
857 lines
22 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Compton - a compositor for X11
* Based on `xcompmgr` - Copyright (c) 2003, Keith Packard
* Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Christopher Jeffrey
* Copyright (c) 2018, Yuxuan Shui <yshuiv7@gmail.com>
* See LICENSE-mit for more information.
#pragma once
// === Options ===
// Debug options, enable them using -D in CFLAGS
// #define DEBUG_REPAINT 1
// #define DEBUG_EVENTS 1
// #define DEBUG_RESTACK 1
// #define DEBUG_WINMATCH 1
// #define DEBUG_C2 1
#define MAX_ALPHA (255)
// === Includes ===
// For some special functions
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <ev.h>
#include <pixman.h>
#include <xcb/composite.h>
#include <xcb/damage.h>
#include <xcb/randr.h>
#include <xcb/render.h>
#include <xcb/shape.h>
#include <xcb/sync.h>
#include <xcb/xinerama.h>
#include "uthash_extra.h"
// libGL
#include "backend/gl/glx.h"
// Workarounds for missing definitions in some broken GL drivers, thanks to
// douglasp and consolers for reporting
// === Macros ===
#define MSTR_(s) #s
#define MSTR(s) MSTR_(s)
// X resource checker
#ifdef DEBUG_XRC
#include "xrescheck.h"
// FIXME This list of includes should get shorter
#include "backend/backend.h"
#include "backend/driver.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "win.h"
#include "x.h"
// === Constants ===
/// @brief Length of generic buffers.
#define BUF_LEN 80
#define ROUNDED_PERCENT 0.05
#define NS_PER_SEC 1000000000L
#define US_PER_SEC 1000000L
#define MS_PER_SEC 1000
#define XRFILTER_CONVOLUTION "convolution"
#define XRFILTER_GAUSSIAN "gaussian"
#define XRFILTER_BINOMIAL "binomial"
/// @brief Maximum OpenGL FBConfig depth.
/// @brief Maximum OpenGL buffer age.
// Window flags
// === Types ===
typedef struct glx_fbconfig glx_fbconfig_t;
/// Structure representing needed window updates.
typedef struct {
bool shadow : 1;
bool fade : 1;
bool focus : 1;
bool invert_color : 1;
} win_upd_t;
typedef struct _ignore {
struct _ignore *next;
unsigned long sequence;
} ignore_t;
enum wincond_target {
enum wincond_type {
#define CONDF_IGNORECASE 0x0001
/// @brief Possible swap methods.
enum { SWAPM_BUFFER_AGE = -1,
typedef struct _glx_texture glx_texture_t;
typedef GLXContext (*f_glXCreateContextAttribsARB)(Display *dpy, GLXFBConfig config,
GLXContext share_context, Bool direct,
const int *attrib_list);
typedef void (*GLDEBUGPROC)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity,
GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, GLvoid *userParam);
typedef void (*f_DebugMessageCallback)(GLDEBUGPROC, void *userParam);
typedef GLsync (*f_FenceSync)(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags);
typedef GLboolean (*f_IsSync)(GLsync sync);
typedef void (*f_DeleteSync)(GLsync sync);
typedef GLenum (*f_ClientWaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout);
typedef void (*f_WaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout);
typedef GLsync (*f_ImportSyncEXT)(GLenum external_sync_type, GLintptr external_sync,
GLbitfield flags);
/// @brief Wrapper of a binded GLX texture.
struct _glx_texture {
GLuint texture;
GLXPixmap glpixmap;
xcb_pixmap_t pixmap;
GLenum target;
int width;
int height;
bool y_inverted;
typedef struct {
/// Fragment shader for blur.
GLuint frag_shader;
/// GLSL program for blur.
GLuint prog;
/// Location of uniform "offset_x" in blur GLSL program.
GLint unifm_offset_x;
/// Location of uniform "offset_y" in blur GLSL program.
GLint unifm_offset_y;
/// Location of uniform "factor_center" in blur GLSL program.
GLint unifm_factor_center;
} glx_blur_pass_t;
typedef struct glx_prog_main {
/// GLSL program.
GLuint prog;
/// Location of uniform "opacity" in window GLSL program.
GLint unifm_opacity;
/// Location of uniform "invert_color" in blur GLSL program.
GLint unifm_invert_color;
/// Location of uniform "tex" in window GLSL program.
GLint unifm_tex;
} glx_prog_main_t;
{ .prog = 0, .unifm_opacity = -1, .unifm_invert_color = -1, .unifm_tex = -1, }
struct glx_prog_main {};
#define PAINT_INIT \
{ .pixmap = XCB_NONE, .pict = XCB_NONE }
/// Linked list type of atoms.
typedef struct _latom {
xcb_atom_t atom;
struct _latom *next;
} latom_t;
#define REG_DATA_INIT \
{ NULL, 0 }
/// Structure containing GLX-dependent data for a compton session.
typedef struct {
// === OpenGL related ===
/// GLX context.
GLXContext context;
/// Whether we have GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two.
bool has_texture_non_power_of_two;
/// Pointer to the glFenceSync() function.
f_FenceSync glFenceSyncProc;
/// Pointer to the glIsSync() function.
f_IsSync glIsSyncProc;
/// Pointer to the glDeleteSync() function.
f_DeleteSync glDeleteSyncProc;
/// Pointer to the glClientWaitSync() function.
f_ClientWaitSync glClientWaitSyncProc;
/// Pointer to the glWaitSync() function.
f_WaitSync glWaitSyncProc;
/// Pointer to the glImportSyncEXT() function.
f_ImportSyncEXT glImportSyncEXT;
/// Current GLX Z value.
int z;
glx_blur_pass_t blur_passes[MAX_BLUR_PASS];
} glx_session_t;
{ .context = NULL }
/// Structure containing all necessary data for a compton session.
typedef struct session {
// === Event handlers ===
/// ev_io for X connection
ev_io xiow;
/// Timeout for delayed unredirection.
ev_timer unredir_timer;
/// Timer for fading
ev_timer fade_timer;
/// Timer for delayed drawing, right now only used by
/// swopti
ev_timer delayed_draw_timer;
/// Use an ev_idle callback for drawing
/// So we only start drawing when events are processed
ev_idle draw_idle;
/// Called everytime we have timeouts or new data on socket,
/// so we can be sure if xcb read from X socket at anytime during event
/// handling, we will not left any event unhandled in the queue
ev_prepare event_check;
/// Signal handler for SIGUSR1
ev_signal usr1_signal;
/// Signal handler for SIGINT
ev_signal int_signal;
/// backend data
backend_t *backend_data;
enum driver drivers;
/// libev mainloop
struct ev_loop *loop;
// === Display related ===
/// Display in use.
Display *dpy;
/// Default screen.
int scr;
/// XCB connection.
xcb_connection_t *c;
/// Default visual.
xcb_visualid_t vis;
/// Default depth.
int depth;
/// Root window.
xcb_window_t root;
/// Height of root window.
int root_height;
/// Width of root window.
int root_width;
// Damage of root window.
// Damage root_damage;
/// X Composite overlay window. Used if <code>--paint-on-overlay</code>.
xcb_window_t overlay;
/// Whether the root tile is filled by compton.
bool root_tile_fill;
/// Picture of the root window background.
paint_t root_tile_paint;
/// The backend data the root pixmap bound to
void *root_image;
/// A region of the size of the screen.
region_t screen_reg;
/// Picture of root window. Destination of painting in no-DBE painting
/// mode.
xcb_render_picture_t root_picture;
/// A Picture acting as the painting target.
xcb_render_picture_t tgt_picture;
/// Temporary buffer to paint to before sending to display.
paint_t tgt_buffer;
/// Window ID of the window we register as a symbol.
xcb_window_t reg_win;
/// Pointer to GLX data.
glx_session_t *psglx;
/// Custom GLX program used for painting window.
// XXX should be in glx_session_t
glx_prog_main_t glx_prog_win;
/// Sync fence to sync draw operations
xcb_sync_fence_t sync_fence;
// === Operation related ===
/// Flags related to the root window
uint64_t root_flags;
/// Program options.
options_t o;
/// Whether we have hit unredirection timeout.
bool tmout_unredir_hit;
/// Whether we need to redraw the screen
bool redraw_needed;
/// Program start time.
struct timeval time_start;
/// The region needs to painted on next paint.
region_t *damage;
/// The region damaged on the last paint.
region_t *damage_ring;
/// Number of damage regions we track
int ndamage;
/// Whether all windows are currently redirected.
bool redirected;
/// Pre-generated alpha pictures.
xcb_render_picture_t *alpha_picts;
/// Time of last fading. In milliseconds.
long fade_time;
/// Head pointer of the error ignore linked list.
ignore_t *ignore_head;
/// Pointer to the <code>next</code> member of tail element of the error
/// ignore linked list.
ignore_t **ignore_tail;
// Cached blur convolution kernels.
xcb_render_fixed_t *blur_kerns_cache[MAX_BLUR_PASS];
/// Reset program after next paint.
bool reset;
/// If compton should quit
bool quit;
// === Expose event related ===
/// Pointer to an array of <code>XRectangle</code>-s of exposed region.
/// XXX why do we need this array?
rect_t *expose_rects;
/// Number of <code>XRectangle</code>-s in <code>expose_rects</code>.
int size_expose;
/// Index of the next free slot in <code>expose_rects</code>.
int n_expose;
// === Window related ===
/// A hash table of all windows.
struct win *windows;
/// Windows in their stacking order
struct list_node window_stack;
/// Pointer to <code>win</code> of current active window. Used by
/// EWMH <code>_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW</code> focus detection. In theory,
/// it's more reliable to store the window ID directly here, just in
/// case the WM does something extraordinary, but caching the pointer
/// means another layer of complexity.
struct managed_win *active_win;
/// Window ID of leader window of currently active window. Used for
/// subsidiary window detection.
xcb_window_t active_leader;
// === Shadow/dimming related ===
/// 1x1 black Picture.
xcb_render_picture_t black_picture;
/// 1x1 Picture of the shadow color.
xcb_render_picture_t cshadow_picture;
/// 1x1 white Picture.
xcb_render_picture_t white_picture;
/// Gaussian map of shadow.
conv *gaussian_map;
// for shadow precomputation
/// A region in which shadow is not painted on.
region_t shadow_exclude_reg;
// === Software-optimization-related ===
/// Currently used refresh rate.
int refresh_rate;
/// Interval between refresh in nanoseconds.
long refresh_intv;
/// Nanosecond offset of the first painting.
long paint_tm_offset;
// === DRM VSync related ===
/// File descriptor of DRI device file. Used for DRM VSync.
int drm_fd;
// === X extension related ===
/// Event base number for X Fixes extension.
int xfixes_event;
/// Error base number for X Fixes extension.
int xfixes_error;
/// Event base number for X Damage extension.
int damage_event;
/// Error base number for X Damage extension.
int damage_error;
/// Event base number for X Render extension.
int render_event;
/// Error base number for X Render extension.
int render_error;
/// Event base number for X Composite extension.
int composite_event;
/// Error base number for X Composite extension.
int composite_error;
/// Major opcode for X Composite extension.
int composite_opcode;
/// Whether X Shape extension exists.
bool shape_exists;
/// Event base number for X Shape extension.
int shape_event;
/// Error base number for X Shape extension.
int shape_error;
/// Whether X RandR extension exists.
bool randr_exists;
/// Event base number for X RandR extension.
int randr_event;
/// Error base number for X RandR extension.
int randr_error;
/// Whether X Present extension exists.
bool present_exists;
/// Whether X GLX extension exists.
bool glx_exists;
/// Event base number for X GLX extension.
int glx_event;
/// Error base number for X GLX extension.
int glx_error;
/// Whether X Xinerama extension exists.
bool xinerama_exists;
/// Xinerama screen info.
xcb_xinerama_query_screens_reply_t *xinerama_scrs;
/// Xinerama screen regions.
region_t *xinerama_scr_regs;
/// Number of Xinerama screens.
int xinerama_nscrs;
/// Whether X Sync extension exists.
bool xsync_exists;
/// Event base number for X Sync extension.
int xsync_event;
/// Error base number for X Sync extension.
int xsync_error;
/// Whether X Render convolution filter exists.
bool xrfilter_convolution_exists;
// === Atoms ===
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_WM_OPACITY</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_opacity;
/// Atom of <code>_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_frame_extents;
/// Property atom to identify top-level frame window. Currently
/// <code>WM_STATE</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_client;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_NAME</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_name;
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_WM_NAME</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_name_ewmh;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_CLASS</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_class;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_WINDOW_ROLE</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_role;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_TRANSIENT_FOR</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_transient;
/// Atom of property <code>WM_CLIENT_LEADER</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_client_leader;
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_ewmh_active_win;
/// Atom of property <code>_COMPTON_SHADOW</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_compton_shadow;
/// Atom of property <code>_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE</code>.
xcb_atom_t atom_win_type;
/// Array of atoms of all possible window types.
xcb_atom_t atoms_wintypes[NUM_WINTYPES];
/// Linked list of additional atoms to track.
latom_t *track_atom_lst;
// === DBus related ===
void *dbus_data;
int (*vsync_wait)(session_t *);
} session_t;
/// Temporary structure used for communication between
/// <code>get_cfg()</code> and <code>parse_config()</code>.
struct options_tmp {
bool no_dock_shadow;
bool no_dnd_shadow;
double menu_opacity;
/// Enumeration for window event hints.
extern const char *const WINTYPES[NUM_WINTYPES];
extern session_t *ps_g;
// == Debugging code ==
static inline void print_timestamp(session_t *ps);
void ev_xcb_error(session_t *ps, xcb_generic_error_t *err);
// === Functions ===
* Return whether a struct timeval value is empty.
static inline bool timeval_isempty(struct timeval *ptv) {
if (!ptv)
return false;
return ptv->tv_sec <= 0 && ptv->tv_usec <= 0;
* Compare a struct timeval with a time in milliseconds.
* @return > 0 if ptv > ms, 0 if ptv == 0, -1 if ptv < ms
static inline int timeval_ms_cmp(struct timeval *ptv, unsigned long ms) {
// We use those if statement instead of a - expression because of possible
// truncation problem from long to int.
auto sec = (long)(ms / MS_PER_SEC);
if (ptv->tv_sec > sec) {
return 1;
if (ptv->tv_sec < sec) {
return -1;
auto usec = (long)(ms % MS_PER_SEC * (US_PER_SEC / MS_PER_SEC));
if (ptv->tv_usec > usec) {
return 1;
if (ptv->tv_usec < usec) {
return -1;
return 0;
* Subtracting two struct timeval values.
* Taken from glibc manual.
* Subtract the `struct timeval' values X and Y,
* storing the result in RESULT.
* Return 1 if the difference is negative, otherwise 0.
static inline int
timeval_subtract(struct timeval *result, struct timeval *x, struct timeval *y) {
/* Perform the carry for the later subtraction by updating y. */
if (x->tv_usec < y->tv_usec) {
long nsec = (y->tv_usec - x->tv_usec) / 1000000 + 1;
y->tv_usec -= 1000000 * nsec;
y->tv_sec += nsec;
if (x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec > 1000000) {
long nsec = (x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec) / 1000000;
y->tv_usec += 1000000 * nsec;
y->tv_sec -= nsec;
/* Compute the time remaining to wait.
tv_usec is certainly positive. */
result->tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y->tv_sec;
result->tv_usec = x->tv_usec - y->tv_usec;
/* Return 1 if result is negative. */
return x->tv_sec < y->tv_sec;
* Subtracting two struct timespec values.
* Taken from glibc manual.
* Subtract the `struct timespec' values X and Y,
* storing the result in RESULT.
* Return 1 if the difference is negative, otherwise 0.
static inline int
timespec_subtract(struct timespec *result, struct timespec *x, struct timespec *y) {
/* Perform the carry for the later subtraction by updating y. */
if (x->tv_nsec < y->tv_nsec) {
long nsec = (y->tv_nsec - x->tv_nsec) / NS_PER_SEC + 1;
y->tv_nsec -= NS_PER_SEC * nsec;
y->tv_sec += nsec;
if (x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec > NS_PER_SEC) {
long nsec = (x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec) / NS_PER_SEC;
y->tv_nsec += NS_PER_SEC * nsec;
y->tv_sec -= nsec;
/* Compute the time remaining to wait.
tv_nsec is certainly positive. */
result->tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y->tv_sec;
result->tv_nsec = x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec;
/* Return 1 if result is negative. */
return x->tv_sec < y->tv_sec;
* Get current time in struct timeval.
static inline struct timeval get_time_timeval(void) {
struct timeval tv = {0, 0};
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
// Return a time of all 0 if the call fails
return tv;
* Get current time in struct timespec.
* Note its starting time is unspecified.
static inline struct timespec get_time_timespec(void) {
struct timespec tm = {0, 0};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tm);
// Return a time of all 0 if the call fails
return tm;
* Print time passed since program starts execution.
* Used for debugging.
static inline void print_timestamp(session_t *ps) {
struct timeval tm, diff;
if (gettimeofday(&tm, NULL))
timeval_subtract(&diff, &tm, &ps->time_start);
fprintf(stderr, "[ %5ld.%06ld ] ", diff.tv_sec, diff.tv_usec);
* Wrapper of XFree() for convenience.
* Because a NULL pointer cannot be passed to XFree(), its man page says.
static inline void cxfree(void *data) {
if (data)
_Noreturn static inline void die(const char *msg) {
* Wrapper of XInternAtom() for convenience.
static inline xcb_atom_t get_atom(session_t *ps, const char *atom_name) {
xcb_intern_atom_reply_t *reply = xcb_intern_atom_reply(
xcb_intern_atom(ps->c, 0, to_u16_checked(strlen(atom_name)), atom_name), NULL);
xcb_atom_t atom = XCB_NONE;
if (reply) {
log_debug("Atom %s is %d", atom_name, reply->atom);
atom = reply->atom;
} else
die("Failed to intern atoms, bail out");
return atom;
* Return the painting target window.
static inline xcb_window_t get_tgt_window(session_t *ps) {
return ps->overlay != XCB_NONE ? ps->overlay : ps->root;
* Check if current backend uses GLX.
static inline bool bkend_use_glx(session_t *ps) {
return BKEND_GLX == ps->o.backend || BKEND_XR_GLX_HYBRID == ps->o.backend;
* Find out the currently focused window.
* @return struct win object of the found window, NULL if not found
static inline struct managed_win *find_focused(session_t *ps) {
if (!ps->o.track_focus) {
return NULL;
if (ps->active_win && win_is_focused_real(ps, ps->active_win)) {
return ps->active_win;
return NULL;
static void set_ignore(session_t *ps, unsigned long sequence) {
if (ps->o.show_all_xerrors)
auto i = cmalloc(ignore_t);
if (!i)
i->sequence = sequence;
i->next = 0;
*ps->ignore_tail = i;
ps->ignore_tail = &i->next;
* Ignore X errors caused by given X request.
static inline void set_ignore_cookie(session_t *ps, xcb_void_cookie_t cookie) {
set_ignore(ps, cookie.sequence);
* Determine if a window has a specific property.
* @param ps current session
* @param w window to check
* @param atom atom of property to check
* @return true if it has the attribute, false otherwise
static inline bool wid_has_prop(const session_t *ps, xcb_window_t w, xcb_atom_t atom) {
auto r = xcb_get_property_reply(
ps->c, xcb_get_property(ps->c, 0, w, atom, XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, 0), NULL);
if (!r) {
return false;
auto rtype = r->type;
if (rtype != XCB_NONE) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the numeric property value from a win_prop_t.
static inline long winprop_get_int(winprop_t prop) {
long tgt = 0;
if (!prop.nitems)
return 0;
switch (prop.format) {
case 8: tgt = *(prop.p8); break;
case 16: tgt = *(prop.p16); break;
case 32: tgt = *(prop.p32); break;
default: assert(0); break;
return tgt;
void force_repaint(session_t *ps);
bool vsync_init(session_t *ps);
void vsync_deinit(session_t *ps);
/** @name DBus handling
/** @name DBus hooks
void opts_init_track_focus(session_t *ps);
void opts_set_no_fading_openclose(session_t *ps, bool newval);
* Set a <code>bool</code> array of all wintypes to true.
static inline void wintype_arr_enable(bool arr[]) {
wintype_t i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_WINTYPES; ++i) {
arr[i] = true;