#include "modules/xkeyboard.hpp" #include "drawtypes/iconset.hpp" #include "drawtypes/label.hpp" #include "utils/factory.hpp" #include "x11/atoms.hpp" #include "x11/connection.hpp" #include "modules/meta/base.inl" #include "modules/meta/static_module.inl" POLYBAR_NS namespace modules { template class module; template class static_module; /** * Construct module */ xkeyboard_module::xkeyboard_module(const bar_settings& bar, string name) : static_module(bar, move(name)), m_connection(connection::make()) {} /** * Bootstrap the module */ void xkeyboard_module::setup() { // Load config values m_blacklist = m_conf.get_list(name(), "blacklist", {}); // Add formats and elements m_formatter->add(DEFAULT_FORMAT, FORMAT_DEFAULT, {TAG_LABEL_LAYOUT, TAG_LABEL_INDICATOR}); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_LAYOUT)) { m_layout = load_optional_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_LAYOUT, "%layout%"); } if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_INDICATOR)) { m_indicator = load_optional_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_INDICATOR, "%name%"); } // Connect to the event registry m_connection.attach_sink(this, SINK_PRIORITY_MODULE); // Setup extension // clang-format off m_connection.xkb().select_events_checked(XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD, XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_KEYBOARD_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_STATE_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_INDICATOR_STATE_NOTIFY, 0, XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_KEYBOARD_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_STATE_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_INDICATOR_STATE_NOTIFY, 0, 0, nullptr); // clang-format on // Create keyboard object query_keyboard(); update(); } /** * Disconnect from the event registry */ void xkeyboard_module::teardown() { m_connection.detach_sink(this, SINK_PRIORITY_MODULE); } /** * Update labels with extension data */ void xkeyboard_module::update() { if (m_layout) { m_layout->reset_tokens(); m_layout->replace_token("%name%", m_keyboard->group_name(m_keyboard->current())); m_layout->replace_token("%layout%", m_keyboard->layout_name(m_keyboard->current())); m_layout->replace_token("%number%", to_string(m_keyboard->current())); } if (m_indicator) { m_indicators.clear(); const auto& caps = keyboard::indicator::type::CAPS_LOCK; const auto& caps_str = m_keyboard->indicator_name(caps); if (!blacklisted(caps_str) && m_keyboard->on(caps)) { m_indicators[caps] = m_indicator->clone(); m_indicators[caps]->replace_token("%name%", m_keyboard->indicator_name(caps)); } const auto& num = keyboard::indicator::type::NUM_LOCK; const auto& num_str = m_keyboard->indicator_name(num); if (!blacklisted(num_str) && m_keyboard->on(num)) { m_indicators[num] = m_indicator->clone(); m_indicators[num]->replace_token("%name%", num_str); } } // Trigger redraw broadcast(); } /** * Map format tags to content */ bool xkeyboard_module::build(builder* builder, const string& tag) const { if (tag == TAG_LABEL_LAYOUT) { bool precond{m_keyboard && m_keyboard->size() > 1}; builder->cmd(mousebtn::LEFT, EVENT_SWITCH, precond); builder->node(m_layout); builder->cmd_close(precond); } else if (tag == TAG_LABEL_INDICATOR) { size_t n{0}; for (auto&& indicator : m_indicators) { if (n++) { builder->space(m_formatter->get(DEFAULT_FORMAT)->spacing); } builder->node(indicator.second); } return n > 0; } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Handle input command */ bool xkeyboard_module::handle_event(string cmd) { if (cmd.compare(0, strlen(EVENT_SWITCH), EVENT_SWITCH) != 0) { return false; } size_t current_group{m_keyboard->current() + 1UL}; if (current_group >= m_keyboard->size()) { current_group = 0; } xkb_util::switch_layout(m_connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD, current_group); m_keyboard->current(current_group); m_connection.flush(); update(); return true; } /** * Create keyboard object by querying current extension data */ bool xkeyboard_module::query_keyboard() { try { auto layouts = xkb_util::get_layouts(m_connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD); auto indicators = xkb_util::get_indicators(m_connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD); auto current_group = xkb_util::get_current_group(m_connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD); m_keyboard = factory_util::unique(move(layouts), move(indicators), current_group); return true; } catch (const exception& err) { throw module_error("Failed to query keyboard, err: " + string{err.what()}); } return false; } /** * Check if the indicator has been blacklisted by the user */ bool xkeyboard_module::blacklisted(const string& indicator_name) { for (auto&& i : m_blacklist) { if (string_util::compare(i, indicator_name)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Handler for XCB_XKB_NEW_KEYBOARD_NOTIFY events */ void xkeyboard_module::handle(const evt::xkb_new_keyboard_notify& evt) { if (evt->changed & XCB_XKB_NKN_DETAIL_KEYCODES && m_xkbnotify.allow(evt->time)) { query_keyboard(); update(); } } /** * Handler for XCB_XKB_STATE_NOTIFY events */ void xkeyboard_module::handle(const evt::xkb_state_notify& evt) { if (m_keyboard && evt->changed & XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_STATE && m_xkbnotify.allow(evt->time)) { m_keyboard->current(evt->group); update(); } } /** * Handler for XCB_XKB_INDICATOR_STATE_NOTIFY events */ void xkeyboard_module::handle(const evt::xkb_indicator_state_notify& evt) { if (m_xkbnotify.allow(evt->time) && m_keyboard) { m_keyboard->set(m_connection.xkb().get_state(XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD)->lockedMods); update(); } } } POLYBAR_NS_END