#include "utils/string.hpp" #include "common/test.hpp" using namespace polybar; TEST(String, ends_with) { EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::ends_with("foo", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::ends_with("foobar", "bar")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::ends_with("foobar", "")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::ends_with("foo", "bar")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::ends_with("foo", "Foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::ends_with("", "Foo")); } TEST(String, upper) { EXPECT_EQ("FOO", string_util::upper("FOO")); EXPECT_EQ("FOO", string_util::upper("FoO")); EXPECT_EQ("FOO", string_util::upper("FOo")); EXPECT_EQ("FOO", string_util::upper("Foo")); } TEST(String, lower) { EXPECT_EQ("bar", string_util::lower("BAR")); } TEST(String, compare) { EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::compare("foo", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::compare("foo", "Foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::compare("foo", "bar")); } TEST(String, contains) { EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains("fooooobar", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains("barrrrrrfoo", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains("barrfoobazzz", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains("foo", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains("foobar", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains("foobar", "bar")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::contains("foo", "Foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::contains("foo", "bar")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::contains("foobar", "baz")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::contains("foobAr", "bar")); } TEST(String, contains_ignore_case) { EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("fooooobar", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("barrrrrrfoo", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("barrfoobazzz", "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("fooooobar", "fOO")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("barrrrrrfoo", "FOo")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("barrfoobazzz", "FoO")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("foo", "Foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("foo", "bar")); EXPECT_TRUE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("foo", "")); EXPECT_FALSE(string_util::contains_ignore_case("", "bar")); } TEST(String, replace) { EXPECT_EQ("a.c", string_util::replace("abc", "b", ".")); EXPECT_EQ("a.a", string_util::replace("aaa", "a", ".", 1, 2)); EXPECT_EQ(".aa", string_util::replace("aaa", "a", ".", 0, 2)); EXPECT_EQ("Foo bxr baz", string_util::replace("Foo bar baz", "a", "x")); EXPECT_EQ("foxoobar", string_util::replace("foooobar", "o", "x", 2, 3)); EXPECT_EQ("foooobar", string_util::replace("foooobar", "o", "x", 0, 1)); } TEST(String, replaceAll) { EXPECT_EQ("Foo bxr bxzx", string_util::replace_all("Foo bar baza", "a", "x")); EXPECT_EQ("hoohoohoo", string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo")); EXPECT_EQ("hoohehe", string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo", 0, 2)); EXPECT_EQ("hehehoo", string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo", 4)); EXPECT_EQ("hehehe", string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo", 0, 1)); EXPECT_EQ("113113113", string_util::replace_all("131313", "3", "13")); } TEST(String, squeeze) { EXPECT_EQ("Squeze", string_util::squeeze("Squeeeeeze", 'e')); EXPECT_EQ("bar baz foobar", string_util::squeeze("bar baz foobar", ' ')); } TEST(String, strip) { EXPECT_EQ("Strp", string_util::strip("Striip", 'i')); EXPECT_EQ("test\n", string_util::strip_trailing_newline("test\n\n")); } TEST(String, trim) { EXPECT_EQ("x x", string_util::trim(" x x ")); EXPECT_EQ("testxx", string_util::ltrim("xxtestxx", 'x')); EXPECT_EQ("xxtest", string_util::rtrim("xxtestxx", 'x')); EXPECT_EQ("test", string_util::trim("xxtestxx", 'x')); } TEST(String, trimPredicate) { EXPECT_EQ("x\t x", string_util::trim("\t x\t x ", isspace)); EXPECT_EQ("x\t x", string_util::trim("x\t x ", isspace)); } TEST(String, join) { EXPECT_EQ("A, B, C", string_util::join({"A", "B", "C"}, ", ")); } TEST(String, split) { { vector strings = string_util::split("A,B,C", ','); EXPECT_EQ(3, strings.size()); EXPECT_EQ("A", strings[0]); EXPECT_EQ("B", strings[1]); EXPECT_EQ("C", strings[2]); } { vector strings = string_util::split(",A,,B,,C,", ','); EXPECT_EQ(3, strings.size()); EXPECT_EQ("A", strings[0]); EXPECT_EQ("B", strings[1]); EXPECT_EQ("C", strings[2]); } } TEST(String, tokenize) { { vector strings = string_util::tokenize("A,B,C", ','); EXPECT_EQ(3, strings.size()); EXPECT_EQ("A", strings[0]); EXPECT_EQ("B", strings[1]); EXPECT_EQ("C", strings[2]); } { using namespace std::string_literals; vector strings = string_util::tokenize(",A,,B,,C,", ','); vector result{""s, "A"s, ""s, "B"s, ""s, "C"s, ""s}; EXPECT_TRUE(strings == result); } } TEST(String, findNth) { EXPECT_EQ(0, string_util::find_nth("foobarfoobar", 0, "f", 1)); EXPECT_EQ(6, string_util::find_nth("foobarfoobar", 0, "f", 2)); EXPECT_EQ(7, string_util::find_nth("foobarfoobar", 0, "o", 3)); } TEST(String, hash) { unsigned long hashA1{string_util::hash("foo")}; unsigned long hashA2{string_util::hash("foo")}; unsigned long hashB1{string_util::hash("Foo")}; unsigned long hashB2{string_util::hash("Bar")}; EXPECT_EQ(hashA2, hashA1); EXPECT_NE(hashB1, hashA1); EXPECT_NE(hashB2, hashA1); EXPECT_NE(hashB2, hashB1); } TEST(String, floatingPoint) { EXPECT_EQ("1.26", string_util::floating_point(1.2599, 2)); EXPECT_EQ("2", string_util::floating_point(1.7, 0)); EXPECT_EQ("1.7770000000", string_util::floating_point(1.777, 10)); } TEST(String, filesize) { EXPECT_EQ("3.000 MiB", string_util::filesize_mib(3 * 1024, 3)); EXPECT_EQ("3.195 MiB", string_util::filesize_mib(3 * 1024 + 200, 3)); EXPECT_EQ("3 MiB", string_util::filesize_mib(3 * 1024 + 400)); EXPECT_EQ("4 MiB", string_util::filesize_mib(3 * 1024 + 800)); EXPECT_EQ("3.195 GiB", string_util::filesize_gib(3 * 1024 * 1024 + 200 * 1024, 3)); EXPECT_EQ("3 GiB", string_util::filesize_gib(3 * 1024 * 1024 + 400 * 1024)); EXPECT_EQ("4 GiB", string_util::filesize_gib(3 * 1024 * 1024 + 800 * 1024)); EXPECT_EQ("3 B", string_util::filesize(3)); EXPECT_EQ("3 KB", string_util::filesize(3 * 1024)); EXPECT_EQ("3 MB", string_util::filesize(3 * 1024 * 1024)); EXPECT_EQ("3 GB", string_util::filesize((unsigned long long)3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)); EXPECT_EQ("3 TB", string_util::filesize((unsigned long long)3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)); } // utf8_to_ucs4 {{{ class Utf8ToUCS4AsciiTest : public testing::TestWithParam {}; const vector utf8_to_ucs4_ascii_list = {"", "Hello World", "\n", "\0", "\u007f"}; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, Utf8ToUCS4AsciiTest, testing::ValuesIn(utf8_to_ucs4_ascii_list)); /** * Test that the conversion to ucs4 works correctly with pure ASCII strings. */ TEST_P(Utf8ToUCS4AsciiTest, correctness) { string_util::unicode_charlist result_list{}; string str = GetParam(); bool valid = string_util::utf8_to_ucs4(str, result_list); ASSERT_TRUE(valid); ASSERT_EQ(str.size(), result_list.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { const auto& unicode_char = result_list[i]; auto c = str[i]; // Matches the single byte character EXPECT_EQ(c, unicode_char.codepoint); // Is at the same offset as in the original string EXPECT_EQ(i, unicode_char.offset); // Only takes a single byte EXPECT_EQ(1, unicode_char.length); } } // String containing a single codepoint and the expected numerical codepoint using single_test_t = std::pair; class Utf8ToUCS4SingleTest : public testing::TestWithParam {}; const vector utf8_to_ucs4_single_list = { {" ", 0x20}, // Single ASCII character {"\u007f", 0x7f}, // End of 1 byte range {"\u0080", 0x80}, // Start of 2 byte range {"\u07ff", 0x7ff}, // End of 2 byte range {"\u0800", 0x800}, // Start of 3 byte range {"\uffff", 0xffff}, // End of 3 byte range {"\U00010000", 0x10000}, // Start of 4 byte range {"\U0010ffff", 0x10ffff}, // End of 4 byte range {"\U0001f600", 0x1f600}, // Grinning face emoji }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, Utf8ToUCS4SingleTest, testing::ValuesIn(utf8_to_ucs4_single_list)); /** * Test that the conversion to ucs4 works correctly with a single UTF8 character */ TEST_P(Utf8ToUCS4SingleTest, correctness) { string_util::unicode_charlist result_list{}; const auto [str, codepoint] = GetParam(); bool valid = string_util::utf8_to_ucs4(str, result_list); ASSERT_TRUE(valid); ASSERT_EQ(1, result_list.size()); auto unicode_char = result_list.front(); EXPECT_EQ(0, unicode_char.offset); // Must encompass entire string EXPECT_EQ(str.size(), unicode_char.length); // Must match expected codepoint EXPECT_EQ(codepoint, unicode_char.codepoint); } class Utf8ToUCS4InvalidTest : public testing::TestWithParam {}; const vector utf8_to_ucs4_invalid_list = { "\x80", // continuation byte without leading byte "\xa0", // 2 byte code point with only leading byte "\xe0", // 3 byte code point with only leading byte "\xf0", // 4 byte code point with only leading byte "\xf0\x80\x80", // 4 byte code point with only 3 bytes "\xe0\xf0\x80", // 3 byte code point, 2nd byte has no continuation prefix }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, Utf8ToUCS4InvalidTest, testing::ValuesIn(utf8_to_ucs4_invalid_list)); /** * Tests that the conversion correctly returns false for invalid strings. */ TEST_P(Utf8ToUCS4InvalidTest, correctness) { string_util::unicode_charlist result_list{}; const auto str = GetParam(); bool valid = string_util::utf8_to_ucs4(str, result_list); EXPECT_FALSE(valid); EXPECT_EQ(0, result_list.size()); } /** * Tests that the conversion works with partially valid strings and that invalid parts are dropped. */ TEST(String, utf8ToUCS4Partial) { string_util::unicode_charlist result_list{}; string str = "\xe0\x70\x80"; // a valid ascii character between two invalid characters bool valid = string_util::utf8_to_ucs4(str, result_list); EXPECT_FALSE(valid); EXPECT_EQ(1, result_list.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0x70, result_list[0].codepoint); EXPECT_EQ(1, result_list[0].offset); EXPECT_EQ(1, result_list[0].length); } // }}}