
179 lines
3.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <moodycamel/blockingconcurrentqueue.h>
#include <chrono>
#include "common.hpp"
#include "components/logger.hpp"
#include "modules/meta/base.hpp"
using module_t = unique_ptr<modules::module_interface>;
using modulemap_t = map<alignment, vector<module_t>>;
enum class event_type : uint8_t {
NONE = 0,
struct event {
uint8_t type{0};
char data[256]{'\0'};
struct quit_event {
const uint8_t type{static_cast<uint8_t>(event_type::QUIT)};
bool reload{false};
struct update_event {
const uint8_t type{static_cast<uint8_t>(event_type::UPDATE)};
bool force{false};
struct input_event {
const uint8_t type{static_cast<uint8_t>(event_type::INPUT)};
char data[256]{'\0'};
class eventloop {
* Queue type
using entry_t = event;
using queue_t = moodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue<entry_t>;
using duration_t = chrono::duration<double, std::milli>;
explicit eventloop(const logger& logger, const config& config);
void start();
void wait();
void stop();
bool enqueue(const entry_t& entry);
bool enqueue_delayed(const entry_t& entry);
void set_update_cb(callback<bool>&& cb);
void set_input_db(callback<string>&& cb);
void add_module(const alignment pos, module_t&& module);
const modulemap_t& modules() const;
size_t module_count() const;
static const eventloop::entry_t& make(update_event&& event, bool force = false) {
event.force = force;
return reinterpret_cast<const eventloop::entry_t&>(event);
static const eventloop::entry_t& make(quit_event&& event, bool reload = false) {
event.reload = reload;
return reinterpret_cast<const eventloop::entry_t&>(event);
static const eventloop::entry_t& make(input_event&& event, const string& data) {
snprintf(event.data, sizeof(event.data), "%s", data.c_str());
return reinterpret_cast<const eventloop::entry_t&>(event);
void dispatch_modules();
void dispatch_queue_worker();
void dispatch_delayed_worker();
inline bool match_event(entry_t evt, event_type type);
inline bool compare_events(entry_t evt, entry_t evt2);
void forward_event(entry_t evt);
void on_update(const update_event& evt);
void on_input(const input_event& evt);
void on_check();
void on_quit(const quit_event& evt);
const logger& m_log;
const config& m_conf;
* @brief Event queue
queue_t m_queue;
* @brief Loaded modules
modulemap_t m_modules;
* @brief Flag to indicate current run state
stateflag m_running;
* @brief Callback fired when receiving UPDATE events
callback<bool> m_update_cb;
* @brief Callback fired for unprocessed INPUT events
callback<string> m_unrecognized_input_cb;
* @brief Time to wait for subsequent events
duration_t m_swallow_time{0ms};
* @brief Maximum amount of subsequent events to swallow within timeframe
size_t m_swallow_limit{0};
* @brief Time until releasing the lock on the delayed enqueue channel
duration_t m_delayed_time;
* @brief Lock used to control the condition variable
std::mutex m_delayed_lock;
* @brief Condition variable used to manage notifications for delayed enqueues
std::condition_variable m_delayed_cond;
* @brief Pending event on the delayed channel
entry_t m_delayed_entry{0};
* @brief Queue worker thread
thread m_queue_thread;
* @brief Delayed notifier thread
thread m_delayed_thread;
namespace {
* Configure injection module
template <typename T = unique_ptr<eventloop>>
di::injector<T> configure_eventloop() {
return di::make_injector(configure_logger(), configure_config());