.. highlight:: ini polybar(5) ========== Description ----------- The polybar configuration file defines the behavior and look of polybar. It uses a variant of the `INI `_ file format. The exact syntax is described below but first a small snippet to get familiar with the syntax: :: [section_name] ; A comment # Another comment background = #ff992a width = 90% monitor = HDMI-0 screenchange-reload = false ; Use double quotes if you want to keep the surrounding space. text = " Some text " When started ``polybar`` will search for the config file in one of several places in the following order: * If the ``-c`` or ``--config`` command line argument is specified, it will use the path given there. * ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/config`` * ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/config.ini`` * ``$HOME/.config/polybar/config`` * ``$HOME/.config/polybar/config.ini`` Syntax ------ The entire config is line-based so everything is constrained to a single line. This means there are no multiline values or other multiline constructs (except for sections). Each line has one of four types: * Empty * Comment * Section Header * Key Spaces at the beginning and end of each line will be ignored. .. note:: In this context "spaces" include the regular space character as well as the tab character and any other character for which :manpage:`isspace(3)` returns ``true`` (e.g. ``\r``). Any line that doesn't fit into one of these four types is a syntax error. .. note:: It is recommended that `section header` names and `key` names only use alphanumeric characters as well as dashes (``-``), underscores (``_``) and forward slashes (``/``). In practice all characters are allowed except for spaces and any of these: ``"'=;#[](){}:.$\%`` Section Headers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sections are used to group config options together. For example each module is defined in its own section. A section is defined by placing the name of the section in square brackets (``[`` and ``]``). For example: :: [module/wm] This declares a section with the name ``module/wm`` and all keys defined after this line will belong to that section until a new section is declared. .. warning:: The first non-empty and non-comment line in the main config file must be a section header. It cannot be a key because that key would not belong to any section. .. note:: The following section names are reserved and cannot be used inside the config: ``self``, ``root``, and ``BAR``. Keys ^^^^ Keys are defined by assigning a value to a name like this: :: name = value This assigns ``value`` to the key ``name`` in whatever section this line is in. Key names need to be unique per section. If the value is enclosed by double-quotes (``"``), the quotes will be ignored. So the following still assigns ``value`` to ``name``: :: name = "value" Spaces around the equal sign are ignored, the following are all equivalent: :: name=value name = value name = value Because spaces at the beginning and end of the line are also ignored, if you want your value to begin and/or end with a space, the value needs to be enclosed in double-quotes: :: name = " value " Here the value of the ``name`` key has a leading and trailing whitespace. To treat characters with special meaning as literal characters, you need to prepend them with the backslash (``\``) escape character: :: name = "value\\value\\value" Value of this key ``name`` results in ``value\value\value``. .. note:: The only character with a special meaning right now is the backslash character (``\``), which serves as the escape character. More will be added in the future. Empty Lines & Comments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Empty lines and comment lines are ignored when reading the config file, they do not affect polybar's behavior. Comment lines start with either the ``;`` or the ``#`` character. .. note:: Inline comments are not supported. For example the following line does not end with a comment, the value of ``name`` is actually set to ``value ; comment``: :: name = value ; comment SEE ALSO -------- .. only:: man :manpage:`polybar(1)` .. only:: not man :doc:`polybar.1`