# # Build options # option(CXXLIB_CLANG "Link against libc++" OFF) option(CXXLIB_GCC "Link against stdlibc++" OFF) option(BUILD_TESTS "Build testsuite" OFF) option(DEBUG_LOGGER "Enable extra debug logging" OFF) option(VERBOSE_TRACELOG "Enable verbose trace logs" OFF) option(ENABLE_CCACHE "Enable ccache support" OFF) option(ENABLE_ALSA "Enable alsa support" ON) option(ENABLE_I3 "Enable i3 support" ON) option(ENABLE_MPD "Enable mpd support" ON) option(ENABLE_NETWORK "Enable network support" ON) option(ENABLE_RANDR_EXT "Enable RandR X extension" ON) option(ENABLE_RENDER_EXT "Enable Render X extension" OFF) option(ENABLE_DAMAGE_EXT "Enable Damage X extension" OFF) set(SETTING_ALSA_SOUNDCARD "default" CACHE STRING "Name of the ALSA soundcard driver") set(SETTING_CONNECTION_TEST_IP "" CACHE STRING "Address to ping when testing network connection") set(SETTING_PATH_BACKLIGHT_VAL "/sys/class/backlight/%card%/brightness" CACHE STRING "Path to file containing the current backlight value") set(SETTING_PATH_BACKLIGHT_MAX "/sys/class/backlight/%card%/max_brightness" CACHE STRING "Path to file containing the maximum backlight value") set(SETTING_PATH_BATTERY_CAPACITY "/sys/class/power_supply/%battery%/capacity" CACHE STRING "Path to file containing the current battery capacity") set(SETTING_PATH_ADAPTER_STATUS "/sys/class/power_supply/%adapter%/online" CACHE STRING "Path to file containing the current adapter status") set(SETTING_BSPWM_SOCKET_PATH "/tmp/bspwm_0_0-socket" CACHE STRING "Path to bspwm socket") set(SETTING_BSPWM_STATUS_PREFIX "W" CACHE STRING "Prefix prepended to the bspwm status line") set(SETTING_PATH_CPU_INFO "/proc/stat" CACHE STRING "Path to file containing cpu info") set(SETTING_PATH_MEMORY_INFO "/proc/meminfo" CACHE STRING "Path to file containing memory info") set(SETTING_PATH_TEMPERATURE_INFO "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone%zone%/temp" CACHE STRING "Path to file containing the current temperature") find_package(ALSA QUIET) if(NOT ALSA_FOUND) set(ENABLE_ALSA OFF) endif() find_package(Libiw QUIET) if(NOT LIBIW_FOUND) set(ENABLE_NETWORK OFF) endif() find_package(LibMPDClient QUIET) if(NOT LIBMPDCLIENT_FOUND) set(ENABLE_MPD OFF) endif() find_program(I3_BINARY i3) if(NOT I3_BINARY) set(ENABLE_I3 OFF) endif()