#include "components/controller.hpp" #include #include #include #include "components/bar.hpp" #include "components/builder.hpp" #include "components/config.hpp" #include "components/eventloop.hpp" #include "components/logger.hpp" #include "components/types.hpp" #include "events/signal.hpp" #include "events/signal_emitter.hpp" #include "modules/meta/all.hpp" #include "modules/meta/base.hpp" #include "modules/meta/event_handler.hpp" #include "modules/meta/factory.hpp" #include "utils/actions.hpp" #include "utils/inotify.hpp" #include "utils/process.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "utils/time.hpp" #include "x11/connection.hpp" #include "x11/extensions/all.hpp" POLYBAR_NS using namespace eventloop; using namespace modules; /** * Build controller instance */ controller::make_type controller::make(bool has_ipc, loop& loop, const config& config) { return std::make_unique( connection::make(), signal_emitter::make(), logger::make(), config, has_ipc, loop); } /** * Construct controller */ controller::controller( connection& conn, signal_emitter& emitter, const logger& logger, const config& config, bool has_ipc, loop& loop) : m_connection(conn) , m_sig(emitter) , m_log(logger) , m_conf(config) , m_loop(loop) , m_bar(bar::make(m_loop, config)) , m_has_ipc(has_ipc) { m_conf.warn_deprecated("settings", "throttle-input-for"); m_conf.warn_deprecated("settings", "throttle-output"); m_conf.warn_deprecated("settings", "throttle-output-for"); m_conf.warn_deprecated("settings", "eventqueue-swallow"); m_conf.warn_deprecated("settings", "eventqueue-swallow-time"); m_log.trace("controller: Setup user-defined modules"); size_t created_modules{0}; created_modules += setup_modules(alignment::LEFT); created_modules += setup_modules(alignment::CENTER); created_modules += setup_modules(alignment::RIGHT); if (!created_modules) { throw application_error("No modules created"); } m_log.notice("Loaded %zd modules", created_modules); } /** * Deconstruct controller */ controller::~controller() { m_log.trace("controller: Detach signal receiver"); m_sig.detach(this); m_log.trace("controller: Stop modules"); for (auto&& module : m_modules) { auto module_name = module->name(); auto cleanup_ms = time_util::measure([&module] { module->stop(); module->join(); module.reset(); }); m_log.info("Deconstruction of %s took %lu ms.", module_name, cleanup_ms); } } /** * Run the main loop */ bool controller::run(bool writeback, string snapshot_dst, bool confwatch) { m_log.info("Starting application"); m_log.trace("controller: Main thread id = %i", concurrency_util::thread_id(this_thread::get_id())); assert(!m_connection.connection_has_error()); m_writeback = writeback; m_snapshot_dst = move(snapshot_dst); m_sig.attach(this); m_connection.flush(); read_events(confwatch); m_log.notice("Termination signal received, shutting down..."); return !m_reload; } /** * Enqueue input data */ void controller::trigger_action(string&& input_data) { std::unique_lock guard(m_notification_mutex); m_log.trace("controller: Queueing input event '%s'", input_data); m_notifications.inputdata.push(std::move(input_data)); trigger_notification(); } void controller::trigger_quit(bool reload) { std::unique_lock guard(m_notification_mutex); m_notifications.quit = true; m_notifications.reload = m_notifications.reload || reload; trigger_notification(); } void controller::trigger_update(bool force) { std::unique_lock guard(m_notification_mutex); m_notifications.update = true; m_notifications.force_update = m_notifications.force_update || force; trigger_notification(); } void controller::trigger_notification() { m_notifier->send(); } void controller::stop(bool reload) { update_reload(reload); m_loop.stop(); } void controller::conn_cb() { int xcb_error = m_connection.connection_has_error(); if ((xcb_error = m_connection.connection_has_error()) != 0) { m_log.err("X connection error, terminating... (what: %s)", m_connection.error_str(xcb_error)); stop(false); return; } shared_ptr evt{}; while ((evt = m_connection.poll_for_event()) != nullptr) { try { m_connection.dispatch_event(evt); } catch (xpp::connection_error& err) { m_log.err("X connection error, terminating... (what: %s)", m_connection.error_str(err.code())); stop(false); } catch (const exception& err) { // IDs for events are defined in xproto.h m_log.err("Error in X event loop while handling event %d: %s", evt->response_type, err.what()); } } if ((xcb_error = m_connection.connection_has_error()) != 0) { m_log.err("X connection error, terminating... (what: %s)", m_connection.error_str(xcb_error)); stop(false); return; } } void controller::signal_handler(int signum) { m_log.notice("Received signal(%d): %s", signum, strsignal(signum)); stop(signum == SIGUSR1); } void controller::create_config_watcher(const string& filename) { auto fs_event_handle = m_loop.handle(); fs_event_handle->start( filename, 0, [this](const auto& e) { confwatch_handler(e.path); }, [this, &handle = *fs_event_handle](const auto& e) { m_log.err("libuv error while watching included file for changes: %s", uv_strerror(e.status)); handle.close(); }); } void controller::confwatch_handler(const char* filename) { m_log.notice("Watched config file changed %s", filename); stop(true); } void controller::notifier_handler() { notifications_t data{}; { std::unique_lock guard(m_notification_mutex); std::swap(m_notifications, data); } if (data.quit) { stop(data.reload); return; } while (!data.inputdata.empty()) { auto inputdata = data.inputdata.front(); data.inputdata.pop(); m_log.trace("controller: Dequeueing inputdata: '%s'", inputdata); process_inputdata(std::move(inputdata)); } if (data.update) { process_update(data.force_update); } } void controller::screenshot_handler() { m_sig.emit(signals::ui::request_snapshot{move(m_snapshot_dst)}); trigger_update(true); } void controller::start_modules() { size_t started_modules{0}; for (const auto& module : m_modules) { auto evt_handler = dynamic_cast(&*module); if (evt_handler != nullptr) { evt_handler->connect(m_connection); } try { m_log.info("Starting %s", module->name()); module->start(); started_modules++; } catch (const application_error& err) { m_log.err("Failed to start '%s' (reason: %s)", module->name(), err.what()); } } if (!started_modules) { throw application_error("No modules started"); } } /** * Read events from configured file descriptors */ void controller::read_events(bool confwatch) { m_log.info("Entering event loop (thread-id=%lu)", this_thread::get_id()); if (!m_writeback) { m_bar->start(m_tray_module_name); } start_modules(); auto x_poll_handle = m_loop.handle(m_connection.get_file_descriptor()); x_poll_handle->start( UV_READABLE, [this](const auto&) { conn_cb(); }, [this](const auto& e) { m_log.err("libuv error while polling X connection: "s + uv_strerror(e.status)); stop(false); }); auto x_prepare_handle = m_loop.handle(); x_prepare_handle->start([this]() { /* * We have to also handle events in the prepare handle (which runs right * before polling for IO) to process any already queued X events which * wouldn't trigger the uv_poll handle. */ conn_cb(); m_connection.flush(); }); for (auto s : {SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGALRM}) { auto signal_handle = m_loop.handle(); signal_handle->start(s, [this](const auto& e) { signal_handler(e.signum); }); } if (confwatch) { create_config_watcher(m_conf.filepath()); // also watch the include-files for changes for (auto& module_path : m_conf.get_included_files()) { create_config_watcher(module_path); } } if (!m_snapshot_dst.empty()) { // Trigger a single screenshot after 3 seconds auto timer_handle = m_loop.handle(); timer_handle->start(3000, 0, [this]() { screenshot_handler(); }); } /* * Immediately trigger and update so that the bar displays something. */ trigger_update(true); try { m_loop.run(); } catch (const exception& err) { m_log.err("Fatal Error in eventloop: %s", err.what()); stop(false); } m_log.info("Eventloop finished"); } /** * Tries to match the given command to a legacy action string and sends the * appropriate new action (and data) to the right module if possible. * * @returns true iff the given command matches a legacy action string and was * successfully forwarded to a module */ bool controller::try_forward_legacy_action(const string& cmd) { /* * Maps legacy action names to a module type and the new action name in that module. * * We try to match the old action name as a prefix, and everything after it will also be added to the end of the new * action string (for example "mpdseek+5" will be redirected to "seek.+5" in the first mpd module). * * The action will be delivered to the first module of that type so that it is consistent with existing behavior. * If the module does not support the action or no matching module is found, the command is forwarded to the shell. * * TODO Remove when deprecated action names are removed */ // clang-format off #define A_MAP(old, module_name, event) {old, {string(module_name::TYPE), string(module_name::event)}} static const std::unordered_map> legacy_actions{ A_MAP("datetoggle", date_module, EVENT_TOGGLE), #if ENABLE_ALSA A_MAP("volup", alsa_module, EVENT_INC), A_MAP("voldown", alsa_module, EVENT_DEC), A_MAP("volmute", alsa_module, EVENT_TOGGLE), #endif #if ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO A_MAP("pa_volup", pulseaudio_module, EVENT_INC), A_MAP("pa_voldown", pulseaudio_module, EVENT_DEC), A_MAP("pa_volmute", pulseaudio_module, EVENT_TOGGLE), #endif A_MAP("xbacklight+", xbacklight_module, EVENT_INC), A_MAP("xbacklight-", xbacklight_module, EVENT_DEC), A_MAP("backlight+", backlight_module, EVENT_INC), A_MAP("backlight-", backlight_module, EVENT_DEC), #if ENABLE_XKEYBOARD A_MAP("xkeyboard/switch", xkeyboard_module, EVENT_SWITCH), #endif #if ENABLE_MPD A_MAP("mpdplay", mpd_module, EVENT_PLAY), A_MAP("mpdpause", mpd_module, EVENT_PAUSE), A_MAP("mpdstop", mpd_module, EVENT_STOP), A_MAP("mpdprev", mpd_module, EVENT_PREV), A_MAP("mpdnext", mpd_module, EVENT_NEXT), A_MAP("mpdrepeat", mpd_module, EVENT_REPEAT), A_MAP("mpdsingle", mpd_module, EVENT_SINGLE), A_MAP("mpdrandom", mpd_module, EVENT_RANDOM), A_MAP("mpdconsume", mpd_module, EVENT_CONSUME), // Has data A_MAP("mpdseek", mpd_module, EVENT_SEEK), #endif // Has data A_MAP("xworkspaces-focus=", xworkspaces_module, EVENT_FOCUS), A_MAP("xworkspaces-next", xworkspaces_module, EVENT_NEXT), A_MAP("xworkspaces-prev", xworkspaces_module, EVENT_PREV), // Has data A_MAP("bspwm-deskfocus", bspwm_module, EVENT_FOCUS), A_MAP("bspwm-desknext", bspwm_module, EVENT_NEXT), A_MAP("bspwm-deskprev", bspwm_module, EVENT_PREV), #if ENABLE_I3 // Has data A_MAP("i3wm-wsfocus-", i3_module, EVENT_FOCUS), A_MAP("i3wm-wsnext", i3_module, EVENT_NEXT), A_MAP("i3wm-wsprev", i3_module, EVENT_PREV), #endif // Has data A_MAP("menu-open-", menu_module, EVENT_OPEN), A_MAP("menu-close", menu_module, EVENT_CLOSE), }; #undef A_MAP // clang-format on // Check if any key in the map is a prefix for the `cmd` for (const auto& entry : legacy_actions) { const auto& key = entry.first; if (cmd.compare(0, key.length(), key) == 0) { string type = entry.second.first; auto data = cmd.substr(key.length()); string action = entry.second.second; // Search for the first module that matches the type for this legacy action for (auto&& module : m_modules) { if (module->type() == type) { auto module_name = module->name_raw(); if (data.empty()) { m_log.warn("The action '%s' is deprecated, use '#%s.%s' instead!", cmd, module_name, action); } else { m_log.warn("The action '%s' is deprecated, use '#%s.%s.%s' instead!", cmd, module_name, action, data); } m_log.warn("Consult the 'Actions' page in the polybar documentation for more information."); m_log.info( "Forwarding legacy action '%s' to module '%s' as '%s' with data '%s'", cmd, module_name, action, data); if (!module->input(action, data)) { m_log.err("Failed to forward deprecated action to %s module", type); // Forward to shell if the module cannot accept the action to not break existing behavior. return false; } // Only deliver to the first matching module. return true; } } } } /* * If we couldn't find any matching legacy action, we return false and let * the command be forwarded to the shell */ return false; } bool controller::forward_action(const actions_util::action& action_triple) { string module_name = std::get<0>(action_triple); string action = std::get<1>(action_triple); string data = std::get<2>(action_triple); m_log.info("Forwarding action to modules (module: '%s', action: '%s', data: '%s')", module_name, action, data); int num_delivered = 0; // Forwards the action to all modules that match the name for (auto&& module : m_modules) { if (module->name_raw() == module_name) { if (!module->input(action, data)) { m_log.err("The '%s' module does not support the '%s' action.", module_name, action); } num_delivered++; } } if (num_delivered == 0) { m_log.err("Could not forward action to module: No module named '%s' (action: '%s', data: '%s')", module_name, action, data); } else { m_log.info("Delivered action to %d module%s", num_delivered, num_delivered > 1 ? "s" : ""); } return true; } /** * Process stored input data */ void controller::process_inputdata(string&& cmd) { m_log.trace("controller: Processing inputdata: %s", cmd); // Every command that starts with '#' is considered an action string. if (cmd.front() == '#') { try { this->forward_action(actions_util::parse_action_string(cmd)); } catch (runtime_error& e) { m_log.err("Invalid action string (action: %s, reason: %s)", cmd, e.what()); } return; } if (this->try_forward_legacy_action(cmd)) { return; } try { // Run input as command if it's not an input for a module m_log.info("Forwarding command to shell... (input: %s)", cmd); m_log.info("Executing shell command: %s", cmd); process_util::fork_detached([cmd] { process_util::exec_sh(cmd.c_str()); }); process_update(true); } catch (const application_error& err) { m_log.err("controller: Error while forwarding input to shell -> %s", err.what()); } } /** * Process eventqueue update event */ bool controller::process_update(bool force) { const bar_settings& bar{m_bar->settings()}; string contents; string padding_left = builder::get_spacing_format_string(bar.padding.left); string padding_right = builder::get_spacing_format_string(bar.padding.right); string margin_left = builder::get_spacing_format_string(bar.module_margin.left); string margin_right = builder::get_spacing_format_string(bar.module_margin.right); builder build{bar}; build.node(bar.separator); string separator{build.flush()}; for (const auto& block : m_blocks) { string block_contents; bool is_left = false; bool is_center = false; bool is_right = false; bool is_first = true; if (block.first == alignment::LEFT) { is_left = true; } else if (block.first == alignment::CENTER) { is_center = true; } else if (block.first == alignment::RIGHT) { is_right = true; } for (const auto& module : block.second) { if (!module->running() || !module->visible()) { continue; } string module_contents; try { module_contents = module->contents(); } catch (const exception& err) { m_log.err("Failed to get contents for \"%s\" (err: %s)", module->name(), err.what()); } if (module_contents.empty()) { continue; } if (!block_contents.empty() && !margin_right.empty()) { block_contents += margin_right; } if (!block_contents.empty() && !separator.empty()) { block_contents += separator; } if (!block_contents.empty() && !margin_left.empty() && !(is_left && is_first)) { block_contents += margin_left; } block_contents.reserve(module_contents.size()); block_contents += module_contents; is_first = false; } if (block_contents.empty()) { continue; } else if (is_left) { contents += "%{l}"; contents += padding_left; } else if (is_center) { contents += "%{c}"; } else if (is_right) { contents += "%{r}"; block_contents += padding_right; } contents += block_contents; } try { if (!m_writeback) { m_bar->parse(move(contents), force); } else { std::cout << contents << std::endl; } } catch (const exception& err) { m_log.err("Failed to update bar contents (reason: %s)", err.what()); } return true; } void controller::update_reload(bool reload) { m_reload = m_reload || reload; } /** * Creates module instances for all the modules in the given alignment block */ size_t controller::setup_modules(alignment align) { string key; switch (align) { case alignment::LEFT: key = "modules-left"; break; case alignment::CENTER: key = "modules-center"; break; case alignment::RIGHT: key = "modules-right"; break; case alignment::NONE: m_log.err("controller: Tried to setup modules for alignment NONE"); break; } string configured_modules; if (!key.empty()) { configured_modules = m_conf.get(m_conf.section(), key, ""s); } for (auto& module_name : string_util::split(configured_modules, ' ')) { if (module_name.empty()) { continue; } try { auto type = m_conf.get("module/" + module_name, "type"); if (type == tray_module::TYPE) { if (!m_tray_module_name.empty()) { throw module_error("Multiple trays defined. Using tray `" + m_tray_module_name + "`"); } m_tray_module_name = module_name; } if (type == ipc_module::TYPE && !m_has_ipc) { throw application_error("Inter-process messaging needs to be enabled"); } m_log.notice("Loading module '%s' of type '%s'", module_name, type); module_t module = modules::make_module(move(type), m_bar->settings(), module_name, m_log, m_conf); m_modules.push_back(module); m_blocks[align].push_back(module); } catch (const std::exception& err) { m_log.err("Disabling module \"%s\" (reason: %s)", module_name, err.what()); } } return m_blocks[align].size(); } /** * Process broadcast events */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::notify_change&) { trigger_update(false); return true; } /** * Process forced broadcast events */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::notify_forcechange&) { trigger_update(true); return true; } /** * Process eventqueue reload event */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::exit_reload&) { trigger_quit(true); return true; } /** * Process eventqueue check event */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::check_state&) { for (const auto& module : m_modules) { if (module->running()) { return true; } } m_log.warn("No running modules..."); trigger_quit(false); return true; } /** * Process ui button press event */ bool controller::on(const signals::ui::button_press& evt) { string input{evt.cast()}; if (input.empty()) { m_log.err("Cannot enqueue empty input"); return false; } trigger_action(move(input)); return true; } /** * Process ipc action messages */ bool controller::on(const signals::ipc::action& evt) { string action{evt.cast()}; if (action.empty()) { m_log.err("Cannot enqueue empty ipc action"); return false; } m_log.info("Enqueuing ipc action: %s", action); trigger_action(move(action)); return true; } /** * Process ipc command messages */ bool controller::on(const signals::ipc::command& evt) { string command{evt.cast()}; if (command.empty()) { return false; } if (command == "quit") { trigger_quit(false); } else if (command == "restart") { trigger_quit(true); } else if (command == "hide") { m_bar->hide(); } else if (command == "show") { m_bar->show(); } else if (command == "toggle") { m_bar->toggle(); } else { m_log.warn("\"%s\" is not a valid ipc command", command); return false; } return true; } /** * Process ipc hook messages */ bool controller::on(const signals::ipc::hook& evt) { string hook{evt.cast()}; for (const auto& module : m_modules) { if (!module->running()) { continue; } auto ipc = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(module); if (ipc != nullptr) { ipc->on_message(hook); } } return true; } bool controller::on(const signals::ui::update_background&) { trigger_update(true); return false; } POLYBAR_NS_END