
151 lines
3.6 KiB

#include "utils/bspwm.hpp"
#include <sys/un.h>
#include "errors.hpp"
#include "utils/env.hpp"
#include "x11/connection.hpp"
#include "x11/ewmh.hpp"
namespace bspwm_util {
* Get all bspwm root windows
vector<xcb_window_t> root_windows(connection& conn) {
vector<xcb_window_t> roots;
auto children = conn.query_tree(conn.root()).children();
for (auto it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); it++) {
xcb_icccm_get_wm_class_reply_t reply{};
reply.class_name = reply.instance_name = nullptr;
if (xcb_icccm_get_wm_class_reply(conn, xcb_icccm_get_wm_class(conn, *it), &reply, nullptr)) {
if (string_util::compare("Bspwm", reply.class_name) && string_util::compare("root", reply.instance_name)) {
if (reply.class_name != nullptr || reply.instance_name != nullptr) {
return roots;
* Returns window against which to restack.
restack_util::params get_restack_params(connection& conn, const monitor_t& mon, xcb_window_t bar_window) {
auto ewmh_params = restack_util::get_ewmh_params(conn);
if (restack_util::are_siblings(conn, bar_window, ewmh_params.first)) {
return ewmh_params;
for (auto&& root : root_windows(conn)) {
auto geom = conn.get_geometry(root);
if (mon->x != geom->x || mon->y != geom->y) {
if (mon->w != geom->width || mon->h != geom->height) {
return {root, XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE};
return restack_util::NONE_PARAMS;
* Get path to the bspwm socket by the following order
* 1. Value of environment variable BSPWM_SOCKET
* 2. Value built from the bspwm socket path template
* 3. Value of the macro BSPWM_SOCKET_PATH
string get_socket_path() {
string env_path;
if (!(env_path = env_util::get("BSPWM_SOCKET")).empty()) {
return env_path;
struct sockaddr_un sa {};
char* host = nullptr;
int dsp = 0;
int scr = 0;
if (xcb_parse_display(nullptr, &host, &dsp, &scr) == 0) {
snprintf(sa.sun_path, sizeof(sa.sun_path), "/tmp/bspwm%s_%i_%i-socket", host, dsp, scr);
return sa.sun_path;
* Generate a payload object with properly formatted data
* ready to be sent to the bspwm ipc controller
payload_t make_payload(const string& cmd) {
payload_t payload{new payload_t::element_type{}};
auto size = sizeof(payload->data);
int offset = 0;
int chars = 0;
for (auto&& word : string_util::split(cmd, ' ')) {
chars = snprintf(payload->data + offset, size - offset, "%s%c", word.c_str(), 0);
payload->len += chars;
offset += chars;
return payload;
* Create an ipc socket connection
* Example usage:
* @code cpp
* auto ipc = make_connection();
* ipc->send(make_payload("desktop -f eDP-1:^1"));
* @endcode
connection_t make_connection() {
return socket_util::make_unix_connection(get_socket_path());
* Create a connection and subscribe to events
* on the bspwm socket
* Example usage:
* @code cpp
* auto ipc = make_subscriber();
* while (!ipc->poll(POLLHUP, 0)) {
* ssize_t bytes_received = 0;
* auto data = ipc->receive(BUFSIZ-1, bytes_received, 0);
* std::cout << data << std::endl;
* }
* @endcode
connection_t make_subscriber() {
auto conn = make_connection();
auto payload = make_payload("subscribe report");
if (conn->send(payload->data, payload->len, 0) == 0) {
throw system_error("Failed to initialize subscriber");
return conn;
} // namespace bspwm_util