#include #include "components/bar.hpp" #include "utils/bspwm.hpp" #include "utils/color.hpp" #include "utils/math.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "x11/draw.hpp" #include "x11/randr.hpp" #include "x11/wm.hpp" #include "x11/xlib.hpp" #include "x11/xutils.hpp" #if ENABLE_I3 #include "utils/i3.hpp" #endif LEMONBUDDY_NS /** * Cleanup signal handlers and destroy the bar window */ bar::~bar() { // {{{ std::lock_guard lck(m_lock); // Disconnect signal handlers {{{ g_signals::parser::alignment_change = nullptr; g_signals::parser::attribute_set = nullptr; g_signals::parser::attribute_unset = nullptr; g_signals::parser::attribute_toggle = nullptr; g_signals::parser::action_block_open = nullptr; g_signals::parser::action_block_close = nullptr; g_signals::parser::color_change = nullptr; g_signals::parser::font_change = nullptr; g_signals::parser::pixel_offset = nullptr; g_signals::parser::ascii_text_write = nullptr; g_signals::parser::unicode_text_write = nullptr; g_signals::parser::string_write = nullptr; g_signals::tray::report_slotcount = nullptr; // }}} if (m_traymanager) { m_traymanager.reset(); } if (m_sinkattached) { m_connection.detach_sink(this, 1); } m_window.destroy(); } // }}} /** * Create required components * * This is done outside the constructor due to boost::di noexcept */ void bar::bootstrap(bool nodraw) { // {{{ // limit the amount of allowed input events to 1 per 60ms m_throttler = throttle_util::make_throttler(1, 60ms); m_screen = m_connection.screen(); m_visual = m_connection.visual_type(m_screen, 32).get(); auto monitors = randr_util::get_monitors(m_connection, m_connection.screen()->root); auto bs = m_conf.bar_section(); // Look for the defined monitor {{{ if (monitors.empty()) throw application_error("No monitors found"); auto monitor_name = m_conf.get(bs, "monitor", ""); if (monitor_name.empty()) monitor_name = monitors[0]->name; for (auto&& monitor : monitors) { if (monitor_name.compare(monitor->name) == 0) { m_bar.monitor = std::move(monitor); break; } } if (m_bar.monitor) m_log.trace("bar: Found matching monitor %s (%ix%i+%i+%i)", m_bar.monitor->name, m_bar.monitor->w, m_bar.monitor->h, m_bar.monitor->x, m_bar.monitor->y); else throw application_error("Could not find monitor: " + monitor_name); // }}} // Set bar colors {{{ m_bar.background = color::parse(m_conf.get(bs, "background", m_bar.background.source())); m_bar.foreground = color::parse(m_conf.get(bs, "foreground", m_bar.foreground.source())); m_bar.linecolor = color::parse(m_conf.get(bs, "linecolor", m_bar.linecolor.source())); // }}} // Set border values {{{ auto bsize = m_conf.get(bs, "border-size", 0); auto bcolor = m_conf.get(bs, "border-color", g_colorempty.source()); m_borders.emplace(border::TOP, border_settings{}); m_borders[border::TOP].size = m_conf.get(bs, "border-top", bsize); m_borders[border::TOP].color = color::parse(m_conf.get(bs, "border-top-color", bcolor)); m_borders.emplace(border::BOTTOM, border_settings{}); m_borders[border::BOTTOM].size = m_conf.get(bs, "border-bottom", bsize); m_borders[border::BOTTOM].color = color::parse(m_conf.get(bs, "border-bottom-color", bcolor)); m_borders.emplace(border::LEFT, border_settings{}); m_borders[border::LEFT].size = m_conf.get(bs, "border-left", bsize); m_borders[border::LEFT].color = color::parse(m_conf.get(bs, "border-left-color", bcolor)); m_borders.emplace(border::RIGHT, border_settings{}); m_borders[border::RIGHT].size = m_conf.get(bs, "border-right", bsize); m_borders[border::RIGHT].color = color::parse(m_conf.get(bs, "border-right-color", bcolor)); // }}} // Set size and position {{{ GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.dock, "dock"); GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.bottom, "bottom"); GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.spacing, "spacing"); GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.lineheight, "lineheight"); GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.padding_left, "padding-left"); GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.padding_right, "padding-right"); GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.module_margin_left, "module-margin-left"); GET_CONFIG_VALUE(bs, m_bar.module_margin_right, "module-margin-right"); auto w = m_conf.get(bs, "width", "100%"); auto h = m_conf.get(bs, "height", "24"); auto offsetx = m_conf.get(bs, "offset-x", ""); auto offsety = m_conf.get(bs, "offset-y", ""); // look for user-defined width if ((m_bar.width = std::atoi(w.c_str())) && w.find("%") != string::npos) { m_bar.width = math_util::percentage_to_value(m_bar.width, m_bar.monitor->w); } // look for user-defined height if ((m_bar.height = std::atoi(h.c_str())) && h.find("%") != string::npos) { m_bar.height = math_util::percentage_to_value(m_bar.height, m_bar.monitor->h); } // look for user-defined offset-x if ((m_bar.offset_x = std::atoi(offsetx.c_str())) != 0 && offsetx.find("%") != string::npos) { m_bar.offset_x = math_util::percentage_to_value(m_bar.offset_x, m_bar.monitor->w); } // look for user-defined offset-y if ((m_bar.offset_y = std::atoi(offsety.c_str())) != 0 && offsety.find("%") != string::npos) { m_bar.offset_y = math_util::percentage_to_value(m_bar.offset_y, m_bar.monitor->h); } // apply offsets m_bar.x = m_bar.offset_x + m_bar.monitor->x; m_bar.y = m_bar.offset_y + m_bar.monitor->y; // apply borders m_bar.height += m_borders[border::TOP].size; m_bar.height += m_borders[border::BOTTOM].size; if (m_bar.bottom) m_bar.y = m_bar.monitor->y + m_bar.monitor->h - m_bar.height - m_bar.offset_y; if (m_bar.width <= 0 || m_bar.width > m_bar.monitor->w) throw application_error("Resulting bar width is out of bounds"); if (m_bar.height <= 0 || m_bar.height > m_bar.monitor->h) throw application_error("Resulting bar height is out of bounds"); m_bar.width = math_util::cap(m_bar.width, 0, m_bar.monitor->w); m_bar.height = math_util::cap(m_bar.height, 0, m_bar.monitor->h); m_bar.vertical_mid = (m_bar.height + m_borders[border::TOP].size - m_borders[border::BOTTOM].size) / 2; m_log.trace("bar: Resulting bar geom %ix%i+%i+%i", m_bar.width, m_bar.height, m_bar.x, m_bar.y); // }}} // Set the WM_NAME value {{{ m_bar.wmname = "lemonbuddy-" + bs.substr(4) + "_" + m_bar.monitor->name; m_bar.wmname = m_conf.get(bs, "wm-name", m_bar.wmname); m_bar.wmname = string_util::replace(m_bar.wmname, " ", "-"); // }}} // Set misc parameters {{{ m_bar.separator = string_util::trim(m_conf.get(bs, "separator", ""), '"'); m_bar.locale = m_conf.get(bs, "locale", ""); // }}} // Checking nodraw {{{ if (nodraw) { m_log.trace("bar: Abort bootstrap routine (reason: nodraw)"); return; } // }}} // Setup graphic components and create the window {{{ m_log.trace("bar: Create colormap"); { m_connection.create_colormap( XCB_COLORMAP_ALLOC_NONE, m_colormap, m_screen->root, m_visual->visual_id); } m_log.trace("bar: Create window %s", m_connection.id(m_window)); { uint32_t mask = 0; xcb_params_cw_t params; // clang-format off XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, back_pixel, 0); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, border_pixel, 0); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, backing_store, XCB_BACKING_STORE_WHEN_MAPPED); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, colormap, m_colormap); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, override_redirect, m_bar.dock); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, event_mask, XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS); // clang-format on m_window.create_checked(m_bar.x, m_bar.y, m_bar.width, m_bar.height, mask, ¶ms); } m_log.trace("bar: Set WM_NAME"); xcb_icccm_set_wm_name( m_connection, m_window, XCB_ATOM_STRING, 8, m_bar.wmname.length(), m_bar.wmname.c_str()); xcb_icccm_set_wm_class(m_connection, m_window, 21, "lemonbuddy\0Lemonbuddy"); m_log.trace("bar: Set _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE"); wm_util::set_windowtype(m_connection, m_window, {_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK}); m_log.trace("bar: Set _NET_WM_STATE"); wm_util::set_wmstate(m_connection, m_window, {_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY, _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE}); m_log.trace("bar: Set _NET_WM_DESKTOP"); wm_util::set_wmdesktop(m_connection, m_window, -1u); m_log.trace("bar: Set _NET_WM_PID"); wm_util::set_wmpid(m_connection, m_window, getpid()); m_log.trace("bar: Set _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL"); { uint32_t none{0}; uint32_t value_list[12]{none}; if (m_bar.bottom) { value_list[3] = m_bar.height; value_list[10] = m_bar.x; value_list[11] = m_bar.x + m_bar.width; } else { value_list[2] = m_bar.height; value_list[8] = m_bar.x; value_list[9] = m_bar.x + m_bar.width; } m_connection.change_property(XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, m_window, _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 32, 12, value_list); } m_log.trace("bar: Create pixmap"); { m_connection.create_pixmap( m_visual->visual_id == m_screen->root_visual ? XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT : 32, m_pixmap, m_window, m_bar.width, m_bar.height); } m_log.trace("bar: Map window"); { m_connection.map_window(m_window); m_connection.flush(); } // }}} // Restack window and put it above defined WM's root {{{ try { auto wm_restack = m_conf.get(bs, "wm-restack"); auto restacked = false; if (wm_restack == "bspwm") { restacked = bspwm_util::restack_above_root(m_connection, m_bar.monitor, m_window); } else if (wm_restack == "i3" && m_bar.dock && ENABLE_I3) { #if ENABLE_I3 restacked = i3_util::restack_above_root(m_connection, m_bar.monitor, m_window); #endif } else if (wm_restack == "i3" && !m_bar.dock) { m_log.warn("Ignoring restack of i3 window (not needed when dock = false)"); wm_restack.clear(); } else { m_log.warn("Ignoring unsupported wm-restack option '%s'", wm_restack); wm_restack.clear(); } if (restacked) { m_log.info("Successfully restacked bar window"); } else if (!wm_restack.empty()) { m_log.err("Failed to restack bar window"); } } catch (const key_error& err) { } // }}} // Create graphic contexts {{{ m_log.trace("bar: Create graphic contexts"); { // clang-format off vector colors { m_bar.background, m_bar.foreground, m_bar.linecolor, m_bar.linecolor, m_borders[border::TOP].color, m_borders[border::BOTTOM].color, m_borders[border::LEFT].color, m_borders[border::RIGHT].color, }; // clang-format on for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { uint32_t mask = 0; uint32_t value_list[32]; xcb_params_gc_t params; m_gcontexts.emplace(gc(i), gcontext{m_connection, m_connection.generate_id()}); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, foreground, colors[i - 1]); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, graphics_exposures, 0); xutils::pack_values(mask, ¶ms, value_list); m_connection.create_gc(m_gcontexts.at(gc(i)), m_pixmap, mask, value_list); } } // }}} // Setup root pixmap {{{ m_log.trace("bar: Setup root pixmap"); { // graphics_util::get_root_pixmap(m_connection, &m_rootpixmap); // graphics_util::simple_gc(m_connection, m_pixmap, &m_root_gc); // // if (!m_rootpixmap.pixmap || !m_pixmap || !m_root_gc) { // m_log.warn("Failed to get root pixmap for bar window background"); // } else { // m_log.trace("bar: rootpixmap=%x (%dx%d+%d+%d)", m_rootpixmap.pixmap, m_rootpixmap.width, // m_rootpixmap.height, m_rootpixmap.x, m_rootpixmap.y); // // m_connection.copy_area(m_rootpixmap.pixmap, m_pixmap, m_root_gc, m_bar.x, m_bar.y, 0, 0, // m_bar.width, m_bar.height); // // auto image_reply = m_connection.get_image( // XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, m_pixmap, 0, 0, m_bar.width, m_bar.height, XAllPlanes()); // // std::vector image_data; // std::back_insert_iterator back_it(image_data); // std::copy(image_reply.data().begin(), image_reply.data().end(), back_it); // // m_connection.put_image(XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, m_pixmap, m_root_gc, m_bar.width, // m_bar.height, 0, 0, 0, image_reply->depth, image_data.size(), image_data.data()); // // m_connection.copy_area(m_rootpixmap.pixmap, m_pixmap, m_root_gc, m_bar.x, m_bar.y, 0, 0, // m_bar.width, m_bar.height); // // uint32_t mask = 0; // uint32_t values[16]; // xcb_params_cw_t params; // XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, back_pixmap, m_pixmap); // xutils::pack_values(mask, ¶ms, values); // m_connection.change_window_attributes_checked(m_window, mask, values); // // m_connection.copy_area( // m_pixmap, m_window, m_root_gc, m_bar.x, m_bar.y, 0, 0, m_bar.width, m_bar.height); // } } // }}} // Load fonts {{{ auto fonts_loaded = false; auto fontindex = 0; auto fonts = m_conf.get_list(bs, "font"); for (auto f : fonts) { fontindex++; vector fd = string_util::split(f, ';'); string pattern{fd[0]}; int offset{0}; if (fd.size() > 1) offset = std::stoi(fd[1], 0, 10); if (m_fontmanager->load(pattern, fontindex, offset)) fonts_loaded = true; else m_log.warn("Unable to load font '%s'", fd[0]); } if (!fonts_loaded) { m_log.warn("Loading fallback font"); if (!m_fontmanager->load("fixed")) throw application_error("Unable to load fonts"); } m_fontmanager->allocate_color(m_bar.foreground, true); // }}} // Connect signal handlers {{{ m_log.trace("bar: Attach parser callbacks"); // clang-format off g_signals::parser::alignment_change = bind(&bar::on_alignment_change, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::attribute_set = bind(&bar::on_attribute_set, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::attribute_unset = bind(&bar::on_attribute_unset, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::attribute_toggle = bind(&bar::on_attribute_toggle, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::action_block_open = bind(&bar::on_action_block_open, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2); g_signals::parser::action_block_close = bind(&bar::on_action_block_close, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::color_change = bind(&bar::on_color_change, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2); g_signals::parser::font_change = bind(&bar::on_font_change, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::pixel_offset = bind(&bar::on_pixel_offset, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::ascii_text_write = bind(&bar::draw_character, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::unicode_text_write = bind(&bar::draw_character, this, placeholders::_1); g_signals::parser::string_write = bind(&bar::draw_textstring, this, placeholders::_1, placeholders::_2); // clang-format on // }}} // Attach event sink to registry {{{ m_log.trace("bar: Aattaching sink to registry"); m_connection.attach_sink(this, 1); m_sinkattached = true; // }}} if (!nodraw) { bootstrap_tray(); } m_connection.flush(); } // }}} /** * Setup tray manager */ void bar::bootstrap_tray() { // {{{ auto bs = m_conf.bar_section(); try { auto tray_position = m_conf.get(bs, "tray-position"); if (tray_position == "left") m_tray.align = alignment::LEFT; else if (tray_position == "right") m_tray.align = alignment::RIGHT; else if (tray_position == "center") m_tray.align = alignment::CENTER; else m_tray.align = alignment::NONE; } catch (const key_error& err) { m_tray.align = alignment::NONE; } if (m_tray.align == alignment::NONE) { m_log.warn("Disabling tray manager (reason: disabled in config)"); m_traymanager.reset(); return; } m_tray.height = m_bar.height; m_tray.height -= m_borders.at(border::BOTTOM).size; m_tray.height -= m_borders.at(border::TOP).size; m_tray.height_fill = m_tray.height; if (m_tray.height % 2 != 0) { m_tray.height--; } auto maxsize = m_conf.get(bs, "tray-maxsize", 16); if (m_tray.height > maxsize) { m_tray.spacing += (m_tray.height - maxsize) / 2; m_tray.height = maxsize; } m_tray.width = m_tray.height; m_tray.orig_y = m_bar.y + m_borders.at(border::TOP).size; // Apply user-defined scaling auto scale = m_conf.get(bs, "tray-scale", 1.0); m_tray.width *= scale; m_tray.height_fill *= scale; if (m_tray.align == alignment::RIGHT) { m_tray.orig_x = m_bar.x + m_bar.width - m_borders.at(border::RIGHT).size; } else if (m_tray.align == alignment::LEFT) { m_tray.orig_x = m_bar.x + m_borders.at(border::LEFT).size; } else if (m_tray.align == alignment::CENTER) { m_tray.orig_x = center_x() - (m_tray.width / 2); } // Set user-defined background color m_conf.get(bs, "tray-transparent", m_tray.transparent); if (m_tray.transparent) { m_tray.background = 0; } else { auto bg = m_conf.get(bs, "tray-background", ""); if (!bg.empty()) { m_tray.background = color::parse(bg, g_colorempty); } } if (color_util::alpha_channel(m_tray.background) == 0) { m_tray.transparent = true; m_tray.background = 0; } // Add user-defined padding m_tray.spacing += m_conf.get(bs, "tray-padding", 0); // Add user-defiend offset auto offset_x_def = m_conf.get(bs, "tray-offset-x", ""); auto offset_y_def = m_conf.get(bs, "tray-offset-y", ""); auto offset_x = std::atoi(offset_x_def.c_str()); auto offset_y = std::atoi(offset_y_def.c_str()); if (offset_x != 0 && offset_x_def.find("%") != string::npos) { offset_x = math_util::percentage_to_value(offset_x, m_bar.monitor->w); offset_x -= m_tray.width / 2; } if (offset_y != 0 && offset_y_def.find("%") != string::npos) { offset_y = math_util::percentage_to_value(offset_y, m_bar.monitor->h); offset_y -= m_tray.width / 2; } m_tray.orig_x += offset_x; m_tray.orig_y += offset_y; // Add tray update callback unless explicitly disabled if (!m_conf.get(bs, "tray-detached", false)) { g_signals::tray::report_slotcount = bind(&bar::on_tray_report, this, placeholders::_1); } // Put the tray next to the bar in the window stack m_tray.sibling = m_window; try { m_log.trace("controller: Setup tray manager"); m_traymanager->bootstrap(tray()); } catch (const std::exception& err) { m_log.err(err.what()); m_log.warn("Failed to setup tray, disabling..."); m_traymanager.reset(); } } // }}} /** * Activate tray manager */ void bar::activate_tray() { // {{{ if (!m_traymanager) { return; } m_log.trace("controller: Activate tray manager"); try { m_traymanager->activate(); } catch (const std::exception& err) { m_log.err(err.what()); m_log.err("Failed to activate tray manager, disabling..."); m_traymanager.reset(); } } // }}} /** * Get the bar settings container */ const bar_settings bar::settings() const { // {{{ return m_bar; } // }}} /** * Get the tray settings container */ const tray_settings bar::tray() const { // {{{{ return m_tray; } // }}} /** * Parse input string and redraw the bar window * * @param data Input string * @param force Unless true, do not parse unchanged data */ void bar::parse(string data, bool force) { // {{{ std::lock_guard lck(m_lock); { if (data == m_prevdata && !force) return; m_prevdata = data; // TODO: move to fontmanager m_xftdraw = XftDrawCreate(xlib::get_display(), m_pixmap, xlib::get_visual(), m_colormap); m_bar.align = alignment::LEFT; m_xpos = m_borders[border::LEFT].size; m_attributes = 0; #if DEBUG and DRAW_CLICKABLE_AREA_HINTS for (auto&& action : m_actions) { m_connection.destroy_window(action.clickable_area); } #endif m_actions.clear(); draw_background(); if (m_tray.align == alignment::LEFT && m_tray.configured_slots) m_xpos += ((m_tray.width + m_tray.spacing) * m_tray.configured_slots) + m_tray.spacing; try { parser parser(m_bar); parser(data); } catch (const unrecognized_token& err) { m_log.err("Unrecognized syntax token '%s'", err.what()); } if (m_tray.align == alignment::RIGHT && m_tray.configured_slots) draw_shift( m_xpos, ((m_tray.width + m_tray.spacing) * m_tray.configured_slots) + m_tray.spacing); draw_border(border::ALL); flush(); XftDrawDestroy(m_xftdraw); } } // }}} /** * Copy the contents of the pixmap's onto the bar window */ void bar::flush() { // {{{ m_connection.copy_area( m_pixmap, m_window, m_gcontexts.at(gc::FG), 0, 0, 0, 0, m_bar.width, m_bar.height); // m_connection.copy_area( // m_pixmap, m_window, m_root_gc, m_bar.x, m_bar.y, 0, 0, m_bar.width, m_bar.height); m_connection.flush(); if (g_signals::bar::redraw) { g_signals::bar::redraw(); } #if DEBUG and DRAW_CLICKABLE_AREA_HINTS map hint_num{{ {alignment::LEFT, 0}, {alignment::CENTER, 0}, {alignment::RIGHT, 0}, }}; #endif for (auto&& action : m_actions) { if (action.active) { m_log.warn("Action block not closed"); m_log.warn("action.command = %s", action.command); } else { m_log.trace_x("bar: Action details (button = %i, start_x = %i, end_x = %i, command = '%s')", static_cast(action.button), action.start_x, action.end_x, action.command); #if DEBUG and DRAW_CLICKABLE_AREA_HINTS m_log.info("Drawing clickable area hints"); hint_num[action.align]++; auto x = action.start_x; auto y = m_bar.y + hint_num[action.align]++ * DRAW_CLICKABLE_AREA_HINTS_OFFSET_Y; auto w = action.end_x - action.start_x - 2; auto h = m_bar.height - 2; const uint32_t mask = XCB_CW_BORDER_PIXEL | XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT; const uint32_t border_color = hint_num[action.align] % 2 ? 0xff0000 : 0x00ff00; const uint32_t values[2]{border_color, true}; auto scr = m_connection.screen(); action.clickable_area = m_connection.generate_id(); m_connection.create_window_checked(scr->root_depth, action.clickable_area, scr->root, x, y, w, h, 1, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, scr->root_visual, mask, values); m_connection.map_window_checked(action.clickable_area); #endif } } } // }}} /** * Refresh the bar window by clearing and redrawing the pixmaps */ void bar::refresh_window() { // {{{ m_log.info("Refresh bar window"); } // }}} /** * Event handler for XCB_BUTTON_PRESS events * * Used to map mouse clicks to bar actions */ void bar::handle(const evt::button_press& evt) { // {{{ if (!m_throttler->passthrough(throttle_util::strategy::try_once_or_leave_yolo{})) { return; } std::lock_guard lck(m_lock); { m_log.trace_x("bar: Received button press event: %i at pos(%i, %i)", static_cast(evt->detail), evt->event_x, evt->event_y); mousebtn button = static_cast(evt->detail); for (auto&& action : m_actions) { if (action.active) { m_log.trace_x("bar: Ignoring action: unclosed)"); continue; } else if (action.button != button) { m_log.trace_x("bar: Ignoring action: button mismatch"); continue; } else if (action.start_x > evt->event_x) { m_log.trace_x( "bar: Ignoring action: start_x(%i) > event_x(%i)", action.start_x, evt->event_x); continue; } else if (action.end_x < evt->event_x) { m_log.trace_x("bar: Ignoring action: end_x(%i) < event_x(%i)", action.end_x, evt->event_x); continue; } m_log.trace("Found matching input area"); m_log.trace_x("action.command = %s", action.command); m_log.trace_x("action.button = %i", static_cast(action.button)); m_log.trace_x("action.start_x = %i", action.start_x); m_log.trace_x("action.end_x = %i", action.end_x); if (g_signals::bar::action_click) g_signals::bar::action_click(action.command); else m_log.warn("No signal handler's connected to 'action_click'"); return; } m_log.warn("No matching input area found"); } } // }}} /** * Event handler for XCB_EXPOSE events * * Used to redraw the bar */ void bar::handle(const evt::expose& evt) { // {{{ if (evt->window != m_window) return; m_log.trace("bar: Received expose event"); flush(); } // }}} /** * Event handler for XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY events * * Used to emit events whenever the bar window's * visibility gets changes. This allows us to toggle the * state of the tray container even though the tray * window restacking failed. * * This is used as a fallback for tedious WM's, like i3. * * Some might call it a dirty hack, others a crappy * solution... I choose to call it a masterpiece! Plus * it's not really any overhead worth talking about. * * Also tracks the root pixmap */ void bar::handle(const evt::property_notify& evt) { // {{{ m_log.trace("bar: property_notify"); if (evt->window == m_window && evt->atom == WM_STATE) { if (!g_signals::bar::visibility_change) { return; } try { auto attr = m_connection.get_window_attributes(m_window); if (attr->map_state == XCB_MAP_STATE_VIEWABLE) g_signals::bar::visibility_change(true); else if (attr->map_state == XCB_MAP_STATE_UNVIEWABLE) g_signals::bar::visibility_change(false); else if (attr->map_state == XCB_MAP_STATE_UNMAPPED) g_signals::bar::visibility_change(false); else g_signals::bar::visibility_change(true); } catch (const std::exception& err) { m_log.warn("Failed to emit bar window's visibility change event"); } } else if (evt->atom == _XROOTMAP_ID) { refresh_window(); } else if (evt->atom == _XSETROOT_ID) { refresh_window(); } else if (evt->atom == ESETROOT_PMAP_ID) { refresh_window(); } } // }}} /** * Get the horizontal center pos */ int bar::center_x() { // {{{ int x = m_bar.x; x += m_bar.width; x -= m_borders[border::RIGHT].size; x += m_borders[border::LEFT].size; x /= 2; return x; } // }}} /** * Get the inner width of the bar */ int bar::width_inner() { // {{{ auto w = m_bar.width; w -= m_borders[border::RIGHT].size; w -= m_borders[border::LEFT].size; return w; } // }}} /** * Handle alignment update */ void bar::on_alignment_change(alignment align) { // {{{ if (align == m_bar.align) return; m_log.trace_x("bar: alignment_change(%i)", static_cast(align)); m_bar.align = align; if (align == alignment::LEFT) { m_xpos = m_borders[border::LEFT].size; } else if (align == alignment::RIGHT) { m_xpos = m_borders[border::RIGHT].size; } else { m_xpos = 0; } } // }}} /** * Handle attribute on state */ void bar::on_attribute_set(attribute attr) { // {{{ int val{static_cast(attr)}; if ((m_attributes & val) != 0) return; m_log.trace_x("bar: attribute_set(%i)", val); m_attributes |= val; } // }}} /** * Handle attribute off state */ void bar::on_attribute_unset(attribute attr) { // {{{ int val{static_cast(attr)}; if ((m_attributes & val) == 0) return; m_log.trace_x("bar: attribute_unset(%i)", val); m_attributes ^= val; } // }}} /** * Handle attribute toggle state */ void bar::on_attribute_toggle(attribute attr) { // {{{ int val{static_cast(attr)}; m_log.trace_x("bar: attribute_toggle(%i)", val); m_attributes ^= val; } // }}} /** * Handle action block start */ void bar::on_action_block_open(mousebtn btn, string cmd) { // {{{ if (btn == mousebtn::NONE) btn = mousebtn::LEFT; m_log.trace_x("bar: action_block_open(%i, %s)", static_cast(btn), cmd); action_block action; action.active = true; action.align = m_bar.align; action.button = btn; action.start_x = m_xpos; action.command = string_util::replace_all(cmd, ":", "\\:"); m_actions.emplace_back(action); } // }}} /** * Handle action block end */ void bar::on_action_block_close(mousebtn btn) { // {{{ m_log.trace_x("bar: action_block_close(%i)", static_cast(btn)); for (auto i = m_actions.size(); i > 0; i--) { auto& action = m_actions[i - 1]; if (!action.active || action.button != btn) continue; action.active = false; if (action.align == alignment::LEFT) { action.end_x = m_xpos; } else if (action.align == alignment::CENTER) { int base_x = m_bar.width; base_x -= m_borders[border::RIGHT].size; base_x /= 2; base_x += m_borders[border::LEFT].size; int clickable_width = m_xpos - action.start_x; action.start_x = base_x - clickable_width / 2 + action.start_x / 2; action.end_x = action.start_x + clickable_width; } else if (action.align == alignment::RIGHT) { int base_x = m_bar.width - m_borders[border::RIGHT].size; action.start_x = base_x - m_xpos + action.start_x; action.end_x = base_x; } return; } } // }}} /** * Handle color change */ void bar::on_color_change(gc gc_, color color_) { // {{{ m_log.trace_x("bar: color_change(%i, %s -> #%07x)", static_cast(gc_), color_.source(), static_cast(color_)); const uint32_t value_list[]{color_}; m_connection.change_gc(m_gcontexts.at(gc_), XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, value_list); if (gc_ == gc::FG) { m_fontmanager->allocate_color(color_); } else if (gc_ == gc::BG) { draw_shift(m_xpos, 0); } } // }}} /** * Handle font change */ void bar::on_font_change(int index) { // {{{ m_log.trace_x("bar: font_change(%i)", index); m_fontmanager->set_preferred_font(index); } // }}} /** * Handle pixel offsetting */ void bar::on_pixel_offset(int px) { // {{{ m_log.trace_x("bar: pixel_offset(%i)", px); draw_shift(m_xpos, px); m_xpos += px; } // }}} /** * Proess systray report */ void bar::on_tray_report(uint16_t slots) { // {{{ if (m_tray.configured_slots != slots) { m_log.trace("bar: tray_report(%lu)", slots); m_tray.configured_slots = slots; if (!m_prevdata.empty()) { parse(m_prevdata, true); } } } // }}} /** * Draw background onto the pixmap */ void bar::draw_background() { // {{{ draw_util::fill(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::BG), 0, 0, m_bar.width, m_bar.height); } // }}} /** * Draw borders onto the pixmap */ void bar::draw_border(border border_) { // {{{ switch (border_) { case border::NONE: break; case border::TOP: if (m_borders[border::TOP].size > 0) { draw_util::fill(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::BT), m_borders[border::LEFT].size, 0, m_bar.width - m_borders[border::LEFT].size - m_borders[border::RIGHT].size, m_borders[border::TOP].size); } break; case border::BOTTOM: if (m_borders[border::BOTTOM].size > 0) { draw_util::fill(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::BB), m_borders[border::LEFT].size, m_bar.height - m_borders[border::BOTTOM].size, m_bar.width - m_borders[border::LEFT].size - m_borders[border::RIGHT].size, m_borders[border::BOTTOM].size); } break; case border::LEFT: if (m_borders[border::LEFT].size > 0) { draw_util::fill(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::BL), 0, 0, m_borders[border::LEFT].size, m_bar.height); } break; case border::RIGHT: if (m_borders[border::RIGHT].size > 0) { draw_util::fill(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::BR), m_bar.width - m_borders[border::RIGHT].size, 0, m_borders[border::RIGHT].size, m_bar.height); } break; case border::ALL: draw_border(border::TOP); draw_border(border::BOTTOM); draw_border(border::LEFT); draw_border(border::RIGHT); break; } } // }}} /** * Draw over- and underline onto the pixmap */ void bar::draw_lines(int x, int w) { // {{{ if (!m_bar.lineheight) return; if (m_attributes & static_cast(attribute::o)) draw_util::fill(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::OL), x, m_borders[border::TOP].size, w, m_bar.lineheight); if (m_attributes & static_cast(attribute::u)) draw_util::fill(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::UL), x, m_bar.height - m_borders[border::BOTTOM].size - m_bar.lineheight, w, m_bar.lineheight); } // }}} /** * Shift the contents of the pixmap horizontally */ int bar::draw_shift(int x, int chr_width) { // {{{ int delta = chr_width; if (m_bar.align == alignment::CENTER) { int base_x = m_bar.width; base_x -= m_borders[border::RIGHT].size; base_x /= 2; base_x += m_borders[border::LEFT].size; m_connection.copy_area(m_pixmap, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::FG), base_x - x / 2, 0, base_x - (x + chr_width) / 2, 0, x, m_bar.height); x = base_x - (x + chr_width) / 2 + x; delta /= 2; } else if (m_bar.align == alignment::RIGHT) { m_connection.copy_area(m_pixmap, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::FG), m_bar.width - x, 0, m_bar.width - x - chr_width, 0, x, m_bar.height); x = m_bar.width - chr_width - m_borders[border::RIGHT].size; } draw_util::fill( m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::BG), x, 0, m_bar.width - x, m_bar.height); // Translate pos of clickable areas if (m_bar.align != alignment::LEFT) for (auto&& action : m_actions) { if (action.active || action.align != m_bar.align) continue; action.start_x -= delta; action.end_x -= delta; } return x; } // }}} /** * Draw text character */ void bar::draw_character(uint16_t character) { // {{{ auto& font = m_fontmanager->match_char(character); if (!font) { return; } if (font->ptr && font->ptr != m_gcfont) { m_gcfont = font->ptr; m_fontmanager->set_gcontext_font(m_gcontexts.at(gc::FG), m_gcfont); } auto chr_width = m_fontmanager->char_width(font, character); // Avoid odd glyph width's for center-aligned text // since it breaks the positioning of clickable area's if (m_bar.align == alignment::CENTER && chr_width % 2) chr_width++; auto x = draw_shift(m_xpos, chr_width); auto y = m_bar.vertical_mid + font->height / 2 - font->descent + font->offset_y; // m_log.trace("Draw char(%c, width: %i) at pos(%i,%i)", character, chr_width, x, y); if (font->xft != nullptr) { auto color = m_fontmanager->xftcolor(); XftDrawString16(m_xftdraw, &color, font->xft, x, y, &character, 1); } else { uint16_t ucs = ((character >> 8) | (character << 8)); draw_util::xcb_poly_text_16_patched( m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::FG), x, y, 1, &ucs); } draw_lines(x, chr_width); m_xpos += chr_width; } // }}} /** * Draw text string */ void bar::draw_textstring(const char* text, size_t len) { // {{{ for (size_t n = 0; n < len; n++) { vector chars; chars.emplace_back(text[n]); auto& font = m_fontmanager->match_char(chars[0]); if (!font) { return; } if (font->ptr && font->ptr != m_gcfont) { m_gcfont = font->ptr; m_fontmanager->set_gcontext_font(m_gcontexts.at(gc::FG), m_gcfont); } while (n + 1 < len && text[n + 1] == chars[0]) { chars.emplace_back(text[++n]); } // TODO: cache auto chr_width = m_fontmanager->char_width(font, chars[0]) * chars.size(); // Avoid odd glyph width's for center-aligned text // since it breaks the positioning of clickable area's if (m_bar.align == alignment::CENTER && chr_width % 2) chr_width++; auto x = draw_shift(m_xpos, chr_width); auto y = m_bar.vertical_mid + font->height / 2 - font->descent + font->offset_y; // m_log.trace("Draw char(%c, width: %i) at pos(%i,%i)", character, chr_width, x, y); if (font->xft != nullptr) { auto color = m_fontmanager->xftcolor(); const FcChar16* drawchars = static_cast(chars.data()); XftDrawString16(m_xftdraw, &color, font->xft, x, y, drawchars, chars.size()); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < chars.size(); i++) { chars[i] = ((chars[i] >> 8) | (chars[i] << 8)); } draw_util::xcb_poly_text_16_patched( m_connection, m_pixmap, m_gcontexts.at(gc::FG), x, y, chars.size(), chars.data()); } draw_lines(x, chr_width); m_xpos += chr_width; } } // }}} LEMONBUDDY_NS_END