// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 // Copyright (c) 2018 Yuxuan Shui #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "atom.h" #ifdef CONFIG_OPENGL #include "backend/gl/glx.h" #endif #include "common.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "log.h" #include "region.h" #include "utils.h" #include "x.h" /** * Get a specific attribute of a window. * * Returns a blank structure if the returned type and format does not * match the requested type and format. * * @param ps current session * @param w window * @param atom atom of attribute to fetch * @param length length to read * @param rtype atom of the requested type * @param rformat requested format * @return a winprop_t structure containing the attribute * and number of items. A blank one on failure. */ winprop_t x_get_prop_with_offset(const session_t *ps, xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t atom, int offset, int length, xcb_atom_t rtype, int rformat) { xcb_get_property_reply_t *r = xcb_get_property_reply( ps->c, xcb_get_property(ps->c, 0, w, atom, rtype, to_u32_checked(offset), to_u32_checked(length)), NULL); if (r && xcb_get_property_value_length(r) && (rtype == XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY || r->type == rtype) && (!rformat || r->format == rformat) && (r->format == 8 || r->format == 16 || r->format == 32)) { auto len = xcb_get_property_value_length(r); return (winprop_t){ .ptr = xcb_get_property_value(r), .nitems = (ulong)(len / (r->format / 8)), .type = r->type, .format = r->format, .r = r, }; } free(r); return (winprop_t){ .ptr = NULL, .nitems = 0, .type = XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, .format = 0}; } /** * Get the value of a type-xcb_window_t property of a window. * * @return the value if successful, 0 otherwise */ xcb_window_t wid_get_prop_window(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t wid, xcb_atom_t aprop) { // Get the attribute xcb_window_t p = XCB_NONE; winprop_t prop = x_get_prop(ps, wid, aprop, 1L, XCB_ATOM_WINDOW, 32); // Return it if (prop.nitems) { p = (xcb_window_t)*prop.p32; } free_winprop(&prop); return p; } /** * Get the value of a text property of a window. */ bool wid_get_text_prop(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t wid, xcb_atom_t prop, char ***pstrlst, int *pnstr) { assert(ps->server_grabbed); xcb_generic_error_t *e = NULL; auto r = xcb_get_property_reply( ps->c, xcb_get_property(ps->c, 0, wid, prop, XCB_ATOM_ANY, 0, 0), &e); if (!r) { log_debug_x_error(e, "Failed to get window property for %#010x", wid); free(e); return false; } auto type = r->type; auto format = r->format; auto length = r->bytes_after; free(r); if (type == XCB_ATOM_NONE) { return false; } if (type != XCB_ATOM_STRING && type != ps->atoms->aUTF8_STRING && type != ps->atoms->aC_STRING) { log_warn("Text property %d of window %#010x has unsupported type: %d", prop, wid, type); return false; } if (format != 8) { log_warn("Text property %d of window %#010x has unexpected format: %d", prop, wid, format); return false; } r = xcb_get_property_reply( ps->c, xcb_get_property(ps->c, 0, wid, prop, type, 0, length), &e); if (!r) { log_debug_x_error(e, "Failed to get window property for %#010x", wid); free(e); return false; } assert(length == (uint32_t)xcb_get_property_value_length(r)); void *data = xcb_get_property_value(r); unsigned int nstr = 0; uint32_t current_offset = 0; while (current_offset < length) { current_offset += (uint32_t)strnlen(data + current_offset, length - current_offset) + 1; nstr += 1; } // Allocate the pointers and the strings together void *buf = NULL; if (posix_memalign(&buf, alignof(char *), length + sizeof(char *) * nstr + 1) != 0) { abort(); } char *strlst = buf + sizeof(char *) * nstr; memcpy(strlst, xcb_get_property_value(r), length); strlst[length] = '\0'; // X strings aren't guaranteed to be null terminated char **ret = buf; current_offset = 0; nstr = 0; while (current_offset < length) { ret[nstr] = strlst + current_offset; current_offset += (uint32_t)strlen(strlst + current_offset) + 1; nstr += 1; } *pnstr = to_int_checked(nstr); *pstrlst = ret; free(r); return true; } // A cache of pict formats. We assume they don't change during the lifetime // of this program static thread_local xcb_render_query_pict_formats_reply_t *g_pictfmts = NULL; static inline void x_get_server_pictfmts(xcb_connection_t *c) { if (g_pictfmts) { return; } xcb_generic_error_t *e = NULL; // Get window picture format g_pictfmts = xcb_render_query_pict_formats_reply(c, xcb_render_query_pict_formats(c), &e); if (e || !g_pictfmts) { log_fatal("failed to get pict formats\n"); abort(); } } const xcb_render_pictforminfo_t * x_get_pictform_for_visual(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_visualid_t visual) { x_get_server_pictfmts(c); xcb_render_pictvisual_t *pv = xcb_render_util_find_visual_format(g_pictfmts, visual); for (xcb_render_pictforminfo_iterator_t i = xcb_render_query_pict_formats_formats_iterator(g_pictfmts); i.rem; xcb_render_pictforminfo_next(&i)) { if (i.data->id == pv->format) { return i.data; } } return NULL; } static xcb_visualid_t attr_pure x_get_visual_for_pictfmt(xcb_render_query_pict_formats_reply_t *r, xcb_render_pictformat_t fmt) { for (auto screen = xcb_render_query_pict_formats_screens_iterator(r); screen.rem; xcb_render_pictscreen_next(&screen)) { for (auto depth = xcb_render_pictscreen_depths_iterator(screen.data); depth.rem; xcb_render_pictdepth_next(&depth)) { for (auto pv = xcb_render_pictdepth_visuals_iterator(depth.data); pv.rem; xcb_render_pictvisual_next(&pv)) { if (pv.data->format == fmt) { return pv.data->visual; } } } } return XCB_NONE; } xcb_visualid_t x_get_visual_for_standard(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_pict_standard_t std) { x_get_server_pictfmts(c); auto pictfmt = xcb_render_util_find_standard_format(g_pictfmts, std); return x_get_visual_for_pictfmt(g_pictfmts, pictfmt->id); } xcb_render_pictformat_t x_get_pictfmt_for_standard(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_pict_standard_t std) { x_get_server_pictfmts(c); auto pictfmt = xcb_render_util_find_standard_format(g_pictfmts, std); return pictfmt->id; } int x_get_visual_depth(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_visualid_t visual) { auto setup = xcb_get_setup(c); for (auto screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(setup); screen.rem; xcb_screen_next(&screen)) { for (auto depth = xcb_screen_allowed_depths_iterator(screen.data); depth.rem; xcb_depth_next(&depth)) { const int len = xcb_depth_visuals_length(depth.data); const xcb_visualtype_t *visuals = xcb_depth_visuals(depth.data); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (visual == visuals[i].visual_id) { return depth.data->depth; } } } } return -1; } xcb_render_picture_t x_create_picture_with_pictfmt_and_pixmap(xcb_connection_t *c, const xcb_render_pictforminfo_t *pictfmt, xcb_pixmap_t pixmap, uint32_t valuemask, const xcb_render_create_picture_value_list_t *attr) { void *buf = NULL; if (attr) { xcb_render_create_picture_value_list_serialize(&buf, valuemask, attr); if (!buf) { log_error("failed to serialize picture attributes"); return XCB_NONE; } } xcb_render_picture_t tmp_picture = x_new_id(c); xcb_generic_error_t *e = xcb_request_check(c, xcb_render_create_picture_checked( c, tmp_picture, pixmap, pictfmt->id, valuemask, buf)); free(buf); if (e) { log_error_x_error(e, "failed to create picture"); return XCB_NONE; } return tmp_picture; } xcb_render_picture_t x_create_picture_with_visual_and_pixmap(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_visualid_t visual, xcb_pixmap_t pixmap, uint32_t valuemask, const xcb_render_create_picture_value_list_t *attr) { const xcb_render_pictforminfo_t *pictfmt = x_get_pictform_for_visual(c, visual); return x_create_picture_with_pictfmt_and_pixmap(c, pictfmt, pixmap, valuemask, attr); } xcb_render_picture_t x_create_picture_with_standard_and_pixmap(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_pict_standard_t standard, xcb_pixmap_t pixmap, uint32_t valuemask, const xcb_render_create_picture_value_list_t *attr) { x_get_server_pictfmts(c); auto pictfmt = xcb_render_util_find_standard_format(g_pictfmts, standard); assert(pictfmt); return x_create_picture_with_pictfmt_and_pixmap(c, pictfmt, pixmap, valuemask, attr); } xcb_render_picture_t x_create_picture_with_standard(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_drawable_t d, int w, int h, xcb_pict_standard_t standard, uint32_t valuemask, const xcb_render_create_picture_value_list_t *attr) { x_get_server_pictfmts(c); auto pictfmt = xcb_render_util_find_standard_format(g_pictfmts, standard); assert(pictfmt); return x_create_picture_with_pictfmt(c, d, w, h, pictfmt, valuemask, attr); } /** * Create an picture. */ xcb_render_picture_t x_create_picture_with_pictfmt(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_drawable_t d, int w, int h, const xcb_render_pictforminfo_t *pictfmt, uint32_t valuemask, const xcb_render_create_picture_value_list_t *attr) { uint8_t depth = pictfmt->depth; xcb_pixmap_t tmp_pixmap = x_create_pixmap(c, depth, d, w, h); if (!tmp_pixmap) { return XCB_NONE; } xcb_render_picture_t picture = x_create_picture_with_pictfmt_and_pixmap( c, pictfmt, tmp_pixmap, valuemask, attr); xcb_free_pixmap(c, tmp_pixmap); return picture; } xcb_render_picture_t x_create_picture_with_visual(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_drawable_t d, int w, int h, xcb_visualid_t visual, uint32_t valuemask, const xcb_render_create_picture_value_list_t *attr) { auto pictfmt = x_get_pictform_for_visual(c, visual); return x_create_picture_with_pictfmt(c, d, w, h, pictfmt, valuemask, attr); } bool x_fetch_region(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_xfixes_region_t r, pixman_region32_t *res) { xcb_generic_error_t *e = NULL; xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_reply_t *xr = xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_reply(c, xcb_xfixes_fetch_region(c, r), &e); if (!xr) { log_error_x_error(e, "Failed to fetch rectangles"); return false; } int nrect = xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles_length(xr); auto b = ccalloc(nrect, pixman_box32_t); xcb_rectangle_t *xrect = xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_rectangles(xr); for (int i = 0; i < nrect; i++) { b[i] = (pixman_box32_t){.x1 = xrect[i].x, .y1 = xrect[i].y, .x2 = xrect[i].x + xrect[i].width, .y2 = xrect[i].y + xrect[i].height}; } bool ret = pixman_region32_init_rects(res, b, nrect); free(b); free(xr); return ret; } void x_set_picture_clip_region(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_render_picture_t pict, int16_t clip_x_origin, int16_t clip_y_origin, const region_t *reg) { int nrects; const rect_t *rects = pixman_region32_rectangles((region_t *)reg, &nrects); auto xrects = ccalloc(nrects, xcb_rectangle_t); for (int i = 0; i < nrects; i++) { xrects[i] = (xcb_rectangle_t){ .x = to_i16_checked(rects[i].x1), .y = to_i16_checked(rects[i].y1), .width = to_u16_checked(rects[i].x2 - rects[i].x1), .height = to_u16_checked(rects[i].y2 - rects[i].y1), }; } xcb_generic_error_t *e = xcb_request_check( c, xcb_render_set_picture_clip_rectangles_checked( c, pict, clip_x_origin, clip_y_origin, to_u32_checked(nrects), xrects)); if (e) { log_error_x_error(e, "Failed to set clip region"); free(e); } free(xrects); } void x_clear_picture_clip_region(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_render_picture_t pict) { xcb_render_change_picture_value_list_t v = {.clipmask = XCB_NONE}; xcb_generic_error_t *e = xcb_request_check( c, xcb_render_change_picture(c, pict, XCB_RENDER_CP_CLIP_MASK, &v)); if (e) { log_error_x_error(e, "failed to clear clip region"); free(e); } } enum { XSyncBadCounter = 0, XSyncBadAlarm = 1, XSyncBadFence = 2, }; /** * Convert a X11 error to string * * @return a pointer to a string. this pointer shouldn NOT be freed, same buffer is used * for multiple calls to this function, */ static const char * _x_strerror(unsigned long serial, uint8_t major, uint16_t minor, uint8_t error_code) { session_t *const ps = ps_g; int o = 0; const char *name = "Unknown"; #define CASESTRRET(s) \ case s: \ name = #s; \ break #define CASESTRRET2(s) \ case XCB_##s: name = #s; break // TODO(yshui) separate error code out from session_t o = error_code - ps->xfixes_error; switch (o) { CASESTRRET2(XFIXES_BAD_REGION); } o = error_code - ps->damage_error; switch (o) { CASESTRRET2(DAMAGE_BAD_DAMAGE); } o = error_code - ps->render_error; switch (o) { CASESTRRET2(RENDER_PICT_FORMAT); CASESTRRET2(RENDER_PICTURE); CASESTRRET2(RENDER_PICT_OP); CASESTRRET2(RENDER_GLYPH_SET); CASESTRRET2(RENDER_GLYPH); } if (ps->glx_exists) { o = error_code - ps->glx_error; switch (o) { CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_CONTEXT); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_CONTEXT_STATE); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_DRAWABLE); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_PIXMAP); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_CONTEXT_TAG); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_CURRENT_WINDOW); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_RENDER_REQUEST); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_LARGE_REQUEST); CASESTRRET2(GLX_UNSUPPORTED_PRIVATE_REQUEST); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_FB_CONFIG); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_PBUFFER); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_CURRENT_DRAWABLE); CASESTRRET2(GLX_BAD_WINDOW); CASESTRRET2(GLX_GLX_BAD_PROFILE_ARB); } } if (ps->xsync_exists) { o = error_code - ps->xsync_error; switch (o) { CASESTRRET(XSyncBadCounter); CASESTRRET(XSyncBadAlarm); CASESTRRET(XSyncBadFence); } } switch (error_code) { CASESTRRET2(ACCESS); CASESTRRET2(ALLOC); CASESTRRET2(ATOM); CASESTRRET2(COLORMAP); CASESTRRET2(CURSOR); CASESTRRET2(DRAWABLE); CASESTRRET2(FONT); CASESTRRET2(G_CONTEXT); CASESTRRET2(ID_CHOICE); CASESTRRET2(IMPLEMENTATION); CASESTRRET2(LENGTH); CASESTRRET2(MATCH); CASESTRRET2(NAME); CASESTRRET2(PIXMAP); CASESTRRET2(REQUEST); CASESTRRET2(VALUE); CASESTRRET2(WINDOW); } #undef CASESTRRET #undef CASESTRRET2 thread_local static char buffer[256]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "X error %d %s request %d minor %d serial %lu", error_code, name, major, minor, serial); return buffer; } /** * Log a X11 error */ void x_print_error(unsigned long serial, uint8_t major, uint16_t minor, uint8_t error_code) { log_debug("%s", _x_strerror(serial, major, minor, error_code)); } /* * Convert a xcb_generic_error_t to a string that describes the error * * @return a pointer to a string. this pointer shouldn NOT be freed, same buffer is used * for multiple calls to this function, */ const char *x_strerror(xcb_generic_error_t *e) { if (!e) { return "No error"; } return _x_strerror(e->full_sequence, e->major_code, e->minor_code, e->error_code); } /** * Create a pixmap and check that creation succeeded. */ xcb_pixmap_t x_create_pixmap(xcb_connection_t *c, uint8_t depth, xcb_drawable_t drawable, int width, int height) { xcb_pixmap_t pix = x_new_id(c); xcb_void_cookie_t cookie = xcb_create_pixmap_checked( c, depth, pix, drawable, to_u16_checked(width), to_u16_checked(height)); xcb_generic_error_t *err = xcb_request_check(c, cookie); if (err == NULL) { return pix; } log_error_x_error(err, "Failed to create pixmap"); free(err); return XCB_NONE; } /** * Validate a pixmap. * * Detect whether the pixmap is valid with XGetGeometry. Well, maybe there * are better ways. */ bool x_validate_pixmap(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_pixmap_t pixmap) { if (pixmap == XCB_NONE) { return false; } auto r = xcb_get_geometry_reply(c, xcb_get_geometry(c, pixmap), NULL); if (!r) { return false; } bool ret = r->width && r->height; free(r); return ret; } /// Names of root window properties that could point to a pixmap of /// background. static const char *background_props_str[] = { "_XROOTPMAP_ID", "_XSETROOT_ID", 0, }; xcb_pixmap_t x_get_root_back_pixmap(session_t *ps) { xcb_pixmap_t pixmap = XCB_NONE; // Get the values of background attributes for (int p = 0; background_props_str[p]; p++) { xcb_atom_t prop_atom = get_atom(ps->atoms, background_props_str[p]); winprop_t prop = x_get_prop(ps, ps->root, prop_atom, 1, XCB_ATOM_PIXMAP, 32); if (prop.nitems) { pixmap = (xcb_pixmap_t)*prop.p32; free_winprop(&prop); break; } free_winprop(&prop); } return pixmap; } bool x_is_root_back_pixmap_atom(session_t *ps, xcb_atom_t atom) { for (int p = 0; background_props_str[p]; p++) { xcb_atom_t prop_atom = get_atom(ps->atoms, background_props_str[p]); if (prop_atom == atom) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Synchronizes a X Render drawable to ensure all pending painting requests * are completed. */ bool x_fence_sync(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_sync_fence_t f) { // TODO(richardgv): If everybody just follows the rules stated in X Sync // prototype, we need only one fence per screen, but let's stay a bit // cautious right now auto e = xcb_request_check(c, xcb_sync_trigger_fence_checked(c, f)); if (e) { log_error_x_error(e, "Failed to trigger the fence"); goto err; } e = xcb_request_check(c, xcb_sync_await_fence_checked(c, 1, &f)); if (e) { log_error_x_error(e, "Failed to await on a fence"); goto err; } e = xcb_request_check(c, xcb_sync_reset_fence_checked(c, f)); if (e) { log_error_x_error(e, "Failed to reset the fence"); goto err; } return true; err: free(e); return false; } // xcb-render specific macros #define XFIXED_TO_DOUBLE(value) (((double)(value)) / 65536) #define DOUBLE_TO_XFIXED(value) ((xcb_render_fixed_t)(((double)(value)) * 65536)) /** * Convert a struct conv to a X picture convolution filter, normalizing the kernel * in the process. Allow the caller to specify the element at the center of the kernel, * for compatibility with legacy code. * * @param[in] kernel the convolution kernel * @param[in] center the element to put at the center of the matrix * @param[inout] ret pointer to an array of `size`, if `size` is too small, more space * will be allocated, and `*ret` will be updated * @param[inout] size size of the array pointed to by `ret`, in number of elements * @return number of elements filled into `*ret` */ void x_create_convolution_kernel(const conv *kernel, double center, struct x_convolution_kernel **ret) { assert(ret); if (!*ret || (*ret)->capacity < kernel->w * kernel->h + 2) { free(*ret); *ret = cvalloc(sizeof(struct x_convolution_kernel) + (size_t)(kernel->w * kernel->h + 2) * sizeof(xcb_render_fixed_t)); (*ret)->capacity = kernel->w * kernel->h + 2; } (*ret)->size = kernel->w * kernel->h + 2; auto buf = (*ret)->kernel; buf[0] = DOUBLE_TO_XFIXED(kernel->w); buf[1] = DOUBLE_TO_XFIXED(kernel->h); double sum = center; for (int i = 0; i < kernel->w * kernel->h; i++) { if (i == kernel->w * kernel->h / 2) { continue; } sum += kernel->data[i]; } // Note for floating points a / b != a * (1 / b), but this shouldn't have any real // impact on the result double factor = sum != 0 ? 1.0 / sum : 1; for (int i = 0; i < kernel->w * kernel->h; i++) { buf[i + 2] = DOUBLE_TO_XFIXED(kernel->data[i] * factor); } buf[kernel->h / 2 * kernel->w + kernel->w / 2 + 2] = DOUBLE_TO_XFIXED(center * factor); } /// Generate a search criteria for fbconfig from a X visual. /// Returns {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0} on failure struct xvisual_info x_get_visual_info(xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_visualid_t visual) { auto pictfmt = x_get_pictform_for_visual(c, visual); auto depth = x_get_visual_depth(c, visual); if (!pictfmt || depth == -1) { log_error("Invalid visual %#03x", visual); return (struct xvisual_info){-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0}; } if (pictfmt->type != XCB_RENDER_PICT_TYPE_DIRECT) { log_error("We cannot handle non-DirectColor visuals. Report an " "issue if you see this error message."); return (struct xvisual_info){-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0}; } int red_size = popcntul(pictfmt->direct.red_mask), blue_size = popcntul(pictfmt->direct.blue_mask), green_size = popcntul(pictfmt->direct.green_mask), alpha_size = popcntul(pictfmt->direct.alpha_mask); return (struct xvisual_info){ .red_size = red_size, .green_size = green_size, .blue_size = blue_size, .alpha_size = alpha_size, .visual_depth = depth, .visual = visual, }; } xcb_screen_t *x_screen_of_display(xcb_connection_t *c, int screen) { xcb_screen_iterator_t iter; iter = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(c)); for (; iter.rem; --screen, xcb_screen_next(&iter)) { if (screen == 0) { return iter.data; } } return NULL; }