# Use tab to indent recipe lines, spaces to indent other lines, otherwise # GNU make may get unhappy. CC ?= gcc PREFIX ?= /usr BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 PACKAGES = x11 xcomposite xfixes xdamage xrender xext xrandr LIBS = -lm INCS = # === Configuration flags === CFG = # ==== libevent ==== # Seemingly, libevent1 has no pkg-config file! # FreeBSD 9.1 probably has issues handling --atleast-version in pkg-config. ifeq "$(shell pkg-config --modversion --print-errors libevent)" "" $(warning libevent-2.0 not found, assuming libevent-1.4.x.) CFG += -DCONFIG_LIBEVENT_LEGACY LIBS += -levent else # Using pkg-config --libs for linking with libevent will result in # linking with libevent.so instead of the smaller libevent_core.so. # FreeBSD keeps libevent2 .so files at a separate place, and we must # learn it from pkg-config. LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs-only-L libevent) -levent_core INCS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags libevent) endif # ==== libconfig ==== ifeq "$(NO_LIBCONFIG)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_LIBCONFIG PACKAGES += libconfig # libconfig-1.3* does not define LIBCONFIG_VER* macros, so we use # pkg-config to determine its version here CFG += $(shell pkg-config --atleast-version=1.4 libconfig || echo '-DCONFIG_LIBCONFIG_LEGACY') endif # ==== PCRE regular expression ==== ifeq "$(NO_REGEX_PCRE)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_REGEX_PCRE LIBS += $(shell pcre-config --libs) INCS += $(shell pcre-config --cflags) ifeq "$(NO_REGEX_PCRE_JIT)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_REGEX_PCRE_JIT endif endif # ==== DRM VSync ==== ifeq "$(NO_VSYNC_DRM)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_VSYNC_DRM endif # ==== OpenGL VSync ==== ifeq "$(NO_VSYNC_OPENGL)" "" CFG += -DCONFIG_VSYNC_OPENGL LIBS := -lGL $(LIBS) endif # ==== D-Bus ==== # ifeq "$(NO_DBUS)" "" # CFG += -DCONFIG_DBUS # PACKAGES += dbus-1 # endif # === Version string === COMPTON_VERSION ?= git-$(shell git describe --always --dirty)-$(shell git log -1 --date=short --pretty=format:%cd) CFG += -DCOMPTON_VERSION="\"$(COMPTON_VERSION)\"" LDFLAGS ?= -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed CFLAGS ?= -DNDEBUG -O2 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 $(LDFLAGS) CFLAGS += $(CFG) LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs $(PACKAGES)) INCS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(PACKAGES)) CFLAGS += -Wall -std=c99 OBJS = compton.o # === Recipes === .DEFAULT_GOAL := compton %.o: src/%.c src/%.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -c src/$*.c compton: $(OBJS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) docs: # HTML documentation asciidoc man/compton.1.asciidoc asciidoc man/compton-trans.1.asciidoc # man page a2x --format manpage man/compton.1.asciidoc a2x --format manpage man/compton-trans.1.asciidoc install: compton @install -Dm755 compton "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)"/compton @install -Dm755 bin/compton-trans "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)"/compton-trans @install -Dm644 man/compton.1 "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)"/compton.1 @install -Dm644 man/compton-trans.1 "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)"/compton-trans.1 uninstall: @rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/compton" @rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/compton-trans" @rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/compton.1" @rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/compton-trans.1" clean: @rm -f $(OBJS) compton .PHONY: uninstall clean docs