[settings] ; Limit the amount of events sent to lemonbar within a set timeframe: ; - "Allow updates within of time" ; Default values: ;throttle_limit = 5 ;throttle_ms = 50 [bar/example] width = 100% height = 25 bottom = true dock = false background = #00ffffff foreground = #fff lineheight = 1 padding_left = 1 padding_right = 1 module_margin_left = 0 module_margin_right = 0 font:0 = sans:size=8;0 font:1 = font awesome:size=10:weight=heavy;0 modules:left = label modules:right = volume cpu ram clock [module/label] type = custom/text content = Lemonbuddy example content:background = #af2031 content:underline = #cf4253 content:overline = #cf4253 content:padding = 2 [module/cpu] type = internal/cpu label = CPU: %percentage% format:background = #c42 format:underline = #f75 format:overline = #f75 format:padding = 2 [module/ram] type = internal/memory label = RAM: %percentage_used% format:background = #42c format:underline = #75f format:overline = #75f format:padding = 2 [module/clock] type = internal/date date = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M format:background = #493 format:underline = #7a6 format:overline = #7a6 format:padding = 2 [module/volume] type = internal/volume ;speaker_mixer = Speaker ;headphone_mixer = Headphone ;headphone_control_numid = 9 format:volume:background = #933484 format:volume:underline = #9d6294 format:volume:overline = #9d6294 format:volume:padding = 2 format:muted:background = #933484 format:muted:underline = #9d6294 format:muted:overline = #9d6294 format:muted:padding = 2 label:volume = Volume: %percentage% label:muted = Sound is muted ; vim:ft=dosini