#!/bin/sh # == Declare stderr function === stderr() { printf "\033[1;31m%s\n\033[0m" "$@" >&2 } # === Verify `compton --dbus` status === if [ -z "$(dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call --print-reply /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames | grep compton)" ]; then stderr "picom DBus interface unavailable" if [ -n "$(pgrep picom)" ]; then stderr "picom running without dbus interface" #killall picom & # Causes all windows to flicker away and come back ugly. #compton --dbus & # Causes all windows to flicker away and come back beautiful else stderr "picom not running" fi exit 1 fi # === Setup sed === SED="${SED:-$(command -v gsed || printf 'sed')}" # === Get connection parameters === dpy=$(printf "$DISPLAY" | tr -c '[:alnum:]' _) if [ -z "$dpy" ]; then echo "Cannot find display." exit 1 fi service="com.github.chjj.compton.${dpy}" interface="com.github.chjj.compton" picom_dbus="dbus-send --print-reply --dest="${service}" / "${interface}"." type_win='uint32' type_enum='uint32' # === Color Inversion === # Get window ID of window to invert if [ -z "$1" -o "$1" = "selected" ]; then window=$(xwininfo -frame | sed -n 's/^xwininfo: Window id: \(0x[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]*\).*/\1/p') # Select window by mouse elif [ "$1" = "focused" ]; then # Ensure we are tracking focus window=$(${picom_dbus}find_win string:focused | $SED -n 's/^[[:space:]]*'${type_win}'[[:space:]]*\([[:digit:]]*\).*/\1/p') # Query compton for the active window elif echo "$1" | grep -Eiq '^([[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*|0x[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]*)$'; then window="$1" # Accept user-specified window-id if the format is correct else echo "$0" "[ selected | focused | window-id ]" fi # Color invert the selected or focused window if [ -n "$window" ]; then invert_status="$(${picom_dbus}win_get "${type_win}:${window}" string:invert_color | $SED -n 's/^[[:space:]]*boolean[[:space:]]*\([[:alpha:]]*\).*/\1/p')" if [ "$invert_status" = true ]; then invert=0 # Set the window to have normal color else invert=1 # Set the window to have inverted color fi ${picom_dbus}win_set "${type_win}:${window}" string:invert_color_force "${type_enum}:${invert}" & else stderr "Cannot find $1 window." exit 1 fi exit 0