#include #include "components/bar.hpp" #include "components/config.hpp" #include "components/controller.hpp" #include "components/ipc.hpp" #include "components/logger.hpp" #include "components/renderer.hpp" #include "components/types.hpp" #include "events/signal.hpp" #include "events/signal_emitter.hpp" #include "events/signal_receiver.hpp" #include "modules/meta/event_handler.hpp" #include "modules/meta/factory.hpp" #include "utils/command.hpp" #include "utils/factory.hpp" #include "utils/inotify.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "utils/time.hpp" #include "x11/connection.hpp" #include "x11/events.hpp" #include "x11/extensions/all.hpp" #include "x11/tray_manager.hpp" #include "x11/types.hpp" POLYBAR_NS array g_eventpipe{{-1, -1}}; sig_atomic_t g_reload{0}; sig_atomic_t g_terminate{0}; void interrupt_handler(int signum) { g_terminate = 1; g_reload = (signum == SIGUSR1); if (write(g_eventpipe[PIPE_WRITE], &g_terminate, 1) == -1) { throw system_error("Failed to write to eventpipe"); } } /** * Build controller instance */ controller::make_type controller::make(unique_ptr&& ipc, unique_ptr&& config_watch) { return factory_util::unique(connection::make(), signal_emitter::make(), logger::make(), config::make(), bar::make(), forward(ipc), forward(config_watch)); } /** * Construct controller */ controller::controller(connection& conn, signal_emitter& emitter, const logger& logger, const config& config, unique_ptr&& bar, unique_ptr&& ipc, unique_ptr&& confwatch) : m_connection(conn) , m_sig(emitter) , m_log(logger) , m_conf(config) , m_bar(forward(bar)) , m_ipc(forward(ipc)) , m_confwatch(forward(confwatch)) { m_swallow_input = m_conf.get("settings", "throttle-input-for", m_swallow_input); m_swallow_limit = m_conf.deprecated("settings", "eventqueue-swallow", "throttle-output", m_swallow_limit); m_swallow_update = m_conf.deprecated("settings", "eventqueue-swallow-time", "throttle-output-for", m_swallow_update); if (pipe(g_eventpipe.data()) == 0) { m_queuefd[PIPE_READ] = make_unique(g_eventpipe[PIPE_READ]); m_queuefd[PIPE_WRITE] = make_unique(g_eventpipe[PIPE_WRITE]); } else { throw system_error("Failed to create event channel pipes"); } m_log.trace("controller: Install signal handler"); struct sigaction act {}; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = &interrupt_handler; sigaction(SIGINT, &act, nullptr); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, nullptr); sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, nullptr); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, nullptr); sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, nullptr); m_log.trace("controller: Setup user-defined modules"); size_t created_modules{0}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { alignment align{static_cast(i + 1)}; string configured_modules; if (align == alignment::LEFT) { configured_modules = m_conf.get(m_conf.section(), "modules-left", ""s); } else if (align == alignment::CENTER) { configured_modules = m_conf.get(m_conf.section(), "modules-center", ""s); } else if (align == alignment::RIGHT) { configured_modules = m_conf.get(m_conf.section(), "modules-right", ""s); } for (auto& module_name : string_util::split(configured_modules, ' ')) { if (module_name.empty()) { continue; } try { auto type = m_conf.get("module/" + module_name, "type"); if (type == "custom/ipc" && !m_ipc) { throw application_error("Inter-process messaging needs to be enabled"); } m_modules[align].emplace_back(make_module(move(type), m_bar->settings(), module_name)); created_modules++; } catch (const runtime_error& err) { m_log.err("Disabling module \"%s\" (reason: %s)", module_name, err.what()); } } } if (!created_modules) { throw application_error("No modules created"); } } /** * Deconstruct controller */ controller::~controller() { m_log.trace("controller: Uninstall sighandler"); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); m_log.trace("controller: Detach signal receiver"); m_sig.detach(this); m_log.trace("controller: Stop modules"); for (auto&& block : m_modules) { for (auto&& module : block.second) { auto module_name = module->name(); auto cleanup_ms = time_util::measure([&module] { module->stop(); module.reset(); }); m_log.info("Deconstruction of %s took %lu ms.", module_name, cleanup_ms); } } } /** * Run the main loop */ bool controller::run(bool writeback) { m_log.info("Starting application"); assert(!m_connection.connection_has_error()); m_writeback = writeback; m_sig.attach(this); size_t started_modules{0}; for (const auto& block : m_modules) { for (const auto& module : block.second) { auto inp_handler = dynamic_cast(&*module); auto evt_handler = dynamic_cast(&*module); if (inp_handler != nullptr) { m_inputhandlers.emplace_back(inp_handler); } if (evt_handler != nullptr) { evt_handler->connect(m_connection); } try { m_log.info("Starting %s", module->name()); module->start(); started_modules++; } catch (const application_error& err) { m_log.err("Failed to start '%s' (reason: %s)", module->name(), err.what()); } } } if (!started_modules) { throw application_error("No modules started"); } m_connection.flush(); m_event_thread = thread(&controller::process_eventqueue, this); read_events(); if (m_event_thread.joinable()) { enqueue(make_quit_evt(static_cast(g_reload))); m_event_thread.join(); } m_log.warn("Termination signal received, shutting down..."); return !g_reload; } /** * Enqueue event */ bool controller::enqueue(event&& evt) { if (!m_process_events && evt.type != event_type::QUIT) { return false; } if (!m_queue.enqueue(forward(evt))) { m_log.warn("Failed to enqueue event"); return false; } // if (write(g_eventpipe[PIPE_WRITE], " ", 1) == -1) { // m_log.err("Failed to write to eventpipe (reason: %s)", strerror(errno)); // } return true; } /** * Enqueue input data */ bool controller::enqueue(string&& input_data) { if (!m_inputdata.empty()) { m_log.trace("controller: Swallowing input event (pending data)"); } else if (chrono::system_clock::now() - m_swallow_input < m_lastinput) { m_log.trace("controller: Swallowing input event (throttled)"); } else { m_inputdata = forward(input_data); return enqueue(make_input_evt()); } return false; } /** * Read events from configured file descriptors */ void controller::read_events() { m_log.info("Entering event loop (thread-id=%lu)", this_thread::get_id()); int fd_connection{-1}; int fd_confwatch{-1}; int fd_ipc{-1}; vector fds; fds.emplace_back(*m_queuefd[PIPE_READ]); fds.emplace_back((fd_connection = m_connection.get_file_descriptor())); if (m_confwatch) { m_log.trace("controller: Attach config watch"); m_confwatch->attach(IN_MODIFY | IN_IGNORED); fds.emplace_back((fd_confwatch = m_confwatch->get_file_descriptor())); } if (m_ipc) { fds.emplace_back((fd_ipc = m_ipc->get_file_descriptor())); } while (!g_terminate) { fd_set readfds{}; FD_ZERO(&readfds); int maxfd{0}; for (auto&& fd : fds) { FD_SET(fd, &readfds); maxfd = std::max(maxfd, fd); } // Wait until event is ready on one of the configured streams int events = select(maxfd + 1, &readfds, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); // Check for errors if (events == -1 || g_terminate || m_connection.connection_has_error()) { break; } // Process event on the internal fd if (m_queuefd[PIPE_READ] && FD_ISSET(static_cast(*m_queuefd[PIPE_READ]), &readfds)) { char buffer[BUFSIZ]; if (read(static_cast(*m_queuefd[PIPE_READ]), &buffer, BUFSIZ) == -1) { m_log.err("Failed to read from eventpipe (err: %s)", strerror(errno)); } } // Process event on the config inotify watch fd unique_ptr confevent; if (fd_confwatch > -1 && FD_ISSET(fd_confwatch, &readfds) && (confevent = m_confwatch->await_match())) { if (confevent->mask & IN_IGNORED) { // IN_IGNORED: file was deleted or filesystem was unmounted // // This happens in some configurations of vim when a file is saved, // since it is not actually issuing calls to write() but rather // moves a file into the original's place after moving the original // file to a different location (and subsequently deleting it). // // We need to re-attach the watch to the new file in this case. fds.erase(std::remove_if(fds.begin(), fds.end(), [fd_confwatch](int fd) { return fd == fd_confwatch; }), fds.end()); m_confwatch = inotify_util::make_watch(m_confwatch->path()); m_confwatch->attach(IN_MODIFY | IN_IGNORED); fds.emplace_back((fd_confwatch = m_confwatch->get_file_descriptor())); } m_log.info("Configuration file changed"); g_terminate = 1; g_reload = 1; } // Process event on the xcb connection fd if (fd_connection > -1 && FD_ISSET(fd_connection, &readfds)) { shared_ptr evt{}; while ((evt = shared_ptr(xcb_poll_for_event(m_connection), free)) != nullptr) { try { m_connection.dispatch_event(evt); } catch (xpp::connection_error& err) { m_log.err("X connection error, terminating... (what: %s)", m_connection.error_str(err.code())); } catch (const exception& err) { m_log.err("Error in X event loop: %s", err.what()); } } } // Process event on the ipc fd if (fd_ipc > -1 && FD_ISSET(fd_ipc, &readfds)) { m_ipc->receive_message(); fds.erase(std::remove_if(fds.begin(), fds.end(), [fd_ipc](int fd) { return fd == fd_ipc; }), fds.end()); fds.emplace_back((fd_ipc = m_ipc->get_file_descriptor())); } } } /** * Eventqueue worker loop */ void controller::process_eventqueue() { m_log.info("Eventqueue worker (thread-id=%lu)", this_thread::get_id()); m_sig.emit(signals::eventqueue::start{}); while (!g_terminate) { event evt{}; m_queue.wait_dequeue(evt); if (g_terminate) { break; } else if (evt.type == event_type::QUIT) { if (evt.flag) { on(signals::eventqueue::exit_reload{}); } else { on(signals::eventqueue::exit_terminate{}); } } else if (evt.type == event_type::INPUT) { process_inputdata(); } else if (evt.type == event_type::UPDATE && evt.flag) { process_update(true); } else { event next{}; size_t swallowed{0}; while (swallowed++ < m_swallow_limit && m_queue.wait_dequeue_timed(next, m_swallow_update)) { if (next.type == event_type::QUIT) { evt = next; break; } else if (next.type == event_type::INPUT) { evt = next; break; } else if (evt.type != next.type) { enqueue(move(next)); break; } else { m_log.trace_x("controller: Swallowing event within timeframe"); evt = next; } } if (evt.type == event_type::UPDATE) { process_update(evt.flag); } else if (evt.type == event_type::INPUT) { process_inputdata(); } else if (evt.type == event_type::QUIT) { if (evt.flag) { on(signals::eventqueue::exit_reload{}); } else { on(signals::eventqueue::exit_terminate{}); } } else if (evt.type == event_type::CHECK) { on(signals::eventqueue::check_state{}); } else { m_log.warn("Unknown event type for enqueued event (%d)", evt.type); } } } } /** * Process stored input data */ void controller::process_inputdata() { if (!m_inputdata.empty()) { string cmd = m_inputdata; m_lastinput = chrono::time_point_cast(chrono::system_clock::now()); m_inputdata.clear(); for (auto&& handler : m_inputhandlers) { if (handler->input(string{cmd})) { return; } } try { m_log.info("Uncaught input event, forwarding to shell... (input: %s)", cmd); if (m_command) { m_log.warn("Terminating previous shell command"); m_command->terminate(); } m_log.info("Executing shell command: %s", cmd); m_command = command_util::make_command(move(cmd)); m_command->exec(); m_command.reset(); process_update(true); } catch (const application_error& err) { m_log.err("controller: Error while forwarding input to shell -> %s", err.what()); } } } /** * Process eventqueue update event */ bool controller::process_update(bool force) { const bar_settings& bar{m_bar->settings()}; string contents; string separator{bar.separator}; string padding_left(bar.padding.left, ' '); string padding_right(bar.padding.right, ' '); string margin_left(bar.module_margin.left, ' '); string margin_right(bar.module_margin.right, ' '); for (const auto& block : m_modules) { string block_contents; bool is_left = false; bool is_center = false; bool is_right = false; if (block.first == alignment::LEFT) { is_left = true; } else if (block.first == alignment::CENTER) { is_center = true; } else if (block.first == alignment::RIGHT) { is_right = true; } for (const auto& module : block.second) { if (!module->running()) { continue; } string module_contents{module->contents()}; if (module_contents.empty()) { continue; } if (!block_contents.empty() && !margin_right.empty()) { block_contents += margin_right; } if (!block_contents.empty() && !separator.empty()) { block_contents += separator; } if (!block_contents.empty() && !margin_left.empty() && !(is_left && module == block.second.front())) { block_contents += margin_left; } block_contents.reserve(module_contents.size()); block_contents += module_contents; } if (block_contents.empty()) { continue; } else if (is_left) { contents += "%{l}"; contents += padding_left; } else if (is_center) { contents += "%{c}"; } else if (is_right) { contents += "%{r}"; block_contents += padding_right; } // Strip unnecessary reset tags block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "T-}%{T", "T"); block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "B-}%{B#", "B#"); block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "F-}%{F#", "F#"); block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "U-}%{U#", "U#"); block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "u-}%{u#", "u#"); block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "o-}%{o#", "o#"); // Join consecutive tags contents += string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "}%{", " "); } try { if (!m_writeback) { m_bar->parse(move(contents), force); } else { std::cout << contents << std::endl; } } catch (const exception& err) { m_log.err("Failed to update bar contents (reason: %s)", err.what()); } return true; } /** * Process broadcast events */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::notify_change&) { return enqueue(make_update_evt(false)); } /** * Process forced broadcast events */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::notify_forcechange&) { return enqueue(make_update_evt(true)); } /** * Process eventqueue terminate event */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::exit_terminate&) { raise(SIGALRM); return true; } /** * Process eventqueue reload event */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::exit_reload&) { raise(SIGUSR1); return true; } /** * Process eventqueue check event */ bool controller::on(const signals::eventqueue::check_state&) { for (const auto& block : m_modules) { for (const auto& module : block.second) { if (module->running()) { return true; } } } m_log.warn("No running modules..."); on(signals::eventqueue::exit_terminate{}); return true; } /** * Process ui ready event */ bool controller::on(const signals::ui::ready&) { m_process_events = true; enqueue(make_update_evt(true)); // let the event bubble return false; } /** * Process ui button press event */ bool controller::on(const signals::ui::button_press& evt) { string input{evt.cast()}; if (input.empty()) { m_log.err("Cannot enqueue empty input"); return false; } enqueue(move(input)); return true; } /** * Process ipc action messages */ bool controller::on(const signals::ipc::action& evt) { string action{evt.cast()}; if (action.empty()) { m_log.err("Cannot enqueue empty ipc action"); return false; } m_log.info("Enqueuing ipc action: %s", action); enqueue(move(action)); return true; } /** * Process ipc command messages */ bool controller::on(const signals::ipc::command& evt) { string command{evt.cast()}; if (command.empty()) { return false; } if (command == "quit") { enqueue(make_quit_evt(false)); } else if (command == "restart") { enqueue(make_quit_evt(true)); } else { m_log.warn("\"%s\" is not a valid ipc command", command); } return true; } /** * Process ipc hook messages */ bool controller::on(const signals::ipc::hook& evt) { string hook{evt.cast()}; for (const auto& block : m_modules) { for (const auto& module : block.second) { if (!module->running()) { continue; } auto ipc = dynamic_cast(module.get()); if (ipc != nullptr) { ipc->on_message(hook); } } } return true; } POLYBAR_NS_END