expr && te_time_y_expr) { tx = 0; ty = 0; tx = te_eval(te_time_x_expr); ty = te_eval(te_time_y_expr); double time_x = tx; double time_y = ty; dx = te_eval(te_date_x_expr); dy = te_eval(te_date_y_expr); double date_x = dx; double date_y = dy; double layout_x = te_eval(te_layout_x_expr); double layout_y = te_eval(te_layout_y_expr); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, time_output, time_x, time_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, time_x, time_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, date_output, date_x, date_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, date_x, date_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, layout_output, layout_x, layout_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, layout_x, layout_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } else { DEBUG("error codes for exprs are %d, %d\n", te_x_err, te_y_err); DEBUG("exprs: %s, %s\n", time_x_expr, time_y_expr); } } } } else if (!bar_enabled) { /* We have no information about the screen sizes/positions, so we just * place the unlock indicator in the middle of the X root window and * hope for the best. */ w = last_resolution[0]; h = last_resolution[1]; ix = last_resolution[0] / 2; iy = last_resolution[1] / 2; x = ix - (button_diameter_physical / 2); y = iy - (button_diameter_physical / 2); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, output, x, y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, x, y, button_diameter_physical, button_diameter_physical); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); if (te_time_x_expr && te_time_y_expr) { tx = te_eval(te_time_x_expr); ty = te_eval(te_time_y_expr); double time_x = tx; double time_y = ty; dx = te_eval(te_date_x_expr); dy = te_eval(te_date_y_expr); double date_x = dx; double date_y = dy; double layout_x = te_eval(te_layout_x_expr); double layout_y = te_eval(te_layout_y_expr); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, time_output, time_x, time_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, time_x, time_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, date_output, date_x, date_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, date_x, date_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, layout_output, layout_x, layout_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, layout_x, layout_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } } else { // oh boy, here we go! // TODO: get this to play nicely with multiple monitors // ideally it'd intelligently span both monitors if (screen_number != -1 && screen_number < xr_screens) { w = xr_resolutions[screen_number].width; h = xr_resolutions[screen_number].height; ix = w / 2; iy = h / 2; } else { w = xr_resolutions[0].width; h = xr_resolutions[0].height; ix = w / 2; iy = h / 2; } double bar_offset = te_eval(te_bar_expr); double x, y, width, height; double back_x = 0, back_y = 0, back_x2 = 0, back_y2 = 0, back_width = 0, back_height = 0; for(int i = 0; i < num_bars; ++i) { double cur_bar_height = bar_heights[i]; if (cur_bar_height > 0) { if (unlock_state == STATE_BACKSPACE_ACTIVE) { cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, bshl16.red, bshl16.green, bshl16.blue, bshl16.alpha); } else { cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, keyhl16.red, keyhl16.green, keyhl16.blue, keyhl16.alpha); } } else { switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, ringver16.red, ringver16.green, ringver16.blue, ringver16.alpha); break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, ringwrong16.red, ringwrong16.green, ringwrong16.blue, ringwrong16.alpha); break; default: cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, bar16.red, bar16.green, bar16.blue, bar16.alpha); break; } } if (bar_orientation == BAR_VERT) { width = (cur_bar_height <= 0 ? bar_base_height : cur_bar_height); height = bar_width; x = bar_offset; y = i * bar_width; if (bar_reversed) { x -= width; } else if (bar_bidirectional) { width = (cur_bar_height <= 0 ? bar_base_height : cur_bar_height * 2); x = bar_offset - (width / 2) + (bar_base_height / 2); } } else { width = bar_width; height = (cur_bar_height <= 0 ? bar_base_height : cur_bar_height); x = i * bar_width; y = bar_offset; if (bar_reversed) { y -= height; } else if (bar_bidirectional) { height = (cur_bar_height <= 0 ? bar_base_height : cur_bar_height * 2); y = bar_offset - (height / 2) + (bar_base_height / 2); } } if (cur_bar_height < bar_base_height && cur_bar_height > 0) { if (bar_orientation == BAR_VERT) { back_x = bar_offset + cur_bar_height; back_y = y; back_width = bar_base_height - cur_bar_height; back_height = height; if (bar_reversed) { back_x = bar_offset - bar_base_height; } else if (bar_bidirectional) { back_x = bar_offset; back_y2 = y; back_width = (bar_base_height - (cur_bar_height * 2)) / 2; back_x2 = bar_offset + (cur_bar_height * 2) + back_width; } } else { back_x = x; back_y = bar_offset + cur_bar_height; back_width = width; back_height = bar_base_height - cur_bar_height; if (bar_reversed) { back_y = bar_offset - bar_base_height; } else if (bar_bidirectional) { back_x2 = x; back_y = bar_offset; back_height = (bar_base_height - (cur_bar_height * 2)) / 2; back_y2= bar_offset + (cur_bar_height * 2) + back_height; } } } cairo_rectangle(bar_ctx, x, y, width, height); cairo_fill(bar_ctx); switch (auth_state) { case STATE_AUTH_VERIFY: case STATE_AUTH_LOCK: cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, ringver16.red, ringver16.green, ringver16.blue, ringver16.alpha); break; case STATE_AUTH_WRONG: case STATE_I3LOCK_LOCK_FAILED: cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, ringwrong16.red, ringwrong16.green, ringwrong16.blue, ringwrong16.alpha); break; default: cairo_set_source_rgba(bar_ctx, bar16.red, bar16.green, bar16.blue, bar16.alpha); break; } if (cur_bar_height > 0 && cur_bar_height < bar_base_height && ((bar_bidirectional && ((cur_bar_height * 2) < bar_base_height)) || (!bar_bidirectional && (cur_bar_height < bar_base_height)))) { cairo_rectangle(bar_ctx, back_x, back_y, back_width, back_height); cairo_fill(bar_ctx); if (bar_bidirectional) { cairo_rectangle(bar_ctx, back_x2, back_y2, back_width, back_height); cairo_fill(bar_ctx); } } } cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, bar_output, 0, 0); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, 0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1]); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); for(int i = 0; i < num_bars; ++i) { if (bar_heights[i] > 0) bar_heights[i] -= bar_periodic_step; } tx = 0; ty = 0; tx = te_eval(te_time_x_expr); ty = te_eval(te_time_y_expr); double time_x = tx; double time_y = ty; dx = te_eval(te_date_x_expr); dy = te_eval(te_date_y_expr); double date_x = dx; double date_y = dy; double layout_x = te_eval(te_layout_x_expr); double layout_y = te_eval(te_layout_y_expr); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, time_output, time_x, time_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, time_x, time_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, date_output, date_x, date_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, date_x, date_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); cairo_set_source_surface(xcb_ctx, layout_output, layout_x, layout_y); cairo_rectangle(xcb_ctx, layout_x, layout_y, CLOCK_WIDTH, CLOCK_HEIGHT); cairo_fill(xcb_ctx); } te_free(te_ind_x_expr); te_free(te_ind_y_expr); te_free(te_time_x_expr); te_free(te_time_y_expr); te_free(te_date_x_expr); te_free(te_date_y_expr); te_free(te_layout_x_expr); te_free(te_layout_y_expr); te_free(te_bar_expr); cairo_surface_destroy(xcb_output); cairo_surface_destroy(time_output); cairo_surface_destroy(date_output); cairo_surface_destroy(layout_output); cairo_surface_destroy(bar_output); cairo_surface_destroy(output); cairo_destroy(ctx); cairo_destroy(time_ctx); cairo_destroy(date_ctx); cairo_destroy(layout_ctx); cairo_destroy(bar_ctx); cairo_destroy(xcb_ctx); return bg_pixmap; } /* * Calls draw_image on a new pixmap and swaps that with the current pixmap * */ void redraw_screen(void) { DEBUG("redraw_screen(unlock_state = %d, auth_state = %d) @ [%lu]\n", unlock_state, auth_state, (unsigned long)time(NULL)); xcb_pixmap_t bg_pixmap = draw_image(last_resolution); xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, win, XCB_CW_BACK_PIXMAP, (uint32_t[1]){bg_pixmap}); /* XXX: Possible optimization: Only update the area in the middle of the * screen instead of the whole screen. */ xcb_clear_area(conn, 0, win, 0, 0, last_resolution[0], last_resolution[1]); xcb_free_pixmap(conn, bg_pixmap); xcb_flush(conn); } /* * Hides the unlock indicator completely when there is no content in the * password buffer. * */ void clear_indicator(void) { if (input_position == 0) { unlock_state = STATE_STARTED; } else unlock_state = STATE_KEY_PRESSED; redraw_screen(); } void* start_time_redraw_tick_pthread(void* arg) { struct timespec *ts = (struct timespec *) arg; while(1) { nanosleep(ts, NULL); redraw_screen(); } return NULL; } static void time_redraw_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_periodic *w, int revents) { redraw_screen(); } void start_time_redraw_tick(struct ev_loop* main_loop) { if (time_redraw_tick) { ev_periodic_set(time_redraw_tick, 0., refresh_rate, 0); ev_periodic_again(main_loop, time_redraw_tick); } else { if (!(time_redraw_tick = calloc(sizeof(struct ev_periodic), 1))) { return; } ev_periodic_init(time_redraw_tick, time_redraw_cb, 0., refresh_rate, 0); ev_periodic_start(main_loop, time_redraw_tick); } }