// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 // Copyright (c) Yuxuan Shui #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for xcb_render_fixed_t, XXX #include "backend/backend.h" #include "common.h" #include "config.h" #include "log.h" #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" #include "win.h" #pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wunused-parameter" struct picom_option { const char *long_name; int has_arg; int val; const char *arg_name; const char *help; }; // clang-format off static const struct option *longopts = NULL; static const struct picom_option picom_options[] = { #ifdef CONFIG_LIBCONFIG {"config" , required_argument, 256, NULL , "Path to the configuration file."}, #endif {"help" , no_argument , 'h', NULL , "Print this help message and exit."}, {"shadow-radius" , required_argument, 'r', NULL , "The blur radius for shadows. (default 12)"}, {"shadow-opacity" , required_argument, 'o', NULL , "The translucency for shadows. (default .75)"}, {"shadow-offset-x" , required_argument, 'l', NULL , "The left offset for shadows. (default -15)"}, {"shadow-offset-y" , required_argument, 't', NULL , "The top offset for shadows. (default -15)"}, {"fade-in-step" , required_argument, 'I', NULL , "Opacity change between steps while fading in. (default 0.028)"}, {"fade-out-step" , required_argument, 'O', NULL , "Opacity change between steps while fading out. (default 0.03)"}, {"fade-delta" , required_argument, 'D', NULL , "The time between steps in a fade in milliseconds. (default 10)"}, {"menu-opacity" , required_argument, 'm', NULL , "The opacity for menus. (default 1.0)"}, {"shadow" , no_argument , 'c', NULL , "Enabled client-side shadows on windows."}, {"clear-shadow" , no_argument , 'z', NULL , "Don't draw shadow behind the window."}, {"fading" , no_argument , 'f', NULL , "Fade windows in/out when opening/closing and when opacity changes, " "unless --no-fading-openclose is used."}, {"inactive-opacity" , required_argument, 'i', NULL , "Opacity of inactive windows. (0.1 - 1.0)"}, {"frame-opacity" , required_argument, 'e', NULL , "Opacity of window titlebars and borders. (0.1 - 1.0)"}, {"daemon" , no_argument , 'b', NULL , "Daemonize process."}, {"shadow-red" , required_argument, 257, NULL , "Red color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)."}, {"shadow-green" , required_argument, 258, NULL , "Green color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)."}, {"shadow-blue" , required_argument, 259, NULL , "Blue color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)."}, {"inactive-opacity-override" , no_argument , 260, NULL , "Inactive opacity set by -i overrides value of _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY."}, {"inactive-dim" , required_argument, 261, NULL , "Dim inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)"}, {"mark-wmwin-focused" , no_argument , 262, NULL , "Try to detect WM windows and mark them as active."}, {"shadow-exclude" , required_argument, 263, NULL , "Exclude conditions for shadows."}, {"mark-ovredir-focused" , no_argument , 264, NULL , "Mark windows that have no WM frame as active."}, {"no-fading-openclose" , no_argument , 265, NULL , "Do not fade on window open/close."}, {"shadow-ignore-shaped" , no_argument , 266, NULL , "Do not paint shadows on shaped windows. (Deprecated, use --shadow-exclude " "\'bounding_shaped\' or --shadow-exclude \'bounding_shaped && " "!rounded_corners\' instead.)"}, {"detect-rounded-corners" , no_argument , 267, NULL , "Try to detect windows with rounded corners and don't consider them shaped " "windows. Affects --shadow-ignore-shaped, --unredir-if-possible, and " "possibly others. You need to turn this on manually if you want to match " "against rounded_corners in conditions."}, {"detect-client-opacity" , no_argument , 268, NULL , "Detect _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY on client windows, useful for window " "managers not passing _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY of client windows to frame"}, {"refresh-rate" , required_argument, 269, NULL , NULL}, {"vsync" , optional_argument, 270, NULL , "Enable VSync"}, {"crop-shadow-to-monitor" , no_argument , 271, NULL , "Crop shadow of a window fully on a particular monitor to that monitor. " "This is currently implemented using the X RandR extension"}, {"xinerama-shadow-crop" , no_argument , 272, NULL , NULL}, {"sw-opti" , no_argument , 274, NULL , NULL}, {"vsync-aggressive" , no_argument , 275, NULL , NULL}, {"use-ewmh-active-win" , no_argument , 276, NULL , "Use _NET_WM_ACTIVE_WINDOW on the root window to determine which window is " "focused instead of using FocusIn/Out events"}, {"respect-prop-shadow" , no_argument , 277, NULL , NULL}, {"unredir-if-possible" , no_argument , 278, NULL , "Unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window is detected, to " "maximize performance for full-screen applications."}, {"focus-exclude" , required_argument, 279, "COND" , "Specify a list of conditions of windows that should always be considered focused."}, {"inactive-dim-fixed" , no_argument , 280, NULL , "Use fixed inactive dim value."}, {"detect-transient" , no_argument , 281, NULL , "Use WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to group windows, and consider windows in the same " "group focused at the same time."}, {"detect-client-leader" , no_argument , 282, NULL , "Use WM_CLIENT_LEADER to group windows, and consider windows in the same group " "focused at the same time. This usually means windows from the same application " "will be considered focused or unfocused at the same time. WM_TRANSIENT_FOR has " "higher priority if --detect-transient is enabled, too."}, {"blur-background" , no_argument , 283, NULL , "Blur background of semi-transparent / ARGB windows. May impact performance"}, {"blur-background-frame" , no_argument , 284, NULL , "Blur background of windows when the window frame is not opaque. Implies " "--blur-background."}, {"blur-background-fixed" , no_argument , 285, NULL , "Use fixed blur strength instead of adjusting according to window opacity."}, #ifdef CONFIG_DBUS {"dbus" , no_argument , 286, NULL , "Enable remote control via D-Bus. See the D-BUS API section in the man page " "for more details."}, #endif {"logpath" , required_argument, 287, NULL , NULL}, {"invert-color-include" , required_argument, 288, "COND" , "Specify a list of conditions of windows that should be painted with " "inverted color."}, {"opengl" , no_argument , 289, NULL , NULL}, {"backend" , required_argument, 290, NULL , "Backend. Possible values are: xrender" #ifdef CONFIG_OPENGL ", glx" #endif }, {"glx-no-stencil" , no_argument , 291, NULL , NULL}, {"benchmark" , required_argument, 293, NULL , "Benchmark mode. Repeatedly paint until reaching the specified cycles."}, {"benchmark-wid" , required_argument, 294, NULL , "Specify window ID to repaint in benchmark mode. If omitted or is 0, the whole" " screen is repainted."}, {"blur-background-exclude" , required_argument, 296, "COND" , "Exclude conditions for background blur."}, {"active-opacity" , required_argument, 297, NULL , "Default opacity for active windows. (0.0 - 1.0)"}, {"glx-no-rebind-pixmap" , no_argument , 298, NULL , NULL}, {"glx-swap-method" , required_argument, 299, NULL , NULL}, {"fade-exclude" , required_argument, 300, "COND" , "Exclude conditions for fading."}, {"blur-kern" , required_argument, 301, NULL , "Specify the blur convolution kernel, see man page for more details"}, {"resize-damage" , required_argument, 302, NULL , NULL}, // only used by legacy backends {"glx-use-gpushader4" , no_argument , 303, NULL , NULL}, {"opacity-rule" , required_argument, 304, "OPACITY:COND", "Specify a list of opacity rules, see man page for more details"}, {"shadow-exclude-reg" , required_argument, 305, NULL , NULL}, {"paint-exclude" , required_argument, 306, NULL , NULL}, {"unredir-if-possible-exclude" , required_argument, 308, "COND" , "Conditions of windows that shouldn't be considered full-screen for " "unredirecting screen."}, {"unredir-if-possible-delay" , required_argument, 309, NULL, "Delay before unredirecting the window, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0."}, {"write-pid-path" , required_argument, 310, "PATH" , "Write process ID to a file."}, {"vsync-use-glfinish" , no_argument , 311, NULL , NULL}, {"xrender-sync-fence" , no_argument , 313, NULL , "Additionally use X Sync fence to sync clients' draw calls. Needed on " "nvidia-drivers with GLX backend for some users."}, {"show-all-xerrors" , no_argument , 314, NULL , NULL}, {"no-fading-destroyed-argb" , no_argument , 315, NULL , "Do not fade destroyed ARGB windows with WM frame. Workaround bugs in Openbox, " "Fluxbox, etc."}, {"force-win-blend" , no_argument , 316, NULL , "Force all windows to be painted with blending. Useful if you have a custom " "shader that could turn opaque pixels transparent."}, {"glx-fshader-win" , required_argument, 317, NULL , NULL}, {"version" , no_argument , 318, NULL , "Print version number and exit."}, {"no-x-selection" , no_argument , 319, NULL , NULL}, {"log-level" , required_argument, 321, NULL , "Log level, possible values are: trace, debug, info, warn, error"}, {"log-file" , required_argument, 322, NULL , "Path to the log file."}, {"use-damage" , no_argument , 323, NULL , "Render only the damaged (changed) part of the screen"}, {"no-use-damage" , no_argument , 324, NULL , "Disable the use of damage information. This cause the whole screen to be" "redrawn every time, instead of the part of the screen that has actually " "changed. Potentially degrades the performance, but might fix some artifacts."}, {"no-vsync" , no_argument , 325, NULL , "Disable VSync"}, {"max-brightness" , required_argument, 326, NULL , "Dims windows which average brightness is above this threshold. Requires " "--no-use-damage. (default: 1.0, meaning no dimming)"}, {"transparent-clipping" , no_argument , 327, NULL , "Make transparent windows clip other windows like non-transparent windows do, " "instead of blending on top of them"}, {"transparent-clipping-exclude", required_argument, 338, "COND" , "Specify a list of conditions of windows that should never have " "transparent clipping applied. Useful for screenshot tools, where you " "need to be able to see through transparent parts of the window."}, {"blur-method" , required_argument, 328, NULL , "The algorithm used for background bluring. Available choices are: 'none' to " "disable, 'gaussian', 'box' or 'kernel' for custom convolution blur with " "--blur-kern. Note: 'gaussian' and 'box' is not supported by --legacy-backends."}, {"blur-size" , required_argument, 329, NULL , "The radius of the blur kernel for 'box' and 'gaussian' blur method."}, {"blur-deviation" , required_argument, 330, NULL , "The standard deviation for the 'gaussian' blur method."}, {"blur-strength" , required_argument, 331, NULL , "The strength level of the 'dual_kawase' blur method."}, {"shadow-color" , required_argument, 332, NULL , "Color of shadow, as a hex RGB string (defaults to #000000)"}, {"corner-radius" , required_argument, 333, NULL , "Sets the radius of rounded window corners. When > 0, the compositor will " "round the corners of windows. (defaults to 0)."}, {"rounded-corners-exclude" , required_argument, 334, "COND" , "Exclude conditions for rounded corners."}, {"corner-radius-rules" , required_argument, 340, "RADIUS:COND" , "Window rules for specific rounded corner radii."}, {"clip-shadow-above" , required_argument, 335, NULL , "Specify a list of conditions of windows to not paint a shadow over, such " "as a dock window."}, {"window-shader-fg" , required_argument, 336, "PATH" , "Specify GLSL fragment shader path for rendering window contents. Does not" " work when `--legacy-backends` is enabled. See man page for more details."}, {"window-shader-fg-rule" , required_argument, 337, "PATH:COND" , "Specify GLSL fragment shader path for rendering window contents using " "patterns. Pattern should be in the format of SHADER_PATH:PATTERN, " "similar to --opacity-rule. SHADER_PATH can be \"default\", in which case " "the default shader will be used. Does not work when --legacy-backends is " "enabled. See man page for more details"}, // 338 is transparent-clipping-exclude {"dithered-present" , no_argument , 339, NULL , "Use higher precision during rendering, and apply dither when presenting the " "rendered screen. Reduces banding artifacts, but might cause performance " "degradation. Only works with OpenGL."}, // 340 is corner-radius-rules {"no-frame-pacing" , no_argument , 341, NULL , "Disable frame pacing. This might increase the latency."}, {"legacy-backends" , no_argument , 733, NULL , "Use deprecated version of the backends."}, {"monitor-repaint" , no_argument , 800, NULL , "Highlight the updated area of the screen. For debugging."}, {"diagnostics" , no_argument , 801, NULL , "Print diagnostic information"}, {"debug-mode" , no_argument , 802, NULL , "Render into a separate window, and don't take over the screen. Useful when " "you want to attach a debugger to picom"}, {"no-ewmh-fullscreen" , no_argument , 803, NULL , "Do not use EWMH to detect fullscreen windows. Reverts to checking if a " "window is fullscreen based only on its size and coordinates."}, }; // clang-format on static void setup_longopts(void) { auto opts = ccalloc(ARR_SIZE(picom_options) + 1, struct option); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE(picom_options); i++) { opts[i].name = picom_options[i].long_name; opts[i].has_arg = picom_options[i].has_arg; opts[i].flag = NULL; opts[i].val = picom_options[i].val; } longopts = opts; } void print_help(const char *help, size_t indent, size_t curr_indent, size_t line_wrap, FILE *f) { if (curr_indent > indent) { fputs("\n", f); curr_indent = 0; } if (line_wrap - indent <= 1) { line_wrap = indent + 2; } size_t pos = 0; size_t len = strlen(help); while (pos < len) { fprintf(f, "%*s", (int)(indent - curr_indent), ""); curr_indent = 0; size_t towrite = line_wrap - indent; while (help[pos] == ' ') { pos++; } if (pos + towrite > len) { towrite = len - pos; fwrite(help + pos, 1, towrite, f); } else { auto space_break = towrite; while (space_break > 0 && help[pos + space_break - 1] != ' ') { space_break--; } bool print_hyphen = false; if (space_break == 0) { print_hyphen = true; towrite--; } else { towrite = space_break; } fwrite(help + pos, 1, towrite, f); if (print_hyphen) { fputs("-", f); } } fputs("\n", f); pos += towrite; } } /** * Print usage text. */ static void usage(const char *argv0, int ret) { FILE *f = (ret ? stderr : stdout); fprintf(f, "picom (%s)\n", PICOM_VERSION); fprintf(f, "Standalone X11 compositor\n"); fprintf(f, "Please report bugs to https://github.com/yshui/picom\n\n"); fprintf(f, "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n\n", argv0); fprintf(f, "OPTIONS:\n"); int line_wrap = 80; struct winsize window_size = {0}; if (ioctl(fileno(f), TIOCGWINSZ, &window_size) != -1) { line_wrap = window_size.ws_col; } size_t help_indent = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE(picom_options); i++) { if (picom_options[i].help == NULL) { // Hide options with no help message. continue; } auto option_len = strlen(picom_options[i].long_name) + 2 + 4; if (picom_options[i].arg_name) { option_len += strlen(picom_options[i].arg_name) + 1; } if (option_len > help_indent && option_len < 30) { help_indent = option_len; } } help_indent += 6; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE(picom_options); i++) { if (picom_options[i].help == NULL) { continue; } size_t option_len = 8; fprintf(f, " "); if ((picom_options[i].val > 'a' && picom_options[i].val < 'z') || (picom_options[i].val > 'A' && picom_options[i].val < 'Z')) { fprintf(f, "-%c, ", picom_options[i].val); } else { fprintf(f, " "); } fprintf(f, "--%s", picom_options[i].long_name); option_len += strlen(picom_options[i].long_name) + 2; if (picom_options[i].arg_name) { fprintf(f, "=%s", picom_options[i].arg_name); option_len += strlen(picom_options[i].arg_name) + 1; } fprintf(f, " "); option_len += 2; print_help(picom_options[i].help, help_indent, option_len, (size_t)line_wrap, f); } } static const char *shortopts = "D:I:O:r:o:m:l:t:i:e:hscnfFCazGb"; /// Get config options that are needed to parse the rest of the options /// Return true if we should quit bool get_early_config(int argc, char *const *argv, char **config_file, bool *all_xerrors, bool *fork, int *exit_code) { setup_longopts(); int o = 0, longopt_idx = -1; // Pre-parse the commandline arguments to check for --config and invalid // switches // Must reset optind to 0 here in case we reread the commandline // arguments optind = 1; *config_file = NULL; *exit_code = 0; while (-1 != (o = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, &longopt_idx))) { if (o == 256) { *config_file = strdup(optarg); } else if (o == 'h') { usage(argv[0], 0); return true; } else if (o == 'b') { *fork = true; } else if (o == 314) { *all_xerrors = true; } else if (o == 318) { printf("%s\n", PICOM_VERSION); return true; } else if (o == '?' || o == ':') { usage(argv[0], 1); goto err; } } // Check for abundant positional arguments if (optind < argc) { // log is not initialized here yet fprintf(stderr, "picom doesn't accept positional arguments.\n"); goto err; } return false; err: *exit_code = 1; return true; } /** * Process arguments and configuration files. */ bool get_cfg(options_t *opt, int argc, char *const *argv, bool shadow_enable, bool fading_enable, bool conv_kern_hasneg, win_option_mask_t *winopt_mask) { int o = 0, longopt_idx = -1; char *lc_numeric_old = strdup(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL)); // Enforce LC_NUMERIC locale "C" here to make sure dots are recognized // instead of commas in atof(). setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // Parse commandline arguments. Range checking will be done later. bool failed = false; const char *deprecation_message attr_unused = "has been removed. If you encounter problems " "without this feature, please feel free to " "open a bug report."; optind = 1; while (-1 != (o = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, &longopt_idx))) { switch (o) { #define P_CASEBOOL(idx, option) \ case idx: \ opt->option = true; \ break #define P_CASELONG(idx, option) \ case idx: \ if (!parse_long(optarg, &opt->option)) { \ exit(1); \ } \ break #define P_CASEINT(idx, option) \ case idx: \ if (!parse_int(optarg, &opt->option)) { \ exit(1); \ } \ break // clang-format off // Short options case 318: case 'h': // These options should cause us to exit early, // so assert(false) here assert(false); break; case 'b': case 314: case 320: // These options are handled by get_early_config() break; P_CASEINT('D', fade_delta); case 'I': opt->fade_in_step = normalize_d(atof(optarg)); break; case 'O': opt->fade_out_step = normalize_d(atof(optarg)); break; case 'c': shadow_enable = true; break; case 'm':; log_warn("--menu-opacity is deprecated, and will be removed." "Please use the wintype option `opacity` of `popup_menu`" "and `dropdown_menu` instead."); double tmp; tmp = normalize_d(atof(optarg)); winopt_mask[WINTYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU].opacity = true; winopt_mask[WINTYPE_POPUP_MENU].opacity = true; opt->wintype_option[WINTYPE_POPUP_MENU].opacity = tmp; opt->wintype_option[WINTYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU].opacity = tmp; break; case 'f': case 'F': fading_enable = true; break; P_CASEINT('r', shadow_radius); case 'o': opt->shadow_opacity = atof(optarg); break; P_CASEINT('l', shadow_offset_x); P_CASEINT('t', shadow_offset_y); case 'i': opt->inactive_opacity = normalize_d(atof(optarg)); break; case 'e': opt->frame_opacity = atof(optarg); break; case 'z': log_warn("clear-shadow is removed, shadows are automatically " "cleared now. If you want to prevent shadow from been " "cleared under certain types of windows, you can use " "the \"full-shadow\" per window type option."); break; case 'n': case 'a': case 's': log_error("-n, -a, and -s have been removed."); failed = true; break; // Long options case 256: // --config break; case 332:; // --shadow-color struct color rgb; rgb = hex_to_rgb(optarg); opt->shadow_red = rgb.red; opt->shadow_green = rgb.green; opt->shadow_blue = rgb.blue; break; case 257: // --shadow-red opt->shadow_red = atof(optarg); break; case 258: // --shadow-green opt->shadow_green = atof(optarg); break; case 259: // --shadow-blue opt->shadow_blue = atof(optarg); break; P_CASEBOOL(260, inactive_opacity_override); case 261: // --inactive-dim opt->inactive_dim = atof(optarg); break; P_CASEBOOL(262, mark_wmwin_focused); case 263: // --shadow-exclude condlst_add(&opt->shadow_blacklist, optarg); break; P_CASEBOOL(264, mark_ovredir_focused); P_CASEBOOL(265, no_fading_openclose); P_CASEBOOL(266, shadow_ignore_shaped); P_CASEBOOL(267, detect_rounded_corners); P_CASEBOOL(268, detect_client_opacity); case 269: log_warn("--refresh-rate has been deprecated, please remove it " "from your command line options"); break; case 270: if (optarg) { bool parsed_vsync = parse_vsync(optarg); log_error("--vsync doesn't take argument anymore. \"%s\" " "should be changed to \"%s\"", optarg, parsed_vsync ? "true" : "false"); failed = true; } else { opt->vsync = true; } break; P_CASEBOOL(271, crop_shadow_to_monitor); case 272: opt->crop_shadow_to_monitor = true; log_warn("--xinerama-shadow-crop is deprecated. Use " "--crop-shadow-to-monitor instead."); break; case 274: log_warn("--sw-opti has been deprecated, please remove it from the " "command line options"); break; case 275: // --vsync-aggressive log_error("--vsync-aggressive has been removed, please remove it" " from the command line options"); failed = true; break; P_CASEBOOL(276, use_ewmh_active_win); case 277: // --respect-prop-shadow log_warn("--respect-prop-shadow option has been deprecated, its " "functionality will always be enabled. Please remove it " "from the command line options"); break; P_CASEBOOL(278, unredir_if_possible); case 279: // --focus-exclude condlst_add(&opt->focus_blacklist, optarg); break; P_CASEBOOL(280, inactive_dim_fixed); P_CASEBOOL(281, detect_transient); P_CASEBOOL(282, detect_client_leader); case 283: // --blur_background opt->blur_method = BLUR_METHOD_KERNEL; break; P_CASEBOOL(284, blur_background_frame); P_CASEBOOL(285, blur_background_fixed); P_CASEBOOL(286, dbus); case 287: log_warn("Please use --log-file instead of --logpath"); // fallthrough case 322: // --logpath, --log-file free(opt->logpath); opt->logpath = strdup(optarg); break; case 288: // --invert-color-include condlst_add(&opt->invert_color_list, optarg); break; case 289: // --opengl opt->backend = BKEND_GLX; break; case 290: // --backend opt->backend = parse_backend(optarg); if (opt->backend >= NUM_BKEND) { exit(1); } break; P_CASEBOOL(291, glx_no_stencil); P_CASEINT(293, benchmark); case 294: // --benchmark-wid opt->benchmark_wid = (xcb_window_t)strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 296: // --blur-background-exclude condlst_add(&opt->blur_background_blacklist, optarg); break; case 297: // --active-opacity opt->active_opacity = normalize_d(atof(optarg)); break; P_CASEBOOL(298, glx_no_rebind_pixmap); case 299: { // --glx-swap-method char *endptr; long tmpval = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10); bool should_remove = true; if (*endptr || !(*optarg)) { // optarg is not a number, or an empty string tmpval = -1; } if (strcmp(optarg, "undefined") != 0 && tmpval != 0) { // If not undefined, we will use damage and buffer-age to // limit the rendering area. should_remove = false; } log_error("--glx-swap-method has been removed, your setting " "\"%s\" should be %s.", optarg, !should_remove ? "replaced by `--use-damage`" : "removed"); failed = true; break; } case 300: // --fade-exclude condlst_add(&opt->fade_blacklist, optarg); break; case 301: // --blur-kern opt->blur_kerns = parse_blur_kern_lst(optarg, &conv_kern_hasneg, &opt->blur_kernel_count); if (!opt->blur_kerns) { exit(1); } break; P_CASEINT(302, resize_damage); case 303: // --glx-use-gpushader4 log_error("--glx-use-gpushader4 has been removed." " Please remove it from command line options."); failed = true; break; case 304: // --opacity-rule if (!parse_numeric_window_rule(&opt->opacity_rules, optarg, 0, 100)) { exit(1); } break; case 305: // --shadow-exclude-reg free(opt->shadow_exclude_reg_str); opt->shadow_exclude_reg_str = strdup(optarg); log_warn("--shadow-exclude-reg is deprecated. You are likely " "better off using --clip-shadow-above anyway"); break; case 306: // --paint-exclude condlst_add(&opt->paint_blacklist, optarg); break; case 308: // --unredir-if-possible-exclude condlst_add(&opt->unredir_if_possible_blacklist, optarg); break; P_CASELONG(309, unredir_if_possible_delay); case 310: // --write-pid-path free(opt->write_pid_path); opt->write_pid_path = strdup(optarg); if (*opt->write_pid_path != '/') { log_warn("--write-pid-path is not an absolute path"); } break; P_CASEBOOL(311, vsync_use_glfinish); P_CASEBOOL(313, xrender_sync_fence); P_CASEBOOL(315, no_fading_destroyed_argb); P_CASEBOOL(316, force_win_blend); case 317: opt->glx_fshader_win_str = strdup(optarg); break; case 336: { // --window-shader-fg scoped_charp cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); opt->window_shader_fg = locate_auxiliary_file("shaders", optarg, cwd); if (!opt->window_shader_fg) { exit(1); } break; } case 337: { // --window-shader-fg-rule scoped_charp cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (!parse_rule_window_shader(&opt->window_shader_fg_rules, optarg, cwd)) { exit(1); } break; } case 338: { // --transparent-clipping-exclude condlst_add(&opt->transparent_clipping_blacklist, optarg); break; } case 321: { enum log_level tmp_level = string_to_log_level(optarg); if (tmp_level == LOG_LEVEL_INVALID) { log_warn("Invalid log level, defaults to WARN"); } else { log_set_level_tls(tmp_level); } break; } P_CASEBOOL(319, no_x_selection); P_CASEBOOL(323, use_damage); case 324: opt->use_damage = false; break; case 325: opt->vsync = false; break; case 326: opt->max_brightness = atof(optarg); break; P_CASEBOOL(327, transparent_clipping); case 328: { // --blur-method enum blur_method method = parse_blur_method(optarg); if (method >= BLUR_METHOD_INVALID) { log_warn("Invalid blur method %s, ignoring.", optarg); } else { opt->blur_method = method; } break; } case 329: // --blur-size opt->blur_radius = atoi(optarg); break; case 330: // --blur-deviation opt->blur_deviation = atof(optarg); break; case 331: // --blur-strength opt->blur_strength = atoi(optarg); break; case 333: // --cornor-radius opt->corner_radius = atoi(optarg); break; case 334: // --rounded-corners-exclude condlst_add(&opt->rounded_corners_blacklist, optarg); break; case 340: // --corner-radius-rules if (!parse_numeric_window_rule(&opt->corner_radius_rules, optarg, 0, INT_MAX)) { exit(1); } break; case 335: // --clip-shadow-above condlst_add(&opt->shadow_clip_list, optarg); break; case 339: // --dithered-present opt->dithered_present = true; break; P_CASEBOOL(341, no_frame_pacing); P_CASEBOOL(733, legacy_backends); P_CASEBOOL(800, monitor_repaint); case 801: opt->print_diagnostics = true; break; P_CASEBOOL(802, debug_mode); P_CASEBOOL(803, no_ewmh_fullscreen); default: usage(argv[0], 1); break; #undef P_CASEBOOL } // clang-format on if (failed) { // Parsing this option has failed, break the loop break; } } // Restore LC_NUMERIC setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, lc_numeric_old); free(lc_numeric_old); if (failed) { return false; } if (opt->monitor_repaint && opt->backend != BKEND_XRENDER && opt->legacy_backends) { log_warn("--monitor-repaint has no effect when backend is not xrender"); } if (opt->backend == BKEND_EGL) { if (opt->legacy_backends) { log_error("The egl backend is not supported with " "--legacy-backends"); return false; } log_warn("The egl backend is still experimental, use with care."); } if (!opt->legacy_backends && !backend_list[opt->backend]) { log_error("Backend \"%s\" is only available as part of the legacy " "backends.", BACKEND_STRS[opt->backend]); return false; } if (opt->debug_mode && opt->legacy_backends) { log_error("Debug mode does not work with the legacy backends."); return false; } if (opt->transparent_clipping && opt->legacy_backends) { log_error("Transparent clipping does not work with the legacy " "backends"); return false; } if (opt->glx_fshader_win_str && !opt->legacy_backends) { log_warn("--glx-fshader-win has been replaced by " "\"--window-shader-fg\" for the new backends."); } if (opt->window_shader_fg || opt->window_shader_fg_rules) { if (opt->backend == BKEND_XRENDER || opt->legacy_backends) { log_warn(opt->backend == BKEND_XRENDER ? "Shader interface is not supported by the xrender " "backend." : "The new shader interface is not supported by the " "legacy glx backend. You may want to use " "--glx-fshader-win instead."); opt->window_shader_fg = NULL; c2_list_free(&opt->window_shader_fg_rules, free); } } // Range checking and option assignments opt->fade_delta = max2(opt->fade_delta, 1); opt->shadow_radius = max2(opt->shadow_radius, 0); opt->shadow_red = normalize_d(opt->shadow_red); opt->shadow_green = normalize_d(opt->shadow_green); opt->shadow_blue = normalize_d(opt->shadow_blue); opt->inactive_dim = normalize_d(opt->inactive_dim); opt->frame_opacity = normalize_d(opt->frame_opacity); opt->shadow_opacity = normalize_d(opt->shadow_opacity); opt->max_brightness = normalize_d(opt->max_brightness); if (opt->max_brightness < 1.0) { if (opt->backend == BKEND_XRENDER || opt->legacy_backends) { log_warn("--max-brightness is not supported by the %s backend. " "Falling back to 1.0.", opt->backend == BKEND_XRENDER ? "xrender" : "legacy glx"); opt->max_brightness = 1.0; } else if (opt->use_damage) { log_warn("--max-brightness requires --no-use-damage. Falling " "back to 1.0."); opt->max_brightness = 1.0; } } // --blur-background-frame implies --blur-background if (opt->blur_background_frame && opt->blur_method == BLUR_METHOD_NONE) { opt->blur_method = BLUR_METHOD_KERNEL; } // Apply default wintype options that are dependent on global options set_default_winopts(opt, winopt_mask, shadow_enable, fading_enable, opt->blur_method != BLUR_METHOD_NONE); // Other variables determined by options // Determine whether we track window grouping if (opt->detect_transient || opt->detect_client_leader) { opt->track_leader = true; } // Fill default blur kernel if (opt->blur_method == BLUR_METHOD_KERNEL && (!opt->blur_kerns || !opt->blur_kerns[0])) { opt->blur_kerns = parse_blur_kern_lst("3x3box", &conv_kern_hasneg, &opt->blur_kernel_count); CHECK(opt->blur_kerns); CHECK(opt->blur_kernel_count); } // Sanitize parameters for dual-filter kawase blur if (opt->blur_method == BLUR_METHOD_DUAL_KAWASE) { if (opt->blur_strength <= 0 && opt->blur_radius > 500) { log_warn("Blur radius >500 not supported by dual_kawase method, " "capping to 500."); opt->blur_radius = 500; } if (opt->blur_strength > 20) { log_warn("Blur strength >20 not supported by dual_kawase method, " "capping to 20."); opt->blur_strength = 20; } if (opt->legacy_backends) { log_warn("Dual-kawase blur is not implemented by the legacy " "backends."); } } if (opt->resize_damage < 0) { log_warn("Negative --resize-damage will not work correctly."); } if (opt->backend == BKEND_XRENDER && conv_kern_hasneg) { log_warn("A convolution kernel with negative values may not work " "properly under X Render backend."); } return true; } // vim: set noet sw=8 ts=8 :