
368 lines
8.5 KiB

#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <glob.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include "errors.hpp"
#include "utils/env.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
// implementation of file_descriptor {{{
file_descriptor::file_descriptor(const string& path, int flags, bool autoclose) : m_autoclose(autoclose) {
if ((m_fd = open(path.c_str(), flags)) == -1) {
throw system_error("Failed to open file descriptor");
file_descriptor::file_descriptor(int fd, bool autoclose) : m_fd(fd), m_autoclose(autoclose) {
if (m_fd != -1 && !*this) {
throw system_error("Given file descriptor (" + to_string(m_fd) + ") is not valid");
file_descriptor::~file_descriptor() {
if (m_autoclose) {
file_descriptor& file_descriptor::operator=(const int fd) {
if (m_autoclose) {
m_fd = fd;
return *this;
file_descriptor::operator int() {
return static_cast<const file_descriptor&>(*this);
file_descriptor::operator int() const {
return m_fd;
file_descriptor::operator bool() {
return static_cast<const file_descriptor&>(*this);
file_descriptor::operator bool() const {
errno = 0; // reset since fcntl only changes it on error
if ((fcntl(m_fd, F_GETFD) == -1) || errno == EBADF) {
errno = EBADF;
return false;
return true;
void file_descriptor::close() {
if (m_fd != -1 && ::close(m_fd) == -1) {
throw system_error("Failed to close file descriptor");
m_fd = -1;
// }}}
// implementation of file_streambuf {{{
fd_streambuf::~fd_streambuf() {
fd_streambuf::operator int() {
return static_cast<const fd_streambuf&>(*this);
fd_streambuf::operator int() const {
return m_fd;
void fd_streambuf::open(int fd) {
if (m_fd) {
m_fd = fd;
setg(m_in, m_in + BUFSIZE_IN, m_in + BUFSIZE_IN);
setp(m_out, m_out + BUFSIZE_OUT - 1);
void fd_streambuf::close() {
if (m_fd) {
m_fd = -1;
int fd_streambuf::sync() {
if (pbase() != pptr()) {
auto size = pptr() - pbase();
auto bytes = write(m_fd, m_out, size);
if (bytes > 0) {
std::copy(pbase() + bytes, pptr(), pbase());
setp(pbase(), epptr());
pbump(size - bytes);
return pptr() != epptr() ? 0 : -1;
int fd_streambuf::overflow(int c) {
if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(c, traits_type::eof())) {
*pptr() = traits_type::to_char_type(c);
return sync() == -1 ? traits_type::eof() : traits_type::not_eof(c);
int fd_streambuf::underflow() {
if (gptr() >= egptr()) {
int bytes = ::read(m_fd, m_in, BUFSIZE_IN);
if (bytes <= 0) {
setg(eback(), egptr(), egptr());
return traits_type::eof();
setg(m_in, m_in, m_in + bytes);
return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr());
// }}}
namespace file_util {
* Checks if the given file exist
* May also return false if the file status cannot be read
* Sets errno when returning false
bool exists(const string& filename) {
struct stat buffer {};
return stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) == 0;
* Checks if the given path exists and is a file
bool is_file(const string& filename) {
struct stat buffer {};
if (stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) != 0) {
return false;
return S_ISREG(buffer.st_mode);
* Checks if the given path exists and is a file
bool is_dir(const string& filename) {
struct stat buffer {};
if (stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) != 0) {
return false;
return S_ISDIR(buffer.st_mode);
* Picks the first existing file out of given entries
string pick(const vector<string>& filenames) {
for (auto&& f : filenames) {
if (exists(f)) {
return f;
return "";
* Gets the contents of the given file
string contents(const string& filename) {
try {
string contents;
string line;
std::ifstream in(filename, std::ifstream::in);
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
contents += line + '\n';
return contents;
} catch (const std::ifstream::failure& e) {
return "";
* Writes the contents of the given file
void write_contents(const string& filename, const string& contents) {
std::ofstream out(filename, std::ofstream::out);
if (!(out << contents)) {
throw std::system_error(errno, std::system_category(), "failed to write to " + filename);
* Checks if the given file is a named pipe
bool is_fifo(const string& filename) {
struct stat buffer {};
return stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) == 0 && S_ISFIFO(buffer.st_mode);
* Get glob results using given pattern
vector<string> glob(string pattern) {
glob_t result{};
vector<string> ret;
// Manually expand tilde to fix builds using versions of libc
// that doesn't provide the GLOB_TILDE flag (musl for example)
if (pattern[0] == '~') {
pattern.replace(0, 1, env_util::get("HOME"));
if (::glob(pattern.c_str(), 0, nullptr, &result) == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0_z; i < result.gl_pathc; ++i) {
return ret;
* Path expansion
* `relative_to` must be a directory
string expand(const string& path, const string& relative_to) {
* This doesn't capture all cases for absolute paths but the other cases
* (tilde and env variable) have the initial '/' character in their
* expansion already and will thus not require adding '/' to the beginning.
bool is_absolute = !path.empty() && (path.at(0) == '/');
vector<string> p_exploded = string_util::split(path, '/');
for (auto& section : p_exploded) {
switch (section[0]) {
case '$':
section = env_util::get(section.substr(1));
case '~':
section = env_util::get("HOME");
string ret = string_util::join(p_exploded, "/");
// Don't add an initial slash for relative paths
if (ret[0] != '/' && is_absolute) {
ret.insert(0, 1, '/');
is_absolute = !ret.empty() && (ret.at(0) == '/');
if (!is_absolute && !relative_to.empty()) {
return relative_to + "/" + ret;
return ret;
* Search for polybar config and returns the path if found
string get_config_path() {
const static string suffix = "/polybar/config";
vector<string> possible_paths;
if (env_util::has("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) {
auto path = env_util::get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") + suffix;
possible_paths.push_back(path + ".ini");
if (env_util::has("HOME")) {
auto path = env_util::get("HOME") + "/.config" + suffix;
possible_paths.push_back(path + ".ini");
vector<string> xdg_config_dirs;
*Ref: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
if (env_util::has("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")) {
xdg_config_dirs = string_util::split(env_util::get("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS"), ':');
} else {
for (const string& xdg_config_dir : xdg_config_dirs) {
possible_paths.push_back(xdg_config_dir + suffix + ".ini");
possible_paths.push_back("/etc" + suffix + ".ini");
for (const string& p : possible_paths) {
if (exists(p)) {
return p;
return "";
* Return a list of file names in a directory.
vector<string> list_files(const string& dirname) {
vector<string> files;
DIR* dir;
if ((dir = opendir(dirname.c_str())) != NULL) {
struct dirent* ent;
while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
// Type can be unknown for filesystems that do not support d_type
if ((ent->d_type & DT_REG) ||
((ent->d_type & DT_UNKNOWN) && strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") != 0)) {
return files;
throw system_error("Failed to open directory stream for " + dirname);
string dirname(const string& path) {
const auto pos = path.find_last_of('/');
if (pos != string::npos) {
return path.substr(0, pos + 1);
return string{};
} // namespace file_util