#!/usr/bin/env bash readonly SELF=${0##*/} declare -rA COLORS=( [RED]=$'\033[0;31m' [GREEN]=$'\033[0;32m' [BLUE]=$'\033[0;34m' [PURPLE]=$'\033[0;35m' [CYAN]=$'\033[0;36m' [WHITE]=$'\033[0;37m' [YELLOW]=$'\033[0;33m' [BOLD]=$'\033[1m' [OFF]=$'\033[0m' ) usage() { echo " Builds and installs polybar. ${COLORS[GREEN]}${COLORS[BOLD]}Usage:${COLORS[OFF]} ${COLORS[CYAN]}${SELF}${COLORS[OFF]} [options] ${COLORS[GREEN]}${COLORS[BOLD]}Options:${COLORS[OFF]} ${COLORS[GREEN]}-3, --i3${COLORS[OFF]} Include support for internal/i3 (requires i3); disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-a, --alsa${COLORS[OFF]} Include support for internal/alsa (requires alsalib); disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-p, --pulseaudio${COLORS[OFF]} Include support for internal/pulseaudio (requires libpulse); disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-n, --network${COLORS[OFF]} Include support for internal/network (requires libnl/libiw); disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-m, --mpd${COLORS[OFF]} Include support for internal/mpd (requires libmpdclient); disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-c, --curl${COLORS[OFF]} Include support for internal/github (requires libcurl); disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-i, --ipc${COLORS[OFF]} Build polybar-msg used to send ipc messages; disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}--all-features${COLORS[OFF]} Enable all abovementioned features; equal to -3 -a -p -n -m -c -i ${COLORS[GREEN]}-g, --gcc${COLORS[OFF]} Use GCC even if Clang is installed; disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-f${COLORS[OFF]} Remove existing build dir; disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-I, --no-install${COLORS[OFF]} Do not execute 'sudo make install'; enabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-C, --install-config${COLORS[OFF]} Install example configuration; disabled by default. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-A, --auto${COLORS[OFF]} Automatic, non-interactive installation; disabled by default. When set, script defaults options not explicitly set. ${COLORS[GREEN]}-h, --help${COLORS[OFF]} Displays this help. " } msg_err() { echo -e "${COLORS[RED]}${COLORS[BOLD]}** ${COLORS[OFF]}$*\n" exit 1 } msg() { echo -e "${COLORS[GREEN]}${COLORS[BOLD]}** ${COLORS[OFF]}$*\n" } install() { local p if [[ "$AUTO" == ON ]]; then [[ -z "$INSTALL" ]] && INSTALL="ON" [[ -z "$INSTALL_CONF" ]] && INSTALL_CONF="OFF" fi if [[ -z "$INSTALL" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Execute 'sudo make install'? [Y/n] ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "N" ]] && INSTALL="ON" || INSTALL="OFF" fi if [[ -z "$INSTALL_CONF" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Install example configuration? [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && INSTALL_CONF="OFF" || INSTALL_CONF="ON" fi if [[ "$INSTALL" == ON ]]; then sudo make install || msg_err "Failed to install executables..." fi if [[ "$INSTALL_CONF" == ON ]]; then make userconfig || msg_err "Failed to install user configuration..." fi } set_build_opts() { local p msg "Setting build options" if [[ "$AUTO" == ON ]]; then [[ -z "$USE_GCC" ]] && USE_GCC="OFF" [[ -z "$ENABLE_I3" ]] && ENABLE_I3="OFF" [[ -z "$ENABLE_ALSA" ]] && ENABLE_ALSA="OFF" [[ -z "$ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO" ]] && ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO="OFF" [[ -z "$ENABLE_NETWORK" ]] && ENABLE_NETWORK="OFF" [[ -z "$ENABLE_MPD" ]] && ENABLE_MPD="OFF" [[ -z "$ENABLE_CURL" ]] && ENABLE_CURL="OFF" [[ -z "$ENABLE_IPC_MSG" ]] && ENABLE_IPC_MSG="OFF" fi if [[ -z "$USE_GCC" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Use GCC even if Clang is installed ----------------------------- [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && USE_GCC="OFF" || USE_GCC="ON" fi if [[ -z "$ENABLE_I3" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Include support for \"internal/i3\" (requires i3) ---------------- [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && ENABLE_I3="OFF" || ENABLE_I3="ON" fi if [[ -z "$ENABLE_ALSA" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Include support for \"internal/alsa\" (requires alsalib) --------- [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && ENABLE_ALSA="OFF" || ENABLE_ALSA="ON" fi if [[ -z "$ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Include support for \"internal/pulseaudio\" (requires libpulse) -- [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO="OFF" || ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO="ON" fi if [[ -z "$ENABLE_NETWORK" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Include support for \"internal/network\" (requires libnl/libiw) -- [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && ENABLE_NETWORK="OFF" || ENABLE_NETWORK="ON" fi if [[ -z "$ENABLE_MPD" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Include support for \"internal/mpd\" (requires libmpdclient) ----- [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && ENABLE_MPD="OFF" || ENABLE_MPD="ON" fi if [[ -z "$ENABLE_CURL" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Include support for \"internal/github\" (requires libcurl) ------- [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && ENABLE_CURL="OFF" || ENABLE_CURL="ON" fi if [[ -z "$ENABLE_IPC_MSG" ]]; then read -r -p "$(msg "Build \"polybar-msg\" used to send ipc messages ------------------ [y/N]: ")" -n 1 p && echo [[ "${p^^}" != "Y" ]] && ENABLE_IPC_MSG="OFF" || ENABLE_IPC_MSG="ON" fi CXX="c++" if [[ "$USE_GCC" == OFF ]]; then if command -v clang++ >/dev/null; then msg "Using compiler: clang++/clang" CXX="clang++" elif command -v g++ >/dev/null; then msg "Using compiler: g++/gcc" CXX="g++" fi else CXX="g++" fi } main() { [[ -d ./.git ]] && { msg "Fetching submodules" git submodule update --init --recursive || msg_err "Failed to clone submodules" } [[ -d ./build ]] && { if [[ "$REMOVE_BUILD_DIR" == ON ]]; then msg "Removing existing build dir (-f)" rm -rf ./build >/dev/null || msg_err "Failed to remove existing build dir" else msg "A build dir already exists (pass -f to replace)" fi } mkdir -p ./build || msg_err "Failed to create build dir" cd ./build || msg_err "Failed to enter build dir" set_build_opts msg "Executing cmake command" cmake \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="${CXX}" \ -DENABLE_ALSA:BOOL="${ENABLE_ALSA}" \ -DENABLE_PULSEAUDIO:BOOL="${ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO}"\ -DENABLE_I3:BOOL="${ENABLE_I3}" \ -DENABLE_MPD:BOOL="${ENABLE_MPD}" \ -DENABLE_NETWORK:BOOL="${ENABLE_NETWORK}" \ -DENABLE_CURL:BOOL="${ENABLE_CURL}" \ -DBUILD_IPC_MSG:BOOL="${ENABLE_IPC_MSG}" \ .. || msg_err "Failed to generate build... read output to get a hint of what went wrong" msg "Building project" make || msg_err "Failed to build project" install msg "Build complete!" exit 0 } ################# ###### Entry ################# while [[ "$1" == -* ]]; do case "$1" in -3|--i3) ENABLE_I3=ON; shift ;; -a|--alsa) ENABLE_ALSA=ON; shift ;; -p|--pulseaudio) ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO=ON; shift ;; -n|--network) ENABLE_NETWORK=ON; shift ;; -m|--mpd) ENABLE_MPD=ON; shift ;; -c|--curl) ENABLE_CURL=ON; shift ;; -i|--ipc) ENABLE_IPC_MSG=ON; shift ;; --all-features) ENABLE_I3=ON ENABLE_ALSA=ON ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO=ON ENABLE_NETWORK=ON ENABLE_MPD=ON ENABLE_CURL=ON ENABLE_IPC_MSG=ON shift ;; -g|--gcc) USE_GCC=ON; shift ;; -f) REMOVE_BUILD_DIR=ON; shift ;; -I|--no-install) INSTALL=OFF; shift ;; -C|--install-config) INSTALL_CONF=ON; shift ;; -A|--auto) AUTO=ON; shift ;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; --) shift; break ;; *) usage [[ "$1" =~ ^-[0-9a-zA-Z]{2,}$ ]] && msg_err "don't combine options: ie do [-c -i] instead of [-ci]" || msg_err "unknown option [$1]" ;; esac done main