; vim:ft=dosini [bar/i3] monitor = eDP1 height = 29 lineheight = 3 bottom = true background = #e22 foreground = #000 linecolor = #000 spacing = 3 font:0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=12;0 font:1 = MaterialIcons:size=14;0 font:2 = FontAwesome:size=14;0 modules:left = i3 [module/i3] type = internal/i3 ; Only include workspaces located inside the ; current bar's monitor ; ; Default: true local_workspaces = true ; Remove N chars from the start of the workspace name ; This is useful since you can define the i3 workspaces with ; both a friendly name and a number, e.g. "1.code", "2.chat", etc ; If you don't prefix the workspaces with a number in your i3 ; config, all workspaces will be assigned a number of -1. ; ; Default: 0 workspace_name_strip_nchars = 2 ; workspae_icon:N = workspace_name;icon workspace_icon:0 = term; workspace_icon:1 = web; workspace_icon:2 = code; workspace_icon:3 = music; workspace_icon:4 = irssi; workspace_icon:default =  label:focused = %icon% %name% label:focused:padding = 2 label:focused:underline = #000 label:unfocused = %index% label:unfocused:padding = 2 label:unfocused:foreground = #99ee2222 ;label:visible = %index% label:visible:padding = 2 ; label:visible:underline = #444 ; label:urgent = %icon% %index% ; label:urgent:padding = 2 label:dimmed:underline = ${bar/i3.background}