#include #include #include #include "components/ipc.hpp" #include "config.hpp" #include "utils/file.hpp" #include "utils/io.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" POLYBAR_NS /** * Interrupt the blocked listener and * remove the file handler */ ipc::~ipc() { m_running = false; if (!m_fifo.empty()) { m_log.info("Interrupting ipc message receiver"); auto f = make_unique(m_fifo); char p[1]{'q'}; fwrite(p, sizeof(char), sizeof(p), (*f)()); unlink(m_fifo.c_str()); } } /** * Register listener callback for ipc_command messages */ void ipc::attach_callback(callback&& cb) { m_command_callbacks.emplace_back(cb); } /** * Register listener callback for ipc_hook messages */ void ipc::attach_callback(callback&& cb) { m_hook_callbacks.emplace_back(cb); } /** * Register listener callback for ipc_action messages */ void ipc::attach_callback(callback&& cb) { m_action_callbacks.emplace_back(cb); } /** * Start listening for event messages */ void ipc::receive_messages() { m_running = true; m_fifo = string_util::replace(PATH_MESSAGING_FIFO, "%pid%", to_string(getpid())); if (mkfifo(m_fifo.c_str(), 0666) == -1) { m_log.err("Failed to create messaging channel"); } m_log.info("Listening for ipc messages on: %s", m_fifo); while ((m_fd = open(m_fifo.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) != -1 && m_running) { parse(io_util::readline(m_fd)); close(m_fd); } } /** * Process received message and delegate * valid events to the target modules */ void ipc::parse(const string& payload) const { if (payload.empty()) { return; } else if (payload.find(ipc_command::prefix) == 0) { delegate(ipc_command{payload}); } else if (payload.find(ipc_hook::prefix) == 0) { delegate(ipc_hook{payload}); } else if (payload.find(ipc_action::prefix) == 0) { delegate(ipc_action{payload}); } else { m_log.warn("Received unknown ipc message: (payload=%s)", payload); } } /** * Send ipc message to attached listeners */ void ipc::delegate(const ipc_command& message) const { if (!m_command_callbacks.empty()) for (auto&& callback : m_command_callbacks) callback(message); else m_log.warn("Unhandled message (payload=%s)", message.payload); } /** * Send ipc message to attached listeners */ void ipc::delegate(const ipc_hook& message) const { if (!m_hook_callbacks.empty()) for (auto&& callback : m_hook_callbacks) callback(message); else m_log.warn("Unhandled message (payload=%s)", message.payload); } /** * Send ipc message to attached listeners */ void ipc::delegate(const ipc_action& message) const { if (!m_action_callbacks.empty()) for (auto&& callback : m_action_callbacks) callback(message); else m_log.warn("Unhandled message (payload=%s)", message.payload); } POLYBAR_NS_END