# Loads multiple XCB components # Version checks will be made against all requested components # # For each component ${comp} it does the following: # # Defines an imported target `Xcb::${comp}` if xcb-${comp} is found # # Defines the following Variables (see find_package_impl for more info): # Xcb_${comp}_FOUND # Xcb_${comp}_INCLUDE_DIR # Xcb_${comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS # Xcb_${comp}_LIBRARY # Xcb_${comp}_LIBRARIES # Xcb_${comp}_VERSION # This script only supports the following components of XCB set(XCB_known_components XCB RANDR COMPOSITE XKB XRM CURSOR) # Deducing header from the name of the component foreach(_comp ${XCB_known_components}) string(TOLOWER "${_comp}" _lc_comp) set(XCB_${_comp}_pkg_config "xcb-${_lc_comp}") set(XCB_${_comp}_header "xcb/${_lc_comp}.h") endforeach() # Exception cases set(XCB_XRM_header "xcb/xcb_xrm.h") set(XCB_CURSOR_header "xcb/xcb_cursor.h") foreach(_comp ${Xcb_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if (NOT ${_comp} IN_LIST XCB_known_components) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknow component \"${_comp}\" of XCB") endif() # Forward the different find options set for FindXcb to the individual # components. This is required because find_package_handle_standard_args in # find_package_impl uses these variables for version checks and other things. set(Xcb_${_comp}_FIND_VERSION ${Xcb_FIND_VERSION}) set(Xcb_${_comp}_FIND_QUIETLY ${Xcb_FIND_QUIETLY}) set(Xcb_${_comp}_FIND_REQUIRED ${Xcb_FIND_REQUIRED}) # Bypass developer warning that the first argument to # find_package_handle_standard_args (Xcb_...) does not match the name of the # calling package (Xcb) # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.17/module/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.html set(FPHSA_NAME_MISMATCHED TRUE) find_package_impl(${XCB_${_comp}_pkg_config} "Xcb_${_comp}" "${XCB_${_comp}_header}") if(Xcb_${_comp}_FOUND AND NOT TARGET Xcb::${_comp}) create_imported_target("Xcb::${_comp}" "${Xcb_${_comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS}" "${Xcb_${_comp}_LIBRARIES}") elseif(NOT Xcb_${_comp}_FOUND AND Xcb_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Xcb: Required component \"${_comp}\" is not found") endif() endforeach()