= picom-inspect(1) Yuxuan Shui :doctype: manpage :mansource: picom-inspect :manversion: {picom-version} :manmanual: User Commands NAME ---- picom-inspect - easily test your picom rules SYNOPSIS -------- *picom-inspect* [_OPTIONS_] DESCRIPTION ----------- *picom-inspect* matches your picom rules against a window of your choosing. It helps you test your rules, and shows you which ones of your rules (don't) work. OPTIONS ------- *picom-inspect* accept the exact same set of options as *picom*. Naturally, most of those options will not be relevant. These are some of the options you might find useful (See *picom*(1) for descriptions of what they do): *--config*, *--log-level*, *--log-file*, all the options related to rules. NOTES ----- *picom-inspect* is prototype right now. If you find any bug, for example, if rules are matched differently compared to *picom*, please submit bug reports to: RESOURCES --------- Homepage: SEE ALSO -------- *xcompmgr*(1), xref:picom.1.asciidoc[*picom*(1)]