
306 lines
9.6 KiB

#include "drawtypes/label.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "utils/string.hpp"
namespace drawtypes {
* Gets the text from the label as it should be rendered
* Here tokens are replaced with values and minlen and maxlen properties are applied
string label::get() const {
const size_t len = string_util::char_len(m_tokenized);
if (len >= m_minlen) {
string text = m_tokenized;
if (m_maxlen > 0 && len > m_maxlen) {
if (m_ellipsis) {
text = string_util::utf8_truncate(std::move(text), m_maxlen - 3) + "...";
} else {
text = string_util::utf8_truncate(std::move(text), m_maxlen);
return text;
const size_t num_fill_chars = m_minlen - len;
size_t right_fill_len = 0;
size_t left_fill_len = 0;
if (m_alignment == alignment::RIGHT) {
left_fill_len = num_fill_chars;
} else if (m_alignment == alignment::LEFT) {
right_fill_len = num_fill_chars;
} else {
right_fill_len = std::ceil(num_fill_chars / 2.0);
left_fill_len = right_fill_len;
// The text is positioned one character to the left if we can't perfectly center it
if (len + left_fill_len + right_fill_len > m_minlen) {
return string(left_fill_len, ' ') + m_tokenized + string(right_fill_len, ' ');
label::operator bool() {
return !m_tokenized.empty();
label_t label::clone() {
vector<token> tokens;
if (!m_tokens.empty()) {
std::back_insert_iterator<decltype(tokens)> back_it(tokens);
std::copy(m_tokens.begin(), m_tokens.end(), back_it);
return std::make_shared<label>(m_text, m_foreground, m_background, m_underline, m_overline, m_font, m_padding,
m_margin, m_minlen, m_maxlen, m_alignment, m_ellipsis, move(tokens));
void label::clear() {
void label::reset_tokens() {
m_tokenized = m_text;
void label::reset_tokens(const string& tokenized) {
m_tokenized = tokenized;
bool label::has_token(const string& token) const {
return m_tokenized.find(token) != string::npos;
void label::replace_token(const string& token, string replacement) {
if (!has_token(token)) {
for (auto&& tok : m_tokens) {
string repl{replacement};
if (token == tok.token) {
if (tok.max != 0_z && string_util::char_len(repl) > tok.max) {
repl = string_util::utf8_truncate(std::move(repl), tok.max) + tok.suffix;
} else if (tok.min != 0_z && repl.length() < tok.min) {
repl.insert(0_z, tok.min - repl.length(), tok.zpad ? '0' : ' ');
* Only replace first occurence, so that the proper token objects can be used
m_tokenized = string_util::replace(m_tokenized, token, move(repl));
void label::replace_defined_values(const label_t& label) {
if (label->m_foreground.has_color()) {
m_foreground = label->m_foreground;
if (label->m_background.has_color()) {
m_background = label->m_background;
if (label->m_underline.has_color()) {
m_underline = label->m_underline;
if (label->m_overline.has_color()) {
m_overline = label->m_overline;
if (label->m_font != 0) {
m_font = label->m_font;
if (label->m_padding.left != 0U) {
m_padding.left = label->m_padding.left;
if (label->m_padding.right != 0U) {
m_padding.right = label->m_padding.right;
if (label->m_margin.left != 0U) {
m_margin.left = label->m_margin.left;
if (label->m_margin.right != 0U) {
m_margin.right = label->m_margin.right;
if (label->m_maxlen != 0_z) {
m_maxlen = label->m_maxlen;
m_ellipsis = label->m_ellipsis;
void label::copy_undefined(const label_t& label) {
if (!m_foreground.has_color() && label->m_foreground.has_color()) {
m_foreground = label->m_foreground;
if (!m_background.has_color() && label->m_background.has_color()) {
m_background = label->m_background;
if (!m_underline.has_color() && label->m_underline.has_color()) {
m_underline = label->m_underline;
if (!m_overline.has_color() && label->m_overline.has_color()) {
m_overline = label->m_overline;
if (m_font == 0 && label->m_font != 0) {
m_font = label->m_font;
if (m_padding.left == 0U && label->m_padding.left != 0U) {
m_padding.left = label->m_padding.left;
if (m_padding.right == 0U && label->m_padding.right != 0U) {
m_padding.right = label->m_padding.right;
if (m_margin.left == 0U && label->m_margin.left != 0U) {
m_margin.left = label->m_margin.left;
if (m_margin.right == 0U && label->m_margin.right != 0U) {
m_margin.right = label->m_margin.right;
if (m_maxlen == 0_z && label->m_maxlen != 0_z) {
m_maxlen = label->m_maxlen;
m_ellipsis = label->m_ellipsis;
* Create a label by loading values from the configuration
label_t load_label(const config& conf, const string& section, string name, bool required, string def) {
vector<token> tokens;
size_t start, end, pos;
name = string_util::ltrim(string_util::rtrim(move(name), '>'), '<');
string text;
struct side_values padding {
}, margin{};
if (required) {
text = conf.get(section, name);
} else {
text = conf.get(section, name, move(def));
const auto get_left_right = [&](string key) {
auto value = conf.get(section, key, 0U);
auto left = conf.get(section, key + "-left", value);
auto right = conf.get(section, key + "-right", value);
return side_values{static_cast<unsigned short int>(left), static_cast<unsigned short int>(right)};
padding = get_left_right(name + "-padding");
margin = get_left_right(name + "-margin");
string line{text};
while ((start = line.find('%')) != string::npos && (end = line.find('%', start + 1)) != string::npos) {
auto token_str = line.substr(start, end - start + 1);
// ignore false positives
// lemonbar tags %{...}
// trailing percentage signs %token%%
if (token_str.find_first_of("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") != 1) {
line.erase(0, end);
line.erase(start, end - start + 1);
tokens.emplace_back(token{token_str, 0_z, 0_z});
auto& token = tokens.back();
// find min delimiter
if ((pos = token_str.find(':')) == string::npos) {
// strip min/max specifiers from the label string token
token.token = token_str.substr(0, pos) + '%';
text = string_util::replace(text, token_str, token.token);
try {
token.min = std::stoul(&token_str[pos + 1], nullptr, 10);
// When the number starts with 0 the string is 0-padded
token.zpad = token_str[pos + 1] == '0';
} catch (const std::invalid_argument& err) {
// find max delimiter
if ((pos = token_str.find(':', pos + 1)) == string::npos) {
try {
token.max = std::stoul(&token_str[pos + 1], nullptr, 10);
} catch (const std::invalid_argument& err) {
// ignore max lengths less than min
if (token.max < token.min) {
token.max = 0_z;
// find suffix delimiter
if ((pos = token_str.find(':', pos + 1)) != string::npos) {
token.suffix = token_str.substr(pos + 1, token_str.size() - pos - 2);
size_t minlen = conf.get(section, name + "-minlen", 0_z);
string alignment_conf_value = conf.get(section, name + "-alignment", "left"s);
alignment label_alignment;
if (alignment_conf_value == "right") {
label_alignment = alignment::RIGHT;
} else if (alignment_conf_value == "left") {
label_alignment = alignment::LEFT;
} else if (alignment_conf_value == "center") {
label_alignment = alignment::CENTER;
} else {
throw application_error(sstream() << "Label " << section << "." << name << " has invalid alignment "
<< alignment_conf_value << ", expecting one of: right, left, center.");
size_t maxlen = conf.get(section, name + "-maxlen", 0_z);
if (maxlen > 0 && maxlen < minlen) {
throw application_error(sstream() << "Label " << section << "." << name << " has maxlen " << maxlen
<< " which is smaller than minlen " << minlen);
bool ellipsis = conf.get(section, name + "-ellipsis", true);
if (ellipsis && maxlen > 0 && maxlen < 3) {
throw application_error(sstream() << "Label " << section << "." << name << " has maxlen " << maxlen
<< ", which is smaller than length of ellipsis (3)");
// clang-format off
return std::make_shared<label>(text,
conf.get(section, name + "-foreground", rgba{}),
conf.get(section, name + "-background", rgba{}),
conf.get(section, name + "-underline", rgba{}),
conf.get(section, name + "-overline", rgba{}),
conf.get(section, name + "-font", 0),
// clang-format on
* Create a label by loading optional values from the configuration
label_t load_optional_label(const config& conf, string section, string name, string def) {
return load_label(conf, move(section), move(name), false, move(def));
} // namespace drawtypes