
463 lines
16 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Christopher Jeffrey
// Copyright (c) 2013 Richard Grenville <pyxlcy@gmail.com>
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <xcb/damage.h>
#include <xcb/render.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include "uthash_extra.h"
// FIXME shouldn't need this
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "c2.h"
#include "compiler.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "win_defs.h"
#include "x.h"
struct backend_base;
typedef struct session session_t;
typedef struct _glx_texture glx_texture_t;
#define win_stack_foreach_managed(w, win_stack) \
list_foreach(struct managed_win, w, win_stack, base.stack_neighbour) if (w->base.managed)
#define win_stack_foreach_managed_safe(w, win_stack) \
list_foreach_safe(struct managed_win, w, win_stack, \
base.stack_neighbour) if (w->base.managed)
// FIXME this type should be in opengl.h
// it is very unideal for it to be here
typedef struct {
/// Framebuffer used for blurring.
GLuint fbo;
/// Textures used for blurring.
GLuint textures[2];
/// Width of the textures.
int width;
/// Height of the textures.
int height;
} glx_blur_cache_t;
/// An entry in the window stack. May or may not correspond to a window we know about.
struct window_stack_entry {
struct list_node stack_neighbour;
/// The actual window correspond to this stack entry. NULL if we didn't know about
/// this window (e.g. an InputOnly window, or we haven't handled the window
/// creation yet)
struct win *win;
/// The window id. Might not be unique in the stack, because there might be
/// destroyed window still fading out in the stack.
xcb_window_t id;
* About coordinate systems
* In general, X is the horizontal axis, Y is the vertical axis.
* X goes from left to right, Y goes downwards.
* Global: the origin is the top left corner of the Xorg screen.
* Local: the origin is the top left corner of the window, border is
* considered part of the window.
/// Structure representing a top-level managed window.
typedef struct win win;
struct win {
UT_hash_handle hh;
struct list_node stack_neighbour;
/// ID of the top-level frame window.
xcb_window_t id;
/// Whether the window is destroyed from Xorg's perspective
bool destroyed : 1;
/// True if we just received CreateNotify, and haven't queried X for any info
/// about the window
bool is_new : 1;
/// True if this window is managed, i.e. this struct is actually a `managed_win`.
/// Always false if `is_new` is true.
bool managed : 1;
struct managed_win {
struct win base;
/// backend data attached to this window. Only available when
/// `state` is not UNMAPPED
void *win_image;
void *shadow_image;
/// Pointer to the next higher window to paint.
struct managed_win *prev_trans;
/// Number of windows above this window
int stacking_rank;
// TODO rethink reg_ignore
// Core members
/// The "mapped state" of this window, doesn't necessary
/// match X mapped state, because of fading.
winstate_t state;
/// Window attributes.
xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t a;
xcb_get_geometry_reply_t g;
/// Xinerama screen this window is on.
int xinerama_scr;
/// Window visual pict format
const xcb_render_pictforminfo_t *pictfmt;
/// Client window visual pict format
const xcb_render_pictforminfo_t *client_pictfmt;
/// Window painting mode.
winmode_t mode;
/// Whether the window has been damaged at least once.
bool ever_damaged;
/// Whether the window was damaged after last paint.
bool pixmap_damaged;
/// Damage of the window.
xcb_damage_damage_t damage;
/// Paint info of the window.
paint_t paint;
/// Bounding shape of the window. In local coordinates.
/// See above about coordinate systems.
region_t bounding_shape;
/// Window flags. Definitions above.
int_fast16_t flags;
/// The region of screen that will be obscured when windows above is painted,
/// in global coordinates.
/// We use this to reduce the pixels that needed to be paint when painting
/// this window and anything underneath. Depends on window frame
/// opacity state, window geometry, window mapped/unmapped state,
/// window mode of the windows above. DOES NOT INCLUDE the body of THIS WINDOW.
/// NULL means reg_ignore has not been calculated for this window.
rc_region_t *reg_ignore;
/// Whether the reg_ignore of all windows beneath this window are valid
bool reg_ignore_valid;
/// Cached width/height of the window including border.
int widthb, heightb;
/// Whether the window is bounding-shaped.
bool bounding_shaped;
/// Whether the window just have rounded corners.
bool rounded_corners;
/// Whether this window is to be painted.
bool to_paint;
/// Whether the window is painting excluded.
bool paint_excluded;
/// Whether the window is unredirect-if-possible excluded.
bool unredir_if_possible_excluded;
/// Whether this window is in open/close state.
bool in_openclose;
// Client window related members
/// ID of the top-level client window of the window.
xcb_window_t client_win;
/// Type of the window.
wintype_t window_type;
/// Whether it looks like a WM window. We consider a window WM window if
/// it does not have a decedent with WM_STATE and it is not override-
/// redirected itself.
bool wmwin;
/// Leader window ID of the window.
xcb_window_t leader;
/// Cached topmost window ID of the window.
xcb_window_t cache_leader;
// Focus-related members
/// Whether the window is to be considered focused.
bool focused;
/// Override value of window focus state. Set by D-Bus method calls.
switch_t focused_force;
// Blacklist related members
/// Name of the window.
char *name;
/// Window instance class of the window.
char *class_instance;
/// Window general class of the window.
char *class_general;
/// <code>WM_WINDOW_ROLE</code> value of the window.
char *role;
// Opacity-related members
/// Current window opacity.
double opacity;
/// Target window opacity.
double opacity_target;
/// true if window (or client window, for broken window managers
/// not transferring client window's _NET_WM_OPACITY value) has opacity prop
bool has_opacity_prop;
/// Cached value of opacity window attribute.
opacity_t opacity_prop;
/// true if opacity is set by some rules
bool opacity_is_set;
/// Last window opacity value set by the rules.
double opacity_set;
// Fading-related members
/// Override value of window fade state. Set by D-Bus method calls.
switch_t fade_force;
// Frame-opacity-related members
/// Current window frame opacity. Affected by window opacity.
double frame_opacity;
/// Frame extents. Acquired from _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS.
margin_t frame_extents;
// Shadow-related members
/// Whether a window has shadow. Calculated.
bool shadow;
/// Override value of window shadow state. Set by D-Bus method calls.
switch_t shadow_force;
/// Opacity of the shadow. Affected by window opacity and frame opacity.
double shadow_opacity;
/// X offset of shadow. Affected by commandline argument.
int shadow_dx;
/// Y offset of shadow. Affected by commandline argument.
int shadow_dy;
/// Width of shadow. Affected by window size and commandline argument.
int shadow_width;
/// Height of shadow. Affected by window size and commandline argument.
int shadow_height;
/// Picture to render shadow. Affected by window size.
paint_t shadow_paint;
/// The value of _COMPTON_SHADOW attribute of the window. Below 0 for
/// none.
long prop_shadow;
// Dim-related members
/// Whether the window is to be dimmed.
bool dim;
/// Whether to invert window color.
bool invert_color;
/// Override value of window color inversion state. Set by D-Bus method
/// calls.
switch_t invert_color_force;
/// Whether to blur window background.
bool blur_background;
/// Textures and FBO background blur use.
glx_blur_cache_t glx_blur_cache;
/// Process pending updates on a window. Has to be called in X critical section
void win_process_updates(struct session *ps, struct managed_win *_w);
/// Process pending images flags on a window. Has to be called in X critical section
void win_process_flags(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
/// Queue an update on a window. A series of sanity checks are performed
void win_queue_update(struct managed_win *_w, enum win_update update);
/// Bind a shadow to the window, with color `c` and shadow kernel `kernel`
bool win_bind_shadow(struct backend_base *b, struct managed_win *w, struct color c,
struct conv *kernel);
/// Start the unmap of a window. We cannot unmap immediately since we might need to fade
/// the window out.
void unmap_win_start(struct session *, struct managed_win *);
/// Start the mapping of a window. We cannot map immediately since we might need to fade
/// the window in.
void map_win_start(struct session *, struct managed_win *);
/// Start the destroying of a window. Windows cannot always be destroyed immediately
/// because of fading and such.
bool must_use destroy_win_start(session_t *ps, struct win *w);
/// Release images bound with a window, set the *_NONE flags on the window. Only to be
/// used when de-initializing the backend outside of win.c
void win_release_images(struct backend_base *base, struct managed_win *w);
int win_update_name(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
int win_get_role(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
winmode_t attr_pure win_calc_mode(const struct managed_win *w);
void win_set_shadow_force(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w, switch_t val);
void win_set_fade_force(struct managed_win *w, switch_t val);
void win_set_focused_force(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w, switch_t val);
void win_set_invert_color_force(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w, switch_t val);
* Set real focused state of a window.
void win_set_focused(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
bool attr_pure win_should_fade(session_t *ps, const struct managed_win *w);
void win_update_prop_shadow_raw(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
void win_update_prop_shadow(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
void win_on_factor_change(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
* Update cache data in struct _win that depends on window size.
void win_on_win_size_change(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
void win_update_wintype(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
void win_mark_client(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w, xcb_window_t client);
void win_unmark_client(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
bool win_get_class(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
* Calculate and return the opacity target of a window.
* The priority of opacity settings are:
* inactive_opacity_override (if set, and unfocused) > _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY (if set) >
* opacity-rules (if matched) > window type default opacity > active/inactive opacity
* @param ps current session
* @param w struct _win object representing the window
* @param ignore_state whether window state should be ignored in opacity calculation
* @return target opacity
double attr_pure win_calc_opacity_target(session_t *ps, const struct managed_win *w,
bool ignore_state);
bool attr_pure win_should_dim(session_t *ps, const struct managed_win *w);
void win_update_screen(session_t *, struct managed_win *);
* Reread opacity property of a window.
void win_update_opacity_prop(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
* Update leader of a window.
void win_update_leader(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
* Retrieve the bounding shape of a window.
// XXX was win_border_size
void win_update_bounding_shape(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
* Get a rectangular region in global coordinates a window (and possibly
* its shadow) occupies.
* Note w->shadow and shadow geometry must be correct before calling this
* function.
void win_extents(const struct managed_win *w, region_t *res);
region_t win_extents_by_val(const struct managed_win *w);
* Add a window to damaged area.
* @param ps current session
* @param w struct _win element representing the window
void add_damage_from_win(session_t *ps, const struct managed_win *w);
* Get a rectangular region a window occupies, excluding frame and shadow.
* Return region in global coordinates.
void win_get_region_noframe_local(const struct managed_win *w, region_t *);
/// Get the region for the frame of the window
void win_get_region_frame_local(const struct managed_win *w, region_t *res);
/// Get the region for the frame of the window, by value
region_t win_get_region_frame_local_by_val(const struct managed_win *w);
* Retrieve frame extents from a window.
void win_update_frame_extents(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w, xcb_window_t client);
/// Insert a new window above window with id `below`, if there is no window, add to top
/// New window will be in unmapped state
struct win *add_win_above(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t id, xcb_window_t below);
/// Insert a new win entry at the top of the stack
struct win *add_win_top(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t id);
/// Query the Xorg for information about window `win`
/// `win` pointer might become invalid after this function returns
struct win *fill_win(session_t *ps, struct win *win);
/// Move window `w` to be right above `below`
void restack_above(session_t *ps, struct win *w, xcb_window_t below);
/// Move window `w` to the bottom of the stack
void restack_bottom(session_t *ps, struct win *w);
/// Move window `w` to the top of the stack
void restack_top(session_t *ps, struct win *w);
* Execute fade callback of a window if fading finished.
bool must_use win_check_fade_finished(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
// Stop receiving events (except ConfigureNotify, XXX why?) from a window
void win_ev_stop(session_t *ps, const struct win *w);
/// Skip the current in progress fading of window,
/// transition the window straight to its end state
/// @return whether the window is destroyed and freed
bool must_use win_skip_fading(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
* Find a managed window from window id in window linked list of the session.
struct managed_win *find_managed_win(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t id);
struct win *find_win(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t id);
struct managed_win *find_toplevel(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t id);
* Find out the WM frame of a client window by querying X.
* @param ps current session
* @param wid window ID
* @return struct _win object of the found window, NULL if not found
struct managed_win *find_toplevel2(session_t *ps, xcb_window_t wid);
* Check if a window is a fullscreen window.
* It's not using w->border_size for performance measures.
bool attr_pure win_is_fullscreen(const session_t *ps, const struct managed_win *w);
* Check if a window is really focused.
bool attr_pure win_is_focused_real(const session_t *ps, const struct managed_win *w);
/// check if window has ARGB visual
bool attr_pure win_has_alpha(const struct managed_win *w);
/// check if reg_ignore_valid is true for all windows above us
bool attr_pure win_is_region_ignore_valid(session_t *ps, const struct managed_win *w);
/// Whether a given window is mapped on the X server side
bool win_is_mapped_in_x(const struct managed_win *w);
// Find the managed window immediately below `w` in the window stack
struct managed_win *attr_pure win_stack_find_next_managed(const session_t *ps,
const struct list_node *w);
/// Free all resources in a struct win
void free_win_res(session_t *ps, struct managed_win *w);
static inline region_t win_get_bounding_shape_global_by_val(struct managed_win *w) {
region_t ret;
pixman_region32_copy(&ret, &w->bounding_shape);
pixman_region32_translate(&ret, w->g.x, w->g.y);
return ret;
* Calculate the extents of the frame of the given window based on EWMH
* _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS and the X window border width.
static inline margin_t attr_pure win_calc_frame_extents(const struct managed_win *w) {
margin_t result = w->frame_extents;
result.top = max2(result.top, w->g.border_width);
result.left = max2(result.left, w->g.border_width);
result.bottom = max2(result.bottom, w->g.border_width);
result.right = max2(result.right, w->g.border_width);
return result;
* Check whether a window has WM frames.
static inline bool attr_pure win_has_frame(const struct managed_win *w) {
return w->g.border_width || w->frame_extents.top || w->frame_extents.left ||
w->frame_extents.right || w->frame_extents.bottom;