
337 lines
9.3 KiB

#include "components/config_parser.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
config_parser::config_parser(const logger& logger, string&& file)
: m_log(logger), m_config(file_util::expand(file)) {}
config::make_type config_parser::parse(string barname) {
m_log.notice("Parsing config file: %s", m_config);
parse_file(m_config, {});
sectionmap_t sections = create_sectionmap();
vector<string> bars = get_bars(sections);
if (barname.empty()) {
if (bars.size() == 1) {
barname = bars[0];
} else if (bars.empty()) {
throw application_error("The config file contains no bar.");
} else {
throw application_error("The config file contains multiple bars, but no bar name was given. Available bars: " +
string_util::join(bars, ", "));
} else if (sections.find("bar/" + barname) == sections.end()) {
if (bars.empty()) {
throw application_error("Undefined bar: " + barname + ". The config file contains no bar.");
} else {
throw application_error(
"Undefined bar: " + barname + ". Available bars: " + string_util::join(get_bars(sections), ", "));
* The first element in the files vector is always the main config file and
* because it has unique filenames, we can use all the elements from the
* second element onwards for the included list
file_list included(m_files.begin() + 1, m_files.end());
config::make_type result = config::make(m_config, barname);
// Cast to non-const to set sections, included and xrm
config& m_conf = const_cast<config&>(result);
if (use_xrm) {
return result;
sectionmap_t config_parser::create_sectionmap() {
sectionmap_t sections{};
string current_section{};
for (const line_t& line : m_lines) {
if (!line.useful) {
if (line.is_header) {
current_section = line.header;
} else {
// The first valid line in the config is not a section definition
if (current_section.empty()) {
throw syntax_error("First valid line in config must be section header", m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
const string& key = line.key;
const string& value = line.value;
valuemap_t& valuemap = sections[current_section];
if (valuemap.find(key) == valuemap.end()) {
valuemap.emplace(key, value);
} else {
// Key already exists in this section
throw syntax_error("Duplicate key name \"" + key + "\" defined in section \"" + current_section + "\"",
m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
return sections;
* Get the bars declared
vector<string> config_parser::get_bars(const sectionmap_t& sections) const {
vector<string> bars;
for (const auto& it : sections) {
if (it.first.find(config::BAR_PREFIX) == 0) {
return bars;
void config_parser::parse_file(const string& file, file_list path) {
if (std::find(path.begin(), path.end(), file) != path.end()) {
string path_str{};
for (const auto& p : path) {
path_str += ">\t" + p + "\n";
path_str += ">\t" + file;
// We have already parsed this file in this path, so there are cyclic dependencies
throw application_error("include-file: Dependency cycle detected:\n" + path_str);
if (!file_util::exists(file)) {
throw application_error("Failed to open config file " + file + ": " + strerror(errno));
if (file_util::is_dir(file)) {
throw application_error("Config file " + file + " is a directory");
m_log.trace("config_parser: Parsing %s", file);
int file_index;
auto found = std::find(m_files.begin(), m_files.end(), file);
if (found == m_files.end()) {
file_index = m_files.size();
} else {
* `file` is already in the `files` vector so we calculate its index.
* This means that the file was already parsed, this can happen without
* cyclic dependencies, if the file is included twice
file_index = found - m_files.begin();
int line_no = 0;
string line_str{};
std::ifstream in(file);
if (!in) {
throw application_error("Failed to open config file " + file + ": " + strerror(errno));
auto dirname = file_util::dirname(file);
while (std::getline(in, line_str)) {
line_t line;
line.file_index = file_index;
line.line_no = line_no;
parse_line(line, line_str);
// Skip useless lines (comments, empty lines)
if (!line.useful) {
if (!line.is_header && line.key == "include-file") {
parse_file(file_util::expand(line.value, dirname), path);
} else if (!line.is_header && line.key == "include-directory") {
const string expanded_path = file_util::expand(line.value, dirname);
vector<string> file_list = file_util::list_files(expanded_path);
sort(file_list.begin(), file_list.end());
for (const auto& filename : file_list) {
parse_file(expanded_path + "/" + filename, path);
} else {
void config_parser::parse_line(line_t& line, const string& line_str) {
if (string_util::contains(line_str, "\ufeff")) {
throw syntax_error(
"This config file uses UTF-8 with BOM, which is not supported. Please use plain UTF-8 without BOM.",
m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
string line_trimmed = string_util::trim(line_str, isspace);
line_type type = get_line_type(line_trimmed);
if (type == line_type::EMPTY || type == line_type::COMMENT) {
line.useful = false;
if (type == line_type::UNKNOWN) {
throw syntax_error("Unknown line type: " + line_trimmed, m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
line.useful = true;
if (type == line_type::HEADER) {
line.is_header = true;
line.header = parse_header(line, line_trimmed);
} else if (type == line_type::KEY) {
line.is_header = false;
auto key_value = parse_key(line, line_trimmed);
line.key = key_value.first;
line.value = key_value.second;
line_type config_parser::get_line_type(const string& line) {
if (line.empty()) {
return line_type::EMPTY;
switch (line[0]) {
case '[':
return line_type::HEADER;
case ';':
case '#':
return line_type::COMMENT;
default: {
if (string_util::contains(line, "=")) {
return line_type::KEY;
} else {
return line_type::UNKNOWN;
string config_parser::parse_header(const line_t& line, const string& line_str) {
if (line_str.back() != ']') {
throw syntax_error("Missing ']' in header '" + line_str + "'", m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
// Stripping square brackets
string header = line_str.substr(1, line_str.size() - 2);
if (!is_valid_name(header)) {
throw invalid_name_error("Section", header, m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
if (m_reserved_section_names.find(header) != m_reserved_section_names.end()) {
throw syntax_error(
"'" + header + "' is reserved and cannot be used as a section name", m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
return header;
std::pair<string, string> config_parser::parse_key(const line_t& line, const string& line_str) {
size_t pos = line_str.find_first_of('=');
string key = string_util::trim(line_str.substr(0, pos), isspace);
string value = string_util::trim(line_str.substr(pos + 1), isspace);
if (!is_valid_name(key)) {
throw invalid_name_error("Key", key, m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no);
value = parse_escaped_value(line, move(value), key);
* Only if the string is surrounded with double quotes, do we treat them
* not as part of the value and remove them.
if (value.size() >= 2 && value.front() == '"' && value.back() == '"') {
value = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2);
// TODO check value for references
// Use xrm, if at least one value is an xrdb reference
if (!use_xrm && value.find("${xrdb") == 0) {
use_xrm = true;
return {move(key), move(value)};
bool config_parser::is_valid_name(const string& name) {
if (name.empty()) {
return false;
for (const char c : name) {
// Names with forbidden chars or spaces are not valid
if (isspace(c) || m_forbidden_chars.find_first_of(c) != string::npos) {
return false;
return true;
string config_parser::parse_escaped_value(const line_t& line, string&& value, const string& key) {
string cfg_value = value;
bool log = false;
auto backslash_pos = value.find('\\');
while (backslash_pos != string::npos) {
if (backslash_pos == value.size() - 1 || value[backslash_pos + 1] != '\\') {
log = true;
} else {
value = value.replace(backslash_pos, 2, "\\");
backslash_pos = value.find('\\', backslash_pos + 1);
if (log) {
"%s:%d: Value '%s' of key '%s' contains one or more unescaped backslashes, please prepend them with the "
"backslash "
"escape character.",
m_files[line.file_index], line.line_no, cfg_value, key);
return move(value);