# Use tab to indent recipe lines, spaces to indent other lines, otherwise # GNU make may get unhappy. CC ?= gcc PREFIX ?= /usr BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 APPDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/applications ICODIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/icons/hicolor/ PACKAGES = x11 xcomposite xfixes xdamage xrender xext xrandr LIBS = -lm -lrt INCS = OBJS = compton.o config.o # === Configuration flags === CFG = -std=c11 -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter ifeq "$(CC)" "clang" CFG += -Wconditional-uninitialized endif # ==== Xinerama ==== # Enables support for --xinerama-shadow-crop ifeq "$(NO_XINERAMA)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_XINERAMA PACKAGES += xinerama endif # ==== libconfig ==== # Enables configuration file parsing support ifeq "$(NO_LIBCONFIG)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_LIBCONFIG PACKAGES += libconfig OBJS += config_libconfig.o # libconfig-1.3* does not define LIBCONFIG_VER* macros, so we use # pkg-config to determine its version here LIBCONFIG_VER = $(shell pkg-config --atleast-version=1.4 libconfig; echo $$?) ifeq ($LIBCONFIG_VER, 1) $(error "Your libconfig is too old, at least 1.4 is required") endif endif # ==== PCRE regular expression ==== # Enables support for PCRE regular expression pattern in window conditions ifeq "$(NO_REGEX_PCRE)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_REGEX_PCRE LIBS += $(shell pcre-config --libs) INCS += $(shell pcre-config --cflags) # Enables JIT support in libpcre ifeq "$(NO_REGEX_PCRE_JIT)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_REGEX_PCRE_JIT endif endif # ==== DRM VSync ==== # Enables support for "drm" VSync method ifeq "$(NO_VSYNC_DRM)" "" INCS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags libdrm) CFG += -DCONFIG_VSYNC_DRM endif # ==== OpenGL ==== # Enables support for GLX backend, OpenGL VSync methods, etc. ifneq "$(NO_VSYNC_OPENGL)" "" NO_OPENGL=$(NO_VSYNC_OPENGL) endif ifeq "$(NO_OPENGL)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_OPENGL # -lGL must precede some other libraries, or it segfaults on FreeBSD (#74) LIBS := -lGL $(LIBS) OBJS += opengl.o endif # ==== D-Bus ==== # Enables support for --dbus (D-Bus remote control) ifeq "$(NO_DBUS)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_DBUS PACKAGES += dbus-1 OBJS += dbus.o endif # ==== X Sync ==== # Enables support for --xrender-sync-fence ifeq "$(NO_XSYNC)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_XSYNC endif OBJS += c2.o # ==== X resource checker ==== # Enable X resource leakage checking (Pixmap only, presently) ifneq "$(ENABLE_XRESCHECK)" "" CFG += -DDEBUG_XRC OBJS += xrescheck.o endif # === Version string === COMPTON_VERSION ?= git-$(shell git describe --always --dirty)-$(shell git log -1 --date=short --pretty=format:%cd) CFG += -DCOMPTON_VERSION="\"$(COMPTON_VERSION)\"" LDFLAGS ?= -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed BUILD_TYPE ?= "Debug" ifeq "$(BUILD_TYPE)" "Release" CFG += -DNDEBUG -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 else ifeq "$(BUILD_TYPE)" "Debug" CFG += -ggdb -Wshadow endif ifeq "$(ENABLE_SAN)" "1" CFG += -fsanitize=address,undefined else ifeq "$(ENABLE_SAN)" "thread" CFG += -fsanitize=thread else ifeq "$(ENABLE_SAN)" "memory" CFG += -fsanitize=memory endif LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs $(PACKAGES)) INCS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(PACKAGES)) BINS = compton bin/compton-trans MANPAGES = man/compton.1 man/compton-trans.1 MANPAGES_HTML = $(addsuffix .html,$(MANPAGES)) # === Recipes === .DEFAULT_GOAL := compton src/.clang_complete: Makefile @(for i in $(filter-out -O% -DNDEBUG, $(CFG) $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCS)); do echo "$$i"; done) > $@ .deps: mkdir -p .deps %.o: src/%.c .deps $(eval DEP=$(addprefix .deps/,$(@:.o=.d))) @set -e; rm -f $(DEP); \ $(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \ sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $(DEP); \ rm -f $@.$$$$ $(CC) $(CFG) $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCS) -c src/$*.c compton: $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFG) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) man/%.1: man/%.1.asciidoc a2x --format manpage $< man/%.1.html: man/%.1.asciidoc asciidoc $< docs: $(MANPAGES) $(MANPAGES_HTML) install: $(BINS) docs @install -d "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)" "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)" "$(DESTDIR)$(APPDIR)" @install -m755 $(BINS) "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)"/ ifneq "$(MANPAGES)" "" @install -m644 $(MANPAGES) "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)"/ endif @install -d \ "$(DESTDIR)$(ICODIR)/scalable/apps" \ "$(DESTDIR)$(ICODIR)/48x48/apps" @install -m644 media/compton.svg "$(DESTDIR)$(ICODIR)/scalable/apps"/ @install -m644 media/icons/48x48/compton.png "$(DESTDIR)$(ICODIR)/48x48/apps"/ @install -m644 compton.desktop "$(DESTDIR)$(APPDIR)"/ ifneq "$(DOCDIR)" "" @install -d "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)" @install -m644 README.md compton.sample.conf "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)"/ @install -m755 dbus-examples/cdbus-driver.sh "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)"/ endif uninstall: @rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/compton" "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/compton-trans" @rm -f $(addprefix "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)"/, compton.1 compton-trans.1) @rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(APPDIR)/compton.desktop" ifneq "$(DOCDIR)" "" @rm -f $(addprefix "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)"/, README.md compton.sample.conf cdbus-driver.sh) endif clean: @rm -f $(OBJS) compton $(MANPAGES) $(MANPAGES_HTML) .clang_complete @rm -rf .deps version: @echo "$(COMPTON_VERSION)" .PHONY: uninstall clean docs version include $(addprefix .deps/,$(sources:.c=.d))