Actions ======= .. versionadded:: 3.5.0 "Actions" are used to trigger certain behavior in modules. For example, when you click on your volume module (pulseaudio or alsa), polybar internally sends an action to that module that tells it to mute/unmute the audio. These actions are not only used internally, but users can also send these actions to polybar through `Inter Process Communication `_ (IPC) to trigger certain behavior in polybar modules. Action String Format -------------------- An action string follows the following format: :: #NAME.ACTION[.DATA] Where ``NAME`` is the name of the target module (not the type!) and ``ACTION`` is the name of the action in that module. ``DATA`` is optional data attached to an action (for example to say which menu level should be opened). For example the `date module `_ supports the ``toggle`` action to toggle between the regular and the alternative time and date format. If you have the following date module: .. code-block:: ini [module/mydate] type = internal/date ... The action string for toggling between the date formats would look like this: :: #mydate.toggle As an example for an action string with additional data, take the menu module: .. code-block:: ini [module/powermenu] type = custom/menu menu-0-0 = Poweroff menu-0-0-exec = poweroff menu-0-1 = Suspend menu-0-1-exec = systemctl suspend The action name to open a certain menu level is ``open``, so to open level 0 (`menu-0`), the action string additionally has the level attached to it: :: Triggering Actions ------------------ Most modules already use action strings to trigger actions when you click on or scroll over a module. But in some cases you may want or need to manually send action strings to polybar to trigger a certain behavior. Everywhere where you can specify a command to run on click or scroll, you can also specify an action string. For example, in the bar section, you can specify a command that is triggered when you click anywhere on the bar (where there isn't another click action): .. code-block:: ini [bar/mybar] ... click-left = #mydate.toggle ... This will then trigger the ``toggle`` action on the ``mydate`` module when you click anywhere on the bar. Similarly, we can use action strings in ``%{A}`` `formatting tags `_ just as we would regular commands: :: %{A1:firefox:}%{A3:#mydate.toggle:}Opens firefox on left-click and toggles the date on right-click %{A}%{A} Finally, polybar's `Inter Process Communication `_ (IPC) can also be used to trigger actions: .. code-block:: bash polybar-msg action "#mydate.toggle" .. note:: The quotes around the action string are necessary, otherwise your shell may interpret the ``#`` as the beginning of the comment and ignore the rest of the line. Supported Actions ----------------- .. TODO Finish table. Maybe one section per module type (table not really convenient) +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |Module Type |New Action Name|Data|Description | +=========================+===============+====+=====================+ |``internal/date`` |``toggle`` |no ||date_toggle_desc| | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/alsa`` |``inc`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``dec`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``toggle`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/pulseaudio`` |``inc`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``dec`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``toggle`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/xbacklight`` |``inc`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``dec`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/backlight`` |``inc`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``dec`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/xkeyboard`` |``switch`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/mpd`` |``play`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``pause`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``stop`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``prev`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``next`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``repeat`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``single`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``random`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``consume`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``seek`` |yes | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/xworkspaces`` |``focus`` |yes | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``next`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``prev`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/bspwm`` |``focus`` |yes | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``next`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``prev`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``internal/i3`` |``focus`` |yes | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``next`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``prev`` |no | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ |``custom/menu`` |``open`` |yes | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``close`` |no | | | +---------------+----+---------------------+ | |``exec`` |yes | | +-------------------------+---------------+----+---------------------+ .. |date_toggle_desc| replace:: Toggles the date/time format between ``date``/``time`` and ``date-alt``/``time-alt``. Legacy Action Names ------------------- In earlier versions (< 3.5.0) action strings only included information about the module type. This meant in bars that contained multiple different modules of the same type, actions for these modules were sometimes processed by the wrong module with the same type. Since version 3.5.0, this no longer happens. However, this also means we had to change what actions are recognized by polybar modules. If you explicitly use any polybar action names in your config or any of your scripts, you are advised to change them, as they may stop working at some point. For now polybar still supports the old action names, will convert them to the appropriate new action name, and will print a warning to help you find old action names in your config. If you use the `menu module `_, you most likely use old action names to open and close the menu (for example ``menu-open-1`` or ``menu-close``). The ``i3wm-wsnext``, ``i3wm-wsprev``, ``bspwm-desknext``, and ``bspwm-deskprev`` actions, to switch workspaces in i3 and bspwm, may also appear in your config. Migration to New Action Strings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |Module Type |Legacy Action Name |New Action Name| +=========================+=======================+===============+ |``internal/date`` |``datetoggle`` |``toggle`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/alsa`` |``volup`` |``inc`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``voldown`` |``dec`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``volmute`` |``toggle`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/pulseaudio`` |``pa_volup`` |``inc`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``pa_voldown`` |``dec`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``pa_volmute`` |``toggle`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/xbacklight`` |``xbacklight+`` |``inc`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``xbacklight-`` |``dec`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/backlight`` |``backlight+`` |``inc`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``backlight-`` |``dec`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/xkeyboard`` |``xkeyboard/switch`` |``switch`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/mpd`` |``mpdplay`` |``play`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdpause`` |``pause`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdstop`` |``stop`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdprev`` |``prev`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdnext`` |``next`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdrepeat`` |``repeat`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdsingle`` |``single`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdrandom`` |``random`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdconsume`` |``consume`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``mpdseekN`` |``seek.N`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/xworkspaces`` |``xworkspaces-focus=N``|``focus.N`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``xworkspaces-next`` |``next`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``xworkspaces-prev`` |``prev`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/bspwm`` |``bspwm-deskfocusN`` |``focus.N`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``bspwm-desknext`` |``next`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``bspwm-deskprev`` |``prev`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``internal/i3`` |``i3wm-wsfocus-N`` |``focus.N`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``i3-wsnext`` |``next`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``i3-wsprev`` |``prev`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ |``custom/menu`` |``menu-open-N`` |``open.N`` | | +-----------------------+---------------+ | |``menu-close`` |``close`` | +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+ .. note:: Some legacy action names are suffixed with ``N``, this means that action has some additional data (represented by that ``N``), in the new action names, this data will appear in exactly the same way, after a period. .. TODO show how to migrate