# # Collection of cmake utility functions # # message_colored {{{ function(message_colored message_level text color) string(ASCII 27 esc) message(${message_level} "${esc}[${color}m${text}${esc}[0m") endfunction() # }}} # colored_option {{{ function(colored_option text flag) # Append version of option, if ${flag}_VERSION is set set(version ${${flag}_VERSION}) if(NOT "${version}" STREQUAL "") set(text "${text} (${version})") endif() if(${flag}) message_colored(STATUS "[X]${text}" "32;1") else() message_colored(STATUS "[ ]${text}" "37;2") endif() endfunction() # }}} # queryfont {{{ function(queryfont output_variable fontname) set(multi_value_args FIELDS) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN}) find_program(BIN_FCLIST fc-list) if(NOT BIN_FCLIST) message_colored(WARNING "Failed to locate `fc-list`" "33;1") return() endif() string(REPLACE ";" " " FIELDS "${ARG_FIELDS}") if(NOT FIELDS) set(FIELDS family) endif() execute_process( COMMAND sh -c "${BIN_FCLIST} : ${FIELDS}" RESULT_VARIABLE status OUTPUT_VARIABLE output ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" output "${output}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" output "${output}") STRING(TOLOWER "${output}" output) foreach(match LISTS ${output}) if(${match} MATCHES ".*${fontname}.*$") list(APPEND matches ${match}) endif() endforeach() if(matches) list(GET matches 0 fst_match) set(${output_variable} "${fst_match}" PARENT_SCOPE) message(STATUS "Found font: ${fst_match}") else() message_colored(STATUS "Font not found: ${fontname}" "33;1") endif() endfunction() # }}} # querylib {{{ function(querylib flag type pkg out_library out_include_dirs) if(${flag}) if(${type} STREQUAL "cmake") find_package(${pkg} REQUIRED) string(TOUPPER ${pkg} pkg_upper) list(APPEND ${out_library} ${${pkg_upper}_LIBRARY}) list(APPEND ${out_include_dirs} ${${pkg_upper}_INCLUDE_DIR}) elseif(${type} STREQUAL "pkg-config") find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(PKG_${flag} REQUIRED ${pkg}) # Set packet version so that it can be used in the summary set(${flag}_VERSION ${PKG_${flag}_VERSION} PARENT_SCOPE) list(APPEND ${out_library} ${PKG_${flag}_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND ${out_include_dirs} ${PKG_${flag}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid lookup type '${type}'") endif() set(${out_library} ${${out_library}} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${out_include_dirs} ${${out_include_dirs}} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # }}} # checklib {{{ function(checklib flag type pkg) if(NOT DEFINED ${flag}) if(${type} STREQUAL "cmake") find_package(${pkg} QUIET) set(${flag} ${${pkg}_FOUND} CACHE BOOL "") elseif(${type} STREQUAL "pkg-config") find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(PKG_${flag} QUIET ${pkg}) set(${flag} ${PKG_${flag}_FOUND} CACHE BOOL "") elseif(${type} STREQUAL "binary") find_program(BIN_${flag} ${pkg}) set(${flag} ${BIN_${flag}} CACHE BOOL "") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid lookup type '${type}'") endif() endif() endfunction() # }}}