#compdef i3lock _i3lock() { integer ret=1 local -a args zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:descriptions' format '' args+=( "(--version -v)"{--version,-v}"[Display the version of i3lock]" "(--nofork -n)"{--nofork,-n}"[Don't fork after starting]" "(--beep -b)"{--beeping,-b}"[Enable beeping]" "(--no-unlock-indicator -u)"{--no-unlock-indicator,-u}"[Disable the unlock indicator]" "(--image -i)"{--image,-i}"[Display the given PNG image instead of a blank screen]:filename:_files -g '*.(png|jpg)'" "--raw[Read the image given by --image as a raw image instead of PNG]:raw:" "(--color -c)"{--color,-c}"[Turn the screen into the given hex color]:hex:->hex" "(--tiling -t)"{--tiling,-t}"[Image will be displayed tiled all over the screen]" "(--centered -C)"{--centered,-C}"[Image will be displayed centered on the screen]" "(--fill -F)"{--fill,-F}"[Image will fill all over the screen]" "(--max -M)"{--max,-M}"[Image will fit the screen at width or height]" "(--scale -L)"{--scale,-L}"[Image will be stretched on the screen]" "(--pointer -p)"{--pointer,-p}"[Sets mouse pointer type]:pointer:(win default)" "(--ignore-empty-password -e)"{--ignore-empty-password,-e}"[Do not validate empty password]" "(--show-failed-attempts -f)"{--show-failed-attempts,-f}"[Show the number of failed attemps]" "--debug[Enables debug logging.]" # i3lock-color OPTIONS "(--screen -S)"{--screen,-S}"[Specifies which display to draw the unlock indicator]:int:" "(--blur -B)"{--blur,-B}"[Captures the screen and blurs it using the given sigma]:sigma:" "(--clock --force-clock -k)"{--clock,--force-clock,-k}"[Displays the clock]" "--indicator[Forces the indicator to always be visible]" "--radius[The radius of the circle]:float:" "--ring-width[The width of the ring unlock indicator]:float:" # Colors "--inside-color[Sets the default \"resting\" color for the interior circle]:hex:->hex" "--ring-color[Sets the default ring color]:hex:->hex" "--insidever-color[Sets the interior circle color while the password is being verified]:hex:->hex" "--ringver-color[Sets the ring color while the password is being verified]:hex:->hex" "--insidewrong-color[Sets the interior circle color for suring flash for an incorrect password]:hex:->hex" "--ringwrong-color[Sets the ring color during the flas for an incorrect password]:hex:->hex" "--line-color[Sets the color for the line separating the inside circle, and the outer ring]:hex:->hex" "--line-uses-inside[Conflicts with --line-uses-ring. Overrides --linecolor; the line will match the inside color]" "--line-uses-ring[Conflicts with --line-uses-inside. Overrides --linecolor; The line will match the ring color]" "--keyhl-color[Sets the color of the ring 'highlight' strokes that appear upon keypress]:hex:->hex" "--bshl-color[Sets the color of the ring 'highlight' strokes that appear upon backspace]:hex:->hex" "--separator-color[Sets the color of the 'separator', which is at both ends of the ring highlights]:hex:->hex" "--verif-color[Sets the color of the status text while verifying]:hex:->hex" "--wrong-color[Sets the color of the status when \"wrong\"]:hex:->hex" "--modif-color[Sets the color of the status text while verifying]:hex:->hex" "--layout-color[Sets the color of the keyboard layout text]:hex:->hex" "--time-color[Sets te color of the time in the clock]:hex:->hex" "--date-color[Sets the color of the date in the clock]:hex:->hex" "--greeter-color[Sets the color of the greeter text]:hex:->hex" # Text "--time-str[Sets the format used for generating the time string]:str:" "--date-str[Sets the format used for generating the date string]:str:" "--verif-text[Sets the string to be shown while verifying]:str:" "--wrong-text[Sets the string to be shown upon entering an incorrect password]:str:" "--keylayout[Displays the keylayout]:mode:((0\:'Displays the full string returned by the query, i.e. English (US)' 1\:'Displays up until the first parenthesis, i.e. English' 2\:'Displays just the contents of the parenthesis, i.e US'))" "--noinput-text[Sets the string to be shown upon pressing backspace whithout anything to delete]:str:" "--lock-text[Sets the string to be shown while acquiring pointer and keyboard focus]:str:" "--lockfailed-text[Sets the string to be shown after failing to acquire pointer and keyboard focus]:str:" "--greeter-text[Sets the greeter text]:str:" "--no-modkey-text[Hides the modkey indicator]" # Align "(--time-align --date-align --layout-align --verif-align --wrong-align --modif-align --greeter-align)"{--time-align,--date-align,--layout-align,--verif-align,--wrong-align,--modif-align,--greeter-align}"[Sets the text alignment]:alignment:((0\:'default' 1\:'left aligned' 2\:'right aligned'))" # Outline color "(--timeoutline-color --dateoutline-color --layoutoutline-color --verifoutline-color --wrongoutline-color --modifoutline-color --greeteroutline-color)"{--timeoutline-color,--dateoutline-color,--layoutoutline-color,--verifoutline-color,--wrongoutline-color,--modifoutline-color,--greeteroutline-color}"[Sets the color of the outline]:hex:->hex" # Fonts "(--time-font --date-font --layout-font --verif-font --wrong-font --greeter-font)"{--time-font,--date-font,--layout-font,--verif-font,--wrong-font,--greeter-font}"[Sets the font used to render various strings]:str:" # Size "(--time-size --date-size --layout-size --verif-size --wrong-size --greeter-size)"{--time-size,--date-size,--layout-size,--verif-size,--wrong-size,--greeter-size}"[Sets the font size used to render various strings]:int:" # Outline width "(--timeoutline-width --dateoutline-width --layoutoutline-width --verifoutline-width --wrongoutline-width --modifieroutline-width --greeteroutline-width)"{--timeoutline-width,--dateoutline-width,--layoutoutline-width,--verifoutline-width,--wrongoutline-width,--modifieroutline-width,--greeteroutline-width}"[Sets the width of the outline]:float:" # Position "--ind-pos[Sets the position for the unlock indicator]:pos:->ind_pos" "--time-pos[Sets the position for the time string]:pos:->time_pos" "--date-pos[Sets the position for the date string]:pos:->date_pos" "--greeter-pos[Sets the position for the greeter string]:pos:->greeter_pos" # Media keys "--pass-media-keys[Allow media keys to be used while the screen is locked]" "--pass-screen-keys[Allow screen keys to be used while the screen is locked]" "--pass-power-keys[Allow power keys to be used while the screen is locked]" "--pass-volume-keys[Allow volume keys to be used while the screen is locked]" # Bar mode "--bar-indicator[Replaces the usual ring indicator with a bar indicator]" "--bar-direction[Sets the direction the bars grow in]:direction:((0\:'default' 1\:'reverse' 2\:'both'))" "--bar-orientation[Sets whether the bar is vertically or horizontally oriented]:orientation:(vertical horizontal)" "--bar-step[Sets the step that each bar decreases by when a key is pressed]:int:" "--bar-max-height[The maximum height a bar can get to]:float:" "--bar-base-width[The thickness of the \"base\" bar that all the bar originate from]:float:" "--bar-color[Sets the default color of the bar base]:hex:->hex" "--bar-periodic-step[The value by which the bars decrease each time the screen is redrawn]:int:" "--bar-pos[Sets the bar position]:pos:->bar_pos" "--bar-count[Sets the number of minibars to draw on each screen]:int:" "--bar-total-width[The total width of the bar]:float:" # Extra configs "--redraw-thread[Starts a separate thread for redrawing the screen]" "--refresh-rate[The refresh rate of the indicator]:double:" "--composite" "--no-verify[Do not verify the password provided by the user and unlock inmediately]" # Slideshow "--slideshow-interval[The interval to wait until switching to the nex image]:double:" "--slideshow-random-selection[Randomize the order of the images]" ) _arguments $args[@] && ret=0 case "$state" in hex) zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:descriptions' format '%d' _message "Color in hexadecimal rrggbbaa, like #ff0000ff or #354F9AFF" ;; ind_pos) zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:normal' format '%d' zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b' _message "\"x position:y position\"" _message -e "normal" "'x' - x position of the current display. Corresponds to the left-most row of pixels" _message -e "normal" "'y' - y position of the current display. Corresponds to the topmost row of pixels" _message -e "normal" "'w' - width of the current display" _message -e "normal" "'w' - height of the current display" _message -e "normal" "'r' - unlock indicator radius" ;; time_pos) zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:normal' format '%d' zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b' _message "\"x position:y position\"" _message -e "normal" "All the variables from --ind-pos may be used, in addition to:" _message -e "normal" "'ix' - x position of the indicator on the current display" _message -e "normal" "'iy' - y position of the indicator on the current display" _message -e "normal" "If the --bar-indicator option is used, the following may be used" _message -e "normal" "'bw' - width od the bar indicator" _message -e "normal" "'bx' - x position of the bar indicator on the current display" _message -e "normal" "'by' - y position of the bar indicator on the current display" ;; date_pos) zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:normal' format '%d' zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b' _message "\"x position:y position\"" _message -e "normal" "All the variables from --ind-pos and --time-pos may be used, in addition to:" _message -e "normal" "'tx' - x position of the timestring on the current display" _message -e "normal" "'ty' - y position of the timestring on the current display" ;; greeter_pos) zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:normal' format '%d' zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b' _message "\"x position:y position\"" _message -e "normal" "All the variables from --ind-pos and --time-pos may be used" ;; bar_pos) zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:normal' format '%d' zstyle ':completion:*:*:i3lock:*:descriptions' format '%B%d%b' _message "\"x position:y position\"" _message -e "normal" "All the variables from --ind-pos and --time-pos may be used" _message -e "normal" "If only one number is provided, sets the vertical offset from the top or left edge" _message -e "normal" "If two numbers are provided, sets the starting position of the bar" ;; esac return ret } _i3lock