#include "modules/battery.hpp" #include "drawtypes/animation.hpp" #include "drawtypes/label.hpp" #include "drawtypes/progressbar.hpp" #include "drawtypes/ramp.hpp" #include "utils/file.hpp" #include "utils/math.hpp" #include "modules/meta/base.inl" #include "modules/meta/inotify_module.inl" POLYBAR_NS namespace modules { template class module; template class inotify_module; /** * Bootstrap module by setting up required components */ void battery_module::setup() { auto battery = m_conf.get(name(), "battery", "BAT0"); auto adapter = m_conf.get(name(), "adapter", "ADP1"); auto path_adapter = string_util::replace(PATH_ADAPTER, "%adapter%", adapter) + "/"; auto path_battery = string_util::replace(PATH_BATTERY, "%battery%", battery) + "/"; if (!file_util::exists(path_adapter + "online")) throw module_error("The file '" + path_adapter + "online' does not exist"); m_valuepath[battery_value::ADAPTER] = path_adapter + "online"; if (!file_util::exists(path_battery + "capacity")) throw module_error("The file '" + path_battery + "capacity' does not exist"); m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY_PERC] = path_battery + "capacity"; if (!file_util::exists(path_battery + "voltage_now")) throw module_error("The file '" + path_battery + "voltage_now' does not exist"); m_valuepath[battery_value::VOLTAGE] = path_battery + "voltage_now"; for (auto&& file : vector{"charge", "energy"}) { if (file_util::exists(path_battery + file + "_now")) m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY] = path_battery + file + "_now"; if (file_util::exists(path_battery + file + "_full")) m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY_MAX] = path_battery + file + "_full"; } if (m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY].empty()) throw module_error("The file '" + path_battery + "[charge|energy]_now' does not exist"); if (m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY_MAX].empty()) throw module_error("The file '" + path_battery + "[charge|energy]_full' does not exist"); for (auto&& file : vector{"current", "power"}) { if (file_util::exists(path_battery + file + "_now")) m_valuepath[battery_value::RATE] = path_battery + file + "_now"; } if (m_valuepath[battery_value::RATE].empty()) throw module_error("The file '" + path_battery + "[current|power]_now' does not exist"); m_fullat = m_conf.get(name(), "full-at", 100); m_interval = chrono::duration{m_conf.get(name(), "poll-interval", 5.0f)}; m_lastpoll = chrono::system_clock::now(); // Load state and capacity level m_percentage = current_percentage(); m_state = current_state(); // Add formats and elements m_formatter->add(FORMAT_CHARGING, TAG_LABEL_CHARGING, {TAG_BAR_CAPACITY, TAG_RAMP_CAPACITY, TAG_ANIMATION_CHARGING, TAG_LABEL_CHARGING}); m_formatter->add( FORMAT_DISCHARGING, TAG_LABEL_DISCHARGING, {TAG_BAR_CAPACITY, TAG_RAMP_CAPACITY, TAG_LABEL_DISCHARGING}); m_formatter->add(FORMAT_FULL, TAG_LABEL_FULL, {TAG_BAR_CAPACITY, TAG_RAMP_CAPACITY, TAG_LABEL_FULL}); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ANIMATION_CHARGING, FORMAT_CHARGING)) m_animation_charging = load_animation(m_conf, name(), TAG_ANIMATION_CHARGING); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_BAR_CAPACITY)) m_bar_capacity = load_progressbar(m_bar, m_conf, name(), TAG_BAR_CAPACITY); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_RAMP_CAPACITY)) m_ramp_capacity = load_ramp(m_conf, name(), TAG_RAMP_CAPACITY); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_CHARGING, FORMAT_CHARGING)) m_label_charging = load_optional_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_CHARGING, "%percentage%"); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_DISCHARGING, FORMAT_DISCHARGING)) m_label_discharging = load_optional_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_DISCHARGING, "%percentage%"); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_FULL, FORMAT_FULL)) m_label_full = load_optional_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_FULL, "%percentage%"); // Create inotify watches watch(m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY_PERC], IN_ACCESS); watch(m_valuepath[battery_value::ADAPTER], IN_ACCESS); // Setup time if token is used if (m_label_charging->has_token("%time%") || m_label_discharging->has_token("%time%")) { if (!m_bar.locale.empty()) setlocale(LC_TIME, m_bar.locale.c_str()); m_timeformat = m_conf.get(name(), "time-format", "%H:%M:%S"); } } /** * Dispatch the subthread used to update the * charging animation when the module is started */ void battery_module::start() { inotify_module::start(); m_threads.emplace_back(thread(&battery_module::subthread, this)); } /** * Release wake lock when stopping the module */ void battery_module::teardown() { wakeup(); } /** * Idle between polling inotify watches for events. * * If the defined interval has been reached, trigger a manual * poll in case the inotify events aren't fired. * * This fallback is needed because some systems won't * report inotify events for files on sysfs. */ void battery_module::idle() { if (m_interval.count() > 0) { auto now = chrono::system_clock::now(); if (chrono::duration_cast(now - m_lastpoll) > m_interval) { m_lastpoll = now; m_log.info("%s: Polling values (inotify fallback)", name()); file_util::get_contents(m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY_PERC]); } } inotify_module::idle(); } /** * Update values when tracked files have changed */ bool battery_module::on_event(inotify_event* event) { if (event != nullptr) { m_log.trace("%s: Inotify event reported for %s", name(), event->filename); } // Reset timer to avoid unnecessary polling m_lastpoll = chrono::system_clock::now(); auto state = current_state(); int percentage = m_percentage; if (state != battery_state::FULL) { percentage = current_percentage(); } if (event != nullptr && state == m_state && percentage == m_percentage && m_unchanged--) { return false; } m_percentage = percentage; m_state = state; m_unchanged = SKIP_N_UNCHANGED; string time_remaining; if (m_state == battery_state::CHARGING && m_label_charging) { if (!m_timeformat.empty()) time_remaining = current_time(); m_label_charging->reset_tokens(); m_label_charging->replace_token("%percentage%", to_string(m_percentage) + "%"); m_label_charging->replace_token("%time%", time_remaining); } else if (m_state == battery_state::DISCHARGING && m_label_discharging) { if (!m_timeformat.empty()) time_remaining = current_time(); m_label_discharging->reset_tokens(); m_label_discharging->replace_token("%percentage%", to_string(m_percentage) + "%"); m_label_discharging->replace_token("%time%", time_remaining); } else if (m_state == battery_state::FULL && m_label_full) { m_label_full->reset_tokens(); m_label_full->replace_token("%percentage%", to_string(m_percentage) + "%"); } return true; } /** * Get the output format based on state */ string battery_module::get_format() const { if (m_state == battery_state::FULL) return FORMAT_FULL; else if (m_state == battery_state::CHARGING) return FORMAT_CHARGING; else return FORMAT_DISCHARGING; } /** * Generate the module output using defined drawtypes */ bool battery_module::build(builder* builder, string tag) const { if (tag == TAG_ANIMATION_CHARGING) builder->node(m_animation_charging->get()); else if (tag == TAG_BAR_CAPACITY) { builder->node(m_bar_capacity->output(m_percentage)); } else if (tag == TAG_RAMP_CAPACITY) builder->node(m_ramp_capacity->get_by_percentage(m_percentage)); else if (tag == TAG_LABEL_CHARGING) builder->node(m_label_charging); else if (tag == TAG_LABEL_DISCHARGING) builder->node(m_label_discharging); else if (tag == TAG_LABEL_FULL) builder->node(m_label_full); else return false; return true; } /** * Get the current battery state */ battery_state battery_module::current_state() { auto adapter_status = file_util::get_contents(m_valuepath[battery_value::ADAPTER]); if (adapter_status.empty()) { return battery_state::DISCHARGING; } else if (adapter_status[0] == '0') { return battery_state::DISCHARGING; } else if (adapter_status[0] != '1') { return battery_state::DISCHARGING; } else if (m_percentage < m_fullat) { return battery_state::CHARGING; } else { return battery_state::FULL; } } /** * Get the current capacity level */ int battery_module::current_percentage() { auto capacity = file_util::get_contents(m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY_PERC]); auto value = math_util::cap(std::atof(capacity.c_str()), 0, 100); if (value >= m_fullat) { return 100; } else { return value; } } /** * Get estimate of remaining time until fully dis-/charged */ string battery_module::current_time() { if (m_state == battery_state::FULL) { return ""; } int rate{atoi(file_util::get_contents(m_valuepath[battery_value::RATE]).c_str()) / 1000}; int volt{atoi(file_util::get_contents(m_valuepath[battery_value::VOLTAGE]).c_str()) / 1000}; int now{atoi(file_util::get_contents(m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY]).c_str()) / 1000}; int max{atoi(file_util::get_contents(m_valuepath[battery_value::CAPACITY_MAX]).c_str()) / 1000}; int cap{0}; if (m_state == battery_state::CHARGING) { cap = max - now; } else if (m_state == battery_state::DISCHARGING) { cap = now; } struct tm t { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (rate && volt && cap) { cap = cap * 1000 / volt; rate = rate * 1000 / volt; if (!rate) rate = -1; chrono::seconds sec{3600 * cap / rate}; m_log.trace("%s: sec=%d %d%% cap=%lu rate=%lu volt=%lu", name(), sec.count(), static_cast(m_percentage), cap, rate, volt); if (sec.count() > 0) { t.tm_hour = chrono::duration_cast(sec).count(); sec -= chrono::seconds{3600 * t.tm_hour}; t.tm_min = chrono::duration_cast(sec).count(); sec -= chrono::seconds{60 * t.tm_min}; t.tm_sec = chrono::duration_cast(sec).count(); } } char buffer[256]{0}; strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), m_timeformat.c_str(), &t); return {buffer}; } /** * Subthread runner that emit update events * to refresh in case it is used. */ void battery_module::subthread() { chrono::duration dur = 1s; if (m_animation_charging) { dur = chrono::duration(float(m_animation_charging->framerate()) / 1000.0f); } while (running()) { for (int i = 0; running() && i < dur.count(); ++i) { if (m_state == battery_state::CHARGING) { broadcast(); } sleep(dur); } } m_log.trace("%s: End of subthread", name()); } } POLYBAR_NS_END