#include "components/renderer.hpp" #include "cairo/context.hpp" #include "components/config.hpp" #include "events/signal.hpp" #include "events/signal_emitter.hpp" #include "events/signal_receiver.hpp" #include "utils/factory.hpp" #include "utils/math.hpp" #include "x11/atoms.hpp" #include "x11/background_manager.hpp" #include "x11/connection.hpp" #include "x11/winspec.hpp" POLYBAR_NS static constexpr double BLOCK_GAP{20.0}; /** * Create instance */ renderer::make_type renderer::make(const bar_settings& bar) { // clang-format off return factory_util::unique( connection::make(), signal_emitter::make(), config::make(), logger::make(), forward(bar), background_manager::make()); // clang-format on } /** * Construct renderer instance */ renderer::renderer(connection& conn, signal_emitter& sig, const config& conf, const logger& logger, const bar_settings& bar, background_manager& background) : m_connection(conn) , m_sig(sig) , m_conf(conf) , m_log(logger) , m_bar(forward(bar)) , m_rect(m_bar.inner_area()) { m_sig.attach(this); m_log.trace("renderer: Get TrueColor visual"); { if ((m_visual = m_connection.visual_type(m_connection.screen(), 32)) == nullptr) { m_log.err("No 32-bit TrueColor visual found..."); if ((m_visual = m_connection.visual_type(m_connection.screen(), 24)) == nullptr) { m_log.err("No 24-bit TrueColor visual found..."); } else { m_depth = 24; } } if (m_visual == nullptr) { throw application_error("No matching TrueColor"); } } m_log.trace("renderer: Allocate colormap"); { m_colormap = m_connection.generate_id(); m_connection.create_colormap(XCB_COLORMAP_ALLOC_NONE, m_colormap, m_connection.screen()->root, m_visual->visual_id); } m_log.trace("renderer: Allocate output window"); { // clang-format off m_window = winspec(m_connection) << cw_size(m_bar.size) << cw_pos(m_bar.pos) << cw_depth(m_depth) << cw_visual(m_visual->visual_id) << cw_class(XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT) << cw_params_back_pixel(0) << cw_params_border_pixel(0) << cw_params_backing_store(XCB_BACKING_STORE_WHEN_MAPPED) << cw_params_colormap(m_colormap) << cw_params_event_mask(XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE |XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE |XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS) << cw_params_override_redirect(m_bar.override_redirect) << cw_flush(true); // clang-format on } m_log.trace("renderer: Allocate window pixmaps"); { m_pixmap = m_connection.generate_id(); m_connection.create_pixmap(m_depth, m_pixmap, m_window, m_bar.size.w, m_bar.size.h); } m_log.trace("renderer: Allocate graphic contexts"); { unsigned int mask{0}; unsigned int value_list[32]{0}; xcb_params_gc_t params{}; XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, foreground, m_bar.foreground); XCB_AUX_ADD_PARAM(&mask, ¶ms, graphics_exposures, 0); connection::pack_values(mask, ¶ms, value_list); m_gcontext = m_connection.generate_id(); m_connection.create_gc(m_gcontext, m_pixmap, mask, value_list); } m_log.trace("renderer: Allocate alignment blocks"); { m_blocks.emplace(alignment::LEFT, alignment_block{nullptr, 0.0, 0.0}); m_blocks.emplace(alignment::CENTER, alignment_block{nullptr, 0.0, 0.0}); m_blocks.emplace(alignment::RIGHT, alignment_block{nullptr, 0.0, 0.0}); } m_log.trace("renderer: Allocate cairo components"); { m_surface = make_unique(m_connection, m_pixmap, m_visual, m_bar.size.w, m_bar.size.h); m_context = make_unique(*m_surface, m_log); } m_log.trace("renderer: Load fonts"); { double dpi_x = 96, dpi_y = 96; if (m_conf.has(m_conf.section(), "dpi")) { dpi_x = dpi_y = m_conf.get("dpi"); } else { if (m_conf.has(m_conf.section(), "dpi-x")) { dpi_x = m_conf.get("dpi-x"); } if (m_conf.has(m_conf.section(), "dpi-y")) { dpi_y = m_conf.get("dpi-y"); } } // dpi to be comptued if (dpi_x <= 0 || dpi_y <= 0) { auto screen = m_connection.screen(); if (dpi_x <= 0) { dpi_x = screen->width_in_pixels * 25.4 / screen->width_in_millimeters; } if (dpi_y <= 0) { dpi_y = screen->height_in_pixels * 25.4 / screen->height_in_millimeters; } } m_log.info("Configured DPI = %gx%g", dpi_x, dpi_y); auto fonts = m_conf.get_list(m_conf.section(), "font", {}); if (fonts.empty()) { m_log.warn("No fonts specified, using fallback font \"fixed\""); fonts.emplace_back("fixed"); } for (const auto& f : fonts) { int offset{0}; string pattern{f}; size_t pos = pattern.rfind(';'); if (pos != string::npos) { offset = std::strtol(pattern.substr(pos + 1).c_str(), nullptr, 10); pattern.erase(pos); } auto font = cairo::make_font(*m_context, string{pattern}, offset, dpi_x, dpi_y); m_log.notice("Loaded font \"%s\" (name=%s, offset=%i, file=%s)", pattern, font->name(), offset, font->file()); *m_context << move(font); } } m_pseudo_transparency = m_conf.get("settings", "pseudo-transparency", m_pseudo_transparency); if (m_pseudo_transparency) { m_log.trace("Activate root background manager"); m_background = background.observe(m_bar.outer_area(false), m_window); } m_comp_bg = m_conf.get("settings", "compositing-background", m_comp_bg); m_comp_fg = m_conf.get("settings", "compositing-foreground", m_comp_fg); m_comp_ol = m_conf.get("settings", "compositing-overline", m_comp_ol); m_comp_ul = m_conf.get("settings", "compositing-underline", m_comp_ul); m_comp_border = m_conf.get("settings", "compositing-border", m_comp_border); m_fixedcenter = m_conf.get(m_conf.section(), "fixed-center", true); } /** * Deconstruct instance */ renderer::~renderer() { m_sig.detach(this); } /** * Get output window */ xcb_window_t renderer::window() const { return m_window; } /** * Get completed action blocks */ const vector renderer::actions() const { return m_actions; } /** * Begin render routine */ void renderer::begin(xcb_rectangle_t rect) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: begin (geom=%ix%i+%i+%i)", rect.width, rect.height, rect.x, rect.y); // Reset state m_rect = rect; m_actions.clear(); m_align = alignment::NONE; // Clear canvas m_context->save(); m_context->clear(); // when pseudo-transparency is requested, render the bar into a new layer // that will later be composited against the desktop background if (m_pseudo_transparency) { m_context->push(); } // Create corner mask if (m_bar.radius && m_cornermask == nullptr) { m_context->save(); m_context->push(); // clang-format off *m_context << cairo::rounded_corners{ static_cast(m_rect.x), static_cast(m_rect.y), static_cast(m_rect.width), static_cast(m_rect.height), m_bar.radius}; // clang-format on *m_context << rgba{0xffffffff}; m_context->fill(); m_context->pop(&m_cornermask); m_context->restore(); } fill_borders(); // clang-format off m_context->clip(cairo::rect{ static_cast(m_rect.x), static_cast(m_rect.y), static_cast(m_rect.width), static_cast(m_rect.height)}); // clang-format on } /** * End render routine */ void renderer::end() { m_log.trace_x("renderer: end"); for (auto&& a : m_actions) { a.start_x += block_x(a.align) + m_rect.x; a.end_x += block_x(a.align) + m_rect.x; } if (m_align != alignment::NONE) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: pop(%i)", static_cast(m_align)); m_context->pop(&m_blocks[m_align].pattern); // Capture the concatenated block contents // so that it can be masked with the corner pattern m_context->push(); // Draw the background on the new layer to make up for // the areas not covered by the alignment blocks fill_background(); for (auto&& b : m_blocks) { flush(b.first); } cairo_pattern_t* blockcontents{}; m_context->pop(&blockcontents); if (m_cornermask != nullptr) { *m_context << blockcontents; m_context->mask(m_cornermask); } else { *m_context << blockcontents; m_context->paint(); } m_context->destroy(&blockcontents); } else { fill_background(); } // For pseudo-transparency, capture the contents of the rendered bar and // composite it against the desktop wallpaper. This way transparent parts of // the bar will be filled by the wallpaper creating illusion of transparency. if (m_pseudo_transparency) { cairo_pattern_t* barcontents{}; m_context->pop(&barcontents); // corresponding push is in renderer::begin auto root_bg = m_background->get_surface(); if (root_bg != nullptr) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: root background"); *m_context << *root_bg; m_context->paint(); *m_context << CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER; } *m_context << barcontents; m_context->paint(); m_context->destroy(&barcontents); } m_context->restore(); m_surface->flush(); flush(); m_sig.emit(signals::ui::changed{}); } /** * Flush contents of given alignment block */ void renderer::flush(alignment a) { if (m_blocks[a].pattern == nullptr) { return; } m_context->save(); double x = static_cast(block_x(a) + 0.5); double y = static_cast(block_y(a) + 0.5); double w = static_cast(block_w(a) + 0.5); double h = static_cast(block_h(a) + 0.5); double xw = x + w; bool fits{xw <= m_rect.width}; m_log.trace("renderer: flush(%i geom=%gx%g+%g+%g, falloff=%i)", static_cast(a), w, h, x, y, !fits); // Set block shape *m_context << cairo::abspos{0.0, 0.0}; *m_context << cairo::rect{m_rect.x + x, m_rect.y + y, w, h}; // Restrict drawing to the block rectangle m_context->clip(true); // Clear the area covered by the block m_context->clear(); *m_context << cairo::translate{x, 0.0}; *m_context << m_blocks[a].pattern; m_context->paint(); *m_context << cairo::abspos{0.0, 0.0}; m_context->destroy(&m_blocks[a].pattern); m_context->restore(); if (!fits) { // Paint falloff gradient at the end of the visible block // to indicate that the content expands past the canvas /* * How many pixels are hidden */ double overflow = xw - m_rect.width; double visible_width = w - overflow; /* * Width of the falloff gradient. Depends on how much of the block is hidden */ double fsize = std::max(5.0, std::min(std::abs(overflow), 30.0)); m_log.trace("renderer: Drawing falloff (pos=%g, size=%g, overflow=%g)", visible_width - fsize, fsize, overflow); m_context->save(); *m_context << cairo::translate{(double)m_rect.x, (double)m_rect.y}; *m_context << cairo::abspos{0.0, 0.0}; *m_context << cairo::rect{x + visible_width - fsize, y, fsize, h}; m_context->clip(true); *m_context << cairo::linear_gradient{ x + visible_width - fsize, y, x + visible_width, y, {rgba{0x00000000}, rgba{0xFF000000}}}; m_context->paint(0.25); m_context->restore(); } } /** * Flush pixmap contents onto the target window */ void renderer::flush() { m_log.trace_x("renderer: flush"); highlight_clickable_areas(); #if 0 #ifdef DEBUG_SHADED if (m_bar.shaded && m_bar.origin == edge::TOP) { m_log.trace_x( "renderer: copy pixmap (shaded=1, geom=%dx%d+%d+%d)", m_rect.width, m_rect.height, m_rect.x, m_rect.y); auto geom = m_connection.get_geometry(m_window); auto x1 = 0; auto y1 = m_rect.height - m_bar.shade_size.h - m_rect.y - geom->height; auto x2 = m_rect.x; auto y2 = m_rect.y; auto w = m_rect.width; auto h = m_rect.height - m_bar.shade_size.h + geom->height; m_connection.copy_area(m_pixmap, m_window, m_gcontext, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h); m_connection.flush(); return; } #endif #endif m_surface->flush(); m_connection.copy_area(m_pixmap, m_window, m_gcontext, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_bar.size.w, m_bar.size.h); m_connection.flush(); if (!m_snapshot_dst.empty()) { try { m_surface->write_png(m_snapshot_dst); m_log.info("Successfully wrote %s", m_snapshot_dst); } catch (const exception& err) { m_log.err("Failed to write snapshot (err: %s)", err.what()); } m_snapshot_dst.clear(); } } /** * Get x position of block for given alignment * * The position is relative to m_rect.x (the left side of the bar w/o borders and tray) */ double renderer::block_x(alignment a) const { switch (a) { case alignment::CENTER: { // The leftmost x position this block can start at double min_pos = block_w(alignment::LEFT); if (min_pos != 0) { min_pos += BLOCK_GAP; } double right_width = block_w(alignment::RIGHT); /* * The rightmost x position this block can end at * * We can't use block_x(alignment::RIGHT) because that would lead to infinite recursion */ double max_pos = m_rect.width - right_width; if (right_width != 0) { max_pos -= BLOCK_GAP; } /* * x position of the center of this block * * With fixed-center this will be the center of the bar unless it is pushed to the left by a large right block * Without fixed-center this will be the middle between the end of the left and the start of the right block. */ double base_pos{0.0}; if (m_fixedcenter) { /* * This is in the middle of the *bar*. Not just the middle of m_rect because this way we need to account for the * tray. * * The resulting position is relative to the very left of the bar (including border and tray), so we need to * compensate for that by subtracting m_rect.x */ base_pos = m_bar.size.w / 2.0 - m_rect.x; /* * The center block can be moved to the left if the right block is too large */ base_pos = std::min(base_pos, max_pos - block_w(a) / 2.0); } else { base_pos = (min_pos + max_pos) / 2.0; } /* * The left block always has priority (even with fixed-center = true) */ return std::max(base_pos - block_w(a) / 2.0, min_pos); } case alignment::RIGHT: { /* * The block immediately to the left of this block * * Generally the center block unless it is empty. */ alignment left_barrier = alignment::CENTER; if (block_w(alignment::CENTER) == 0) { left_barrier = alignment::LEFT; } // The minimum x position this block can start at double min_pos = block_x(left_barrier) + block_w(left_barrier); if (block_w(left_barrier) != 0) { min_pos += BLOCK_GAP; } return std::max(m_rect.width - block_w(a), min_pos); } default: return 0.0; } } /** * Get y position of block for given alignment */ double renderer::block_y(alignment) const { return 0.0; } /** * Get block width for given alignment */ double renderer::block_w(alignment a) const { return m_blocks.at(a).x; } /** * Get block height for given alignment */ double renderer::block_h(alignment) const { return m_rect.height; } #if 0 void renderer::reserve_space(edge side, unsigned int w) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: reserve_space(%i, %i)", static_cast(side), w); m_cleararea.side = side; m_cleararea.size = w; switch (side) { case edge::NONE: break; case edge::TOP: m_rect.y += w; m_rect.height -= w; break; case edge::BOTTOM: m_rect.height -= w; break; case edge::LEFT: m_rect.x += w; m_rect.width -= w; break; case edge::RIGHT: m_rect.width -= w; break; case edge::ALL: m_rect.x += w; m_rect.y += w; m_rect.width -= w * 2; m_rect.height -= w * 2; break; } } #endif /** * Fill background color */ void renderer::fill_background() { m_context->save(); *m_context << m_comp_bg; if (!m_bar.background_steps.empty()) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: gradient background (steps=%lu)", m_bar.background_steps.size()); *m_context << cairo::linear_gradient{0.0, 0.0 + m_rect.y, 0.0, 0.0 + m_rect.height, m_bar.background_steps}; } else { m_log.trace_x("renderer: solid background #%08x", m_bar.background); *m_context << m_bar.background; } m_context->paint(); m_context->restore(); } /** * Fill overline color */ void renderer::fill_overline(rgba color, double x, double w) { if (m_bar.overline.size) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: overline(x=%f, w=%f)", x, w); m_context->save(); *m_context << m_comp_ol; *m_context << color; *m_context << cairo::rect{x, static_cast(m_rect.y), w, static_cast(m_bar.overline.size)}; m_context->fill(); m_context->restore(); } } /** * Fill underline color */ void renderer::fill_underline(rgba color, double x, double w) { if (m_bar.underline.size) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: underline(x=%f, w=%f)", x, w); m_context->save(); *m_context << m_comp_ul; *m_context << color; *m_context << cairo::rect{x, static_cast(m_rect.y + m_rect.height - m_bar.underline.size), w, static_cast(m_bar.underline.size)}; m_context->fill(); m_context->restore(); } } /** * Fill border colors */ void renderer::fill_borders() { m_context->save(); *m_context << m_comp_border; if (m_bar.borders.at(edge::TOP).size) { cairo::rect top{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; top.x += m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).size; top.w += m_bar.size.w - m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).size - m_bar.borders.at(edge::RIGHT).size; top.h += m_bar.borders.at(edge::TOP).size; m_log.trace_x("renderer: border T(%.0f, #%08x)", top.h, m_bar.borders.at(edge::TOP).color); (*m_context << top << m_bar.borders.at(edge::TOP).color).fill(); } if (m_bar.borders.at(edge::BOTTOM).size) { cairo::rect bottom{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; bottom.x += m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).size; bottom.y += m_bar.size.h - m_bar.borders.at(edge::BOTTOM).size; bottom.w += m_bar.size.w - m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).size - m_bar.borders.at(edge::RIGHT).size; bottom.h += m_bar.borders.at(edge::BOTTOM).size; m_log.trace_x("renderer: border B(%.0f, #%08x)", bottom.h, m_bar.borders.at(edge::BOTTOM).color); (*m_context << bottom << m_bar.borders.at(edge::BOTTOM).color).fill(); } if (m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).size) { cairo::rect left{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; left.w += m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).size; left.h += m_bar.size.h; m_log.trace_x("renderer: border L(%.0f, #%08x)", left.w, m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).color); (*m_context << left << m_bar.borders.at(edge::LEFT).color).fill(); } if (m_bar.borders.at(edge::RIGHT).size) { cairo::rect right{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; right.x += m_bar.size.w - m_bar.borders.at(edge::RIGHT).size; right.w += m_bar.borders.at(edge::RIGHT).size; right.h += m_bar.size.h; m_log.trace_x("renderer: border R(%.0f, #%08x)", right.w, m_bar.borders.at(edge::RIGHT).color); (*m_context << right << m_bar.borders.at(edge::RIGHT).color).fill(); } m_context->restore(); } /** * Draw text contents */ void renderer::render_text(const tags::context& ctxt, const string&& contents) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: text(%s)", contents.c_str()); cairo::abspos origin{}; origin.x = m_rect.x + m_blocks[m_align].x; origin.y = m_rect.y + m_rect.height / 2.0; cairo::textblock block{}; block.align = m_align; block.contents = contents; block.font = ctxt.get_font(); block.x_advance = &m_blocks[m_align].x; block.y_advance = &m_blocks[m_align].y; block.bg_rect = cairo::rect{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; rgba bg = ctxt.get_bg(); // Only draw text background if the color differs from // the background color of the bar itself // Note: this means that if the user explicitly set text // background color equal to background-0 it will be ignored if (bg != m_bar.background) { block.bg = bg; block.bg_operator = m_comp_bg; block.bg_rect.x = m_rect.x; block.bg_rect.y = m_rect.y; block.bg_rect.h = m_rect.height; } m_context->save(); *m_context << origin; *m_context << m_comp_fg; *m_context << ctxt.get_fg(); *m_context << block; m_context->restore(); double dx = m_rect.x + m_blocks[m_align].x - origin.x; if (dx > 0.0) { if (ctxt.has_underline()) { fill_underline(ctxt.get_ul(), origin.x, dx); } if (ctxt.has_overline()) { fill_overline(ctxt.get_ol(), origin.x, dx); } } } void renderer::render_offset(const tags::context&, int pixels) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: offset_pixel(%f)", pixels); m_blocks[m_align].x += pixels; } /** * Colorize the bounding box of created action blocks */ void renderer::highlight_clickable_areas() { #ifdef DEBUG_HINTS map hint_num{}; for (auto&& action : m_actions) { if (!action.active) { int n = hint_num.find(action.align)->second++; double x = action.start_x; double y = m_rect.y; double w = action.width(); double h = m_rect.height; m_context->save(); *m_context << CAIRO_OPERATOR_DIFFERENCE << (n % 2 ? 0xFF00FF00 : 0xFFFF0000); *m_context << cairo::rect{x, y, w, h}; m_context->fill(); m_context->restore(); } } m_surface->flush(); #endif } bool renderer::on(const signals::ui::request_snapshot& evt) { m_snapshot_dst = evt.cast(); return true; } bool renderer::on(const signals::parser::change_alignment& evt) { auto align = static_cast(evt.cast()); if (align != m_align) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: change_alignment(%i)", static_cast(align)); if (m_align != alignment::NONE) { m_log.trace_x("renderer: pop(%i)", static_cast(m_align)); m_context->pop(&m_blocks[m_align].pattern); } m_align = align; m_blocks[m_align].x = 0.0; m_blocks[m_align].y = 0.0; m_context->push(); m_log.trace_x("renderer: push(%i)", static_cast(m_align)); fill_background(); } return true; } bool renderer::on(const signals::parser::action_begin& evt) { auto a = evt.cast(); m_log.trace_x("renderer: action_begin(btn=%i, command=%s)", static_cast(a.button), a.command); action_block action{}; action.button = a.button == mousebtn::NONE ? mousebtn::LEFT : a.button; action.align = m_align; action.start_x = m_blocks.at(m_align).x; action.command = a.command; action.active = true; m_actions.emplace_back(action); return true; } bool renderer::on(const signals::parser::action_end& evt) { auto btn = evt.cast(); /* * Iterate actions in reverse and find the FIRST active action that matches */ m_log.trace_x("renderer: action_end(btn=%i)", static_cast(btn)); for (auto action = m_actions.rbegin(); action != m_actions.rend(); action++) { if (action->active && action->align == m_align && action->button == btn) { action->end_x = m_blocks.at(action->align).x; action->active = false; break; } } return true; } POLYBAR_NS_END