#include #include #include "common.hpp" #include "config.hpp" #include "utils/i3.hpp" #include "utils/socket.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "x11/connection.hpp" #include "x11/icccm.hpp" POLYBAR_NS namespace i3_util { /** * Get currently focused workspace */ shared_ptr focused_workspace(const connection_t& conn) { for (auto&& ws : conn.get_workspaces()) { if (ws->focused) { return ws; } } return nullptr; } /** * Get all i3 root windows */ vector root_windows(connection& conn, const string& output_name) { vector roots; auto children = conn.query_tree(conn.screen()->root).children(); for (auto it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); it++) { auto wm_name = icccm_util::get_wm_name(conn, *it); if (wm_name.compare("[i3 con] output " + output_name) == 0) { roots.emplace_back(*it); } } return roots; } /** * Restack given window above the i3 root window * defined for the given monitor * * Fixes the issue with always-on-top window's */ bool restack_above_root(connection& conn, const monitor_t& mon, const xcb_window_t win) { for (auto&& root : root_windows(conn, mon->name)) { const uint32_t value_mask = XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_SIBLING | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE; const uint32_t value_list[2]{root, XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE}; conn.configure_window_checked(win, value_mask, value_list); return true; } return false; } } POLYBAR_NS_END